Sorry if this has been said before but lol....

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I WANT TO RE-EMPHASISE (no i cant spell who cares)

I AM NOT RACIST. I posted that to make a point. I dont want people to over react
Something else I find funny is educated white people are the most anti racist people you could meet in my experience. I think the most racist people are the uneducated ethnic minorities and that is from experience of living in London. Its almost as if black persons who fit that category are especially racist because they still believe white people today are to blame for enslaving them in the past. It’s a sad world we live in I feel like everyday I am surrounded by racial hate. I currently have a summer job in a theme park called Thorpe Park and I see it everyday in none other than tomorrow’s future the young children. I only hope that with more education and with maturity the mindset for young ethnic minorities can be altered e.g.

Today I was working on Colossus the main roller coaster at the park and queue jumping is a problem we deal with but anyway.. This young black boy probably about 15 years old jumped straight into the front area from far back in the queue in front of these girls for the front seat when they got annoyed at him his reaction was to turn around and punch this particular girl in the face, I was just shocked. I just think its so sad that a young person could be brought up to be like that and I see it everyday and so when I come home and read all these people casually using the word Half-Cast and by these people I am talking about generally more grown up and well educated persons I am not encouraged by your responses.
"because they still believe white people today are to blame for enslaving them in the past."

This is wrong in most cases from my experience. Just my experience mind. I believe that they arnt racist just they follow the steriotype they are given. People seam to like to follow steriotypes from what i have seen. I dont know why this is the case, maybe becuase it gives them identity or sumthin. I just dont know.
From what i have seen most young black people dont care in the slightest about what happend in the past. Only what people do today. Which is what people should be interested in.

As for that black kid who punched the girl in the line in your story. I see this sort of thing quite alot here too. I personaly believe it is again because people seem to like to follow steriotypes of one kind or another. You can flame my ideas all you want people. I want to know what you people think

You also have to remember that culture has a very large part to play in upbringing. For example. My asian friends families are all VERY VERY strict. I dont know why they just are.
to your last comment marksmanHL2 about your inability to spell do not worry yourself with the idiots who niggle at others abilities to spell they are often the fools who can not hold a reasonable opinion or put forward a thoughtful point they are the vermin who plague intelligent conversations.
lol thanks, I agree with this. I mean what does spelling and punctuation have to do with someones experience, inteligence and ability to communicate thoughts correctly (Unless my spelling gets so bad you cant read it) :P
I can't really comment accurately on the reasons why these people act the way they do whether it be because they are racist or because they are driven by stereotypical beliefs the fact is its unsettling however its not something that is going to change I guess in the end people just aren't nice to each other and I can't accept it has nothing to do with the colour of their skin.
I would love to continue this debate this convosation further i really would. But i cant keep my eyes open much longer. If the threads still on the main page tomorrow i will post again. :)

Just one last comment though. I dont believe people will continue to be racist. Eventualy it will allmost dissapear at the very least because more and more people will start to understand other cultures. Oh and

"I guess in the end people just aren't nice to each other and I can't accept it has nothing to do with the colour of their skin."

This is the sort of thing i dont like. Skin colour in the physical sence has NO effect on how people behave. Just the same as you can have gentle giants. For example the guy i talked off earlier who did boxing and weight training from an early age. The image someone gets from that description is of a extremely violent person. But in all seriousnes I have NEVER met a nicer person. He and about 4 other asians who are friends to my brother ALL brought flowers at the same time to my house for my mum after my dad died. They arranged it themselves. People should understand that All steriotypes are based on extremes and not all people follow the steriotype. And in fact many dont.

Right off to bed. Bye bye
woah. I just logged on again. i got a bit of a grilling in my absence. I remember seening John Agard performing that poem at the wolverhampton GCSE English conference.

I think that racism cannot be labelled to one particular group, you see it everywhere, all colours, groups and classes. However the trend does show that it is linked with a lack of real education or experience.
We have proven in the past, however, that it is not acceptable, and that we as a people will not stand for it. For example fighting against the nazis as they sought to obliterate the jews.

Black people have every right to be angry at the events of the past, as should women after so many years of opression at the hands of a patriarchal society. This doesnt mean, however, they should let it cloud their judgement, and they should see that it is no longer (for the most part) true that men rule the world.

"THe times, they are a-changing" -Bob Dylan

By the way, i am a psychology student, and those are my own views that i have formulated BY MY SELF. I don't simply repeat the views of others, and i'd thank you not to be so full of yourself to assume i do.
Thanks for sticking up for me marksman.
Many blacks are descended from the slavery days when it wasn't unusual for white masters to have sexual relations with their black slaves. So Alyx could be carrying some white genes and not even know it.

Lisa Bonet and Mariah Carey are two examples of light-skinned blacks.
Wow, thats freaky. I was just listening to "The Times They Are a Changin'"
But I do agree with everything Freeman said.
Originally posted by chili pepper
Many blacks are descended from the slavery days when it wasn't unusual for white masters to have sexual relations with their black slaves. So Alyx could be carrying some white genes and not even know it.

Lisa Bonet and Mariah Carey are two examples of light-skinned blacks.

Mariah Carey's father was black, BTW, and it had nothing to do with slavery. Another good example is Halle Berry.
Michael Jackson is, well, technically black. Maybe Alyx is a mediocre pop-star freak with an obsession with cosmetic surgury? Then again, she doesn't look like she's been hit by a hammer and superglued back together, so I'm probably wrong...

I am a psychology student too and trust me when I say Mr. Freeman is not unusual there are tonnes of people like him and basically they repeat in bigger words or in more complicated sentences what the accepted views are they don't really think about problems or situations and come to their own conclusions. It's boring but your average person will agree with everything because they too are too stupid to think for themselves.
Why is this argument about who's smarter than who still going on? FFS leave it guys and have a little bit of maturity about yourselves please?

Anyway back slightly more on topic...

This is my theory about Alyx. See picture below:
Jeez, you really don't like me do you? How can you make such a harsh assesment on so very little input? am i not allowed a POV?
All i have writen is what i believe and what i was bought up to believe. Why would i type out someone else's view? Of course i've thought it through, don't be so arrogant as to believe that you are the only person that thinks thing through. It's pathetic.
How do we know what you've written isn't just something you've picked up somewhere else.?
Just drop it ok? you've been having a go at me for no reason, and its really rather sad.
BTW, where are u studying?
She's the hologram in HL1, and appears in HL1 for the PS2 in Decay, the PS2 Co-Op mode.

We know that Alyx is spawn from Eli, one of the BlackMesa(BM) scientists and that Alyx's mother died during the BM incident. Therefore I've come to the conclusion that maybe Gina, as she's the only female in the series we've been introduced to as such, that she's Alyx's mother.

But... I didn't complete the PS2 HL1 co-op mode, therefore I don't know if in that story Gina survived or not.
I'd imagine she did, or it'd be quite boring for the person forced to die because of the story.
I remember her now, she's the one who has chopsticks in her hair in the good 'ol original multiplayer.
aaah, good times.
Gina? as in an alternative to gordon? Like Alex and Alex Munro in Elite force.
Lead to a lesbian storyline if u played as the female alex. Great stuff.

Whats up with ritch? i' afraid he'll find out where i live and beat me with a stick.
Your idea might make sense, however I'm sure 70% of HL players have no idea who she is. Another 28% just remember her as the hologram from the training course.

So it wouldn't really work in Valve's favor and only spur discussions like this one.
To tell you the truth. The first time I saw Alyx I figured she was half black, half asian.
or discussions of arrogance and ego battles? (on both sides ok? before you have a go at me agian, ritch)
This thread should be nuked. Omg... I dunno why, but I just got a sudden urge to find a copy of Lemmings and play it....

:D Lemmings :D
Originally posted by jasonh1234
To tell you the truth. The first time I saw Alyx I figured she was half black, half asian.

and whole lotta woman. ahem, sorry, i'm really quite tired, and the keyboard is typing by itself

I gotta copy of lemmings here, only a fiver. (only?)
Belive me, you don't want to play it, you'll try to bore your eves out with the mouse in frustration.:x
I'm currently playing Delta Force Land Warrior, and slowly downloading a Delta Force Black Hawk Down ISO... Something a little different. U may be right there Freeman... I may very well tear my eyes out... but Lemmings :D yay! Green hair and umbrellas... die!!! :D
Don't you just love the way they shudder before they explode? makes you feel all warm and sadistic inside. :D
She's not black or asian. She's a LATINA! God I love latin bitches... I had a Mexican girlfriend in highschool. Tits so big it gave her a horrible sense of Balance.. Ahh, highschool...........................................
lol. here in england we don't get 'em. nearest we've got french?
ritch didn't kill me while i slept, i think he may have been deported.
UCL is where I study and the reaon I was having a go at you was really through no fault of your own my life just sux right now so sorry.
I'm White and from Australia.

I can't believe the racial slurs I'm reading in this thread. It just shocks me.

Sit down and think racial people. We are human. We are human. We are all HUMAN.

And do you know Jesus? The Son of God? Well experts say Jew's were very very very dark in skin colour back when Jesus was born.

Oooops. That may offend the poor white man. Pffft.

THOUGH I do agree racial does work against us whites aswell. A black man can be racist against a white man and sometimes they think they are allowed to do that because white man treated them like shit in the pass.

Well. I have something to say about that. I live in the year of 2003. I did nothing to your ancestors. Those white crazy bastards did. Not me.
alright ritch, thats fair enough. what year you in at UCL? or are you (!) postgrad?

good point Kamakiri, we are all human. except the g-man, he's gotta be combine.
But don't black people have the right to be angry for the past? it's not fair for them to be racist against us, but i know i'd be angry.
oh and we all know the jesus thing.
All i know is my white ancestors treated black peoples ancestors wrong, but guess what, i haven't nor will i ever do any of the things they did, but I will always get treated as if i had a say so in the whole slavery issue just because im white, its not fair to anyone, and we are all humans, i just wish we could all get over it and live normal lives..
No they don't.. their grandparents were treated like shit, not they. If they can be angry at us and call us whatever they want, well I will become slave owner and will use N word every now and than. Good logic, eh? Well no. It's like saying that they can be racist towards you, because they are minority. It defends everything Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for.

"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind "
i just said they shouldnt be angry at us, but they should feel angry (as should everyone) about those past events.
I'm not jewish, but the hollocaust angers me. It's the only way to make sure it never happens again.
" a head for a head, leaves the whole world dead"
-me, just now.
Freeman, if you will feel angry all the time, how can we become closer as races of different color? So, now I need to be ashamed that I am white, because my grand grand grand parents had a slave? Political Correctness came so far, that I can't even speak with black people (yes ONLY black people) without feeling that I did something to them. I try to choose words carefully, what if I hurt them somehow, I will be racist (oh I did it once, when came to USA). So how the hell are we be able to ever get rid of the racism?
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