South Park vs. The Simpsons

Which do you like more?

  • South Park

    Votes: 43 35.8%
  • The Simpsons

    Votes: 77 64.2%

  • Total voters
The Thing said:
From "Lisa On Ice," probably the funniest episode. :)

Bart: OK, but on my way, I'm going to be doing this: [windmills arms]
If you get hit, it's your own fault.
Lisa: OK, then I'm going to start kicking air like this. [kicks] And
if any part of you should fill that air, [kicks] it's _your_ own
[they walk towards each other, then start fighting]
Marge: Oh, I better go check that out. Now Homer, don't you eat this
Homer: OK...[Marge leaves] All right, pie, I'm just going to do this.
[chomps air] And if you get eaten, it's your own fault!
[walks towards pie, chomping air, and hits head on range head]
Ow! Oh, my -- aw, to hell with this. [grabs pie, eats it]

Marge: Stop it, stop it, stop it! [flicks light on and off]
Bart: Mom, that is _really_ annoying.
Lisa: Bart started it.
Bart: Uh uh, Lisa started it.
Marge: I don't care _who_ started it. I don't ever want to see you two
fighting like that ever again. We love you both: you're _not_ in
competition with each other. Repeat: you are not in competition
with each other.
Homer: Hey! Apu just called. This Friday, Lisa's team is playing
Bart's team. You're in direct competition. And don't go easy on
each other just because you're brother and sister. I want to see
you both fighting for your parents' love!
[flicks light on and off]
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!...

From the same episode (my favourite :))

Homer: Alright boy, but if you lose, I'll kill ya!
All: *laughing*
Homer: Grrr.
Bart: Wah!
Suicide42 said:
i have the last two series on DVD box set... and soon i will have them all!!! bwahahhaha... bwahhahah...BWAWHAHAHAH!

btw each box set is £15 on, which means you can get every futurama episode EVER (thats about 80) for £60. owned.

Family Guy > Futurama
hmv were selling series 1,2,3 of the simpsons for 20pounds! a bargain!
CptStern said:
is it in english? I've seen the simpsons in spanish and it's nothing like the original...all the voices are so screwed up..almost as if it's one person doing all the voices. Plus there are so many in-jokes around north american culture and politics that I'm sure they wouldnt make to much sense in another language

Of course on English, I would vomit if i saw it with swedish dubbing(?). We uses subtitles on ALL sort of forein programs.
The best episode is where Homer gets a gun.
Anyone seen that episode?
Yepp, I have. It's not the best episode, but one of them.
"This gun took everything from me, my wife, my family... now all I have is my sweet, sweet gun."

Heh, it was cool for a new episode. When the latest season aired here the first episode (the halloween one) was also deceptively good. The homer as death thing (stolen from Family Guy... which stole from Simpsons so it's cool :)) was great IMO.
I voted for the simpsons, i think the humor is a bit better :)
although i like both
*Ding Dong*

Homer: Just a minute! *sound of struggling*

Door opens.

Lady: Mr Simpson, I... Is that a paper bag you're wearing!?

Homer: *with great dignity* I have misplaced my pants.

And at the end of the conversation the groceries fall out of the bottom of the bag.
What about the episode when the germans buy the powerplant!
Homer gets a call from his stockbroker and he sell his shares for a little money only for the shares to go up due to the take over! homer goes to moes to buy an imported duff beer and goes home to his family who are so pleased for him! Doh! He goes into work next day and his friends are all loaded! lenny gets a face lift and sports cars all round class! great episode!

I recommend series three of the simpsons as the one to get if dont want to buy them all. The menu's are better layed out .
Pogrom said:
*Ding Dong*

Homer: Just a minute! *sound of struggling*

Door opens.

Lady: Mr Simpson, I... Is that a paper bag you're wearing!?

Homer: *with great dignity* I have misplaced my pants.

And at the end of the conversation the groceries fall out of the bottom of the bag.

haha, i totaly forgot about that joke, one of the funniest simpsons moments ever.
South Park is way better, The Simpsons got old 14 seasons ago.
No no no you are very much wrong.
The simpsons has a sophisticated sense of humour that rises above the south park humour which only shocks, admittely funny sometimes but not always,
the whole family finds the simpsons funny. they do push the boundries sometimes with there humour but never to the detriment of the script. If I had more time I would write you an essay on why the simpsons is funnier than southpark but I better get back to my college work!
If you think South Park is only farthumor, you need to check out the new episodes.

That episode where they´re in anime mode 1/4 of the time is hilarious, notice how the ending has a certain message. It's just not spelled out for you like in some other shows, I guess that's why people think it's only about farthumor and cussing.

If you watch some of the newers SP episodes wit han open mind, and you still don't get it, you might want to question your IQ...

South Park awesome, cool that they're not afraid to critisice(sp??) things.

But Family Guy wins because of the all out hilariousness of every single episode so far! Too bad there was no option to vote for it........
i'm a fan of both but i think the simpsons have gone WAY DOWN HILL in the past couple of years. the stories are lame and include 'guest stars' lots of the times. what ever happened to the good old stories of marge trying to shut down itchy and scratchy, homer's weight gain challenge. those were classic now the shows seem.. to polished, and the stories arent down to earth.
On a final note it will be interesting to see if southpark will last as long as the simpsons? The simpsons are not afraid offending people espesically themselves (americans) There is no question that the simpsons is far funnier than the south park. only terence and philip can come close.

Simpsons rules!
Bad^Hat said:
Family Guy is just class, from start to finish :)

Still, it's a complete rip of Simpsons, and not quite so memorable. Simpsons pwns.

How is it a complete rip-off of the Simpsons? How? Other then the father being a complete idiot, what makes it a rip-off?
Homer simpson is actually quite a complex fellow. He is a kind hearted man who works hard for a living. he only likes simple pleasures like a duff beer after a harddays work and some good food. He is good role model as a father. He has a wry sense of humour. Homer Simpson rules!
Homer! Homer! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: Duff beer!
I voted for South Park because it has been funny from the start, whilst The Simpsons seem to be really going down the drain in the last few years...
The simpsons has been funny from the start and continues to have fresh ideas they continue to produce original ideas.

stretch your imagination and open your mind!

Welcome to Homers world!
Homer: [answering the door] Who is it?
Voice: Goons.
Homer: Who?
Voice: Hired goons.
Homer: Hired goons? [opens the door]
Goons: [take Homer roughly away]

Homer is taken to mr Burns who's waiting in the avairy. A bird that looks like mr Burns flies past and lands on his shoulder.

Homer:You could have called
Mr Burns: I find the telephone too impersonal. I prefer the hands on approach of Hired Goons

Classic simpsons humour