Source SDK help thread


Nov 1, 2003
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I think we need a thread for help with the Source SDK. Threads are popping up everywhere, and I think it would make sense to keep all the info in one place where it's easier to find it.

So if you have a problem or a solution to a problem please post it here!

Please try not to post problems more than once, or post problems that have already been posted/solved. Read the thread before you post a problem, and keep it neat!

The best place to start however, is here:

Read this thoroughly before you start yelling for help! ;)
Hey, Im posting this message here, becuase I dont want to flood the forums anymore than they already are...

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has tried adding water into their maps yet. I created a box where I want the water to be, then used right click, "tie to entity" then I selected func_water from the list. The only problem I have is, the water is water in the game, but it doesent look like water. It has the texture of a wall for its surface. Is there some way I have to add water textures to its surface? or possibly set it to render?

Any help would be appriciated. Thanks!
I have a small problem also, created my first map, just a few rooms connected up with info_player_start & lights etc.. Now when i run the map from the console in CS:S it seems to work ok except i get a line in red saying 'warning: no Info_Player_Start' or something similar. Then when the map loads, if i try to join T's or Ct's it says teams are full, and the only way i can look around my map is in Spectate mode.

Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
Oh, I got mine to work, I just added Spot_Light instead of the other ones.... spotlights work fine.

As for your problem, since you are playing Counterstrike, you will need to get rid of the Info_player_start (used in hl deathmatch) and add these instead,
info_player_terrorist and info_player_counterterrorist

Also, If you want to add a buyzone, do the following.

1. Create a solid box where you want your buyzone.
2. Right click the box, and goto "Tie To Entity" or hit (Ctrl-T)
3. Once that menu opens, on the left dropdown window under the "Class:" heading look for (or type in) func_buyzone (dont close the window yet!)
4. Once you have the func_buyzone added in the Class Dropdown. Look below it for the heading "Keyvalues:"
5. Click on the "Team Number (int)" that is in the key values list.

Once you have it (Team Number (int) selected look on the right side of the window, and you will see another dropdown menu with a "0" in it. Drop down the menu, and pick what type of spawn you want it to be! Terrorist, Ct.. its up to you. MAKE SURE YOU HIT "APPLY" BEFORE YOU HIT X TO CLOSE!
Thx bad pigeon, yeah i just figured out the player start thing a couple of seconds ago lol, i feel like a fool :D. Cheers for the buyzone info :thumbs:
badpigeon said:
Hey, Im posting this message here, becuase I dont want to flood the forums anymore than they already are...

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has tried adding water into their maps yet. I created a box where I want the water to be, then used right click, "tie to entity" then I selected func_water from the list. The only problem I have is, the water is water in the game, but it doesent look like water. It has the texture of a wall for its surface. Is there some way I have to add water textures to its surface? or possibly set it to render?

Any help would be appriciated. Thanks!

EDIT: btw, make a brush NOT AN ENTIY and then put nodraw on all sept for the top.

... btw, you will need the dev/water_2 or 3 from the leaked beta... its not in the gcf :(.
you will need the dev/water_2 or 3 from the leaked beta... its not in the gcf

No you don't. CSS does have several water textures and the page you just linked to shows you how to make your own.
Can someone tell me where to pu my files to be able to start my map in CS Source and test them?

Also, when I place an entity, and I right click and "create object" nothing appears after when I change tools. Am I doing something wrong?
The only thing im confused on is what the difference between a brush and an entity are..... its lame I know, but im confused.

I make a box, and I can tie it to and entity called func_water

Is this correct? do I just have to add the water texture to the top, and the nodraw to the sides and bottom?

The Water materials thing in the documentation doesent help me...
ok, so I got all the sides besides the top set to nodraw. So now do I need to find a water texture, and apply it to the top of the water brush?

How is the water animated?
New to the boards, hello.

Getting a 'bad path' kind of error when trying to compile with the 'run map' command. If it's evident here, would someone mind checking where I've gone wrong?

The command failed. Windows reported the error:

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\sourcesdk"

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\box.vmf" "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\box.vmf"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"The system cannot find the path specified."

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\box"

* Could not execute the command:
"C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe" "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\box"
* Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

I created some basic water movement by applying a water texture to the top of the brush.. the only thing is, I want the expensive look. I dont know where they are talking about all these parimeters... I dont see them anywhere. If someone could make some expensive water, and save the Hammer file I would like to disect it :D

My msn messenger is [email protected]

Thanks for the help tho!
I have a problem to configur the hammer-edior, i cant find the gameinfo.txt without it, hammer wont start and tells me that it needs this damn file :(

But theres no gameinfo.txt included in CS:S, so whats wrong?
that file is in your programfiles/steam/steamapps/(your user name)/sourceSDK/launcher

Set the path to that before you click ok to the error message by opening options. Set the path, hit apply/ok, click ok to the error, then restart hammer.

Set the path to that before you click ok to the error message by opening options. <-- I found that already out :)
I have a problem with the prefabs. As I already found out, there are no prefabs in the version we have downloaded from Steam legally (it's version 3.5 while only 3.4 had prefabs). And I do know how to create prop_ entities to have a room full of chairs and all that. Binding to physics is nice aswell but: is there any way to get the prefabs from 3.4? It's too much time wasted on creating those props_ (setting the texture and physical details and stuff). I don't need everything destructable.

Thanks for your help
Lorka, check this line of your parameters:

"C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\us ername\sourcesdk\cstrike_sampl e_content\maps\box.vmf"

Seems there is a random space in here
badpigeon said:
The only thing im confused on is what the difference between a brush and an entity are..... its lame I know, but im confused.

A brush is anything like architecture. There are two types of entities, brush-based and point-based. Point based are the kind that are invisible in-game, that don't require the player to touch/walk through, like lights, sprites, cameras... Brush based are usually triggers and physical things that the player has to interact with, like vehicles and doors.

One thing I can't figure out is how to use the displacement map terrain. Anybody figured it out?
I'm glad this thread is taking off. :)

I'm not that knowledgeable so all the stuff that I can answer so far has already been answered...

I'd like some help with my hostages though! :o
I know you have to place info_nodes for the hostages to follow, but my hostages still won't move!
Any thoughts?
badpigeon said:
that file is in your programfiles/steam/steamapps/(your user name)/sourceSDK/launcher

Set the path to that before you click ok to the error message by opening options. Set the path, hit apply/ok, click ok to the error, then restart hammer.

same problem, except this doesn't help me..........the compile screen still whinges about not being able to find it, even though the file is there:

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\the beanhacker\counter-strike source"

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\the beanhacker\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\maps\knobhead.vmf" "E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\the beanhacker\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\knobhead.vmf"

** Executing...
** Command: "e:\valve\steam\steamapps\the beanhacker\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: "E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\the beanhacker\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\knobhead"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Nov 4 2004)
2 threads
Unable to find gameinfo.txt relative to 'E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\the beanhacker\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\knobhead'. Solutions:

1. Set environment variable 'VPROJECT' to the path where gameinfo.txt is.
2. Place 'E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\the beanhacker\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\knobhead' below the path where gameinfo.txt is.
3. Add -game <path> on the command line where <path> is the directory that gameinfo.txt is in.

** Executing...
** Command: "e:\valve\steam\steamapps\the beanhacker\sourcesdk\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: "E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\the beanhacker\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\knobhead"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Nov 4 2004)
Unable to find gameinfo.txt relative to 'E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\the beanhacker\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\knobhead'. Solutions:

1. Set environment variable 'VPROJECT' to the path where gameinfo.txt is.
2. Place 'E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\the beanhacker\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\knobhead' below the path where gameinfo.txt is.
3. Add -game <path> on the command line where <path> is the directory that gameinfo.txt is in.

** Executing...
** Command: ""
** Parameters: -console +map "knobhead"
Stickied the thread :D

Jeremy: See if you can get the author of the smd exporter (not the valve on the modified one) to recompile it under max 6/7.

My request is this: Can someone make a tutorial/documentation of some sort on making .qc files and then utilizing studiomdl.exe?
SidewinderX said:
Stickied the thread :D

Cool! My first! :D

Still no takes on the hostages eh? Atleast the bomb site is working... :P

Those light_dynamic are making me very curious, but they don't seem to be working properly, they hardly emit any light at all...
SidewinderX said:
Jeremy: See if you can get the author of the smd exporter (not the valve on the modified one) to recompile it under max 6/7.

Hmm don't think that'll work since the new SMD code supports 3 links, but the old one doesnt. the SMD code is in the code SDK i'm sure :(

Therefor I think Valve are the only ppl that can release a plugin like this, or give a 3rd party person the code to do it
what are valid skynames? i cant seem to find them.

also i have a little question about brush based entities. do they have to be applied to a whole brush or can they be applied to a portion of a brush?

edit: silly me i found the skybox thing.. you just make a big hollow box then texture the inside of it..... right? using the sky textures from the texture bank. is taht right?
Wesisapie said:
what are valid skynames? i cant seem to find them.

also i have a little question about brush based entities. do they have to be applied to a whole brush or can they be applied to a portion of a brush?

edit: silly me i found the skybox thing.. you just make a big hollow box then texture the inside of it..... right? using the sky textures from the texture bank. is taht right?

Just type 'sky' in the texture search, and you'll get a bunch of skies. Pick one from it's base name. So 'skybox/cxlf' would be simply put 'cx' in map properties. The 'lf' refers to 'left,' the left side of the cube.

I don't understand your question about the brushes...
I know there isn't an armory entity, but has someone figured out a loophole so there can be guns spawned on the ground, like in Iceworld?
Nvm, I found it. Just make a point-entity and name it the gun that you want, with weapon_ in front of it. (weapon_m4a1)
Sweet, I was wondering how to do that :D, btw, does anyone know where the DX9 water textures are? I remember in the halflife2 video with the test maps they showed, the water deformed when objects moved in it..... is that part of the DX9 textures?

Any info would be helpful. Thanks!
Just a quick question - where is the barrel model and what is it called? I can create all the other prop_physic objects, but i just can't find the barrel :P
Is there anyway for me to get the SDK without buying HL2 over steam?
Can you download it?
And whens it gonna be released to everyone?
James Isaac said:
Just a quick question - where is the barrel model and what is it called? I can create all the other prop_physic objects, but i just can't find the barrel :P

It's under C17_props. It's called 'drum001.jpg' just click on it and you'll get the barrel.
When I run a custom map in cs:s, it doesn't render the skins right or something. Like ragdolls and the players hands that you can see are all dark and purpley.

What am I doing wrong?
Large Wooden Breakable Plank

I want to make a wooden plank, 96x300x2, that will span across a gap. I want you to be able to walk over it (prop_physics* doesnt allow you to walk over them very well) and I want it to be breakable, but not in the '3 shots and it splinters into a million pieces' way, but the '3 shots to break it in half, the 2 pieces fall' kind of way.

Any suggestions? I tried props_physics_multiplayer with model 'models/props_debris/wood_board05a.mdl', but the model is no where near the size I need, cannot be resized, and for some reason is invisible until it breaks.

- GIDustin
This is kind of embarrassing, but my skybox isn't working!

My map is inside a huge box (yes a hollow one :P), which is all covered in the texture tool/toolsskybox, and in map properties I've tried a few different names for skyboxes, like office, italy and hav.

What's wrong?

And also does anyone know why my hostages won't move, even though I'm ct and I have placed info_nodes here and there (in the hostages line of sight)..?

Any help appreciated..

GIDustin, I'll experiment for a bit and see if I can help you out.
GIDustin said:
I want to make a wooden plank, 96x300x2, that will span across a gap. I want you to be able to walk over it (prop_physics* doesnt allow you to walk over them very well) and I want it to be breakable, but not in the '3 shots and it splinters into a million pieces' way, but the '3 shots to break it in half, the 2 pieces fall' kind of way.

Any suggestions? I tried props_physics_multiplayer with model 'models/props_debris/wood_board05a.mdl', but the model is no where near the size I need, cannot be resized, and for some reason is invisible until it breaks.

- GIDustin

build a block brush and then apply the wood texture then with the pointer left click on the brish and then right click and tie to entity, then choose func_breakable and thenset material type wood and set strength and such same for glass
- I can't make func_breakable or func_breakable_surf entitis. I don't have them on my entity-list. I only have (starting on func_) func_ladderendpoint and func_usableladder?!?

- When im trying to run a map with prop_physics_clintside entitis. I get an error in the console saying that it can't find prop_physics_clientside, and all entitis of that type dosn't appear when i play the map. Whats wrong?