Soldier throws puppy from cliff


I'm sorry... what?
I thought it was a pitiful attempt at a comeback ...are you going to need a bigger photo?
It can be all of those things, if you just yews yore imaginashens.
Maybe it's all three, combined into one vaginal cleaning sugar candy sex toy!
why did I even watch the entire video! I knew what it was and I'm a huge animal lover!! ;(

humans love to feel they are in control, and this is how they tend to show it. :angry:
Girls with downs syndrome, I think.

Or dragon shirts.
I think it looks like a jellyfish with a single tentacle extra special probe like tentacle
Girls with downs syndrome in dragon shirts would be a bit tragic.

Being thrown off cliffs by American soldiers.

Mary Jane and Willy Pete. Towers fall. Watch that skyline burn.
I think it looks like a jellyfish with a single tentacle extra special probe like tentacle

I was watching a thing on GIANT squids (HUGE squids) and one of them got it's tentacle caught on a thingy.

When you said tentacle it just reminded of that, because squids have tentacles.
They also have beaks.

Weird huh?
They're not committing the crime in the United States, or in a nation where the law would obviously exist. You'd have to look at Iraq/Afghan law, or take a look at international law. I'm not saying it can't be illegal, but capital punishment for throwing a dog off a cliff? How about dishonorable discharge from the service.

Who said anything about capital or even corporal punishment? It'd be custodial punishment.
I was watching a thing on GIANT squids (HUGE squids) and one of them got it's tentacle caught on a thingy.

When you said tentacle it just reminded of that, because squids have tentacles.
They also have beaks.

Weird huh?

and rayguns

You know it's possible the puppy wasn't hurt too bad.

It also could have been killed instantly. I reserve the right to withhold my emotions until evidence is presented confirming either case.
Girls with downs syndrome in dragon shirts would be a bit tragic.
Aye ya yai. What's with this prejudice against dragon shirts?! My dragons are angry with you people. :P Never use, "girls with down syndrome" and, "dragon shirts" in the same context again.

BTW:Sulk, I sigged what you said in Darkside55's thread. Dragon shirts will indeed haunt your dreams for eternity.

Also, Why is everyone copying Darkside and Samon's avatar? It's confusing. You people have finally went off the deep end for sure. :P
I like to quote people on things. Might be useful in the near to distant future.
human trash is human trash is human trash unless forced not to be human trash, because of unforeseen occurrences like: a real war, where the stupid grunts instantly become best friends and believers and dreamers and morph into decent, honorable, and wise people...if completely hopeless and terrified. :P there's nothing you can do about it except create something that brings people together.
What the hell. He's going to go for hell. Making it rain cats and dogs is up to God, not Marines..
the story is really making the rounds ..from blogs to mainstream media has picked this up ..yet this story was barely mentioned in mainstream media circles (ironically enough while google searching this incident I kept running into far more examples of the puppy incident), even the blogeratti gave it scant attention ..but PUPPIES!!! now that's a story ..puppies are more important than human lives I guess

they think he might have been from hawaii

btw the US soldiers who "laughed" as they threw 2 iraqi teens off a bridge drowning one of them recieved 45 days and a 6 month sentence for the officer who ordered his troops to throw the bound iraqis off a bridge and one the soldiers who did the pushing comparison the puppy killer will be lucky if he isnt lynched/crucified by an angry mob and then his near lifeless corpse sentenced to 110 years in solitary confinement in the kind of prison made famous in Midnight express
It's because of the very reason you stated on the first page, a dog is completely oblivious and innocent in any situation (except when it's bred and brought up to kill, but that's another thing).

Then there's empathy - most of us live with dogs or cats, but very few (hardly anyone) lives with an Iraqi.

Personally, I don't divide atrocities into bad and worse, all are equal and the perpetrators scum.
ok granted the animal is innocent and cute ..i love animals too/have pets ..however the drownign recieved next to no stateside media coverage despite the fact that it was far more barbaric than the dog video ..there were two victems, and the soldiers were ordered to do it by the commanding officer ..much worse than the dog incident because it was premeditated, yet I had a hard time finding final sentencing articles because the puppy story kept coming up

I think part of it is that in some people's minds whether guilty or not they feel the iraqis deserved their fate ..or at least are unsympathetic with iraqis in general ..the very fact that the body count is contiually mounting yet the war contines is a clear indication that the welfare of iraqis isnt high on the priority list ..if it shows up on the list at all
That's... just... :eek:

And the YouTube video no longer works :/
But wait most of those stories accompanying the human murders do not have
such a clear video accompanying them. If there was a video that showed a
marine holding an Iraqi laughing, and then killing him it would probably
trigger the same outrage. The puppy video shows the crime in such a way that
it has a lot of impact. A story on a website about an alleged killing
usually doesn't stay that long in your mind nor does it shock you as seeing a
video of the murder happen.
the massacre at Hadditha got little attention even though children as young as a year old were murdered

The 24 Iraqi civilians slain Nov. 19 included children and the women who were trying to shield them, witnesses told a Washington Post special correspondent in Haditha this week and U.S. investigators said in Washington. The girls killed inside Khafif's house were ages 14, 10, 5, 3 and 1, according to death certificates

In the house with Ali and his 66-year-old wife, Khamisa Tuma Ali, were three middle-age men of their family, at least one daughter-in-law, and four children: 4-year-old Abdullah, 8-year-old Iman, 5-year-old Abdul Rahman and 2-month-old Asia.

Marines entered shooting, witnesses recalled. Most of the shots, in Ali's house and two others, were fired at such close range that they went through the bodies of the family members and plowed into walls or the floor, doctors at Haditha's hospital said.

Inside were 43-year-old Khafif, 41-year-old Aeda Yasin Ahmed, an 8-year-old son, five young daughters and a 1-year-old girl staying with the family, according to death certificates and neighbors.

The Marines shot them at close range and hurled grenades into the kitchen and bathroom, survivors and neighbors said later. Khafif's pleas could be heard across the neighborhood. Four of the girls died screaming."

yet in almost every single mainstream media report on this incident either started or ended with "you have to remember our troops are under enormous pressure"

granted a video would have probably thrust the story into the spotlight whether they wanted it to or not but the difference between the reactions to the puppy killing and say the haditha massacre are startling fact I seem to remember some people trying to justifiy it saying the iraqis were probably in cahoots with the insurgency ..they had no response when I pointed out some of the victems were toddlers and babies by default incapable of choosing sides

the central point to this story is that it's a puppy ..similiar videos of iraqi coilaisn being killed get little to no attention
I don't think it's a matter of being Iraqis at all. I think it's a matter of the victims being somebody that people don't personally know, and there are people who die in violent unfair ways every day in the world... whether in war or not. If people consumed themselves emotionally with every single case, they'd become overwhelmed and extremely burdened by stress and grief.

That however, doesn't mean they can't still care on a grander scale, by still remaining active in their pursuit of ending the war, being against torture, against the murder of civilians. Just because they don't grief on a personal level or show outrage on a personal level at every single incident, doesn't necessarily mean they don't care and don't feel strongly about it.

Something like a puppy though... cute animals are things people can bond with easily, without knowing that animal at all. When I watch movies, I am far more saddened on an immediate emotional level when an animal dies... moreso than I am a main or important character that has been developed to have empathy from the viewers.

This is all no excuse for the media though, who should be reporting those other things involving human deaths more than these less frequent things.
So coincidentally I just saw a video of some soldiers taping a dog get blown up by an IED and laughing hysterically when it blew up.
I don't think it's a matter of being Iraqis at all. I think it's a matter of the victims being somebody that people don't personally know, and there are people who die in violent unfair ways every day in the world... whether in war or not.

4 marines massacred 24 innocent civilians 12 of them children ..this is not an every day occurance

I mean just look at the comments around this story

LMAO at the libs. imagine hating your own country
more than anything else, that is the true
definition of a lib

ROTFL at the libs.

This is war and we didnt ask for it. They attacked
us, remember?

If people consumed themselves emotionally with every single case, they'd become overwhelmed and extremely burdened by stress and grief.

but this killing children in their name ..this isnt just some random event, it's the biggest civilian wartime massacre since Mai Li

That however, doesn't mean they can't still care on a grander scale, by still remaining active in their pursuit of ending the war, being against torture, against the murder of civilians. Just because they don't grief on a personal level or show outrage on a personal level at every single incident, doesn't necessarily mean they don't care and don't feel strongly about it.

there is always a segment of the population that will try to justify atrocities ..even so hadditha is buried and forgotten

Something like a puppy though... cute animals are things people can bond with easily, without knowing that animal at all. When I watch movies, I am far more saddened on an immediate emotional level when an animal dies... moreso than I am a main or important character that has been developed to have empathy from the viewers.

this illustrates your lack of empathy for humans ..I may love dogs and have in the past have fought against abuse, even I would say that killing animals for sport (hunting anyoone?) doesnt resonate the same when it's a human being killed ..and the dog may be innocent but a 1 year old baby? come on, that doesnt even remotely compare

This is all no excuse for the media though, who should be reporting those other things involving human deaths more than these less frequent things.

they dont, that may turn the tide of public opinion ..I remember posting about how the public still believed the Jessica lynch story even though it was proved to be a fabricated lie and many eople responded that they didnt know it was a sham ..ignorance is no excuse

but fundamentally I agree: this video has more emotional charge because of what it protrays ..however it still doesnt sit well that similiar stories involving humans doesnt seem to matter ..i think there's a segment of the public that thinks iraqis deserve what they get
this illustrates your lack of empathy for humans ..I may love dogs and have in the past have fought against abuse, even I would say that killing animals for sport (hunting anyoone?) doesnt resonate the same when it's a human being killed ..and the dog may be innocent but a 1 year old baby? come on, that doesnt even remotely compare

My lack of empathy for humans? If anything I have an overactive sense of empathy for humans, especially when it comes to trivial mundane things that people would normally laugh about.

This wasn't about my feelings, this was about trying to explain why other people feel the way they do. The only thing that relates to me with what I said, was the movie subject... and that's entirely different. It's a movie... but I still always feel sad when the hero's dog dies or something.

Just because I feel that way with the movies, which aren't real, doesn't mean I feel that way in real life.

I am deeply disturbed every time people die in ways that are violent and terrifying, and saddened at the state of world affairs. That doesn't mean I can't also feel strong about puppies dying in cruel ways.