StarCraft II

Finally got my copy! At least the "you were dropped" thing is still on. I hope it won't be annoying as in the beta, that being like half the games ending this way.

Edit: Fifth game in the row ending during the first 5 minutes. \o/
Finally got my copy! At least the "you were dropped" thing is still on. I hope it won't be annoying as in the beta, that being like half the games ending this way.

Edit: Fifth game in the row ending during the first 5 minutes. \o/

Haven't had a game drop is wrong with your network?
Haven't had a game drop is wrong with your network?

I have only had like two people lag out of league games out of probably 100. I've had a lot more lag out in custom games (I'm addricted to nexus wars) but I figure that's just how it works. The only time I've ever dropped from any game was when my connection went out. Also on slightly related note, my network is now 64 bit WEP incase anyone wants to wander by and break in to it in the 14 seconds it would take. My room mate demanded to have it so he could connect his DS with Dragon Quest... who the hell made hardware in today's world that only connects through WEP?
All the ports are correctly forwarded. I never got this fixed on the beta.

Out of frustration in the last game I was like "OH **** THIS" and went ling rush. He had like two workers left in the base when I got another damn "you were dropped"! **** U WHALE!

Seriously I have no friggin idea whats causing this. I can play all other blizzard games online just fine with no disconnects.
All the ports are correctly forwarded. I never got this fixed on the beta.

Out of frustration in the last game I was like "OH **** THIS" and went ling rush. He had like two workers left in the base when I got another damn "you were dropped"! **** U WHALE!

Seriously I have no friggin idea whats causing this. I can play all other blizzard games online just fine with no disconnects.

But the other games aren't on Bnet 2.0

Go to the bnet forums, post a thread, let the blues help ya. Obviously there is something interrupting your connection to the bnet 2.0 servers, just gotta figure out what.
I found one support thread by the blues concerning my problem. I did all the fixes and after that my connection really started to drop, as in every 5-9 seconds... Never before did my connection really drop, hell took me like 5min to load this page on a 10Mb connection.

Edit: k my connection is now totally ****ed and can't remember the old settings. Thank you blizzard.
I actually got dropped earlier tonight. It was lame. Free loss :(
Humm... Haven't had any more drops. I have the feeling that if I even poke my computer it will explode, calm before the storm!

I really need to start practicing my Terran build orders. Been too long since I last played this, shouldn't have stopped when diamond league came :(

Edit: HAHAH I WAS RIGHT! Blizzard has closed my account. WTF :D
I never played through the full campaign in the original game. I have it laying around somewhere, maybe I should.
Side note, SC2 figures look pretty awesome.
I never played through the full campaign in the original game. I have it laying around somewhere, maybe I should.
Side note, SC2 figures look pretty awesome.

Oh you should! The story and characters are excellent.
Spoiler dat shit, Bak! I've been meaning to get to that game, and the less I know the better.
IdrA is currently my favorite player. Rooting for him.
idra made some cry in a tourny, and he still remains emotionless.
idra is a whiny little bitch. i love his zerg play (macro macro macro) nonetheless but as a person he's a whiny little shit. when he loses he flies off the handle into a rage about how his opponent "was supposed to" do some other strategy and gets super mad that the other guy did something unexpected. he also talks huge amounts of shit to tourney admins and organizers because he's an entitled little douche-****.

TheLittleOne is my favorite player currently, I also like Silver a lot.

I'm going to MLG in about a week (it's the largest MLG tourney ever and it's here in North Carolina about 30 minutes from where I live) with a bunch of friends and will be watching 2 days of pro starcraft live, casted in person by HD, Husky and Day9. Can't wait :D Most of the top US players will be there, HuK and qxc and Silver etc.
TLO is WAY overrated, and nada showed him whats up by pwning him when he played the game for only 1 0days
idra is a whiny little bitch. i love his zerg play (macro macro macro) nonetheless but as a person he's a whiny little shit. when he loses he flies off the handle into a rage about how his opponent "was supposed to" do some other strategy and gets super mad that the other guy did something unexpected. he also talks huge amounts of shit to tourney admins and organizers because he's an entitled little douche-****.

TheLittleOne is my favorite player currently, I also like Silver a lot.

I'm going to MLG in about a week (it's the largest MLG tourney ever and it's here in North Carolina about 30 minutes from where I live) with a bunch of friends and will be watching 2 days of pro starcraft live, casted in person by HD, Husky and Day9. Can't wait :D Most of the top US players will be there, HuK and qxc and Silver etc.

Oh you ****ing ****er. Going to Raleigh!? I plan on buying a $10 HD pass for the stream, hook my work laptop up to the TV and stream MLG all day.

I better see you, and you better have a sign saying "I LOVE CYBERPITZ".
DuckloadRa (aka WhiteRa :P) remains my favorite.

TLO was probably the only interesting Zerg player to watch, but I believe he's chosen Terran as his race now. What a waste!
I can't support Idra, he's too much of a sore loser.
Yeah but there's no need to vent on the other player.
How is it really hurting anything, though? If that is his way of relieving that anger and stress to play better the next game, why not do it? In the larger, more important, tournies, he's very GM and will not rage quit or talk bad. He's gotten a lot better from his SC1 days. Disliking him as a player because of some outbursts is kind of silly, I feel.
Nobody likes a whiner, Pitz. It's not really silly.
I think that Idra's BM is pretty funny. I have noticed that it has gotten much better lately as he's saying GG more often.

It's nothing compared to what Pitz does in our 4v4s anyways. :laugh:
Letters it is so sad that TLO seems to have decided on Terran. He was the most dynamic and interesting Zerg player I ever watched much of (besides Idra, hate to say it).

Like I said, idra is a great player, he just isn't doing himself any favors with his predilection to rant and cry like a 15 year old posting on their myspace blog whenever he loses. I also have a pretty strong dislike of him from his game casts / video appearances. Gotta respect a zerg player nonetheless.
Seriously, what in the ****?

I had to stop reading that because I was raging too hard.

Edit: oh, that must be a joke.
I dunno about it being a joke simply because those guys have a LOT of posts and we all know Christianity attracts the absolute craziest people in the planet...
Just look at the replies, there's no way these guys are serious. There probably are some genuine people there who take it seriously, but there's no way all of these people are sincere.

"Real ID can get you (or your dog) raped and killed"

I mean, come on. Your dog? That just sounds like he's joking.