Source SDK help thread

Thanks! I have one other question: how can I make a unit patrol? Such as the police units. Just a simple back and forth progression. I can't seem to find anything online that actually tells me how to do it and I can't work it out on my own. The system is foreign to me.
I'm guessing it's mapping somehow. look on Valve's developer wiki at how to use hammer and see where that gets you.
I just looked through everything and what I am getting is path corners. Unfortunately, my NPC will stop at the first one and not continue on to the rest for some reason. At least he walks to one of them though. This makes me happy.
you should probably ask for help on the steampowered user forums; I'm sure someone there will know how to do it.
Ok, me and my friend are working on a few map packs( a full mod is in plans), and we have a problem : We want headcrab-less zombie models like in SMOD Tactical. Do we have to make that model from scratch or is there a way to make zombies headcrabless "easily"?(I guess there's a way since SMOD uses the same vanilla zombies as HL2,only without the headcrabs). Help would be much appreciated!
I'm not yet known how to remove them... I do know that the headcrab is put on the zombie model, so recreating the model wont work
maybe they got an command for it or else some lines in the source code.

good luck finding it
Ok, thanks anyway.. But I have an other question, something I probably should've asked in the first message as well. I want to crank up the difficulty in that said custom portal map we're currently crafting with the Hammer, how do I edit the player character's health lower than it's originally and how do I stop the health from regenerating?

If somebody knows how to do this for custom maps of the original Hl2, then it'd be nice to share that info too.

Sorry for asking too much this early since I've nothing to contribute back to the community yet (hopefully we can finish the map pack some day and share it here too but the work is in such an early state that it's hard to promise anything) .
I'm not yet known how to remove them... I do know that the headcrab is put on the zombie model, so recreating the model wont work
maybe they got an command for it or else some lines in the source code.

good luck finding it

Well, thanks for your reply, even though I'm still struggling with this problem.

I think I've found the command :

Entering "zombie_headcrabless 1" into the console results in the headcrab attachment model and headcrab death spawning scripts both being disabled, this can be reverted by placing "0" where "1" is.

However, I'm confused on how to use this as Hl2 deems this an "unknown command". And I know this headcrab surgery can be done.. Just getting frustrated because I have no idea how. Can anyone name good places to ask about this issue.
Team Fortress 2 refuses to even try to start a server with my custom level on it.

I usually wouldn't register for a forum just to try to get a bunch of people that don't know me to help me out with this, but I've tried everything possibly simpler than this, so here it goes.

The basic problem is that when I am in my level (Underground DeathmatchX1) editing it in Source SDK, I run the level, and it brings up TF2. What should happen is it instantly takes me into my own server hosting the level, but what actually happens is I am taken to the main page with Find a server, Create a server etc. If I go to Create a server, and select my level, then I press ok, the list of levels goes away, like normal, but then nothing else happens. I am just back on the list of levels again.

So that is the base of the problem, but I don't know if anyone can help me with that, so I might as well make it as easy as possible for those willing to help me with my problem. Here is a list of events and things I've tried leading to this point.

1: I made the level, but did not complete it. I only made around a third.
2: I ran the level, and everything worked fine. I even played a couple matches in it with a friend and some other people.
3: I exited TF2, went to source SDK and began adding static props, and multiplayer physics props. I saved under a new file and continued.
4: When I ran TF2 again, it took me straight to my old map. The only partially done one.
5: To fix this problem, I tried resaving somewhere else, deleting the old version of the map, copying and pasting my map into a new file and saving that, and even deleting the wrong map that it continued to load from my recycle bin, all to no avail.
6: Once I had finished trying all of those things, I ended up getting the original problem where it refused to try to load.
7: I sent the map to a friend that also uses Source SDK and TF2. He says that he got 2 errors that I did not. These errors were the failure to load 2 props (a regular hl2 oil drum, and a static Gman. I don't think it is a problem that I am using hl2 props because I used some boxcar crates from hl2 which had no problem)
8: I had my friend delete the problematic props and try to run it again. He did, and got my refusal to load error.
9: I tried deleting those props and got the same original error.
10: I vowed hatred to Source SDK for the rest of my life, googled all my problems to death, gave up and came here.

Sorry for the wall of text, but think that I am about to chew my arm off. I've only been working in SDK for a couple weeks, and have gotten errors before, but not this bad.

If needed, I can upload the compile log or the .vmf of the map itself somewhere if anyone would like them. Hopefully I am just being a noob and do not know about a very simple or common solution to this. I know you don't have to help me, so thanks to anyone who does try. Maybe it will be good for a challenge.
run the map and check in console
(activate this by the keyboard settings under the button "Advanced" check the Console checkbox then save your settings and press "~" next to the "1" button (not numpad))
and check which errors you'll receive.
maybe it will be clear for you then, elsewise report them here ;)
Just a quick question : I'm making a Hl2 sp map.. It has the basic layout and enemies. And when test running the map it works just fine..

Until I die. When I load, the game says "A.I disabled" on the right side of the screen and the enemies just stand there doing nothing until I use the "ai disable 0"-command with the console.

It's super-annoying, and I wonder if somebody knows what might be causing this problem, I might be able to fix this.
I can't run the map in console, because I can't run the map. When I go to run it, the main menu just sits there like nothing happened.
I had a similar map loading problem, but I fixed it eventually. I don't quite know what did it, but I reinstalled source, changed the name a bit, and even just waited for a while. Make sure the title consists only of lowercase letters and underscores, even try temporarily changing it all to letters. By the way, this is a really unimportant question but I can't find an answer. Whenever I put in a large object, I need to have the camera in a really awkward position to see it, and it's hard to work with. Is there a way to make it render (in the editor perspective) regardless of position?
If I make an npc assault/npc spawner to Portal, is this accomplished the same way as in Hl2 original? I'm sorry for constantly asking this, but it might be a crucial key to getting the map my friend is making work properly.
I have a quick question. I hope anyway... I made a new HL2MP Mod, compiled just fine, made a map with an info_player_start but when I try to load up the map either from the console or from start server it will load all the resources and whatnot but as soon as it is done it kicks me straight back to the menu. Any ideas? This works fine for a straight up HL2 mod, but not HL2MP. This is bugging the poo out of me. Below is what my console shows after trying to load the map.

maxplayers set to 2
Steam config directory: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\xxxxxxxxx\team fortress 2\platform\config
Couldn't find custom font file 'resource/HL2MP.ttf'
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/round_corner_nw
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/round_corner_ne
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/round_corner_sw
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/round_corner_se
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/solid_background
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/trans_background
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/hl2mp_logo
--- Missing Vgui material hud/leaderboard_dead
Hud element 'CAchievementNotificationPanel' doesn't have an entry 'AchievementNotificationPanel' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudHintKeyDisplay' doesn't have an entry 'HudHintKeyDisplay' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudHDRDemo' doesn't have an entry 'HudHDRDemo' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudFilmDemo' doesn't have an entry 'HudHDRDemo' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHUDAutoAim' doesn't have an entry 'HUDAutoAim' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudCommentary' doesn't have an entry 'HudCommentary' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Unknown command "sv_backspeed"
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'maps/background01.bsp'
map load failed: background01 not found or invalid
maxplayers set to 16
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Unknown command "sk_plr_dmg_crowbar"
Unknown command "sk_npc_dmg_crowbar"
Unknown command "sk_plr_dmg_stunstick"
Unknown command "sk_npc_dmg_stunstick"
Executing listen server config file
Precache of sprites/redglow1 ambigious (no extension specified)
exec: couldn't exec listenserver.cfg
Adding master server
Adding master server

Map: mymap
Players: 1 / 16
Build: 3704
Server Number: 1

VAC secure mode disabled.
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_TeamTrainWatcher'.
Client missing DT class CTeamTrainWatcher
Host_EndGame: CL_ParseClassInfo_EndClasses: CreateDecoders failed.

Dropped Deapa Waspo from server (Disconnect by user.)
How do I configure hammer to map half life source and half life deathmatch source?
For the info_node_air entities, they don't include a Name property to edit so I can't provide the manhacks with a childrens' hint group. Is there any solution to this weird problem?

Thank you.
I have a quick question. I hope anyway... I made a new HL2MP Mod, compiled just fine, made a map with an info_player_start but when I try to load up the map either from the console or from start server it will load all the resources and whatnot but as soon as it is done it kicks me straight back to the menu. Any ideas? This works fine for a straight up HL2 mod, but not HL2MP.

Have you tried a map with info_player_rebel and/or info_player_combine (I think) entities?

How do I configure hammer to map half life source and half life deathmatch source?

On the Valve Developer wiki there's an .fgd, then you need to open sourcesdk/bin/ep1/bin/GameConfig.txt and add an entry for Half-Life Source.
PortalFlow: 0...1.. error

When trying to compile my map I get to the part where it says

1302 portal clusters
5162 numportals
BasePortalVis: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (2)
PortalFlow: 0...1..

And this is as far as it goes. My computer's fan goes balistic and it slows my whole computer. I noticed it getting worse and worse as I made my map bigger, first only a small delay with a few installment, then taking nearly 30mins to get to number 3.

Then, because when clicking it tells me it is not responding, I click close the program. When trying to reopen SourceSDK or any other steam program to be precise, I get this message

Hammer Error:

EnumerateApp( 211) failed:
SteamEnumerateApp(211,0x7a8fcd4,0x7a8d1c)failed with error1: The registry is in use by another prcoess, timeout expired.

What do I need to do to sort out my problem, because I can't compile any maps I make?
processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHZ
Memory (RAM): 3.00GB
System type: 32-bit Operating System
Graphics card: GeForce 8600GS
I would've thought that could deal with map compilation pretty easily.
Is the map really really big and pushing the engines limits?
I don't know, but my CPU goes to 100% and the computer's fan goes into over drive