Source SDK help thread

func_breakable are probably brush based entities rather than point based.
Is there anyway to download the SDK without using steam? I have steam on my own computer but not an internet connection. I have access to the internet at uni, but I can't install programs on the computers here.

I'm unable to load any sort of prop in Hammer. When I place a 'prop_static' or 'prop_physics_multiplayer' in a map, and go to the 'world model' setting in preferences, clicking on the browse button does absolutely nothing. The program just sits there.
I can't find any prop-sounding files in the actual sdk directory either, if they're supposed to be there.
I have set up the program according to the tutorial at the official site, and I followed instructions on placing props found elsewhere on this forum, but I can't get it to work. I also appear to be the only person with this problem. I haven't had any other notable issues with the program.

Anybody have any ideas?
j1mmmy said:
func_breakable are probably brush based entities rather than point based.

Well done sir you have acheived a new level of intelligence. Now for some of the others you might try checking out some hl1 tuts and stop drooling over the use of prop_physics.
Well done sir you have acheived a new level of intelligence. Now for some of the others you might try checking out some hl1 tuts and stop drooling over the use of prop_physics.

some poeple should stop being such dicks and not pos tshit like this, if you're not going to help dont post

this is an extremely helpful thread, Im learning sme really cool stuff :D
bunch of questions that I would enjoy if you can answer! thanks

1) Importing your own textures into hammer?

2) How do you select individual sides so you can texture eac hside

3) also how do you change the texture of an object that has already been created?

4) Importing your own models? is it possbile at hte moment to do this?

thanks that would be great if you could answer these :D
when i try to open hammer it says
unable to find gameinfo.txt relative to ".Solutions:

1. Set environment variable 'VPROJECT' to the path where gameinfo.txt is.
2. Place " below the path where gameinfo.txt is.
3. Add -game <path> on the command line where <path> is the directory that gameinfo.txt is in.

then it has ok, and when i press it, it closes hammer
Kyo said:
Well done sir you have acheived a new level of intelligence. Now for some of the others you might try checking out some hl1 tuts and stop drooling over the use of prop_physics.
You have to accept with a new popular game come a lot of new modders. Many of them with no experience.

oldfaq said:
bunch of questions that I would enjoy if you can answer! thanks

1) Importing your own textures into hammer?

2) How do you select individual sides so you can texture eac hside

3) also how do you change the texture of an object that has already been created?

4) Importing your own models? is it possbile at hte moment to do this?

thanks that would be great if you could answer these :D
1) Can't help with that.

2) In the old hammer it was as simple as clicking the face you wanted whilst in texture application mode. I imagine with materials it is somewhat different.

3) I have some ideas but I'd prefer to wait tilll I'm sure.

4) I think you can if you use XSI. That's without having either
For custom content: I think it's the same for regular HL games. In your CS:S folder go into the folder where the file paths point to in Hammer, and just put a new file in that path. If the folder (ex: counter-strike source/cstrike/sound/de_mymap) doesn't exist, just create it, and Steam will detect it and load any files that are in it, as long as you have that path in Hammer. Hope that helps.
oMarKs said:
Is there anyway to download the SDK without using steam?

No. You need to wait until it's released to peeps that don't own CS:S/HL2. As of right now, those are the only peeps that get it, and because of that it's restricted to Steam.

oldfaq said:
2) How do you select individual sides so you can texture eac hside

3) also how do you change the texture of an object that has already been created?

thanks that would be great if you could answer these :D

2) Just hit the texture button, your curser will change to a little paint can with an arrow. In the 3D texture view, you can pick the side you want to change...

3) Same way, except if you want to change the whole thing at the same time, select it before you hit the texture button. You can also select multiple sides by holding down the Ctrl key as you make your selections.

Orgonomist said:
I can't find any prop-sounding files in the actual sdk directory either, if they're supposed to be there.

Anybody have any ideas?

They aren't there as props, models, whatever, in mine either. I think this was done to protect them, because I can only see them in Valve's model viewer, and inside of Hammer. I can't see them with any of my other model viewers/editors.

Orgonomist said:
I'm unable to load any sort of prop in Hammer. When I place a 'prop_static' or 'prop_physics_multiplayer' in a map, and go to the 'world model' setting in preferences, clicking on the browse button does absolutely nothing. The program just sits there.

This sounds like a bug... Save the project you are currently working on and reinstall the SDK. All of the files will be deleted and reinstalled, but you'll save your setup settings. I had to do this a couple of times, but it seems to get rid of little quirky things...

Frezz said:
- I can't make func_breakable or func_breakable_surf entitis. I don't have them on my entity-list. I only have (starting on func_) func_ladderendpoint and func_usableladder?!?

Create whatever it is you want breakable with brushes. IE: A wooden bridge... Then right click, Tie to Entity, func_breakable... I haven't played with this yet, but try it, let us know if it works...

Frezz said:
- When im trying to run a map with prop_physics_clintside entitis. I get an error in the console saying that it can't find prop_physics_clientside, and all entitis of that type dosn't appear when i play the map. Whats wrong?

First of all, only use these props when you don't care if everyone on the server knows where that prop is. IE: The bottles in dust. I can shoot the bottels, but they don't move for everyone else. The tires are made of a different entity, prop_physics_multiplayer. This gives the prop netcode, so what happens to it is sent to everyone else playing.

I don't know why they can't be found except perhaps this: Some models are already "prop_static" or whatever, and they wont show up if you try to make them a "prop_physics". Check in the model viewer, find the model you are using and then click on the "Bones" or "Attach to" tabs and find out what kind of prop it is.

Ok, I (tried to) answer a bunch for you guys, how about one for me? Whenever I put a prop in, it is fullbright. Why can't I get it to be dark if there is no light shining on it?
Thanks, HolySdrJR, I tried re-installing the SDK earlier, and it fixed the issue.
great replies, Im going to try some of this tonight :) thanks

Im trying to do what you told me, and man that's great being able to texture individual sides :D THANKS! lol Im so use to Radiant and Unreal ED
You're welcome guys, I'll try to help out as much as I can, I love to trouble shoot issues. I'll post as much as I know...

Something else I learned today: You need at least 55 units of clearance above a spawn point, but you can set the "entity" on the floor, right next to a wall. You just need at least 55 units of space above it...


HolySdrJR said:
Whenever I put a prop in, it is fullbright. Why can't I get it to be dark if there is no light shining on it?
-Viper- said:
Are you doing full compile, or just Rad with no Vis? That may be why the props are fullbright.

Thanks for the responce... I am doing full compile, and I realized there is no help for me...

Checking out all the official maps, all of the props I have tried to use have been 'fullbright'.

Apparently there's no help for me... Perhaps this is a question for Valve peeps. How can I ask them?
My problem was that I wasn't using any cubemaps.

Make sure you include them ;)
Cubemaps are Valve's way to have cheap reflections on models and surfaces of the geometry of the map. Two examples are the reflections in the scoped weapons and the shinyness of the walls in the parking lot in office. Unfortunately, right now cubemaps don't work in the SDK, for some kind of content reason. When they do fix the problem, after you have your compiled map loaded you'll have to type 'buildcubemaps' in console, and it will render them accordingly.

The entity is env_cubemap, and you should place them near reflective surfaces and in every area where there is noticeable geometry change. For the scope reflections, you'll want to place them 60 units above the ground.
Yeah, I'm kinda confused why putting cubemaps would light the props... oh well, as long as it works. :D
-Viper- said:
Yeah, I'm kinda confused why putting cubemaps would light the props... oh well, as long as it works. :D

I need a confirmation... What effect do these "cubemaps" have on prop's? Can you make a quick map that show's me what's up?
just plop 'em in.

I didn't have to configure them or anything.
Guys, I picked up a tip on these cubemaps...

Open up the cbble map example, copy a cubemap from there and paste it in your map... Works like a charm...
orrrrr, just place a env_cubemap entity in your level ;)
Question for you people ive been working on a new map for awhile now and though its not that big when i now go to run the compile it gets to the vvis.exe section and just goes on forever it gets all the way to 9... but never reachs 10, should this take hours or is there now something wrong with the map. Any advise is greatly apprieciated.
I have a question as well...

So I've figured out the process of exporting my .smds to .mdls....however, it's not working properly. I run it, and in the command line, everyhting works out, but the files it outputs are <1kb. any quick ideas?
Anyone figured out to load HL2 content in Hammer? I don't mean CS Source content but I can't find any HL2 related models like HL2 aliens.

Now suddenly I see at that the fully HL2 SDK will be released soon? what the hell? Why still wait?
Last I heard, Valve was waiting to release it until after the game was out. Then they said it could be a while because they wanted to make sure that all the content and tools worked properly before they released it to the community. I've heard that "soon" could mean anywhere from one week after the official release (meaning mid-week, this week) or in a month or so. :sleep: Now I have great faith in Valve, now that their game is released. Their support should be top-notch. So we'll just have to sit tight (or use all those little tricks you see on these forums to get into the HL2 content). Now that that's said: I pray to god they have decent documentation to go along with these wonderful tools, because with the exception of Hammer, I have no clue what I'm doing. (That would be the -HL1- Hammer...) And if XSI does come with the SDK it will be a godsend for me- I won't have to figure out how to "obtain" 3D-Max. Hope that helps. :thumbs:
:o Oh. *cough* Wasn't aware of that (obviously)... I just assumed it would be sent out with the SDK... :dozey:

Welp... thanks. lol. *watches everyone else come in, read the posts and groan at his lacking IQ* heh heh. Well, thanks.
I've created a few prop_static entities in my map such as a computer and a bookcase. In Hammer the entities show up and i can see them perfectly, but when i load up my map in cs:s they dont show up. The bookcase is invisible and i can see its shadow and it has an invisible boundary where it should be, while where the computer should be there is nothing at all.
Nugget said:
I've created a few prop_static entities in my map such as a computer and a bookcase. In Hammer the entities show up and i can see them perfectly, but when i load up my map in cs:s they dont show up. The bookcase is invisible and i can see its shadow and it has an invisible boundary where it should be, while where the computer should be there is nothing at all.
I'm having the same problem. Also, only one texture works. All the others get replaced with a pink/black checked thing. The texture that works is brick/brickfloor001a
Ebenol said:
I'm having the same problem. Also, only one texture works. All the others get replaced with a pink/black checked thing. The texture that works is brick/brickfloor001a
Aight, for both of you having problems with the props... I've had problems getting my props to show up also. Here's the deal - In the model viewer you can take a look at the prop. Then go to the last tab (bones or something) and see what kind of prop it is at "default". This is the kind of prop it was made to be, and certainly should work in the game. If not, try prop_physics_multiplayer.

SidewinderX said:
Question for you people ive been working on a new map for awhile now and though its not that big when i now go to run the compile it gets to the vvis.exe section and just goes on forever it gets all the way to 9... but never reachs 10, should this take hours or is there now something wrong with the map. Any advise is greatly apprieciated.
I need more info... Compiling a map depends entirely on processor speed (if you aren't doing anything else at the time, which I would HIGHLY recommend...) so how fast is your CPU?
Also, how big is your map. Some maps have taken a LONG time to compile, depending how many light sources, brushes, other entities, etc. there are. Go to Map, Show Information and let me know what's there...
Right, Am I the only one not finding any prefabs to place? O_o
Ummmh, ive got a bit of a problem with the SDK. Didnt want to make a new thread about it, so Ill put it here.

SDK loads nicely into the menu, but when I try to click on the Hammer or Model Viewer-icons, it gives me a error: "No game configuration to run with." Problem is, that Current game-tab wont work. Its empty, and if I click on it to choose CSS of HL2, nothing happens.
Ive tried booting both Steam and my computer and tried validating the files and tried running HL2. No help.
So? Anyone?
Beserker said:
Right, Am I the only one not finding any prefabs to place? O_o
There is none, make your own.. it contains props, materials, npc's etc. no prefabs.
Cukel said:
"No game configuration to run with."

I haven't seen this, but it looks like it could be fixed by deleting local content and then redownloading... It's not to big - so it shouldn't take long.

It's taking longer for me to install 2003... ::sigh::

Edit: also, you could try opening Hammer from the steam folder (not within the program) and configuring it that way...
Water in the Source Engine

badpigeon said:
Hey, Im posting this message here, becuase I dont want to flood the forums anymore than they already are...

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has tried adding water into their maps yet. I created a box where I want the water to be, then used right click, "tie to entity" then I selected func_water from the list. The only problem I have is, the water is water in the game, but it doesent look like water. It has the texture of a wall for its surface. Is there some way I have to add water textures to its surface? or possibly set it to render?

Any help would be appriciated. Thanks!


Make a block, allways horizontal.
Then give it the NODRAW texture on all sides, give only the TOP face a water texture.
Mind, there is a "cheap" water texture, so no reflection/refraction.
E.g take the "water_canals_water2" texture.
Mind that it takes a lot out of your system so, don't make a Waterworld and end up like Kevin :naughty:
You dont even have to make it a func_water to have the reflectiveness

Hope this helps