Spicey Girlly pic(Kirsten Dunst) *56K Warning*


Ronnie James Dio, or Carla from cheers...you decide.

DIO!!!! Awesome!! /me headbangs to Last in Line
Since when is plaid + wifebeater = wigger?

The jewelry would work towards that if it was a guy, but this is a girl.

The gang signs look like she's just messing around. Gang signs in an 'emo style' photograph usually are meant as a joke.

But she's not a wigger, she's a chav D:
She's white, and she's wearing the plaid, and the wife-beater, and the jewelry, and the gang sings. Basically a wigger.

(I'm from the US too, btw)

I'm pretty sure she's just fooling around. Let's of people do that to make a funny :dozey:
lol These women are hot! I wish my girlfriend looked like most of these women :naughty:
lol These women are hot! I wish my girlfriend looked like most of these women :naughty:

Don't be so shallow. Admire your girlfriend for who she is, not who you want her to be.