So who has CoD?


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
It came out in the US today. I can't find any stores that have it n stock yet though. So if you have it share the wealth. And if you're optimistic about buying it (like you would be:rolleyes:) read the the review at Gamespy.
Originally posted by ReZeroX
uhh, isent this a HL2 forumn?

yes and its a general off-topic chat section, so I'm pretty sure he's ok asking about COD.. you lot said plenty about Max Payne 2 afterall :P
oh yeah! this IS the off topic section >_< my bad...

so how is CoD anyway? i was thinking about dling the demo to check it out (if ther is one) unfortunetly i dont have the budget for any games right now :(. the game looks really MOH though, whats new?
I hope it doesn't freeze up my 9800pro like the Dawnsville demo did.
i called the local comp store (their generally good at getting games on time) and the salesguy said the game could be in later today but their expecting it to be in tomorrow..

$70 bucks Canadian :|

thats eqivelent to around $50 bucks for u Americans..

oh well guess thats reasonable..
The screenshots in that Gamespy review are absolutely aweful. How bout some AA and AF guys? Do the game some justice here!
Whoo hoo I just got it. Ill post pics later. Im off the cap a few germs. :)
My local Gamespot says they won't get it 'till tomorrow... so I'll have to wait. :x

Originally posted by thenerdguy
Im off the cap a few germs. :)
Hhahahaa :laugh:
Hmm, I don't know. I may pick it up down the road.
Originally posted by ReZeroX
oh yeah! this IS the off topic section >_< my bad...

so how is CoD anyway? i was thinking about dling the demo to check it out (if ther is one) unfortunetly i dont have the budget for any games right now :(. the game looks really MOH though, whats new?

the demo's pretty darn cool, I'll probably buy the game now after seeing it
COD looked like it was gonna be a lot better...its a good game no doubt, but im rather dissapointed with it.
ARGH, EB said that the release is tomorrow, I almost told him it was today... Sigh, nerdguy where did you get it?!?!?
Heard the same thing here.. EB Games is Completely sold out along with all of the other Comp Store Chains in Louisville, Ky.
When I get off work I will see if EB has it, if they do I will go to pick it up. If they don't I will also try Best Buy and a couple other stores that sell games. Hopefully I will be playing it tonight.
My EB said the 30th, wonder what Best Buy's date is... Hmm
I played the demo and it is just a MOH clone. I can't see any differences at all apart from a different layout and improved graphics. Certainly nothing groundbreaking.
Wow chrisd.... A mohaa clone? It's like the complete opposite. The only thing they have in common is they are both WW2.
I just got off the phone with Best Buy and they won't have it until the 31st. Gamestop will have it tomorrow so that is probably when I will be playing it.
Originally posted by Chris_D
I played the demo and it is just a MOH clone. I can't see any differences at all apart from a different layout and improved graphics. Certainly nothing groundbreaking.
You really should try it again :). I've played some MOH, got bored, and never finished. CoD had me hooked from the demo, I must have played it 20 times. This game has a great atmosphere, great graphics, and much better AI. However, I am mostly buying this for multiplayer which should be amazing.
Originally posted by Chris_D
I played the demo and it is just a MOH clone. I can't see any differences at all apart from a different layout and improved graphics. Certainly nothing groundbreaking.

So by your logic for a game to be good, it’s needed to be groundbreaking in someway?
I have no idea where that MOH clone came from...
Anyway...I checked Circuit City, Babbages, EB, Walmart, and Staples, and all of them expect it tomorrow. So I guess I'll have to wait.
Heh i sure diddn't think it was groundbreaking but that doesn't mean i diddn't like it. Imho its awsome, one of the games that im looking forward to!
groundbreaking is like,, ummm, when you get shot, your keyboard sends an electrical shock up your would really learn to hate hackers though..
Originally posted by creationist
groundbreaking is like,, ummm, when you get shot, your keyboard sends an electrical shock up your would really learn to hate hackers though..

Wow, great idea!

if you wan't a seizure.
well, i mean, it would keep idiots from running around like retards..imagine, lol, for a second, you let your friend play for the first time with this "new" keyboard. you tell him, "hey, play this game like real life, ok?" He says, "DUDE STFU I KNOW HOW TO PLAY" and proceeds to run across an open field. A mounted machine gun spits muzzle fire and your friend starts getting shocked repeatedly and his arms tense like he is having a seizure..

incoming mortar! get down! i think its a good, but then again im a
And then he drops dead to the floor and you have a guilty concience forever, sweet.
Well Burnzie: You can order off and have it shipped to Australia.
Unless the north american game doesn't work on his australian computer.
i dont understand this "release date" thing. i mean, the game was released today, correct-o? yet it is no where to be found.. das ist nicht gut fur mich...

ne way, they should have, like, a release date, and a "in stores date" imo
It was shipped today. The stores don't get it until some days after.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Well Burnzie: You can order off and have it shipped to Australia.

im not that desprite

downloading the demo now though.

Originally posted by nw909
Unless the north american game doesn't work on his australian computer.

yeah, they do.

postal 2 works just fine :cheese:

Maybe Chris got Medal of Honor: Spearhead by mistake.. :p