Spicy Food Tolerance

Yeah I'm gonna hit up that Naga shit when I can. Or drink some Capsaician god damn.
The Scoville Scale. As you can see, the hottest pepper known to mankind is the Naga Jolokia pepper. I could probably only withstand up to Tabasco sauce.
Wow, look at that bitch. That shit is intense red like, "I DARE you to eat me!" :devil:

I could stand probably up to Serrano pepper - maybe a little higher, but it would be seriously unpleasant. It gets to a point where you can't drink any more water because your too full, yet the fire still burns. You're ****ed.
God damn iggers use that shit in nades and shit. ****in put that nade on my ****in dish yo.
Yeah I'm gonna hit up that Naga shit when I can. Or drink some Capsaician god damn.
Here you go. The 16 million reserve is sold out, but they have a 2 million scoville one that is still available I think.




taken from the website "What you will find inside of my Famous Reserve bottle is amazing, a 1ml pharmaceutical grade vial filled with this unreal Pure Capsaicin Crystal.--ONLY 999 PRODUCED--- SOLD OUT - PLEASE NOTE BLAIRS 16 MILLION IS NOT A SAUCE OR AN INGREDIENT. THIS PRODUCT IS MADE AVAILABLE FOR EXPERIMENTAL/DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY.SOLD OUT------ "
Wow, look at that bitch. That shit is intense red like, "I DARE you to eat me!" :devil:

I could stand probably up to Serrano pepper - maybe a little higher, but it would be seriously unpleasant. It gets to a point where you can't drink any more water because your too full, yet the fire still burns. You're ****ed.

Why drink water? All that does is spreads the irritation throughout the mouth even more, intensifying the effect since capsaicin is hydrophobic.

Drink milk, or eat sugar. Milk will carry it away.

Yeah I'm gonna hit up that Naga shit when I can. Or drink some Capsaician god damn.

If you consume pure capsaicin I am pretty sure you would probably die.

In large quantities, capsaicin can cause death.[19] Symptoms of overdose include difficulty breathing, blue skin, and convulsions. The large amount needed to kill an adult human and the low concentration of capsaicin in chilies make the risk of accidental poisoning by chili consumption negligible.
Well anyways I doubt it'd have flavor, just some pure killing power and shit makes it not different from alcohol.
Curries from Sri Lanka and some Thai and Lao dishes have the power to kill your taste buds. In a good way.

I find Thai dishes fair, I mean the first time it was rather hot, other than that its been pretty mild and delicious.

I remember a time where i just ate thai sweet chilli while watching Mothman
Yeah Thai dishes aren't usually that hot. Except when I had some prepared in Sri Lanka, they were pretty spicy, though I was just about able to handle it. SL has the hottest foods I've tasted.
Eh well I've had extensive experience with their stuff and there are only a couple of things I didn't like. Also there's loads of things you get there you don't really get at SL restaurants in other countries which are delicious.
I can't believe some of you recommended tobasco. That's easily the worst tasting hot sauce to me. Sriracha and Cholula are probably the nicest mainstream ones I've found so far. Neither are ridiculously strong but the Sriracha is a little hotter I think.

Speaking of spicy food, just ate some mofuggin Indian food **** yeah.
Yeah, what's with you ******s enjoying a brand of hot sauce I don't even know how to spell? The nerve.

Instead of making fun of my spelling why not just keep an open mind and try something new. Who knows, you may prefer it. I do. TAbasco is rubbish.
why not just keep an open mind
Crushenator 500 said:
TAbasco is rubbish.
Uh huh.

And I do have an open mind, but you can go jump in front of a train as far as I'm concerned if you're shitting on me for liking Tabasco. I'm willing to try any sort of new hot sauce and in fact will check out the two you recommended. Pretty sure I've had Cholula before though.
I love spicy foods, but unfortunately GOOD spicy food around here is expensive. There's a place called Lemon Grass that has a fantastic curry selection. We also have a family recipe for hot sauce, and it makes chicken taste awesome. There's also a place in town that specializes in hot sauces: http://www.hotshoppe.com/
Uh huh.

And I do have an open mind, but you can go jump in front of a train as far as I'm concerned if you're shitting on me for liking Tabasco. I'm willing to try any sort of new hot sauce and in fact will check out the two you recommended. Pretty sure I've had Cholula before though.

The hottest sauce I've had is called Dave's Insanity Salsa. It's made with Red Savina chillies, the second hottest in the world, and it tastes amazing.

It's also invincible, it's been in my fridge for almost 2 years now and just kills any mould that dares try and grow on it.
The hottest sauce I've had is called Dave's Insanity Salsa. It's made with Red Savina chillies, the second hottest in the world, and it tastes amazing.

It's also invincible, it's been in my fridge for almost 2 years now and just kills any mould that dares try and grow on it.

With a name like ChiliFan, I would hope you'd enjoy spicy foods. :D
With a name like ChiliFan, I would hope you'd enjoy spicy foods. :D

I knew I shouldn't have posted in this thread with this username. Refers to an ex-Grand Prix motorcycle racer called Pierfrancesco Chili, not the food. :p

But anyway yeah I ****ing love hot foods.
I can't believe some of you recommended tobasco. That's easily the worst tasting hot sauce to me. Sriracha and Cholula are probably the nicest mainstream ones I've found so far. Neither are ridiculously strong but the Sriracha is a little hotter I think.

Had a bottle of this once, good with pizza.
So I just consumed a whole fresh, dark green jalapeno in a minute. Starting from the tip, working my way to the end. It wasn't bad at all, and only at the very butt, about the last inch, had any significant spice.

I do have one aching question though, after having consumed jalapenos in various states.

Are they supposed to taste like bell peppers? I mean seriously, these things taste just like friggen bell peppers, other than the spice. Whenever I have pickled jalapenos they taste completely different, and I get that unique jalapeno flavor I am used to. But when I eat them fresh, they taste like a bell pepper. Kind of boring as a result. Other jalapeno flavored things I've had taste more like the pickled versions and not fresh.

Why are you eating raw chillis like fruits? I love spicy food of all kinds but I don't eat chillis raw like that. I don't think I've ever known anyone who does either, no matter how distant. If you're trying to build up a spicy tolerance or something then I definitely wouldn't go about it by eating raw chillis. They're milder in foods. Well, it depends on the food, but raw chillis aren't the weakest you can start with by any means.
Why are you eating raw chillis like fruits? I love spicy food of all kinds but I don't eat chillis raw like that. I don't think I've ever known anyone who does either, no matter how distant. If you're trying to build up a spicy tolerance or something then I definitely wouldn't go about it by eating raw chillis. They're milder in foods. Well, it depends on the food, but raw chillis aren't the weakest you can start with by any means.

That's okay. I'm trying to bulldoze through the jalapenos.

I'm taking massive bites, seed and veins, consuming everything but the stem. Letting the heat build up in my mouth and sitting there training myself not to get a drink of milk or a bite of bread or anything. To feel the pain and absorb it until it no longer feels painful to me. I learned to enjoy the feel of the pain of the burn from exercising muscles, why not the pain from capsaicin?

Granted, jalapenos are super low on the scale and it'll be a long time before I can do that with habaneros, but I figured I want to plow through these jalapenos I have and see how quickly I can develop a tolerance for them.

But my question is why do they taste like god damn bell peppers! AGH!
Eating food shouldn't hurt! :p

I wouldn't think about the scoville scale too much. Just eat what you like. When you get too hot it all just starts to taste the same anyway. Painful. Do you mind if I ask why you're trying to bulk up like a bodybuilder, but with eating chillis..? No offence but it just seems a little weird to me :p
I usually add some form of hot sauce to any form of food. I love the taste of Cholula
That's okay. I'm trying to bulldoze through the jalapenos.

I'm taking massive bites, seed and veins, consuming everything but the stem. Letting the heat build up in my mouth and sitting there training myself not to get a drink of milk or a bite of bread or anything. To feel the pain and absorb it until it no longer feels painful to me. I learned to enjoy the feel of the pain of the burn from exercising muscles, why not the pain from capsaicin?

Granted, jalapenos are super low on the scale and it'll be a long time before I can do that with habaneros, but I figured I want to plow through these jalapenos I have and see how quickly I can develop a tolerance for them.

But my question is why do they taste like god damn bell peppers! AGH!
Go to an asian food store and look for these peppers.


Start chewing on those if you want something spicier than a Jalapeno.

edit: They're called Dragon Peppers
Eating food shouldn't hurt! :p

I wouldn't think about the scoville scale too much. Just eat what you like. When you get too hot it all just starts to taste the same anyway. Painful. Do you mind if I ask why you're trying to bulk up like a bodybuilder, but with eating chillis..? No offence but it just seems a little weird to me :p

It doesn't hurt too much. The pain of these jalapenos is very tolerable.

And I don't know what you mean about trying to bulk up. I just want to develop a tolerance. I see no reason to try and develop it over a long period of time with the damn weak and simple jalapeno if I have no issue with the pain and can do it in a much shorter period of time.

And just because I eat some of them raw, doesn't mean I won't use any in my cooking too.

Go to an asian food store and look for these peppers.


Start chewing on those if you want something spicier than a Jalapeno.

edit: They're called Dragon Peppers

50,000 to 100,000. That will be a good stepping stone between jalapeno and habanero.
All jalapenos are not created equal. The very very mild kinda do tend to be like bell peppers.
All jalapenos are not created equal. The very very mild kinda do tend to be like bell peppers.

I know I had some weak ones, but I got one that was scarred up pretty badly and it was INTENSE. Very hot, and even small bites bring some serious pain for me. But it still tastes like bell pepper.
I think I know what u mean, there's this other pepper I have that if it's mild, it's basically just a bell pepper. Obviously a shared characteristic of mild peppers.
I just want to be able to get that jalapeno flavor that you get when you buy a jalapeno burger, or you have some jalapenos with nachos, or these jars of pickled jalapenos.

I'd be saddened if the only way to get that unique flavor would be to pickle them and have all that salt.
It's probably the vinegar from the pickling you're used to tasting. Jalapenos alone are as you described.
I'm trying to bulldoze through the jalapenos.

I'm taking massive bites, seed and veins, consuming everything but the stem. Letting the heat build up in my mouth and sitting there training myself not to get a drink of milk or a bite of bread or anything. To feel the pain and absorb it until it no longer feels painful to me.


Oh man, this latest jalapeno kicked my ****ing ass. Good god man. Took a huge bite and instantly my mouth is on fire, my eyes are streaming tears uncontrollably, and my nose is running like a ****ing faucet. My body didn't like that.

My tongue feels numb now with still some lingering pain. it was about 5 times more intense than the previous jalapenos. I had a feeling it might be because the thing was scarred all to shit, which wikipedia says is a crude indicator of heat intensity.
my friend cries and hiccups everytime he eats a jalapeno.

i crack up everytime he eats a jalapeno.