So, what is Kleiner planning on launching?

What is the rocket/missile used for

  • Weapon of Mass Destruction

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • Weapon of Exotic Destruction

    Votes: 13 11.3%
  • Telecommunitions

    Votes: 16 13.9%
  • Teleportations

    Votes: 30 26.1%
  • Recreation

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • Other, unknown insane scientist agenda

    Votes: 41 35.7%

  • Total voters
You know, if the rocket is some kind of satellite that they are going to shoot into space it's possible someone will have to go with it...which sounds even more plausible when you look at the open door. Perhaps Kleiner or a Vortigaunt. :p

Kleiner is too valuable to be launched in a rocket. What if something goes wrong? I'm sure one of the Vortiguants would be happy to sacrifice itself. They were the ones volunteering to get captured and taken to Nova Prospekt afterall.

But seriously, I'd say one of the following:

-Satellite equipped with the technology to permanently block off Earth from the Combine. Sort of like what the scientists in BM tried(and failed for some reason) to do in HL1.

-Transport vessel, as hinted by the door on the side of the "warhead". Possibly to send Gordon to the arctic.

-Surveillance and/or communications satellite to aid in the current war with the Combine and detect any incoming reinforcements.

-Some sort of EMP-like weapon that knocks out all Combine technology on Earth.

I'd say the first and second ones are most likely. The first one because we've already seen a similar concept in a previous game, and the second one because of visual proof in the trailer.
You know, if the rocket is some kind of satellite that they are going to shoot into space it's possible someone will have to go with it...which sounds even more plausible when you look at the open door. Perhaps Kleiner or a Vortigaunt. :p

I'm still voting for Lamarr.
Kleiner is too valuable to be launched in a rocket. What if something goes wrong? I'm sure one of the Vortiguants would be happy to sacrifice itself. They were the ones volunteering to get captured and taken to Nova Prospekt afterall.

I'm fairly sure Kleiner would put himself forward to go. He's quite out there, I'm sure a trip to space would be fun fun in his mind. :p
Besides, it wouldn't just be Kleiner we'd be worrying about if something went wrong, it'd be the rocket itself.
I'm fairly sure Kleiner would put himself forward to go. He's quite out there, I'm sure a trip to space would be fun fun in his mind. :p
Besides, it wouldn't just be Kleiner we'd be worrying about if something went wrong, it'd be the rocket itself.

Yeah I can picture him wanting to volunteer for such a mission. Of course he'd be trying to convince us that nothing could possibly go wrong.

"Conditions could hardly be more ideal."

I have a feeling Eli would talk him out of it. With Mossman lost, Alyx injured, and Barney still somewhere out there, I'm not sure Eli would want his closest friend to attempt something so potentially dangerous.

Speaking of Barney...where the hell is he? You don't see him in the Half-Life 2 official trailer, you don't see him in the Episode 1 official trailer, and you don't see him again in the Episode 2 trailer.

If it wasn't for the Bink video "Barricade" that was released in 2003, we wouldn't have known Barney was in the game. For Episode 1, I only remember seeing him crop up once from an in-game screenshot. For Episode 2, I haven't seen/heard anything about him. Strange that he's the only major character to not get much pre-release screen time.
Thats because Barney's role in the game isn't as important as the others, yeah he is a cool character, but to the player, he only merely provides as an ally or to produce a sort of black comedy scenerio to a some what dismal situation. However, these are just the first teaser trailers at the moment, we could catch a glimpse of him in later teaser trailers are in the main trailer closer to the game's release date ;)
Its either transportation to the place with the Borelias (or straight to the artic) which I doubt, or something invlolving the portal storms that will stop the Combine from entering Xen and thus our dimension IMO.
I didn't read through all six pages, but I was just thought of this. Maybe just maybe it's a missile powerful enough to reach and destroy the orignal Lambda sattelite from Half-Life 1.
I was just thinking that, actually...perhaps it is either a projectile to destroy it, or another satellite to disable the first one...
I didn't read through all six pages, but I was just thought of this. Maybe just maybe it's a missile powerful enough to reach and destroy the orignal Lambda sattelite from Half-Life 1.
That satillite helped close the resonance cascade.
Maybe aforementioned sattilite needs reactivating and can stop the Portal Storms...
I like the idea of Kliener going up in it. So long as he doesn't die. :|
Lamarr is going to be the first headcrab in SPACE!
No they haven't. They continue to this day. And good for Lammar! :rolling:

It's been twenty years since the portal storms began, they must have ended, either with all of the creatures that were on Xen, or a large percentage, now being on Earth. I'd guess the portal storms are a similar, if not the exact same process The Nihilanth used to take the creatures from their original world to Xen, and I strongly doubt that took more than twenty years.
Maybe it's a transmission to bring another force into the fray, maybe Vortigaunt reinforcements or some other otherwordly ally?
I dont know about you, but after 20 years of that crap the last thing I want to do is try it again...
It's been twenty years since the portal storms began, they must have ended, either with all of the creatures that were on Xen, or a large percentage, now being on Earth. I'd guess the portal storms are a similar, if not the exact same process The Nihilanth used to take the creatures from their original world to Xen, and I strongly doubt that took more than twenty years.
The portal storms randomly opened and closed, there's no reason why they should have any relation to how many creatures are left on Xen, and also, we have no idea how big Xen is. Oh yeah, and it's pretty much accepted that the portal storms DO continue to this day.
Maybe it's a transmission to bring another force into the fray, maybe Vortigaunt reinforcements or some other otherwordly ally?

Bring in as many varied civilizations, that should do the trick.
If the Combine is an Empire,then we should in a rebellion,so Kleiner bring reinforcement from a another alien dimension.

Exactly. The combine are part of a little thing called the UNIVERSAL Union after all.
my guess is its an nuclear icbm, which will be launched through a teleporter to where the combine control is located. the missile is an icbm afterall. could be modified for other uses, but it is an icbm.


I think Mossman is gonna fact, I know it.
I think Eli (and maybe Dog)will perish in Epi Two (then you'll be all Alyx has left :p) and Mossman will kick the bucket in Epi Three.
And you don't "know" it just makes shens.
Kleiner will launch this exoskeleton of a nuke missile with a warhead or other obscure Combine WMD into a portal storm, into the Combine homeworld thus in the process destroying part of the Combine homeworld and it's database to where Earth is located. And we can finally be left alone :cheers:.

Or a disruptor to portal storms. Either one.
Nukes were used in the 7-hour war and didn't even scratch their Citadels. So thats out of the question.
I still say the Combine are highly allergic to milk bi-products and Kliener is planning to launch a huge wheel of chedder. Rocket will be sent to the combine homeworld (somehow). As it enters the combine homeworlds atmosphere the cheese will melt. It will then be sprayed out covering the land with fondue. The combine will break out in puss filled boils. They will die soon after.

That or it could just be a simple satellite to stop the portal storms. Either is entirely possible.
Crud, you're right.

Marc said:
Those things [headcrabs, antlions] came through during the portal storms, which continue
erratically to this very day. Some of the critters came early
(immediately after the Black Mesa Incident) and adapted to Earth. I
think the poison headcrabs must have eaten something poisonous at one
point, and liked it so much they added it to their repertoire.
I think Mossman is gonna fact, I know it.
Saying Mossman will die as a fact is as sharp as saying Alyx will die. Showing the likelyhood of their deaths in a Trailer is more likely a tactic for killing someone else entirely different in order to surprise us.
Saying Mossman will die as a fact is as sharp as saying Alyx will die. Showing the likelyhood of their deaths in a Trailer is more likely a tactic for killing someone else entirely different in order to surprise us.

I think Mossman will die in Episode 2 or 3, not judging from trailers but I feel that her contribition to story is over. Being a former traitor and all.
Saying Mossman will die as a fact is as sharp as saying Alyx will die. Showing the likelyhood of their deaths in a Trailer is more likely a tactic for killing someone else entirely different in order to surprise us.

Agreed. Anyone remember Dog's 'death' in one of the Episode One teaser trailers?