So, the death of a main character (EXTREME spoilers)

I've still got to wonder if they'll survive being pumped full of lead, or if they've got the Strider titanium-alloy skin. :/

Eli's death was epic. And gory. And epic.

Alyx crying over him was also really well done, as was the continued sobbing into the credits.
Just finished my second playthrough last night...

The first time I was just too much in shock to have any sort of emotional reaction to the ending. The second time? I'm not afraid to admit that I got a bit teary. ;(
Here's my thoughts. (I read to page 4 seeing 11 pages, not going to read them all)

I cant say whether or not you can kill the Advisors with your arsenal or not, frankly, I just don't know. I strongly believe though that a Vortigaunt or possibly the environment will have a role in the battle with the Advisor(s), if any.

I do know that there will be a HUGE force of combine at the Borealis. The Advisor who plugged Eli KNOWS EVERYTHING now. Everything about the rebels, the borealis, their mutual friend, absolutely everything. I think thats going to pose a great strain against the rebels as now they have an enemy that knows everything about them.
Here's my thoughts. (I read to page 4 seeing 11 pages, not going to read them all)

I cant say whether or not you can kill the Advisors with your arsenal or not, frankly, I just don't know. I strongly believe though that a Vortigaunt or possibly the environment will have a role in the battle with the Advisor(s), if any.

I do know that there will be a HUGE force of combine at the Borealis. The Advisor who plugged Eli KNOWS EVERYTHING now. Everything about the rebels, the borealis, their mutual friend, absolutely everything. I think thats going to pose a great strain against the rebels as now they have an enemy that knows everything about them.

We don't know that. I hope Valve isn't that LAME.
If they are, it will be epic retarded.
I just watched the end of Ep2 again, and it seems Dog's unexpected arrival startled the Advisor working over Eli, after dropping him the Advisor looked back and forth, then split. Mayyybe it didn't get every bit of info before it's hasty departure?
I haven't seen any proof that brain drain gets info as well.

Info the Advisors can understand, anyway.
Sorry about bumping the thread, but I just finished Ep2, so...

The whole, its over and now me and you are a couple thing with Alyx will not happen, not only is it incredibly cliche its also incredibly corny.

I will put money on EP3 not ending happily at all, something bad will happen and it will lead straight into the next story arc.

The cliche happened in Ep2 a little bit. Eli wanting grandkids and saying "Get busy you two!" is definetly cliche, amirite?

On Breen:

I think Gman has him in some cold storage storage like Freeman, and I'm sure he does it to alot of people.

On Gman:

To me it seems like the majority of the Half-Life story is pre-planned. It's all part of Our Mutual Friend's plan.
That grandkids scene was awesome. Eli cares so much about Alyx, even at the end he just wants her to look away and know that he loves her.

I posted that part because it is painfully obvious that Alyx and Dr. Freeman are far more than just friends and comrades in the war for humanity's survival. I'm sure we all thought the Alyx & Dr. Freeman thing was going to stay as subtile hints, but Valve decided to go for the decisive 3-run home run rather than go for the small rbi single, if you know what I mean. ;)

Cheomesh said:
No, the man just wants grandkids.

I found it quite funny when Alyx tapped Eli's chest and said "Stop it!" when Eli playfully embarrassed her, then she gave a "look" to Doctor Freeman. Epic ****ing lulz.

I also found it touching when Eli concidered Doctor Freeman as a son and thanked him for all he has done for him, his daughter, and so on.
I also found it touching when Eli concidered Doctor Freeman as a son and thanked him for all he has done for him, his daughter, and so on.

Yeah, that combined with his comment about alyx's mother made it even sadder when he died.
Ok Picture this for a Great Alex moment in Ep.3....

As we all know Valve does not take the player out of 1st Person because they want the experience to feel real, but in recent installments Valve has taken control of the players view and restricted movement most notably (Alex's Injury/Healing, Advisers sequences)

What if once the Advisor has been trapped underneath rubble, Alex runs up on it and unloads her clip into it. All the while the Player is within a foot or so (By some clever constraint) and sees that Alex has obviously killed the advisor and is still attacking it. The players view and control would be manipulated to pull Alex off the carcass kicking and screaming. She turns around pauses (Gazing into Gordons Eyes) for a second and clings to the player Heaving and sobbing.

A scene comparable to the hug that Alex gives Gordon at the Beginning of Ep 1 but with much more emotion.

I think that this would be a powerful scene that could really add some thing to Gordon's character and Further his relationship with Alex (Bow chica wowo wow J/K :)

You just made me cry... That would be so awesome. :)
Man the thing with me is that i had two blows when i saw Eli die. I beat Halo 3 and i have read those books and beaten the 1,2, and now 3. So i see Johnson die. Man i was going insane and couldn?t cope with it. Screw MC Johnson is dead! Then i say "Hey. i have HL2 P2. Im at the last level lets go beat that so i go to bed tonight with a happy ending!" Eli dies... Two blows form my favorite games... Eli and Johnson on the same night... At least Johnson didn?t die getting his brain sucked out but Eli... screw halo... I do think Alyx with be viscous in part 3. i can see Alyx kneeling over a crippled Advisor taunting him, cutting off his tongue, ripping his robotic arms, yelling at it about her father, then kill it. Throw down her gun and say "I'm done..."

I can see it happen. Though not before letting Gordon (we) cripple the thing for her! >=)

"My name is Alyx Vance. You have killed my father. Prepare to die."

(BIG thumbs up!)
I should have known something would happen to Eli when he was talking to Gordon about the Gman and then telling him he couldn't be prouder if he was his own son, but I didnt. Its just that sort of character which he is.

As soon as I saw Eli grab Alyx's leg to try and get up, I thought:
"Oh god no..."

When he thumped the Adviser with the pole, I was gripping the mouse really hard and hoping this wouldn't be it.

As Eli was slowly picked up and said; "I love you sweety" and Alyx replies saying; "I love you dad" I knew this was it.

"Dont look Alyx!"

As soon as the red gore splattered everywhere I was steaming. I wanted to kill those Advisers. I wanted to break through the teknesis and crowbar that sunuvabitch to death. But no.

Eli's body was constantly being sucked out of juices by that adviser, drinking him like a carton of juice.
That made me angry.

I could imagine Gordon's facial expressions then, and how much he would have wanted to break free.
I couldnt even begin to imagine the pain that Alyx would have been going through.

As soon as Dog lept into the action, I literally whispered to myself: "*&$? yer..." and nearly cheered in joy as the adviser bled.
Though the one that was sucking Eli should have been torn to shreds, in my opinion, but I suppose Dog had followed its creator's orders to the last.

The last shot of her crying over Eli, I said to myself:

"He must be alive. He must come back in Episode 3 with just a scar."

Living on false hope, eh?
He was just such a strong and poignot character. It was horrible to imagine him suffering such a fate.

Now that Alyx only has Gordon to really cling to, it's somewhat horrible to know that, inevitably, Alyx and Gordon will be seperated by the story archs via the Gman - unless Valve doesnt intend on doing a Half Life 3 at all.
(Apparently episode 4 is under way, but lets not discuss that here).
(Apparently episode 4 is under way, but lets not discuss that here).


And Alyx doesn't just have Gordon, she also has Uncle Kleiner! Maybe Barney, too. Also, I think Mossman will become somewhat of a surrogate mother to Alyx, if she (mossman) is still alive, of course...which I hope she is, 'cause she's an awsome character. :imu:

And Alyx doesn't just have Gordon, she also has Uncle Kleiner! Maybe Barney, too. Also, I think Mossman will become somewhat of a surrogate mother to Alyx, if she (mossman) is still alive, of course...which I hope she is, 'cause she's an awsome character. :imu:

But then again, now that Eli is dead, dont you think Alyx will somehow have a grudge against Mossman from now on?

And I know that she's got Kleiner and Barney, but Barney usually runs around alot and Kleiner, well, lets say he's got Lemar.
I don't know about you guys but after the shit mossman pulled in HL2, I would have A) beaten her to death or B) shot her.
I don't know about you guys but after the shit mossman pulled in HL2, I would have A) beaten her to death or B) shot her.

She actually saves everyone at the end of HL2, and all the episodic consequences are technically happening thanks to her.

No mossman intervention = Breen would have ... "won" .
I think Mossman, being on/near the Borealis, will have some new revelations for us.
And yeah, Alyx will be sharing Gordon's Hev suit at some time... :D
I believe that the whole Mossman betraying the resistance was planned right from the beginning and Eli knew about it except Alyx.