Soldier throws puppy from cliff

My lack of empathy for humans? If anything I have an overactive sense of empathy for humans, especially when it comes to trivial mundane things that people would normally laugh about.

This wasn't about my feelings, this was about trying to explain why other people feel the way they do. The only thing that relates to me with what I said, was the movie subject... and that's entirely different. It's a movie... but I still always feel sad when the hero's dog dies or something.

Just because I feel that way with the movies, which aren't real, doesn't mean I feel that way in real life.

I am deeply disturbed every time people die in ways that are violent and terrifying, and saddened at the state of world affairs. That doesn't mean I can't also feel strong about puppies dying in cruel ways.

dont get your panties in a bunch I too feel more of an emotional impact when an animal is killed in a movie ..the lack of empathy is in some small part due to a feeling that since no human is innocent they may have had some part in their ultimate fate it or not humans are still capable of casual barbarism agaisnt their fellow man. All I'm saying is that sometimes sympathies are woefully one sided
dont get your panties in a bunch I too feel more of an emotional impact when an animal is killed in a movie ..the lack of empathy is in some small part due to a feeling that since no human is innocent they may have had some part in their ultimate fate it or not humans are still capable of casual barbarism agaisnt their fellow man. All I'm saying is that sometimes sympathies are woefully one sided

:laugh: For once it's you telling ME not to get MY panties in a bunch. Oh how the tables have turned.
I dont wear panties ..i'm al fresco atm ..i just like picturing you in panties ...

btw funny comment about the video on Digg:

"Hey asshole, it's the war on terror, not war on terrier"

question of empathy:

from american psycho:

Bateman stands at an ATM, enjoying the reassuring sound of
$500 in fresh bills thudding from the machine. As he turns
to leave, he notices someone across the street.

A HOMELESS MAN is lying in a doorway on top of an open
grate, surrounded by bags of garbage and a shopping cart. A
cardboard sign is attached to the front of the cart: I AM
next to him.

He is black, dressed in a stained, torn, lime-green
polyester pants suit with jeans worn over the pants.

(Offering his hand) Hello. Pat Bateman.

The Homeless Man stares at Bateman, struggling to sit up.

You want some money?.

The Homeless Man nods and starts to cry. Bateman reaches
into his pocket and pulls out a $I 0 bill, then changes his
mind and holds out a $5 instead.

Is this what you need?

The Homeless Man nods, looks away, wipes his nose.

I'm so hungry.

It's cold out, too, isn't it?

I'm so hungry.

(Holding the bill just out of the man's reach)
Why don't you get a job? If you're so hungry, why don't you
get a job?

(Shivering and sobbing)
I lost my job...

Why? Were you drinking? Is that why you lost it?
Insider trading? Just joking. No, really-were you drinking on
the job?

HOMELESS MAN I was fired. I was laid off.

Gee, uh, that's too bad.

I'm so hungry.

The dog starts to whimper.

Why don't you get another one? Why don't , you get another job?

I'm not...

You're not what? Qualified for anything else?

I'm hungry

I know that, I know that. Jeez, you're like a broken record.
I'm trying to help you.

I'm hungry.

Listen, do you think it's fair to take money from people who
do have jobs? From people who do work?

What am I gonna do?

Listen, what's your name?


Speak up. Come on.


Get a goddamn job, Al. You've got a negative attitude.
That's what's stopping you. You've got to get your act together.
I'll help you.

You re so kind, mister. You're kind. You're a kind
man. I can tell.

(Petting the dog)'s okay.

(Grabbing Bateman's wrist)
Please...I don know what to do. I'm so cold.

(Stroking his face, whispering)
Do ,you know how bad you smell? The stench, my God.

I can't...I can't find a shelter

You reek. You reek of...shit. Do you know that?
Goddammit, Al-look at me and stop crying like some kind of
******. Al...I'm sorry.

Bateman carefully puts the money back in his wallet.

It's just that...I don't know I don't have anything in common
with you.

He opens his briefcase and pulls out a long thin knife with
a serrated edge. He pushes up the sleeve of his jacket to
protect it.

Do you know what a ****ing loser ,you are?

HOMELESS MAN'S POV as Bateman lunges at him with the knife.

EXTREME WIDE SHOT of the street. Bateman's shadowed figure
is hunched over the Homeless Man, stabbing him in the stomach.
The dog barks wildly and Bateman stomps on it until it is

LOW ANGLE shot of Bateman as he throws a quarter on the ground.

who did you feel more sorry for/outraged/shocked over, the dog or the homeless man?
Homeless guy. Kinda didn't give a crap about the dog. I also must now see this movie.
I feel bad for the American Psycho because all that shit was in his head anyway.
ahh some of you restored my faith in humanity ..except you pesmerga, always siding with the homicidal maniac
Official USMC Press Release

MARINE CORPS BASE HAWAII, Oahu -- The video of a Marine mistreating a puppy gained widespread attention on the internet today. The video is shocking and deplorable and is contrary to the high standards we expect of every Marine.

This video came to our attention this morning, and we have initiated an investigation. We do not tolerate this type of behavior and will take appropriate action.

The vast majority of Marines conduct their duties in an honorable manner that brings great credit upon the Marine Corps and the United States. There have been numerous stories of Marines adopting pets and bringing them home from Iraq or helping to arrange life-saving medical care for Iraqi children. Those are the stories that exemplify what we stand for and how most Marines behave.

Marine Corps investigates puppy-throwing video

Marine Corps Base Hawaii is investigating a shocking video of a smiling Marine throwing a puppy off the top of a steep hillside in Iraq into a gully below.

The video today gained widespread attention and condemnation on the Internet.

"The video is shocking and deplorable and is contrary to the high standards we expect of every Marine," the Kane'ohe Bay base said in a release.

Base officials said the video came to their attention this morning. An investigation has been initiated. Maj. Chris Perrine, a Marine spokesman here, said "it's looking like" the Marine is based out of Hawai'i.

"We do not tolerate this type of behavior and will take appropriate action," the base said.

Two Marines are seen in combat gear smiling as one holds a white-and-black puppy by the scruff of its neck. The dog seems to be about 8 weeks old and is motionless as it is held.

"Cute little puppy, huh?" says one Marine as he smiles broadly.

"Oh so cute, so cute, little puppy," says another in a child-like voice.

The Marine holding the puppy is then seen throwing the animal overhand into a desert-like gully below. The animal yelps until it thuds to the ground at the bottom of the gully.

"That's mean," one Marine says afterward.

The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment of about 1,000 Hawai'i Marines recently replaced a sister unit in Iraq, the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment.

Marine Corps Base Hawai'i said the vast majority of Marines "conduct their duties in an honorable manner that brings great credit upon the Marine Corps and the United States."

There have been numerous stories of Marines adopting pets and bringing them home from Iraq or helping to arrange life-saving medical care for Iraqi children. Those are the stories that exemplify what we stand for and how most Marines behave."

He'll get what's coming to him.

And I guess you probably have never heard of voice add on in your life, huh?
Then the question must be asked.. Why the **** would they fake a puppy toss? :rolleyes:
I don't care about people or dogs who I don't know. The dog probably peed on the carpet. Sometimes I wish I could throw my cat off a cliff.
ALso, it was probably a stray dog. Wild dogs are usually a menace, carrying diseases and causing general disruption.

He was just being proactive about Iraq's dog problem! You see, this soldier was actually a tender loving teddy bear, burdened to do evil for the greater good!
Wow you're retarded, Combine Hybrid.

Why not?

1) Cost of production
2) No hint of selling anything
3) No other reward than "internet popularity"
4) Because it's a stupid ****ing thing to do, who in their right mind would put that much effort to fake a stupid ****ing stunt? All it did was get a bunch of people to think he's a sadistic prick.
5) You're a douche

The video isn't fake, and anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded like you, Combine.
"Cost of production" lolz.

Kicking up dust with a rather shocking video on the internet is absolutely a worthwhile thing for some people.

I'm not saying it's fake, (I haven't even watched it) but it wouldn't be too shocking to find that out.
Wow you're retarded, Combine Hybrid.
and you need to take a chill pill, punk.

Why not?

1) Cost of production
2) No hint of selling anything
3) No other reward than "internet popularity"
4) Because it's a stupid ****ing thing to do, who in their right mind would put that much effort to fake a stupid ****ing stunt? All it did was get a bunch of people to think he's a sadistic prick.
5) You're a douche
1) What cost of production? Video editing does not cost anything, genius.
2) selling what?
3) Probably he is an attention whore
4) people do stupid things. Including soldiers. Get that through your thick skull.
5) Your insult = childish. Grow some more balls and pubic hair before you confront me. ;)

The video isn't fake, and anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded like you, Combine.
Yet, where is the proof that it's not fake? The dog was probably dead before he threw that thing off the cliff.

Don't believe everything you watch, folks. Or maybe people like you are too damn gullible, I pity you.
You're the one accusing that it's fake. You're the one who needs to show some proof.
I never accused of anything. I said the video is PROBABLY fake. You are the one who quoted me from last 3 pages so you should know this.
In my humble opinion, the dog's legs were tied to keep it from running because they may have been torturing it. 99% chance dog's death is their fault.
The video is probably fake based on what exactly? Riiiiiight.

I always wondered what kind of people it was who kept posting 'that must be fake' for no conceivable reason under each and every youtube video; now I know.
So what proof do you have of this?
the puppy is pretty stiff and doesn't do a whole lot of moving. or they threw a dead mutt corpse and decided to make a video of it for the kicks. Or the soldier came back home and decided to video edit the entire film.

anyway, that's my theory. I don't have a proof since no one confirmed anything, yet.

But until someone confirms that the video is real, I will stick with my opinion.
If it was real it would certainly be the first time innocents were ever killed or harmed by US soldiers in Iraq.
1) What cost of production? Video editing does not cost anything, genius.
2) selling what?

1) If it's civvies doing it, they need to buy costumes, guns, and such. If its marines doing it, they have to find an animatronic puppy. The pup is clearly moving. Or they have to find some way to fake it. Kind of hard to do when all you have is MREs, tents, and guns.

2) ****ing exactly? Jesus, you're dumb.
1) If it's civvies doing it, they need to buy costumes, guns, and such. If its marines doing it, they have to find an animatronic puppy. The pup is clearly moving. Or they have to find some way to fake it. Kind of hard to do when all you have is MREs, tents, and guns.

2) ****ing exactly? Jesus, you're dumb.
1) Which part of video is the pup moving? Or are you blind or just plain dumb?

2) I have no idea WTF you are talking about. But then again, I think I told you to grow some balls and pubic hair before you confront me. :bounce:
Would you like a pic? I haven't trimmed in a while.

If I did, I bet you'd say it was fake and I found it off Google or some shit.
That is just really sick, i wish someone would throw him of a cliff or better yet shoot him. I wonder how you Americans can still respect your Military after seeing shit like this. They are pathetic retarded bullies, you guys must have real low standards for recruits.

That's just silly. That's just as bad as saying all Muslims are out to kill, and do evil. A lot of the U.S. soldiers, if not most, are very respectable, and I should know, my Mom works on an Air Force Base. She regularly communicates with the soldiers there, and they are all well mannered, refer to her as Ma'am, even though, technically, she is lower on the totem poll then them, and they are always nice and friendly. I have also been to an army base in Columbia S.C. and Southern Florida, and the same is true. It's just that the assholes are always highlighted over the good people. That is the reason we are able to recognize mean people, is because we are all good at heart... accept... for... the... erm... Mean people... :D

I agree with Combine, its definately faked. Almost as fake as the 9/11 videos of the WTC.
I agree with Combine, its definately faked. Almost as fake as the 9/11 videos of the WTC.

Ur faked...

I still don't understand why the WTC destruction being faked matters... An attack on american soil by Muslim terrorists was inevitable because our presidents have been pissin them off for so long. So that then makes your theory... well... Not much different... but you probably kinda though a little bit about what I said... okay, maybe not...

Btw, this guy needs to be nailed to a wall, and then pushed off a cliff... HOW DOES IT FEEL! You could have shot the damn puppy, asshole, and if it is fake, you deserve what you got if you didn't realize the repercussions of such a video, even if fake, it is hard to tell because f the quality.
I'm sure if it is fake, you will all send him a card saying lolsoz.

It does seem very real, though, and I hope if that is the case, he gets the book thrown at him.
To be honest, I thought it was a fake when I first saw it. It just... seemed fake. I thought the puppy looked like a stuffed toy at first. I haven't got much other evidence for it being fake, apart from the fact that I'd rather believe people have a sick sense of humour instead of being sadistic twats.

And I have no desire to be flamed by any of the it's-not-a-fake-and-anyone-who-doesn't-agree-is-a-tard troll brigade, thank you. Frankly, nobody has any conclusive proof, so anyone who starts shouting "it's a fake/not a fake, and I am right and you are all wrong" is jumping the gun a bit.
Ur faked...

I still don't understand why the WTC destruction being faked matters... An attack on american soil by Muslim terrorists was inevitable because our presidents have been pissin them off for so long. So that then makes your theory... well... Not much different... but you probably kinda though a little bit about what I said... okay, maybe not...

That's just silly. That's just as bad as saying all Muslims are out to kill, and do evil. A lot of the U.S. soldiers, if not most, are very respectable, and I should know, my Mom works on an Air Force Base. She regularly communicates with the soldiers there, and they are all well mannered, refer to her as Ma'am, even though, technically, she is lower on the totem poll then them,

that's because she's not iraqi in which case they'd just throw her off a cliff wait they'd throw her puppy off the cliff

and they certainly wouldnt call her ma'am!!!