Spawning npcs, require help


I find it fun to have zero gravity NPC battles, with the gravity variable set to 0. I don't remember the exact name, but if you do a "find gravity" you'll find it.

I made an awesome 3-way battle between SMG-weilding Combine, crowbar-wielding citizens, and some ant lions.

They stayed on the ground until they either died and ragdolled, or if they got knocked hard enough to get off the ground yet live.

The stray crowbars would float around, occasionally hitting things with a nice "clink" With dozens upon dozens of them floating, it had a nice chime effect.

I'll post some screenshots later.

Also, if you set the gravity modifyer to a negative number, things will float upwards until they hit the top of the skybox.

I had a weird thing going where I would spawn combine, they would float up, and if they died up there, they would fall back down to Earth. It was raining combine, with the help of some rockets and grenades.
Yea, I'd like the white combine. The blue ones die too quickly when I pit them against Citizens o_o.
yeah vortiguants seem to own the lot of all the enemies. Get like 5 vortigaunts againts 20 combines and only like 2 vortigaunts would die.
say.. anyone know how to turn friendly fire off so I can cap those citizens in the head with a 357?
If anyone wants to spawn a strider and be able to control its massive cannon, add these to the config file/type them into the console:

bind "." "give npc_strider"
bind "m" "ent_setname strider"
bind "," "ent_setname dead; ent_fire strider setcannontarget dead"

Float a little into the air using noclip, press '.' to spawn a strider, look up at it and press 'm' to name it, then look at whatever you want to make dead and press ','. It's a little temperamental, but it works well enough.
Is their anyway to spawn objects in the map as well? Like water mellons, bricks, cars etc. I want to make a mountain of cars !
That's something to do with props, I think; not too sure about their commands.

I've tried spawning npc_turret_floor but they crash my game everytime, just as they hit the ground and fall over.

Vortigaunts kick a helluva lot of arse... and one of my first modding attempts will be turning the "npc_sniper" into a real enemy, rather than an immobile model with an invisible rifle with a lasersight... still fun to use if you line a clifftop with them and watch them splatter everything :p
diescreaming, whats ur comp specs? dont u lag when you did that?
Hmm, weird citizens! They insist on dropping their alyxguns to go for crowbars... heheh, clearly they prefer going up close. Ironic, considering how long they spend running away from antlions :LOL:

I can give a weapon_stunstick to a npc_combine_s, but they don't use it properly, just as with crowbars- I'll have to try with normal Metrocops. A group of Combine with weapon_annabelle shotguns cause a surprising amount of pain, mind!

EDIT: Oh yeah, and can someone humour an idiot and post the AI disabling command again, please?
does anyone know how to spawn things like boxes, barrels and other things like that?
ktimekiller said:
diescreaming, whats ur comp specs? dont u lag when you did that?
3 gighz 1 gig mem 9800 pro radeon

i also used one of those multiplayer maps that dont have much to them. :sniper:
does anyone know how to make it so the bodies disappear sooner?
Ichthyosaur shame

These guys really got my heart racing when I played Hl1, they made a hurrendous noise and they are on the teleporter msitake where you are transported one place to another by accident so i was really looking forward to my next encounter, believe me every time i passed any expanse of water ( a puddle ) in HL2 I had my biggest gun at the ready sure one would jump out at me. But it never happened.
Are they not in the game at all?
I have been let down by a number of things in the game, no sniper rifle,m249, flaregun or stunstick as advertised and the variety of enemies are smaller which is off pissing much. I am new to spawning enemies and am going to try out everything here. Please psot any new commands that spawn enemies and a list of the working commands and proceedures in total would be really appreciated for lots of people here. Thanks a million. Oh do your binds have to be reset everytime you exit the game, do they save when you save? And if a bind messes up can you restore defaults and erase any binds you made? Just worried my HL2 will crash and stay broken, took me long enough to install and connect to steam as it was.
:borg: :imu:
Lemar, a guy to aspire to!
Actually, I'd guess he'd turned gravity to 0, turned on noclip, and simply picked things up and dropped them in place for a nice little diorama.

-Angry Lawyer
Has anyone figured out a way to spawn a Combine elite?

Things I've tried:

npc_combine (crashed the game)
no clue. have you guys tried "give weapon_alyxgun" or "give weapon_annabelle" yet? I've tried it with alyxgun, it works, but the model is backwards in first person. Still fires forwards though. I tried it with the stunstick, but it just gave me more juice for my suit.
saw these binds on another forum

bind "b" "npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2; wait; wait; npc_create npc_combine_s"
bind "n" "npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun; wait; wait; npc_create npc_citizen"
bind "m" "npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1; wait; wait; npc_create npc_combine_s"
bind "/" "npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1; wait; wait; npc_create npc_citizen"
bind "," "npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2; wait; wait; npc_create npc_citizen"
bind "." "npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun; wait; wait; npc_create npc_combine_s"
PvtRyan said:
Has anyone figured out a way to spawn a Combine elite?

Things I've tried:

npc_combine (crashed the game)

There's a command which you can type when you look at an npc which tells you their name (ent_show_response_criteria, I think). I looked at a combine elite and it was just npc_combine_s. There may be a way to spawn one and make it elite with another command, but I have no idea what. Type ent_info npc_combine_s and look at the inputs, there might be something in there.
Here's what I get looking at a combine elite:

RESPONSE CRITERIA FOR: npc_combine_s (citadel_npc_sold_pushpullhall2_1_3)
map = 'd3_citadel_03'
classname = 'npc_combine_s'
name = 'citadel_npc_sold_pushpullhall2_1_3'
health = '70'
healthfrac = '1.000'
skill.cfg = '1'
super_phys_gun = '1'
playerhealth = '93'
playerhealthfrac = '0.930'
playerweapon = 'weapon_physcannon'
playeractivity = 'ACT_WALK'
playerspeed = '400.111'
gordon_precriminal = '0'
Ragdoll separation flags: 0007 (4774)

And a combine soldier:

RESPONSE CRITERIA FOR: npc_combine_s (citadel_npc_sold_pushpullhall2_1_4)
map = 'd3_citadel_03'
classname = 'npc_combine_s'
name = 'citadel_npc_sold_pushpullhall2_1_4'
health = '50'
healthfrac = '1.000'
skill.cfg = '1'
super_phys_gun = '1'
playerhealth = '92'
playerhealthfrac = '0.920'
playerweapon = 'weapon_physcannon'
playeractivity = 'ACT_WALK'
playerspeed = '315.900'
gordon_precriminal = '0'
I don't get it, they both have the same class name, its like the elite has a hidden selection that allows it to look different.

Anyways this is the 4th forum I have visited inquiring about spawning and such and this is the only one that has given me some answers! I think I will stay here. :)

Here are some pics:

Having fun in the train yard:

Me? Sadistic? nooo........
abconners said:
Does anyone know how to make bodies disappear quickly?

Aim at the body you want to make disapear and type in console "impulse 203". That should work.

Q: What was the command to slow down time again?
MagicalMonkey, yeah I figured that out too, thnx. I used ent_remove while looking at the super soldier and it said it deleted npc_combine_s, that's how I found out :)

But it seems to me that the Elite isn't just another pretty skin with more health, it has different AI routines too since it's able to use secondary fire of the pulse rifle. Also it doesn't use grenades.
Don't know if it's smarter too, but that was what I was trying to find out. I found that making them battle a load of zombies is a good way to test AI.

Things I've found:

Combine - Don't retreat when approached by zombie, but continue to fight up close with it and melee it until he is dead or the zombie. Have good priorities (they will kill the weaker headcrab that is attacking them over the stronger zombie that is far away). They are usually defeated.

Resistance fighter - Retreat when zombies approach them, and because of that, they always win, even heavily outnumbered.
Have poor priorities, will completely ignore the headcrabs until all the stronger enemies (= zombies) are dead.

But this may not be accurate since it's afterall just spawn commands, and I don't think it automatically appoints a squad leader like you can in Hammer which may improve AI performance.
And, if we assume that the Medic is to the Citizen what the Elite Combine is to the Combine Soldier, then, there's no way they're just different skins. The medic has the extra AI routine where it gives the player and other citizens health.

Maybe this is something that has to be done in Hammer. Like, maybe you have to set a specific flag on an entity to make it an "elite" version, and we can't do that ingame
BMKane said:
And, if we assume that the Medic is to the Citizen what the Elite Combine is to the Combine Soldier, then, there's no way they're just different skins. The medic has the extra AI routine where it gives the player and other citizens health.

Maybe this is something that has to be done in Hammer. Like, maybe you have to set a specific flag on an entity to make it an "elite" version, and we can't do that ingame

There's an input on citizens which makes them medics. SetMedicOn, I think.If that is the command, then you'd have to look at a citizen and type "ent_setname medic; ent_fire medic setmedicon". I've made a citizen a medic before, although their model stayed as a normal citizen.

Aso, does anyone have any idea if it's possible to change a variable like this from the console:

RESPONSE CRITERIA FOR: npc_combine_s (citadel_npc_sold_pushpullhall 2_1_3)
super_phys_gun = '1'
For changing a variable, have you tried "IncrementVar"? The only problem is, it might change the variable globally, for everything.

Wow, ent_fire is used to set switches on entities? That's quite hacky, how did you ever figure that one out? However you discovered it, it's brilliant. There's also an Input called "skin," so maybe if we can find out which skin Medics use, we could bind something like this to a key:

"npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun; wait; npc_create npc_citizen; wait; wait; ent_setname medic; ent_fire medic SetMedicOn; ent_fire medic skin <name of the medic's skin>"

A long bind, but it'd make a citizen, with a shotgun, set their medic flag, and give them a medic skin. Maybe something like this could work for the Elite Combine, as well. I've been hearing people talking about looking through the materials files, does anyone here that did that know the names of the skins?

Oh, and, with ent_show_response_criteria, I only get the first line (RESPONSE CRITERIA FOR: npc_citizen (npc_citizen)), not any of the other stuff. Is that just because the entities I've tried it on didn't have anything else, or am I missing something?
BMKane said:
Wow, ent_fire is used to set switches on entities? That's quite hacky, how did you ever figure that one out?

Oh, and, with ent_show_response_criteria, I only get the first line (RESPONSE CRITERIA FOR: npc_citizen (npc_citizen)), not any of the other stuff. Is that just because the entities I've tried it on didn't have anything else, or am I missing something?

You need to have developer on verbose (developer 2) for all the other stuff to come up.

I found the ent_fire thing on a google search for console commands. I found a command to let you set things on fire and it contained ent_fire. I looked it up in a cvar list to find out exactly what it did, and now ent_fire strider setcannontarget is my best friend.
Revolver707 said:
how to spawn the turrets that deactivate on fall??

"npc_create npc_turret_floor"

They are hostile though so they will attack you and not the enemy, must be a hammer flag to make them allied.