So what have you been reading lately?

Discworld. I've read so much of them that I'm beging to say "Oh bugger"
Icarusintel said:
Damn fine book, one of my favorites. I would reccomend The Plague (La Peste) if you haven;t read that yet.

I;m personally reading Albert Camus' "The Fall"
It's incredibly interesting and has a lot to say about mankind, especially concerning our relationships with others and ourselves

I saw the movie verision of La Peste. Interesting stuff.

15357 said:
I rather liked the ending. It shows that fighting againsst authority is evil.

lol. You humor me.
Tom Clancy - Patriot Games

and I just finished Tom Clancy - Without Remorse

Clancy is an aquired taste, but once you get used to it, it is quite good.

Yeah he is pretty good, the only one i've read is Patriot Games because I've been told it is his best. It was good and I think i might read another, when i find the time of course. :P
JNightshade said:
I'm reading Ovid's Metamorphosis in Latin. It's not super-difficult, and it's pretty fun. I love all the dirty metaphors in Pyramus and Thisbe :D

NOTE: people who have not read The Ovid will not understand.

Ah, Pyramus and Thisbe!

I've got the first twenty or so lines of that memorizes still...

Also, Red Storm Rising by Clancy was really cool.

And are there any more Heinlein fans here? Or anyone that has at least heard of him?
Love some of Clancy's early novels, Clear and Present Danger, Red Oktober etc.

Apart from The Bear and the Dragon, his more recent novels just haven't had the same shazam as they used to :(

Makes me sad
OvA said:
Tom Clancy - Patriot Games

and I just finished Tom Clancy - Without Remorse

Clancy is an aquired taste, but once you get used to it, it is quite good.

Fact - Clancy is an asshole, but his books are alright.

On a side note, WTF is up with the forums, they're all kinds of screwy recently
I've been slagging the through Uplift series by David Brin. Pretty good stuff.
spookymooky said:
Ah, Pyramus and Thisbe!

I've got the first twenty or so lines of that memorizes still...

Also, Red Storm Rising by Clancy was really cool.

And are there any more Heinlein fans here? Or anyone that has at least heard of him?

I recently read The Cat Who Walks Through Walls. Its good until Part 3. Part 3 was very...blah.
xombine said:
Yeah he is pretty good, the only one i've read is Patriot Games because I've been told it is his best. It was good and I think i might read another, when i find the time of course. :P
Red Storm Rising is by far the best thing Tom Clancy has ever written.
I was surprised by how much I like Without Remorse...

There is just something magical about a former SEAL murdering drug dealers.
Yeah, that book was awsome. I like what happens to Billy about halfway through. Clancy makes it kinda hard to feel sorry for him. :P
That's one thing I don't like about Clancy, he tends to set up good guy/bad guy a bit too much for a realistic book, for my tastes, at least in what I've read. Especially in Clear and Present Danger. All the Americans absolutely hate druggies and all druggies think America is a pushover
Im reading Sam I Am, Kitty Cat Kitty Cat, and Grover's big adventure.
I just finished Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny, reading The Guns of Avalon by the same guy :)
About to start reading The Stand by Stephen King. Always wanted to read, now i have it.
Bob Dylan's autobiography- shit he writes well, a good read.
bvasgm said:
Red Storm Rising is by far the best thing Tom Clancy has ever written.


Tanks! Planes! Russians!
i was wondering if anyone has gotten that new book on Osama Bin Laden?
no, he wasn't the one who wrote it...i can't remember the author's name

ahhh...just googled and found this
i am mostly curious about what line of thinking OBL (the fruitcake) has about life...if any and perhaps this book would answer some of that.
Has anyone read The Walkaway by Scott Phillips? Its got to be one of the weirdest books I've ever read. I'm about 10 chapters in and I'm still trying to see if theres a point to the book. From what I can gather this is whats happened so far. This old man named Gunther had killed a man 10 years before, hid the body and $250,000 (at first I thought he was paid to do it then later he explains he killed the guy by accident), later he gets put into a nursing home by his third wife because of his memory problems, he escapes and tries to get the money but cant remember where he put it. Its so weird, even at this point in the book they havent explained much and the book focuses on seemingly pointless things.
However its interesing because the story is told by both Gunther and several members of different branches of his family plus a few of his friends....weird
"The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - The Runes of the Earth" by Stephen Donaldson. Really good.

-Angry Lawyer
Bah! I tried reading back in the thread to see what others were reading, but it's grown too big for me to read... :(

At the moment I'm polishin off the lastest 'Wheel of Time' book by Robert Jordan -'Knife of Dreams' which is better than the others, but has less action scenes...

Also i've been readings the various works of Edcrab whenever they update. [/pimpage]
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami because I never got around to it when I first saw the movie a while ago.
Go Rin No Sho (Book of the Five Rings) by Musashi Miyamoto.

Its very interesting but the guy who wrote it is........strange.
Storm of Swords (again) by George rr. martin... before i tackle the big new book :D
I saw a onehour review of Metamorphisis on the Book review channel once, looks good.
heh, just saw an old simpsons episode... i lol'ed when homer said:
you read?!! NERD!
None at the is my first day of English 102. 1984 was good up until the end.
I haven't read any book since school. Does that mean I am dumb? Does reading random Wikipedia articles redeem my intellectual curiosity?
evilsloth said:
Bah! I tried reading back in the thread to see what others were reading, but it's grown too big for me to read... :(

At the moment I'm polishin off the lastest 'Wheel of Time' book by Robert Jordan -'Knife of Dreams' which is better than the others, but has less action scenes...

Also i've been readings the various works of Edcrab whenever they update. [/pimpage]

Yeah, I love edcrab's stuff.
Right, a big bump for this thread.

Panzer Commander, the memoirs of Colonel Hans von Luck

Von Luck served under Rommel during the Polish invasion, Fall Gelb, Operation Barbarossa, The North African War, and the defense during D-Day. He features in a couple of Stephen Ambrose's books. Fascinating read. The Colonel's describes his life as a soldier in great detail.
continuing the bump :)

currently just finished On the Road by Jack Kerouac (which is amazing and all of you should read it right the hell now), moving back to The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, since I stopped halfway through to read On the Road.