Some new screenshots

X-Vector said:
Always nice to see the typical lemming type behaviour rearing up its head; flame a fellow board member for being mildly critical and top it off by accusing him of posting a beta pic which is actually a screengrab of last year's pre-E3 trailer (the Media Player window is too obscure a hint, obviously).
Disappointing as well to see not one of the multitude of moderators around here step in.

He edited his post. He posted 3 stolen build shots. Next time, think for a second before posting something like this.

Evil^Milk said:
i think it was nothing but a screenshot where they copy-pasted an image of a building that isn't featured in hl2.

Again, he edited the post, he originally attached 3 stolen build shots.
anyone checked the source already?
You see the G-man in ASCII :)
please do not go on the defense before you know what has happened on the thread beforehand.....
crap, i didn't know that, thanks Xrenity anyway for that little update
are nice screenies

show cool scenes and cool enviroments

WE WANT HL2!!!!!!11
Grah, now that this thread is sticky I confuse it with the valve-info-thread and everytime I think "Yay! new info!", it's just another pointless post :p
There's more variation seen in them 3 screenies than the whole Doom3 game.
The best thing about these screenshots is that awesome .357 revolver skin!
If you didn't know it was from a game, could you honestly say you would see it wasn't real? I probably couldn't.


  • kickass_skin.jpg
    35.6 KB · Views: 358
Wow, those are some amazing screenshots.

I guess that somehow means other games instantly suck for some reason; never mind the fact that those games are playable.

Kinda weird how different games can't both be good and worthwile at the same time. :rolleyes:
PvtRyan said:
The best thing about these screenshots is that awesome .357 revolver skin!
If you didn't know it was from a game, could you honestly say you would see it wasn't real? I probably couldn't.

Hah, good point. It does look pretty amazing.

CoreyGH said:
Wow, those are some amazing screenshots.

I guess that somehow means other games instantly suck for some reason; never mind the fact that those games are playable.

Kinda weird how different games can't both be good and worthwile at the same time. :rolleyes:

Have to agree with this. I was expecting Doom 3 to be a mediocre production that would tide me over till HL2. I turns out it's a really fantastic game in its own right.

I'm looking forward to HL2 far more, and I think (hope) it will be a better game. But that doesn't change the fact that Doom 3 is fantastic.
PvtRyan said:
The best thing about these screenshots is that awesome .357 revolver skin!
If you didn't know it was from a game, could you honestly say you would see it wasn't real? I probably couldn't. don't want me to get a new pair of pants ;) - but seriously that actually looks - dare I say - Photo realistic

*Runs away from HL2 crits, and hides into the fanboy cave
What happened to "no more screenshots, demos or additional media" ? ^^
PvtRyan said:
The best thing about these screenshots is that awesome .357 revolver skin!
If you didn't know it was from a game, could you honestly say you would see it wasn't real? I probably couldn't.

The Colt Anaconda, which I believe is the weapon that we're seeing in HL2, is actually a .44 caliber revolver. Even more punch for your gaming dollar.
Great to get new Screens, but they look pretty "meh".
While they do look good...

Errmm....well...just look at the Ant Lion one for an example of how a cartoon would look like made into a game. :(
NeLi said:
Great to get new Screens, but they look pretty "meh".

You've played 2 hours of doom 3.

Yes, they look meh in comparison.

You see this screen after finishing D3.

The screens look photo realistic.

Trust me, that's what happened to me.
By the way, didn't valve say at gphoria that there wouldn't be any more screenshots n vids? They just did this to cover up the CS:S beta delay...
If that first screenshot looks photorealistic, my camera photos are corrupted. ;) The Ant Lion circus is in town baby!
Great screens. Have you all pre-ordered, or are you waiting for the Platinum Edition? I, for one, can't wait for the additional content - Whatever it is.
Beautiful screenshots. I love how HL2 has so much variation in the environments you visit unlike doom3 where it is the same pretty much all the time. D3 is still a good game though, I just prefer the environments in HL2.
lol take a look at the page´s source code.. it´s g-man... dont know if someone have posted it.. i wont read the 5 pages XD


oops.. sorry 20 pages O_O
InSaNe TuBaíNa said:
lol take a look at the page´s source code.. it´s g-man... dont know if someone have posted it.. i wont read the 5 pages XD


oops.. sorry 20 pages O_O
well, its new for me! :p
Hopefully the indoor enviornments will have more complex geometry, the last shot in particular looks pretty sloppy...but you can tell very little from screens in motion it will look better.

Dammit! What did they do to my ant lions?!

Next thing you know, the G-man will ask you to go on an easter egg hunt.
BlumenKohl said:

Dammit! What did they do to my ant lions?!

Next thing you know, the G-man will ask you to go on an easter egg hunt.

:LOL: :LOL: Very nice.

The new screens are a breath of fresh air. If only they weren't so dark. Maybe it's the computer in which I am currently sitting.
I can see a sky box in the third one, but after looking at them zoomed in there is new detail to somethings and it looks nice. I like the new ant lion look though, looks more alien/xen like.
Right. That's it.
/me cuddles Greg Coomer.
/me fluffles Greg Coomer.
/me gives Greg Coomer a small piece of his chocolatechip cookie.

Thank you! :)
Say, those-r some really neat-o rend'rs, heh-heh! I 'ear they ken do that in dem three-dee studio max thingy! :naughty:

Hmm, strike me down-n call me shorty! When is that game thing yous been workin' on gonna be released? I'm really hanker'n for some spanker'n, if yer know what I mean. Yep, yep!!