Something HAS to be done about certain sprays!


Oct 9, 2004
Reaction score
Im sorry guys but I keep seeing more and more really really really horrendus sprays. One literally made me gag for a minute and forced me to quit the game, and the others are just as bad. its pathetic, people spray a billion times over a girl shitting onto her face somehow then throwing up at the same time, I mean seriously its just not right. Ok the half naked women or men are ok, im not going to be a hypocrite, so i will say that the actual naked pictures of women or men may be funny but still innapropriate. This kind of shit does not belong in a ****ing video game, it really makes me sick. :flame: What do you guys think?
Yeah.. and I was dumb enough to type that into google image search... they always said 'curiosity killed the cat'
You have two options:

1) Disable decals

2) If you run a server, disable uploads

There's no possible way that the engine itself could detect questionable content in sprays, so it's always going to be down to the end-user.
Valve needs to add a mute-like feature that lets you keep individual players' sprays from being shown.
Quite a good idea, although in prcatice, it's often difficult to find who placed a particular spray.
Pi Mu Rho said:
You have two options:

1) Disable decals

2) If you run a server, disable uploads

There's no possible way that the engine itself could detect questionable content in sprays, so it's always going to be down to the end-user.

Actually its most possible, image recognition has been around for some time now.

A plug-in could be made easily.
Yes, I know image recognition is possible, but it's not perfect, it's generally easy to spoof, and whichever side runs it (client or server) is going to take a CPU hit doing that for every client. Impractical.
******* is sick thing...

I wonder how some people find it so funny to spray or even look such pictures. There are some sick people in the world but goddamn, do they have to share their sickness with normal or less normal me.
just deal with it. Dont like it dont play!! fair enough.. tub girl (dear god i googled) is a bit over the top, but its not like its gonna scar you for live seeing someone doing that?! i mean life is about what you see and do, so the less you see, the worse your life!

i really hope that makes some sense
What's all the fuss about tub girl (I haven't seen her yet)?*******.jpg

this is the spray hes talking about. do not look if you do not want to throw up.
lolers said:
dont play if you cant handle it

Nice thinking batman! :thumbs: Do you have any other brilliant suggestions?

Seriously though, MilkMan12 avoid the crowded 40 player servers, and try the Swedish or UK servers.
:laugh: OK, I could handle this pic, but barely :laugh: Imagine this spray was sprayed all over the place :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

Maybe someone should make a black paint spray just to spray it over this pic.

P.S. I just sent the link to my friend with my ass laughing off :laugh: Just wrote in the Subject "Have a nice day ;)" pasted the link and sent it off merrily :laugh: :laugh: I just couldn't help it :laugh:
Yea I think I'm going to disable's sad that I have to, but..I don't think I have a choice.

I can see myself seeing some really distrubing pictures at one point or another. Like....ok I don't want to go into specifics, but like people dieing or something. You know...worse than ******* type stuff.

I have them disabled in 1.6, so, may as well in source.
People always abuse things like this and ruin it for those that actually use the spray feature for what it is, a method of showing off your artistic talent while also declaring how much you own every player in the server.
DavE0r said:
just deal with it. Dont like it dont play!! fair enough.. tub girl (dear god i googled) is a bit over the top, but its not like its gonna scar you for live seeing someone doing that?! i mean life is about what you see and do, so the less you see, the worse your life!

i really hope that makes some sense

According to that reasoning then my life should be better after seeing that but for some reason I feel much.......worse. :x

Yeah, I was on the server with you at the time (Milkman was owning. One round he killed off 4 or 5 opfor after everyone else died and won the round for us, I was amazed.) I'm glad the guy with the offending spray left quickly. I had mine at the ready to cover it up cause that's just plain wrong.
DavE0r said:
just deal with it. Dont like it dont play!! fair enough.. tub girl (dear god i googled) is a bit over the top, but its not like its gonna scar you for live seeing someone doing that?! i mean life is about what you see and do, so the less you see, the worse your life!

i really hope that makes some sense

Are you actually trying to say that seeing ******* makes your life better?!?.. what are you on and can I have some?
I have to agree with the original poster, even though in reality I really cant see how anything could truely be done without a monitor constantly watching the server. The past 4 times I have went into a server there has been atleast 1 guy with the new animated sprays showing off either ******* type photo's or homoerotic clips.
Sigh, I wish we could report users about this sort of thing to Steam.

DvS said:
Are you actually trying to say that seeing ******* makes your life better?!?.. what are you on and can I have some?

U see, teh tubgrl is a statement that meenz life can allways get worze! Sow, your life isnt all that sh*tty.
Cheers meh up all teh time. :cheers:

*snort* so, I'll look if we got any munchies left. :bonce:
It's people like you guys that are crying over animated sprays that are going to get it taken out of CS:S completely. And then your going to piss off the people who honestly don't care, and rather enjoy seeing animated sprays and the different things people come up with. If you really did gag over a 4 frame display of a something stupid like that you shouldn't be playing games to begin with. It's rediculous that you guys find it inappropriate. How about all the cursing and racist comments? I guess that's not inappropriate, but because it's what YOU consider to be inappropriate, the rest of us have to possibly suffer the consequences.
I think offensive pics/animated gifs should not be something you just have to deal with If you want to play.

If that means that software should be installed on servers to recognize the offensive content, so be it. For now I'll probably disable the decals.

Guinny I don't think you should bash the topicstarter for his opinion. He has all the right to complain about something he finds offensive. I for one wouldn't want to see ogrish dot com pics in sprays, because those make me sick.

It's really up to the developer to decide if it will take action or to leave it up to players to ignore/disable decals or other offensive matters (racist comments).

If the developer decides that certain parts of the game should be taken out, then so be it.
HAHAHAHAH i saw that chick..! that stuff was nasty as hell! about a gag thoery is make your sprasy just a black box...and save it to spray over that stuff when you see it ;-) HA! good luck all! COMON HALF LIFES GOING GOLD TODAY!!! CROSS YOUR FINGERS AND WAIT FOR THE RAINING CANDY!
Omg!!! Ok Never Seen The Picture That Close!! I Changed My Mind That Crap Is Nasty Holly Crap Omg! Woah!!! New Idea Ban All Sprays Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what governs how often you can spray? because i seem to only be able to do it once after every guy i kill, or maybe its just a time limit thing, but i see guys running around spraying like crazy, how does that work?
i find it hilarious that they blurred out tubgirls genitals

japanese people are weird like that i suppose
Wraith said:
i find it hilarious that they blurred out tubgirls genitals

japanese people are weird like that i suppose

Yes, very odd.

It's easy to get round image recognition anyway, it *usually* detects the colours in an image. Simply re-colouring a nude image can get around the algorithm. Yes I know they also look at relative pixel positions, but in such an image as that rather disgusting ******* there is a large mix of colours.

A user option to disable non-default sprays would be useful.
Even worse than the shock picks, someone sprayed a nasty spoiler for hl2 in a server I was in.

A good spray solution in my opinion (and I bet this could be done w/o valve intervetion) would be to have a signing authority for sprays (this could be for only one server or could be across many servers) And a webpage that allows you to submit a spray and get it signed. Then the server would only allow sprays for which a checksum exists in its database to be distributed.

If valve was in on this it could be done cryptographically and securely, you could even allow people to rate their sprays(T, M, Adults Only) according to an honor system. This rating, along with the spray, would be signed with a private key tied to their steamid. If they broke the system and a server admin catches them (this could be done even w/o admin present by capturing the spray with a user complaint command), permaban from server, and if they do it on enough servers with VAC, they get their custom spray privileges or even their CS privileges revoked on VAC enabled servers. I believe this would solve the problem on VAC enabled servers.

Additionally, I believe this is a problem that needs to be dealt with by valve for lawsuit reasons, what is going on is no different than a flasher in a public park, they are very lucky the game did not recieve a T rating;
if you are so fragile and "green" to the world, turn sprays OFF.

The end, problem solved. bunch of whinging little children.

im still waiting for someone to make an animated spray of one of the iraqi beheadings. someone probably has, sick as i might find it, i wont sit ont he other side of my screen "being all traumatised" ill just ignore it, shoot the guy that sprayed it, or keep playing and enjoying the game.

Its a picture for christs sake, its not like shes doing it on YOUR face, then you might have something to complain about. Its a few pixels on your screen you big babies,

ive never seen such a collection of whining little P****es as in this thread.
Oh please get over it, if your stomach isnt strong enough to take it then keep viewing it - that way you'll get amune.
Despite surfing slashdot for years, i've never seen *******, i've seen mr ********** though, that's pretty bad. If you don't want to see the sicko sprays when you play, just type cl_allowdownload 0 in your console, no more sprays downloaded from the server.
that's a good tip myshkin. Nice one. Thanks.
Hmm can you spray over sprays in CSS?

Since i started playing i noticed older sprays take precedance over more recent sprays. Unlike in HL1+mods you could spray ontop.

I think if you dont like them you should just disable them. Image recognition would kill some servers, especially ones with multiple plugins.

A good server with plenty of admin is probably the best method. BAn sick sprayers.
I must admit that those tranny ass ramming animated pics give me a chuckle everytime I see them.

I'd like to see a nice goatse -- ******* montage, that would be very classy.

--Mr. Bildo