Sorry if this has been said before but lol....

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Jul 10, 2003
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Now please correct me if I'm wrong but I have a small problem with the game and it’s so obvious that it has to have been spotted before...

It's to do with the character Alyx Vance and the fact that she’s very... white. I mean if she’s supposed to be Eli Vance's daughter shouldn't she be darker? I just thought Eli Vance was black not that I really paid much attention to his skin colour when I supposedly came across him in HL1 (I can't remember =]) but he looks black from that picture on the characters page so the above just seems kind of funny to me!

Anyway do please all reply telling me I'm mad and he has simply been sitting in the sun too long!

Maybe Alyx's mother was white and her genes followed her mother insteaf of her father.

Even so, I admit her complexion should be a bit darker. The good news is though they've modelled certain aspects of Alyx and Eli the same. Phew.

it's been discussed...and it's a dumb and naive question.
ok please tell me why it's dumb not just that it's dumb...
i can see why people would be a bit confused... white/blonde gene are usually recessive, whereas black/brown are dominant.

however i think this post deserves.....

Also in what way is it naive are you referring to my lack of understand of the way genetics works or are you just a stupid kid who tries to use words he doesn't understand?
Ok now I am sure that you are an idiot or just young and uneducated...

I have a good understanding of genetics on the basic scale and I can tell you if you have a black father there is the chance of winning the lottery that your children will be white.
lol maybe it's part of the plot. Maybe Alex is in fact the daughter of G-Man and she’s going to deceive Gordon in a deceiving G-Man sort of way!! HOW ABOUT THAT!
After a few hundred years of slave owners putting it to their slaves, pretty much any given black person has recessive white genes in their line. Combine that with a lighter skinned mother and it's totally acceptable she'd look like that.
Originally posted by ritcH
Ok now I am sure that you are an idiot or just young and uneducated...

I have a good understanding of genetics on the basic scale and I can tell you if you have a black father there is the chance of winning the lottery that your children will be white.

maybe you need your eyes examined?

it's quite obvious that Alyx isn't completely white...

I've got a couple of friends, 3 brothers who got a white mother and a VERY(close to black...) dark father....and they're all quite light skinned(a little darker than Alyx)

Black (Recognise him now?)




Maybe Alyx is adopted, maybe shes like Michael Jackson and was in fact originally black. Either way this is old news, although I think the old thread on this topic was deleted.

P.S. Im back from France.
OR she could have originally had white parents, they divorced and her mother married Eli.

Give me a medal please
One reason why I can't get excited about this game is because it seems like valve is pushing some sort of subliminal agenda. If you're going to have black characters, fine. There's no need to make them biracial. It's almost like they're trying to make racemixing "cool" by including it in this sure-to-be-a-hit game. It's unnecessary and one of the main reasons why I can't get hyped as much as I should be.
One reason why I can't get excited about this game is because it seems like valve is pushing some sort of subliminal agenda. If you're going to have black characters, fine. There's no need to make them biracial. It's almost like they're trying to make racemixing "cool" by including it in this sure-to-be-a-hit game. It's unnecessary and one of the main reasons why I can't get hyped as much as I should be.

excuse me, but THAT is keeping you away from liking this game??? oh man.... if that is everything, then you sure don't like duke nukem because of the hookers and mario is bad because turtles are always the bad guys or what?
Originally posted by fishbait
One reason why I can't get excited about this game is because it seems like valve is pushing some sort of subliminal agenda. If you're going to have black characters, fine. There's no need to make them biracial. It's almost like they're trying to make racemixing "cool" by including it in this sure-to-be-a-hit game. It's unnecessary and one of the main reasons why I can't get hyped as much as I should be.

cant really see that my self, there just making a game. its not like there going to include the guide for "easy nuke" subliminaly. Eric or Gabe said that the characters are based off 1 or more real people. Alyx's father is more like just a link from HL1
Originally posted by fishbait
One reason why I can't get excited about this game is because it seems like valve is pushing some sort of subliminal agenda. If you're going to have black characters, fine. There's no need to make them biracial. It's almost like they're trying to make racemixing "cool" by including it in this sure-to-be-a-hit game. It's unnecessary and one of the main reasons why I can't get hyped as much as I should be.

Yeah, multi-racial people shouldn't have their part in entertainment. I agree.

what s the problem 2 black parents can have a child not completely black look Alicia Keys she s not completely black and her parents are black.

she s mongrel and that explain for the color sh e not completely white too.

Change your glasses!!!
Originally posted by fishbait
One reason why I can't get excited about this game is because it seems like valve is pushing some sort of subliminal agenda. If you're going to have black characters, fine. There's no need to make them biracial. It's almost like they're trying to make racemixing "cool" by including it in this sure-to-be-a-hit game. It's unnecessary and one of the main reasons why I can't get hyped as much as I should be.

Prince of space: "Correctly"

Fishbait: Racist

All others: Hate on fishbait and prince of space. :)
hahahah I knew somebody would point that out :D

anyways...I don't see the big deal... alot of suggestion have emerged as to why Alyx has lighter skin than her father and these suggestion also emerged the first time we had this discussion...also they shouldn't be sohard to figure...that's why this thread is dumb...

so there it is ritch...
Originally posted by fishbait
One reason why I can't get excited about this game is because it seems like valve is pushing some sort of subliminal agenda. If you're going to have black characters, fine. There's no need to make them biracial. It's almost like they're trying to make racemixing "cool" by including it in this sure-to-be-a-hit game. It's unnecessary and one of the main reasons why I can't get hyped as much as I should be.

That was one of the most ignorant comments I have ever read on these boards.
Ugh... These are so annoying. YES SHE'S BLACK! possibly not fully black thoough. My best friends dad is 1/2 black. His dad was totally black and his mom was totally white, and he is just as dark as Eli. My best friend himself is a 1/4 black and has damn near the same complexion as Alyx.
It's almost like they're trying to make racemixing "cool"

It's unnecessary and one of the main reasons why I can't get hyped as much as I should be

where the hell did you get that from? So what if Alyx isn't 'pure' white or 'pure' black, everyone is different in real life so why not in a video game. And by your last comment it makes you sound like one hell of a racist, which i hope to god you arent
will you ladies calm down? Fishbait's comments are just ill-thought-out and immature, but i dont think he was being racist, just being a prick and trying to push a point to try to feel important on the thread.
so don't condemn him for being racist, condemn him for being small-of-mind.

oh and if (and its a wasted point now) my biology serves me correctly, skin colour (like height or weight) are not down to dominant or resecive genes (you're not completely black or completely white) as it's a bit of genetic code that determines the amount of melanin produced in the skin. This can be anywhere on a gradient, unlike things such as eye colour or hair colour (to some extent, but that does also have varying levels within each gene group).
This is why you have 'half-caste' people from mixed race families, you don't just get some white and some black children, their skin darkness can be anywhere on the gradient.

anyway, anyone with eyes can see she's asian. and she's niiiice.
Originally posted by Goddamn Freeman
anyway, anyone with eyes can see she's asian. and she's niiiice.
Now that you say that, it's plainly obvious. Just look at the eyes, they're obviously asian. I bet she's adopted, that's the kind of heartwarming thing a good-guy scientist would do :)
Her skin tone is slightly asian in hue too. Either way, she's damnn fine.
good god that sounded sad...

its only a game...its only a game...its only a game.....
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