Spies walk among us


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
for the attention deficient: the following article is about a career where workers are paid to infiltrate gaming websites and over a period of time quietly promote certain games ..it could be me, it could be you ....

They're Out There... Posting

A post made by Jerry "Tycho" Holkins on Penny Arcade a few days ago contained an email from someone entitled called "Mr Smith," who had declined an offer with a "guerrilla marketing business." Had he accepted, his job would have been to create dozens or hundreds of accounts on forums across the internet for the purpose of sowing positive press about whatever product the company happens to be marketing--which could include, of course, video games. I'm sure many of us have seen that kind of behavior on forums before, those painfully obvious guys who appear out of nowhere with an account created yesterday, saying something like "Hey, guys, as you know I love video games, and I bet you do too! Well, Blood Dude Destroyer IV is the hot game around these days! It has all the best features and graphics! Anyway, see ya!"

While this behavior is usually frowned upon by forum administrators, it tends to be somewhat less than convincing. However, Tycho followed up yesterday with more information from somebody who seems to have a lot more in-depth knowledge of how some of these guerrilla marketers actually work. The methods he describes are far more complex than the simple "extremegamer953" technique.

Their technique is quite insidious. Let's say they were hired to pump up PA (not like you need the buzz, but whatever...). Using one of the hundreds of shill accounts they have across the net, they post a new thread that says something like "hey guys, I've been looking for some new web comics to read. Anybody have any recommendations?" This is non-threatening, and gets the community engaged. They then wait a couple days and post again, this time with "Well, I asked some friends and they suggested I check out Penny Arcade . I thought it was pretty funny, although I didn't like all the cuss words. What do you guys think?" Again, seeking engagement, they now have stealthily inserted the client's link, thereby encouraging trial. It's all very measurable and very effective. You should see the monthly reports you get from these guys: everything is detailed.

Given the level of long-term planning and maintenance in use there, one wonders whether the more straightforward shills are deliberately planted simply to alleviate suspicion from the more effective ones, by adjusting readers' expectations of how such marketing works. The case quoted above describes forum behavior that in general is perfectly benign. It would be interesting to know how many of these firms exist, and how frequently their services are employed. It seems that they are by no means limited to gaming.

Well, as long as it isn't annoying, free, and we learn about new pwnage games, I don't mind :)
That's a load of crap.... BUY DOOM3.
I mean honestly, are they going to put subliminal messages in everywhere? People won't notice?
Icarusintel said:
you know, i've got some great conspiracy books you should read ;)

and how do I know when I open them I wont be sprayed with cyanide gas?

funny for some reason I feel like smoking a marlboro
Yes, I admit it. Introversion hired me to pimp Darwinia.
Sulkdodds said:
Yes, I admit it. Introversion hired me to pimp Darwinia.
I knew it!
Anyway I just bought DooM 3 and the expansion pack. And smoking ROCKS. I don't know why, but it does.
someone find some pitchforks I'll get the firewood
Penny Arcades been having a interesting discussion of this too over the last two weeks.
What are we angry about now?

Oh yeah! They took our jobs! Rabble rabble rabble!
I've been accused of working for game companies before, because of my extreme enthusiasm about some games.
That's one stupid conspiracy.
Y'know, the head-humped.co.uk forums don't have conspiracies like that around.
This is a method that has gone on for years in any industry, it even happens in politics with militant politicians joining party’s to sway opinion or create controversy. It's a very smart plan.
Espionage said:
This is a method that has gone on for years in any industry, it even happens in politics with militant politicians joining party’s to sway opinion or create controversy. It's a very smart plan.
Look at his user name! Burn him!
Raziaar said:
I've been accused of working for game companies before, because of my extreme enthusiasm about some games.

ya, you came thiiiiiiiis close to getting me to buy this game

I saw that in Target the other day!

I wahnt that!
CptStern said:
ya, you came thiiiiiiiis close to getting me to buy this game


No thanks. Bible games generally suck hardcore.

I want this game but I cant find it anymore

man that Mary was a hottie

They have chicks with dicks in bible black. Right up your alley, no pun intended ;)
Raziaar said:
They have chicks with dicks in bible black. Right up your alley, no pun intended ;)
God don't get me started about Trannies :x
Raziaar said:
They have chicks with dicks in bible black. Right up your alley, no pun intended ;)

I'm not even going to ask you how you know

CptStern said:
I'm not even going to ask you how you know


I was looking for some awesome hentai porn. And instead I found all sorts of weird shit in bible black. I then looked elsewhere for my hentai sources.

That a clear enough answer for you? At least I don't want to play an interactive version of it :stare:

ooookay ..you stumbled upon it while looking for animated porn ..riiiiight

CptStern said:
ooookay ..you stumbled upon it while looking for animated porn ..riiiiight


HOW does that possibly seem far fetched? I'm sitting here admitting I was looking for some quality hentai porn, and Bible Black came up.

Seriously, pop open a P2P program and search for hentai and you'll come up with bible black. Its a very popular hentai series.

I think you're just shocked that i'm admitting to enjoying hentai porn(with the exception of bible black). Because it obviously goes against my religious nutjob impression you have of me, therefore proving you wrong. I also play violent games like Grand Theft Auto and thoroughly love and enjoy them as they are pure awesomeness. I do not play any bible games, because I don't find them to be entertaining gaming.

Raziaar said:
HOW does that possibly seem far fetched? I'm sitting here admitting I was looking for some quality hentai porn, and Bible Black came up.

Seriously, pop open a P2P program and search for hentai and you'll come up with bible black. Its a very popular hentai series.

I think you're just shocked that i'm admitting to enjoying hentai porn(with the exception of bible black). :D

well ...yes? ...I thought that it's pretty normal to be surprised at someone liking animated sex .guess it's me who's not normal /me whistles and shuffles feet uncomfortably

btw does you pastor know about this? lets ask him ...what's his phone number :naughty:
CptStern said:
well ...yes? ...I thought that it's pretty normal to be surprised at someone liking animated sex .guess it's me who's not normal /me whistles

btw does you pastor know about this? like ask him ...what's his phone number :naughty:

I am not a member of a church, therefore do not have a 'pastor'. My religion takes place strictly between me and god. And yes. Animated Sex is interesting. I don't look at it all the time, but I enjoy it from time to time. At least I can be honest about this. I prefer normal porn though. :D
hmmm lets ask god then ;)

oh lord do you look upon brother Raziaar with favour even though he doest abuse himself in your precense to pictures of naughty japnese women doing ungoldly things with all manner of aparatus'. .. oh lord ..if your answer is yes sayeth nothing in return, if the answer is no then speaketh oh lord, thank you, god bless, hallelujah
Okay, let's all agree we love rude cartoons and ladies with penises and get back to talking about spies!
CptStern said:
hmmm lets ask god then ;)

Just admit your view of my religious side is totally biased and incorrect. I'm not the bible thumper you think I am, even though I am religious.

Okay, let's all agree we love rude cartoons and ladies with penises and get back to talking about spies.

LMAO. I agree to the cartoons. Ladies with yanno what are gross. Spies are awesome.
Raziaar said:
Just admit your view of my religious side is totally biased and incorrect. I'm not the bible thumper you think I am, even though I am religious.

ummm ....no

back to the spies ..ok any takers as to who's a spy?

I think it's munro ..he keeps trying to get me to buy this game called Half-life2 ...and it's freakin everywhere on this site, half-life this half-life that ...man Valve must pay him a fortune
Hmmm... I was wondering why I always recieved $500 checks whenever I post something nice about a certain game.


Interesting news. Reminds me of this time in Red Orchestra when I was pinned down by 5 or 6 Germans. A sneaky Russian managed to get behind them and kill them all.

Sneakiness really works.
This could be very posible unlike most conspiracy theorys.

Someone here was hired to promote Spore.
In case you didn't notice it, I've been doing it for years, promoting CC17 and ZM without you actually realising.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, Jangle's got that "Spore" thing in his sig... Get 'im!