StarCraft II

I read through a lot of the stuff on that site. It must be a joke forum, or those people need to be marginalized from society.

God didn't even create AIDS yet when Jesus was on Earth.

AIDS was created by God in 1959 to punish the USA for not stopping Fidel Castro.

Proof that CIA = God
Just look at the replies, there's no way these guys are serious. There probably are some genuine people there who take it seriously, but there's no way all of these people are sincere.

"Real ID can get you (or your dog) raped and killed"

I mean, come on. Your dog? That just sounds like he's joking.

He must be really active in joking to have made all those posts.. over all that time... plus the dog thing was in reference to the image about some guy saying he was going to use realid to track down a guy and kill his dog Milo.
c'mon guys it's clearly a joke forum

Still kind of funny, though.

Letters it is so sad that TLO seems to have decided on Terran. He was the most dynamic and interesting Zerg player I ever watched much of (besides Idra, hate to say it).

I just read this and I'm gonna cry. TLO was such a badass Zerg...

Hate to join the parade but it does seem like Zerg needs some sort of buff vT.
So many people are calling it, I watched those recent matches where IdrA was forced to go ling / roach for every opener purely to put up with the early reaper harass moving into MMM or terran tech. Then you end up getting screwed going head on with the same sized armies. I feel sorry for the Z players...except IdrA. I love watching him lose. Addicted to watching TLO, WhiteRa & Silver right now.

So lucky to be going to MLG Chris! I suppose it's not that far for you to go :P
IdrA gets way too much shit. Not his fault everyone plays the game wrong.
I may not go, tickets sold out and apparently the only way to get in now is to buy a shirt that says U MAD? from hot topic, which I'm pretty sure I'm not doing
Ask yourself this question first, are you...are you mad? Yes of course you are, you're off the wall. You're a natural born entertainer. Here comes the Burrismaster General, fun ahoy.

Get that bloody shirt and get down there and lick HD's elbow while throwing your shoes at Husky. You can do what the hell you like remember, U MAD.
ugh what is this horrible t-shirt requirement? Is it for real that is devastatingly awful.

IdrA gets way too much shit. Not his fault everyone plays the game wrong.

This made me lol.
I think that Idra's BM is pretty funny. I have noticed that it has gotten much better lately as he's saying GG more often.

It's nothing compared to what Pitz does in our 4v4s anyways. :laugh:

4v4's + booze + 4 players ling rushing me = very angry Pitz....

So, going to be watching the HD stream. Mmmmmmmmm Can't wait to get off work!!!
And I can't wait for cross-region play. I want to hear Pitzy's drunken rage as well. :(
Situation Report: Patch 1.1 and Beyond

Greetings, citizens of the Koprulu sector! StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is celebrating its one-month anniversary and we’re extremely excited to witness the amazing community that’s come together around the game. To that end, we want you to know we are hard at work on the first feature and balance patch, and expect to have it completed and available by the middle of September. Patch 1.1 will contain a number of improvements including additional mod features, Editor improvements and bug fixes, some custom game improvements, support for NVIDIA’s 3D Vision, and more. We'd also like to share some specific plans for this patch with you.

To begin, we've heard a lot of feedback from our global community about standardized hotkey options. We're happy to announce that in patch 1.1 we are going to make the Standard (US) and Standard for Lefties (US) hotkey options available in all regions.

Balance Changes
We have several balance changes in store. One general change we're making is that friendly units will no longer provide vision after being killed. Enemy units previously revealed will no longer be targetable. Now let's break down the additional balance changes we're implementing.

We're going to be adding destructible rocks to the Desert Oasis map to make natural expansions easier to protect. In addition, the center map watchtower area is being narrowed.

We have two key changes in mind for the zealot: the build time is being increased from 33 to 38 seconds, and the warpgate cooldown is being increased from 23 to 28 seconds. Zealot rushes are currently too powerful at various skill levels, particularly those that rely on rapidly assaulting an enemy base from nearby "proxy" gateways. We feel the window players have to scout for and fend off this rush is too small. We also want to address the problem of protoss being able to dump minerals a bit too quickly with the combination of warpgates and Chrono Boost.

There are several changes in the works for terrans. Reapers against zerg are stronger than expected. Due to the zealot build time increase, reapers would be a bit problematic in combination with proxy barracks, bunkers, and/or marauders against protoss. Therefore, we have decided to increase the build time of reapers as well from 40 to 45 seconds. Fast reaper + bunker, or fast marine + bunker rushes are problematic against zerg. Although this rush would never outright destroy the zerg player, we feel zerg suffers too much of a disadvantage from either having to cancel the fast expansion, or getting trapped inside the main base for too long, so we are also increasing the bunker build time from 30 to 35 seconds.
Siege tanks in large numbers are performing too well in all matchups. In the mid- to late-game, siege tanks are too dominant against all ground units. We want a small set of light and unarmored ground units to perform better against siege tanks. With this in mind, we're changing the Siege Mode damage of the siege tank from 50 to 35, +15 vs. armored; to correspond with this, damage upgrades will be changed from +5 to +3, +2 vs. armored. This change reduces the base damage of the siege tank against light and unarmored units, as well as the splash damage.
Battlecruisers currently lack good counters from the ground and still perform very well against a wide array of unit types. We're aware that it is not easy to get battlecruisers out for the cost, but at the same time, it is possible in both 1v1s and team games to create stalemate situations to bring them out. Overall, we feel that battlecruisers are too strong for their cost, and the terran-forced stalemate situations are causing less interesting gameplay. We will be lowering their damage against ground units from 10 to 8.

Ultralisk damage is being decreased from 15, +25 vs. armored to 15, +20 vs. armored. This reduction is comparable to the changes being made to the battlecruiser and siege tank. Like the battlecruiser, ultralisks are simply too powerful for the cost, even though they are difficult to muster. Also, in combination with other units, ultralisks are difficult to counter from the ground. The ultralisk building attack (Ram) is being removed because the damage rate is too similar to its normal attack, which will be used against buildings instead. When ultralisks target tightly packed smaller buildings such as supply depots, the Ram attack is actually outputting considerably less overall damage than its normal attack, as Ram only hits a single target.

And Beyond...
We are reading your posts on the forums and creating lists of features and bugs to address in future patches. We have mid- to long-term plans to further evolve the Custom Game experience, and soon, enhance our social features with the addition of chat channels. We will be sharing more specific information in the coming weeks. As with all of our previous games, we will support StarCraft II for many years to come. Your feedback and participation is critical in making this not only the best game it can be, but also the most engaged gaming community in the world. We look forward to the implementation of patch 1.1, as well as sharing our plans for our future gameplay and features.

We'll see you online!

Not a word on cross-region play :( Also Ultralisk nerf wut.
Faster Ultras! Anyways, I don't really care for the tank nerf. Tanks are supposed to be awesome but immobility is their weakness.
It looks to me like they're going to start running into balance issues with the damage model they they've chosen to use.
I must admit, I agree with pretty much all of those changes. I don't see anything that makes any unit way too useless, but I see how it will help the matchups...
Ultra was buffed, they get splash against buildings.

Tank nerf = zealots, lings, and marines become ****ing amazing in a terran match up of all kind
Some good changes, although rather small. Except the tank nerf... that greatly pleases me. :P No more forced ****ing mutalisks (which are AWFUL) against Terran?!

Thought for sure we'd at least see some change to thor + mass SCV repair bullshit. Or an evening out of the thor's air attack so it's not solely designed to rape mutalisks in the ass and actually be useful against some other air units.

Oh, and also no mention of how ****ed-up-lame the zerg vs. zerg match-up is at the moment? Whoever cheeses the best with banelings WINS! HURRAY! Also: mutalisks if that doesn't work! WE LOVE THIS SHITTY UNIT!
Roaches supply should be lowered to 1.5. Maybe even 1?

A man can dream
I like creep.

My god, man.

using an overlord, could you have tumor-hopped to the islands?

Also I like how his expansion on the far left is built on the empty patch of land, lol
One thing that really bothers me with SC2 is that the game isn't quite old enough for any of the players, even the top end tournament quality players to be good enough to not make any mistakes.

If you watch pro BW, wins are taken not from mistakes, but from amazing plays in general.

At the current level that SC2 is in, almost 100% of the matches are decided on mistakes, even at the tournament level.
Even being a pure Terran player, I'm happy about the siege tank damage nerf. I don't know how it will play out in tvt since your basically only talking about marines living slightly longer. I honestly thing it should be 35 + 15 light... though that would make 3 units with bonus damage to light and it might be weird having siege tanks do bonus to light in siege mode and armor in normal mode.

The Reaper nerf isn't much of a nerf considering only one or two are build in reaper rush... so you're talking 5-10 seconds which generally won't make the difference from unit to unit. It could count for that extra zergling or stalker that would mean something.

Did BCs really need a nerf? I didn't see them being all that much more effective than anything else end game. I mean I didn't often get them, but they take so much tech that their power seemed warranted.

That Ultralisk buff/nerf seems alright. Being able to cleave buildings will be rough on terran and protoss. I'm not sure if 5 damage less vs armored will be a killer for them or not.
Thank god Marauders were left untouched.

Happy about STs too, TvT might be less of a bore.

it might be weird having siege tanks do bonus to light in siege mode and armor in normal mode.

Not at all, Artillery does shit against armor, irl. Direct fire is where you punch through steel armor.
My god, man.

using an overlord, could you have tumor-hopped to the islands?

I don't think so. The distance between the 'main land' and the islands is a little too big.

Also I like how his expansion on the far left is built on the empty patch of land, lol

That left expansion switched sides three times. First my opponent started mining it, then I wrecked his base there and took it over, and in a last ditch defense he retook it. The idea was to choke off his economy with creep. We both went quick air, but I was never really in a position to attack because I had to keep fending off his massed Viking - Battlecruiser raids with lots of Corruptors and some Mutas. His land defenses weren't very good, but because I had to concentrate on my air force I could never make enough land units to retaliate in force. The match evolved into a big battle of attrition which I finally won when he wasn't able to build enough units anymore.
Thank god Marauders were left untouched.

Happy about STs too, TvT might be less of a bore.

Not at all, Artillery does shit against armor, irl. Direct fire is where you punch through steel armor.

I meant having a single unit have two bonuses that were different. That would be weird. Not the principle of tank warfare here... just Starcraft units...
Just because, as Zerg, you build a new Hatchery, doesn't always mean you have to expand.

Ive seen videos of players building 2-3 hatcheries in their starting points, as well as expanding out, each with their own queens.

Dont forget, the hatchery is the only place Zerg can spawn units, so more hatcheries + queens = swarm.

Each Hachery spawns, what, 3 larvae? Queen pumps out 4 ontop of that, so 7. If you have 4 hatcheries, thats a potential of 28 units waiting to be built all at once (if you have the cash of course).

They all spawn at the same time if you click quick enough, no other race can simultaneously produce that many units in the time it takes to build one unit as Terran or Protoss.

If your macro management and micro management sucks though, Zerg are hard to play with.
I always quickly expand because I usually go for gas-heavy units early. That way it isn't really necessary to build an extra hatchery in my main base because I have a second (and a third and a fourth even) up at my expansions. Almost during the whole match I had at least three hatcheries up. Which combined with infusion from queens is really more than enough to quickly rebuild your forces after a battle.
I still think void rays are very powerfulll

I lost a game to 3 void rays,didnt have much mutalisks but I send 3 mutalisks against those 3 void rays and couldnt kill even one,spore crawlers get destroyed very quickly considering those allways do big damage to other air units but void rays just destroy and destroy

people say the key is to scout early and attack before they make void rays when allways when I attack I get repelled by the few zealots and stalkers they have and them void rays star appearing and destroy everything

and cant make other units cuz I am allways trying to get mutalisks fast and that consumes all my gas but at that time the enemy has enough void rays to obliterate my base

or maybe I just suck but the point is that when facing other races I dont get anihilated so quickly as a protoss massing void rays
You really need corruptors against void rays. Against Protoss I usually go for quick air and build a force that is about 50/50 mutas and corruptors. Try and upgrade the attacks and defense of aerial units quickly and void rays aren't that big of a problem anymore.
If you go corruptors and they tech change after you take out the void rays you've got obsolete units...whereas hydras on the other hand you can counter with. Less mobility with hydras so it's down to the map I guess.
Just because, as Zerg, you build a new Hatchery, doesn't always mean you have to expand.

Ive seen videos of players building 2-3 hatcheries in their starting points, as well as expanding out, each with their own queens.

Dont forget, the hatchery is the only place Zerg can spawn units, so more hatcheries + queens = swarm.

Each Hachery spawns, what, 3 larvae? Queen pumps out 4 ontop of that, so 7. If you have 4 hatcheries, thats a potential of 28 units waiting to be built all at once (if you have the cash of course).

They all spawn at the same time if you click quick enough, no other race can simultaneously produce that many units in the time it takes to build one unit as Terran or Protoss.

If your macro management and micro management sucks though, Zerg are hard to play with.

If you are spot on with larva spit, you really don't need an extra hatch for a mere 1 base income.
Hydras are way too slow off of creep. Not sure why they took their speed upgrade out.
WTF, corruptors are like the worst thing you could build against void rays. :laugh: Void rays do bonus damage to armored... corruptors are armored! Corruptors do bonus damage against massive... void rays are not massive!

The only non-massive units corruptors work at all against are mutas and phoenixes, just because those two hit so light (phoenixes have bonus damage against light, and mutalisk is just weak).

I think mutas actually work fairly well against void rays (probably depends on upgrades, but at 0's all around at least), but hydras and queens are the real tickets to success. No matter what, going up against charged-up void rays is going to result in massive slaughter, so you better bring enough stuff.
lmao I can't believe that video...I've seen IdrA interviewed before and he looked really different. Seems to be legit though!
Yeah I had a feeling it would be one of those template meme videos but I couldn't find the original so why not suspend my disbelief!?

Also IdrA would never ask for a girl's number, he plays SC2 pro. ZING!