Soldier throws puppy from cliff

This isn't bad because a dog died. This is bad because it takes a special kind of evil to kill something that is basically the embodiment of innocence and vulnerability, for fun and without remorse. I think killing a baby isn't as bad as killing an adult person (the baby really isn't all that aware of its existence), but it takes someone way more deranged to kill a baby than it takes to kill an adult, and that's why it's so shocking. Even if you don't care about the dog, think of what someone like that is capable of doing against an adult person.

This guy should be locked up, or treated very thoroughly. Not because he killed an animal for fun (although you shouldn't go unpunished from that) but because there's something very very wrong with him and he shouldn't be allowed to interact with a person or animal for a long time.
Incredible. Waterboard that mother****er for a month.

BTW: That's a Marine not a Soldier.
Yes, but some of the horrific things criminals do, a "humane" execution at the very least is still in order

you're not seeing my point, but I'll drop it

Yes. In the meantime, taxpayers are wasting $'s trying to acheive the impossible (helping insane serial killers/molesters adapt to society) when those $s could be spent doing more constructive things for society.

it's more expensive to put someone in death row and execute them than it is to have have him serve a life sentence in general population

It really ought to be though. There would be less child molesters in the world for sure.

captial punishment is not an effective deterrent, it never has been

You're confusing "passionate" with "compassionate". If we were really, "compassionate" we would do things that we really don't want to do, but has to be done. "Passionate" on the other hand, is the love, mercy, etc., but without the element of reason.

still doesnt make execution "compassionate" ..which is one of the definitions of humane

Can't we just adopt a "three strike rule" then rather than letting them go every time on account of being, "mentally unstable?"

no the three strikes things is a horrible idea ..and they dont release the insane ..if they "recover" they're sent to prison to serve the remainder of their sentence

I fail to see how being "insane" exempts some people from CP for committing atrocious crimes like mass murder. :P

I never said it did, you're saying it does
They could be Blackwater mercenaries, since there do not appear to any rank or flag insignias.
This isn't bad because a dog died. This is bad because it takes a special kind of evil to kill something that is basically the embodiment of innocence and vulnerability, for fun and without remorse. I think killing a baby isn't as bad as killing an adult person (the baby really isn't all that aware of its existence), but it takes someone way more deranged to kill a baby than it takes to kill an adult, and that's why it's so shocking. Even if you don't care about the dog, think of what someone like that is capable of doing against an adult person.

This guy should be locked up, or treated very thoroughly. Not because he killed an animal for fun (although you shouldn't go unpunished from that) but because there's something very very wrong with him and he shouldn't be allowed to interact with a person or animal for a long time.


I can't say I understand why anybody would feel the need to defend the asshole, regardless of legalities.
you're not seeing my point, but I'll drop it
*sigh* I know what your trying to say, but there are many other factors and scenarios involved too that need consideration.

it's more expensive to put someone in death row and execute them than it is to have have him serve a life sentence in general population
What going to happen though if prisons ever become too overpopulated? Build more prisons?

That's just more wasted tax $'s. :P Bullets are fairly cheap you know. (I'm not criticizing you Stern, but the system itself)

captial punishment is not an effective deterrent, it never has been
Any links you can provide for this theory?

still doesnt make execution "compassionate" ..which is one of the definitions of humane
Who gave those linguists that wrote the dictionary(s) Ph.D's anyways? :P

no the three strikes things is a horrible idea ..and they dont release the insane ..if they "recover" they're sent to prison to serve the remainder of their sentence
I can agree to this.

I never said it did, you're saying it does
I was assuming that was how you were thinking. Fair enough. :P
Yes. In the meantime, taxpayers are wasting $'s trying to acheive the impossible (helping insane serial killers/molesters adapt to society) when those $s could be spent doing more constructive things for society.
I totally agree with you. Now after we've taken care of those killers we can start focusing on the mentally handicapped. :dozey:

And it's still more expensive to execute people than lock them up.
I wish I hadn't watched that video ;(

*respect for humanity has dropped to all new low*

Now I just hate my fellow man and I hope that guy gets what he deserves.
This thread is proof that CptStern can and will pick a fight about anything. He even said you were right, but, no, you continued until you could get a textbook multi-quote war going. You disgust me. I seriously do not understand how to get along with your "wife" if this is how you act. This behavior must carry over into real life; and if you can't let a simple comment go, your "wife" must be very ****ing passive, because I can't see any normal person withstanding that for very long. Go play with your "kids" and get the **** off the internet. No one cares and everyone hates you and your inane threads.
I'll play with CptStern's kids if he doesn't :naughty:
I totally agree with you. Now after we've taken care of those killers we can start focusing on the mentally handicapped. :dozey:
That's hardly the same thing. Besides, your just putting words in my mouth as I've said nothing of the sort about the "mentally handicapped". Just the, "criminally insane".

I'm sure most people that think like you are quite hypocritical on this issue when it come to their own kids and family. If you're even old enough to have kids that is. If not, go out and get some experience in the world first kid. You'd hardly have enough experience in the world to made a valid point if your still a kid yourself. :thumbs:

I've heard Stern has kids however. He'd defend his wife and family to the death if he needed to. Right Stern?

This thread is proof that CptStern can and will pick a fight about anything. He even said you were right, but, no, you continued until you could get a textbook multi-quote war going. You disgust me. I seriously do not understand how to get along with your "wife" if this is how you act. This behavior must carry over into real life; and if you can't let a simple comment go, your "wife" must be very ****ing passive, because I can't see any normal person withstanding that for very long. Go play with your "kids" and get the **** off the internet. No one cares and everyone hates you and your inane threads.
Uhh...Did I do a bad thing or did Stern? It's hard to tell. I'm Qonfused! :)
I thought you meant that we should just get rid of things that are a burden to society. Instead of addressing the issue we could just remove it asap and worry about other 'better' things. :rolleyes: I was just taking it a step further in trying to aid all the taxpayers. I mean this could be the beginning of a new, better society, no?
I bet it's fake. That puppy was probably already dead before they began taping.
It seemed like a toy, didn't even it's head the whole time even when moved back.
I'm sure most people that think like you are quite hypocritical on this issue when it come to their own kids and family. If you're even old enough to have kids that is. If not, go out and get some experience in the world first kid. You'd hardly have enough experience in the world to made a valid point if your still a kid yourself. :thumbs:
I'm sure I wouldn't be too happy about it happening to my family.
But (for example) if some guys bullied you when you were in school I'm sure you'd have felt at one point or another that you'd want to just harm them severely. That however doesn't necessarily mean that you would encourage and support kids who have gone through with it and severly injured (possibly even killed) those bullies, would you? (Well, at least I know I wouldn't).

And there's no need to try and attack me instead of my opinions, it just makes you look stupid. Otherwise we shouldn't even be having this discussion since I don't think either of one of us has been through it and we both clearly lack the experience to even express what we think of it. :thumbs:
Have to agree with PVT Ryan, but it is still disheartening that concern skyrockets for a puppy and not for acts of "greater magnitude".
Have to agree with PVT Ryan, but it is still disheartening that concern skyrockets for a puppy and not for acts of "greater magnitude".

People say this in every thread where something bad happens. Even about 9/11. "Three thousand people? Man, you must not even care about the millions of people that die every year in third world countries due to war and genocide and plague and starvation."

I agree with PvtRyan about the special kind of evil.
I was thinking about that episode yesterday for some reason. "Oh, I'm going to the special level of hell."
I generally care more about an animal cruelty story then a human cruelty story. It's not that im an evil bastard, but animals have no way of expressing themselves and that evokes greater emotion imo
Animals can express themselves, most definately.
This is bloody inhumane, but it's not much different then throwing a man off a building.

Watching the video it looks pretty fake. The sound of the puppy yipping sounds like it was added, and the puppy didn't move much. Usually puppies are fairly energetic.
Video didn't bother me as much as I thought it might.
Animals can express themselves, most definately.
This is bloody inhumane, but it's not much different then throwing a man off a building.

Watching the video it looks pretty fake. The sound of the puppy yipping sounds like it was added, and the puppy didn't move much. Usually puppies are fairly energetic.

The legs were tied :(
Flailing limbs would create too much drag. Tied limbs kept the puppy streamlined for optimal flight speed.
Wow. That is the most horrible thing I have ever seen done to an animal.
Wow. That is the most horrible thing I have ever seen done to an animal.

You've never seen a gerbil in a microwave, or an insect get it's legs pulled off, flaming cat, or something of this nature?
Ask yourself this people, would you care about this if puppies were ugly?
What if it were a giant rat?

but then, what if that giant rat were somebody's pet?

What if that somebody was a little tongue-lolling down's syndrom child?
Just answer the question, man. What if it was a retarded girl's pet rat? Would you care then?

And what would the wind shear on a rat be, anyway? You'd have to account for size and weight, and you could probably really get its momentum going by swinging it around by the tail first.
And you could slick it down real well if you used the girl's drool.
Are large rats really indigenous to the mountainous regions of Iraq?
I read it as "Puppy throws soldier from cliff". I was going to proclaim how hard I lol'd in this thread until I realized the truth. :(

This thread is proof that CptStern can and will pick a fight about anything. He even said you were right, but, no, you continued until you could get a textbook multi-quote war going. You disgust me. I seriously do not understand how to get along with your "wife" if this is how you act. This behavior must carry over into real life; and if you can't let a simple comment go, your "wife" must be very ****ing passive, because I can't see any normal person withstanding that for very long. Go play with your "kids" and get the **** off the internet. No one cares and everyone hates you and your inane threads.

I have photos of the back of my hand mounted on the wall all over of my house to remind my wife what happens if she speaks out of turn. btw you really are a whiny bitch ..would you too like to meet the back of my hand? because I can be very accommodating


here's a hand in case you need future reminders ..please frame several copies to be mounted throughout your house
