Spawning npcs, require help

How do I get rid of the bodies? I tried impulse 203 but it works on all other things except bodies , it seems like bodies don't count as entities.
When I spawn Citizens and that Priest. It chrashes my game back to the desktop.
I have freaken made like 200 different star ship troopers reinactments now its not even funny.
Actualy, yeah it is ROFLLOLOLOLOL.

Good find with this npc spawning :D
I'd just like to see a full complete list of all the npc's we can spawn.
I saw the 2 or 3 that are in this thread but they look incomplete.

Revolver707 said:
how to save the binds ??plz help me soon!

put them in your config.cfg or create an autoexec.cfg or userconfig.cfg

found in C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/username/Half-Life2/hl2/cfg
Found a way to make turrets stand up, Just spawn them while holding the rocket launcher. They stand up find.
actually from some tests i've done with combine ai (having them fight random crap for my amusement)

it seems that combine troops already in a level are significantly better than those that you just spawn in.

I took a look at some combine troops in the group of houses right next to the big ass bridge and they were smart enough to backpedal while shooting and keep their distance from the zombie horde i created for them. However then combine troops that i spawned in were quickily overrun as they stood their ground.

I did notice something though, if given the chance a combine troop will shoot from cover such as from behind a window or a door frame.

Unfortunately they don't seem to care too much about friendly fire. When i spawned a poison zombie and he started throwing black h-crabs at the soldiers the soldiers in their zeal would gun down the unfortunate trooper to have the crab land at his feet. Also if the troops are in a large group and the target begins to move, the soldiers in front usually get gunned down.

if the soldiers were to be made more smart, they'd need to spread out a bit more, backpedal more often, and hold their fire if they are going to hit friendlies, oh and be more accurate, they have a nasty case of stormtrooper syndrome (not able to hit the broadside of a barn)
Missing caption for 'npc_eli.footstepright'


anyone saw this announcement when getting down the lift en seeing eli for the first time....?

how can i solve it?

kind regards

it seems that combine troops already in a level are significantly better than those that you just spawn in.

I took a look at some combine troops in the group of houses right next to the big ass bridge and they were smart enough to backpedal while shooting and keep their distance from the zombie horde i created for them. However then combine troops that i spawned in were quickily overrun as they stood their ground.

Noticed exactly the same, spawned soldiers are weak compared to soldiers already present. My theory: those soldiers have a leader and are a team, soldiers you spawn are individuals.

Resistance fighters however, seem less team based, and will back off when a zombie is approaching.

About friendly fire, it's really good compared to other games and especially HL (was really annoying in HL, because they didn't care at all for FF). They handle it really well, unless you start spawning an excessive amount of soldiers or surround them with enemies, it's something pretty rare. Never saw a soldier get killed by a grenade, most of the times it was by a shotgun which is basically one hit kill when point blank. In HL1, when they saw an enemy, they'd shoot at it, regardless of a friendly target in the line of fire, in HL2, they'll reposition themselves.
MagicalMonkey said:
If anyone wants to spawn a strider and be able to control its massive cannon, add these to the config file/type them into the console:

bind "." "give npc_strider"
bind "m" "ent_setname strider"
bind "," "ent_setname dead; ent_fire strider setcannontarget dead"

Float a little into the air using noclip, press '.' to spawn a strider, look up at it and press 'm' to name it, then look at whatever you want to make dead and press ','. It's a little temperamental, but it works well enough.

Although the console checks everything right, the strider doesn't fire :(
Slime said:
Although the console checks everything right, the strider doesn't fire :(
Its a bit iffy.
It can only be livving NPC's(So dont attempt to blow up a house or the ground or a corpse) and you cant have more than 1 livving NPC named dead, the strider will get confuzed and just cancle out the order.
So for isntance, your strider is name strider 1. You would then look at resistance member and use the fire command on that alive resistance member. Hopefully everything should check out and the strider will blow tha bastage away.

However, lets say you have strider1 and two resistance memebers, and you just acidently named both dead through the fire command. The strider will just sit there using his main gun to slowly kill them. To fix this you must then (for simplicity sake) look at both of the named dead, push the strider rename(so then they also become strider1. Dont worry, the computer wont get confused.) and then look at only one, and rename it to dead through the fire bind. Then hopefully the strider will fire off.

Confused? I am.

Confused? Infact, that made perfect sense to me. I had a great time watching 10 Grigoris smoke beneath the all-powerful strider! Thank you very much.
An update on the Skin input. Since the SDK was released, I thought I'd look at the HL2 models, and the Combine Super Soldier, Prison Guard, and Soldier, are three seperate models. Additionally, there're four models for each Civilian type (Jumpsuit, Labcoat, Rebel, and Rebel Medic), so the Skin input can't be used to change the appearance of Civilians so they look like Medics, or Combine so they look like Supersoldiers
bgesley426 said:
put them in your config.cfg or create an autoexec.cfg or userconfig.cfg

found in C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/username/Half-Life2/hl2/cfg

thanks :thumbs:
KniFerZSuperMan said:
AcousticToad said:
The strider in the ground prob can sometimes be fixed by going to a high place and using npc_create_aimed, the strider just stands around and doesn't move though, it shoots its gun but not the secondary beam weapon, you can kill it and use its legs to kill enemies too which is pretty funny.

I know how to make it fire the secoundary Beam weapoan :naughty: :hmph: If you ask i'll tell you
It has already been posted.

Do you feel special anymore? :p

to spawn with weapons.. first.. that weapon has to be one of the types that CAN beused by it.

example for Father Gregory with shotgun (shotgun is only gun he can hold)

npc_create_equipment weapon_annabelle; npc_create npc_monk

but remember.. the weapon has to be one that it can wield. a list of npcs and more on this website.

there you go. you can go there. and you should know if you played over hl2 the weapons each monster can wield. (if u spawn one it can't weild, they will still have no weapon and it will drop to the floor.) :sniper: