Spitcodfry: Gabe Email For You!!!!!!

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Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score

You better read the boards before you go to Valve dood. I got a email from Gabe regarding your visit to Valve today

Your in buddy. Now if I was you I would call before hand. The receptionist is going to know about you before you go and visit. Ring in the morning and say who you are and what time you will be there. If the receptionist says Gabe is busy leave a message with time you will be there and just turn up. Say Gabe will know what the message means.

Who is it and when?

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Jenkins [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 12:19 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: A Visit At Valve Tomorrow...

Hello Gabe

Tomorrow a person from the hl2.net forums is coming to visit you at your office. We are all behind him.

Dood you are probably very busy and have no time to see him but he is probably going to be a bit nervous but excited. I request on behalf of 100's of people if you can spend 5 mins with him and give him some cool new info.

Your call :)

Kind regards

Matthew 'Kamakiri' Jenkins
The lucky bastard is going to get a bloody tour of Valve. lol. He better go to the nearest internet cafe straight afterwards and tell us about it!!! lol.

EDIT: YOU may not get a tour dood so don't get your hopes up dood.
Yeah! :D
man, he is probably the luckiest person alive lol, i would be so nervous i would swet 5 leters, im nervous just saying this LOL!

Go him :)
Well I hope he doesn't show up at Valve with some huge lying production trying to get in...We told him to pull some pretty goofy antics to get in
a tour would be awesome!!!

But then again he might want to know so he can have the local cops there waiting for him with a discription.
If someone know who spitfirecod is it would be great if I could email Gabe back with his name and details!!!
For me this reaction from Gabe is a sure indication that HL2 is already finished. Why would Gabe have time to spend time with a single fan, if he would be total busy finding and fixing final problems with HL2? Now I'm pretty sure HL2 already went gold.

Just a important note to anyone who thinks he can impersonate SPITCODFRY. Don't try.

Valve already knows SPITCODFRY name and details. So you will look like a idiot if you go to Valve impersonating him so don't try...
Lol, this is a classic. WEll his cover is blown. I wonder what gabe will say. Interesting, interesting.

God spitcodfry!
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Just a important note to anyone who thinks he can impersonate SPITCODFRY. Don't try.

Valve already knows SPITCODFRY name and details. So you will look like a idiot if you go to Valve impersonating him so don't try...

I thought you didn't know his details to give yet?

Anyway, he might not even turn up, spitcodfry might be full of shit.

sorry dude what does it means SPITCODFRY! ????

He is Vaporware !
He said that he was gonna go around lunch...so hopefully he will drop in here first.
lucky sob
Originally posted by Animal
I thought you didn't know his details to give yet?

Anyway, he might not even turn up, spitcodfry might be full of shit.

Will now. All been taken care of...

As soon as you read this please PM me. I'll be keeping an eye out for you.
Spitcodfry is gonna boldly go where no fan gamer has gone before
i jus hope they let him see gabe or talk to someone from valve. i want this to work so we will all know about release! going gold! and see some pics of the visit/talk.
Hopefully this thing works out good. We all support you SPITCODFRY!!
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Valve already knows SPITCODFRY name and details. So you will look like a idiot if you go to Valve impersonating him so don't try...

I think he is going to be escorted out by two valve people armed with crowbars.
lol @ Sunbeam

I'm taking this upon myself to make sure Valve has some form of security. There are alot of people who would of thought about it I am sure. ;)
Ya know...I would just be happy if they let him run around in City 17 for 5 minutes...
Spitcodfry, tell Gabe I love him. No seriously, do it and please tell me what he says. PLEASE.

i will come with you like your personal bodyguard. when you will talk with gabe i will secure the floor and the rooms ( so i can search for the hl 2 box and cd )

:cheese: :cheese: :cheese:
Gabe sounds really, really scared.

Maybe because that office, after the reception area, is just a bunch of unpacked shipping crates and empty office rooms: just a front for what's REALLY going on.
Lol, a halflife conspriacy eh. Oh well, SPITCODFRY had better read this thread and he might actually have a chance to see gabe/valve office. Would be an amazing expereince. This is going to be interesting either way :)
"He said he was 19 last nite."

wonder how old he is this morning then:)
Good luck Spit. Hope you read all this before you split... Didn't he say he had to drive to Vancouver last night?
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