Starcraft 2: Multiplayer

Played with some randoms tonight, we played a custom map, with 6 refinery spots and crystal right at the base with 4 on 4 vs AI on Hard. shit was actually really easy and within 25 mins we won. I could have rolled out sooner had the asshole next to me put up some defenses
Don't you hate it when you spend ages amassing a huge army, are about to move in, and suddenly your opponent disconnects :\
Your opponent should've pumped our Immortals the moment he saw Thors.

Immortals are a hard counter against mauraders, tanks and thors. Though they are still too expensive imo for an effective counter against MMM. Even till now I'm having trouble against MMM. Stalkers and Zealots are just not effective against them at all, that is unless your army is bigger than theirs.

However, one thing I'm most surprised with after winning several games is the complete wreckage 5 void rays could inflict to a base. Voidrays take about 7 seconds to charge up, and has a 5 second period before the charge up disappears. Once you sneak about 5 void rays in a base and charge them up by attacking the command center, there is little to no stopping it. Void rays only suffer from weaknesses when it isn't charged, but when it is charged it is the most effective anti-everything.

It took me about 2 seconds to destroy one BC and Thor with my 7 void rays. Soon I'm going to target my own buildings to charge them up before direct combat.

It wasn't like that though, they didn't know I had any thors left or much of a base. Not to mention it was ONE thor for the rest of the game. My teammate was all stalkers and we went on a rampage counter after we wiped their forces. Took out their expansions and beat down everyone from a clear loss situation. I wish I had known that if you get one unit to 40 kills you get an achievement because I would have tracked down more probes to kill :(

What surprises me is that more protoss don't use void rays like in beta. They're fairly easily counterable if you know they're coming, but if you can sneak some of them around early vs someone not expecting them, it's pretty much a win considering how fast they can take down buildings... and they're strong enough to not be staved off by one or two turrets that I like to have by my CC that tends to stave off things like mutas.

Another classy win from a strange game happened last night in 2v2. My teammate got killed by a bunker rush (those things are crazy) and so I just built like 6 barracks and pumped out marines. He took all his probes to one guy's mineral line in his empty base and harassed them like crazy while I took out the other guy. They basically couldn't build anthing else except this crappy force of a few marines and marauders and a helion. It was a pretty easy win for being 2 on 1 + probes.
What surprises me is that more protoss don't use void rays like in beta. They're fairly easily counterable if you know they're coming, but if you can sneak some of them around early vs someone not expecting them, it's pretty much a win considering how fast they can take down buildings... and they're strong enough to not be staved off by one or two turrets that I like to have by my CC that tends to stave off things like mutas.

Yeah, I wonder why people don't use many void rays. I encountered one protoss going all-in void rays, while I was going fast air. It boiled down to one huge Viking vs Void Ray battle where I barely won and wiped out his base with 4 banshees. Anyway, void rays are frigging awful if you don't expect them, especially when you're building tanks and marauders.

You know how in 3 vs 3 you get the extra money from your allies if your they quit? I had that happen to me very early on in the game, and voila, instant minerals for reaper rush. Lol. I pumped out reapers as fast as humanly possible, and went around destroying nexuses, command centers, and hatcheries. Win. The protoss guy rage quit after I destroyed his only pylon for the third time.
Ok I just ran into some ****ing bullshit game which my team lost.

It was a 3 v 3.

My team were Protoss Terran and Terran. The opponent were Protoss Zerg and Zerg.

The zergs went double hatchery in their base. All the protoss did was harvest and send minerals to the zergs.

At first they had mass zerglings early on, (about 30 altogether), but we held that off since we all walled in to our own base and ramps. Then when we pushed back, we destroyed a couple of their bases. The protoss had absolutely nothing.

Suddenly, whiles we were attacking their bases, our army was attacked by one of the zerg's mutalisks. There were about 20 of them, and the reinforcements kept coming. We lost since we did not have enough units to counter all the mutalisks, and they had about 30 mutalisks all together. which were all from the same zerg.

I have no idea how we were supposed to defend that. We were winning the game easily, even when the protoss was investing minerals into the zerg players. Then all of a sudden they decided to invest all their minerals into that one zerg player. Zergs could build shitloads of units at once if they had tons of hatcheries,and in this case that one guy built shitloads of Mutalisks using the other two allies' minerals and gas. That is some bullshit.
How does that work, sharing resources?

When you're in a team, you can open up a little window that lets you send gas or minerals in um... I think 50 per-click chunks. Helps out a lot when your teammates get crushed and have to rebuild.
Ah cool, thanks. I have been playing a couple of games with RJMC where we really could have used that feature.
How does that work, sharing resources?

Top right hand corner, you could send resources to your allies. Gas and minerals.

I have the replay if anyone wants to watch it. When we looked at the graphs in the summaries, the zerg player had a sharp increase in army value. Very sharp increase. We weren't even prepared for so many mutalisks, since the same zerg player had about 15 zerglings early on, and it was only transitioning to midgame.

Edit: The Zerg player had about 32 mutalisks by the tenth minute, with no expansions, and having previously sent out mass zerglings.
Yeah, I wonder why people don't use many void rays. I encountered one protoss going all-in void rays, while I was going fast air. It boiled down to one huge Viking vs Void Ray battle where I barely won and wiped out his base with 4 banshees. Anyway, void rays are frigging awful if you don't expect them, especially when you're building tanks and marauders.

You know how in 3 vs 3 you get the extra money from your allies if your they quit? I had that happen to me very early on in the game, and voila, instant minerals for reaper rush. Lol. I pumped out reapers as fast as humanly possible, and went around destroying nexuses, command centers, and hatcheries. Win. The protoss guy rage quit after I destroyed his only pylon for the third time.

I had a game like that. I think it was a 3v3....or maybe 2v2. ANYWAY, This guy was massing reapers and would keep coming in and sniping my workers. I kept trying to cover it with a tank and a couple marauders, but there were just too many. So finally, after losing my workers for the millionth time, we were able to push and win...with my feeble army. It was terrible.
I had a game like that. I think it was a 3v3....or maybe 2v2. ANYWAY, This guy was massing reapers and would keep coming in and sniping my workers. I kept trying to cover it with a tank and a couple marauders, but there were just too many. So finally, after losing my workers for the millionth time, we were able to push and win...with my feeble army. It was terrible.

When you get to about 8 reapers or whatever they really become assholes. Marauders will mess them up, but if you keep up the pressure they can cause way more damage than they cost to make. Back in beta I'd make like 6 or so and a smaller but still effective marine/marauder mix. You could really tear up a base when the units moved out to fight the main force. Now I really only use Reapers against Terran to get an advantage early on and maybe knock our their gas production to prevent siege tanks. Then I'll put hide them behind the natual expansion minerals or something and either pop in from time to time to say hello and kill some things or wait for an SCV To come down for the expansion. A cool thing to do is have them wait and kill the SCV - then blow up the recently build CC in a few shots so they lose the minerals :D ... of course I never pay enough attention to do that.

This is an amazing replay, don't read the comments if you want to enjoy the whole thing.
This is an amazing replay, don't read the comments if you want to enjoy the whole thing.

That was indeed amazing.

About twelve minutes in I was like: why am I only half way through the second of four parts when the game has ended? The commentator was even doing his rounding up comments like 'go visit my site yada yada' and saying that he would simply fast forward to quickly end the replay. The aftermath and the final rabbit out of the hat was hilarious.

btw Offline play has been fixed. It didn't work properly on my laptop, so that is good news.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.3

Bug Fixes:

· Fixed an issue preventing some players from accessing offline play from the login screen.

EDIT Check out the replay I added. It's under 8 minutes and it's me showing a cheesing protoss bastard who's boss. Yes, I built that evo chamber too quickly but I had some unspent resources anyway.


When you get to about 8 reapers or whatever they really become assholes. Marauders will mess them up, but if you keep up the pressure they can cause way more damage than they cost to make. Back in beta I'd make like 6 or so and a smaller but still effective marine/marauder mix. You could really tear up a base when the units moved out to fight the main force. Now I really only use Reapers against Terran to get an advantage early on and maybe knock our their gas production to prevent siege tanks. Then I'll put hide them behind the natual expansion minerals or something and either pop in from time to time to say hello and kill some things or wait for an SCV To come down for the expansion. A cool thing to do is have them wait and kill the SCV - then blow up the recently build CC in a few shots so they lose the minerals :D ... of course I never pay enough attention to do that.

This is an amazing replay, don't read the comments if you want to enjoy the whole thing.

Came to post this exact same video. Such an epic game. I was cheering and laughing the whole way.
I lost a bunch of games today... 1v1 and 2v2... it's depressing.
yeah I died first after throwing up a large amount of supply depos to block the exit. they still came crashing in and all I had was a bunker with 2 marines in it. case and point: build faster and ask for help sooner
Sometimes, its better to block your entrances with a barracks and a factory rather than supply depots. Especially during zerg "double-ling" rushes.
The number of threads I see daily concerning how APM doesn't matter makes me facepalm so hard.

Honestly, the only people that say APM don't matter are the ones with horrible effective APM.
you people complaining about "oh I lost a game today so sad,after winning 15"


will you do me the favor of watching a replay of me and telling what I am doing wrong?

Post one up, I'm sure someone can help.
The number of threads I see daily concerning how APM doesn't matter makes me facepalm so hard.

Honestly, the only people that say APM don't matter are the ones with horrible effective APM.

I have no idea why 60 APM when you have only your command center to command around is so important.

My APM averages around 45 ~ 65, depending on the length of the game. I don't see why its so important early on in the game to manually get your APM up by clicking shit over and over again despite the fact that it isn't going to do anything.
I have no idea why 60 APM when you have only your command center to command around is so important.

My APM averages around 45 ~ 65, depending on the length of the game. I don't see why its so important early on in the game to manually get your APM up by clicking shit over and over again despite the fact that it isn't going to do anything.

Probably for show. Early game drags down your average APM, so people spam buttons and whatnots to boost it up entering mid-game.
APM is kind of strange. It involves a ton of pointless clicking and probably contributes to degredation of mouse buttons around the world, but it does prepare you to maneuver units effectively when the time comes. I'd say at least 90% of APM boosting is just someone clicking around nothing.

I think sometimes it just comes down to luck. I mean unless you just scout 100% of the time, you can't know exactly what's going to be out there and it may screw you. Yesterday in a 2v2 we went up against a double zerg and when we scouted we didn't see a fast spawning pool (or even a moderately fast spawning pool) so we assumed that it was going to be roaches. I built up a reasonable amount of marauders when suddenly there's banelings morphing outside of my base (I have no idea why he'd morph them in my visual range). So I go out and shoot at them with a couple of units, but it's too late and they blow open my wall. Then about 40 or so speedlings pour in and make quick work of my marauders and decimate my supply line in a matter of a few seconds. Had I gone marine or even teched to a single siege tank or the mighty helions, the whole thing would have been a wash for the zerg who barely scouted at all. I mean I guess you could say "you should have scouted more" but there has to be a line somewhere... where it becomes more of a burden to scout constantly than to effectively build... where even if you gain enough information, you won't be successful because of resources you invested in scouting.

For instance, if I scan twice, that's 100 energy I could spend on mules... which is 540 supply free minerals I'm missing out on. That's a whole command center and almost another orbital command. It's hard to decide. Sometimes I think I'm better off most of the time building the helion/marine thor build most of the time just for the lack of simple counters rather than try to be effective vs what I've spotted.
I practically never scan. Mules are so incredibly useful. Problem, though, that my gas never compares to my minerals because I am jack shit at expanding.
Starbob, as you say yourself, you should have just scouted lol

Use a SCV, hold towers with marines, get an early hellion or viking from 1/1/1 for scout/harass

TONS of ways to scout as a Terran.
Oh man, Starbob's advice was awesome. I was definately on the losing side of the game, and I had only some 30 marines and 5 Thors left against shitloads of stalkers, Immortals, and high templars.

Then I EMPed the whole bunch with 5 Ghosts, First the HTs, then the Immortals, then the Stalkers, and carpeted the area as much as I could. Instant GG.
Anyone else getting lag on League games committing once they are done? I hope its lag... I just won my 5th placement and it still says there's 1 remaining. Happened earlier in a 1v1 where it didn't commit for about 5 minutes.
I was getting lag but it was only because my room mate was streaming movies... needless to say I've configured the router to give my packets highest priority.

I lost more 1v1 games today and I'm officially on a shitty losing streak. Seems like every time I'd try to rush or build a quick army they'd have the perfect counter (sometimes without even scouting) and then when I'd try to scout and counter I'd get rushed. I don't want to chalk it all up to bad luck... but it does seem like it. I thought I was coming out of it when I won 2 in a row to start, but then I dropped on the third one about 7 minutes in and proceeded to lose 3 more in a row before I started 2v2. My 2s group did much better. Our only loss of the night came when we tried to do a two pronged void ray - banshee attack and got rushed. We almost came back from it and ended up killing the zerg, but the terran threw up like 40 turrets and we couldn't recover well enough to mass against them. Then he made tons of vikings and marines and took over the map and killed us with attrition.

I've established that mass marauder is fantastic against protoss since it kills pretty much everything on the ground except chargelots and immortals. Plus you can throw a ghost in there if you have to retreat and do a second wave and really just ruin a protoss's day. The weird thing is I can't seem to pull it off 1v1.
Yea, 1v1 timing is far more difficult since you do not have the 2v2 crutch of having a partner
So who's interested in making a 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 team with me sometime soon? :)

Placed in 3v3 randoms, can't seem to find very many 4v4 random games to join. They are quite fun, but insane. Some of them have ended with close to 1200 supply wars, pretty epic.

Hey guys, is there a place where it shows APM? I can't seem to find it.
I met a player today whose APM was around 180 ~ 250 the entire game.

Holy shit. I was raped. So APM does matter, lol. :p

I feel sad now. I'm more a noob than I previously imagined. :(
Omg, people are so bad. I've forgotten almost all the builds I had during the beta and games on platinum are piss easy. On my placements I had 5 guys cheesing, 2 gate, 5 pool, reaper rush and all that fun, thank you Youtube!

I just went trough my match history and most of my opponents were on diamond. What the hell! It wasn't that easy to get in to the higher ranks during the beta. Maybe time will smooth things out...
Yea, 1v1 timing is far more difficult since you do not have the 2v2 crutch of having a partner

I don't think that's the case at all. It's not that the timing is more difficult just vastly different. A partner is less a crutch for you and more an obstacle for your opponents. If I decide to expand, I'm not relying on that person to protect it, I'm relying on the enemy not wanting to attack it because they're aware it could be defended.

Rushes happen a lot more often in 1v1 than in 2v2. If you rush in 1v1 and have even moderate success you've gained a large advantage even in the long game. If you rush in 2v2 and you aren't successful in pretty much disabling one person, you've not really accomplished much since you've allowed the other person to build unhampered and tech to kill you. The play styles are really different and I seem to be getting screwed lately switching between the two trying to use the same tactics. I've gotten in the habit of relying on a mass marauder push when with my team mates stalkers which ends up working realy well together. If I try it in single player there are a lot of counters that end up winning against it.

If you think of your team mate as a crutch, you'll play like they're a crutch and your team will be more like 1.5 vs 2 instead of 2v2.
Well the point I am making is that any mistake, mishap or bad judgment is in fact less of an impact than in a 1v1.

You lose a marine or two in 2v2? w/e

You lose a marine or two in 1v1? that might cost you the entire game
EDIT: Oh. It was "Teddy Bear" vs "Lee Seung Yeol"
Cheese is so stupid. I'm so tired of it. Generally it's counterable but regardless of its effectiveness it's just a lame way to play. My ex roommate and one of my good friends is a reaper cheese fag (literally 100 games where he proxy reapers) and I'm just so over it. It's also getting tedious in 2s where you come up against a ZZ team and have to just assume they will ling rush. The games I enjoy are the ones where people don't cheese... although if I'm gonna get cheesed I'd rather it be something interesting like toss fast stargate phoenix cheese (because unlike your standard zergling, reaper, photon cannon or banshee cheese it actually requires respectable micro to do well).

Just saying. I obviously still recognize it as a perfectly legitimate strategy. I just wonder why people think league ranking is so important that they'd sacrifice fun to just play like a total ****** and do the same all-in strat every time. It's not like league ranking even really matters, the league system is so weird and screwy.

I'm a decent terran player (I like to go standard bioball/mmm or mech depending on situation, also vikings **** yeah always) but lately I've been doing random so I can polish up my zerg and toss. I'm pretty decent at toss and I enjoy playing them in team games but I've decided that zerg is by far the coolest, most interesting, and most fun race to play. Not only are they by far the least popular race, but they have a very dynamic play style that is unlike the other races. It's focused more on macro, econ and map control than the others - you harass to keep them off your expos and drop creep. I've been having a blast trying to get good with them. Infestors are god tier awesome and hydras are still Old Reliable but you have a ton of strategy choices and nifty tricks (like burrowing banelings on a path to your opponents base and unburrowing in the middle of his passing attack force) and the play style is much more macro heavy and aggressive than required for normal terran or protoss play.

Basically I ****ing love sc2 multiplayer. Team games are such a blast.
I usually try out different strategies, including cheese rushes. Cheese is fun, you know, the thrill really gets to me. But very tiring.

Countering a cheese, is really really fun, since you're put at the brink of destruction, and you manage to survive.
I HAAATTEE Cheese so much. But when I beat it....the most satisfying thing around.