StarCraft II

Well at least Blizzard said they're looking at updating character models after Cataclysm is released, and new water and clouds are coming. It's not much but it's a start.
Wonder how they did that...

Looks nice albeit a little slow... though I don't figure it's optimized.
I kinda always liked the WoW graphics. Stylish yet cartoony.

They were always aiming for every PC to be able to play it.
most of the latest games in my pc runs as fast as that video :(
^ Lol, this is such a typical early UMS creation, but looks fun as hell. Where's my Zergling Round-up 2?
Damn, a thirty second teaser is enough for ZT to know what's up!

I want more singleplaayyyerrrrrrr
Well one thing is the same since beta... Macro like shit, notice you're 10 drones up against the Terran, Terran calls down a mule and it's even.

Infestors seem pretty boss now.

Strange thing happened with placements. My cat pulled of my network cable and I still got placed to Diamond.
Your MMR was the same as it was from last season...that could be why you're in Diamond.
Ah yes MMR, forgot about that.

I really need to start working on my overlord placement. I'm way too cautious with the placement in any other than ZvZ. I've had a couple of games today, in which I would have survived if I had the overlords placed. 100 minerals for not losing the game sounds fine to me.
Yup. Kinda weird how zergs only real way of scouting is flying depots...
That gameplay trailer looks sweet. It seems that you get to control Kerrigan a lot.
I like the how they implement unit specialization differently in HotS than WoL. The idea of creating different campaign mechanics for the different races was a good idea.

Did anyone catch what some of those different unit variations are?
I saw some. Splitterling is the green baneling upgrade. It says it creates 2 smaller blings when it dies and those split again too so in total you get 7 gooey explosions from one juicy unit!
The gorgeling just looks like a giant purple baneling/hydralisk with a different kind of explosion.
There were the leaping zerglings which I think would be the raptor upgrade, and the swarmling upgrade makes 3 lings instead of the usual 2.
In one of the zerg bases it looked like there was a queen that had some serious mutations to it as well. I'm excited. I hope that some form of zergling mutation will let it scale cliffs!
Is there anyone with a European region account with SC2 on here who doesn't play right now which I could borrow? I kind of want to play around with some skirmishes but I don't to buy it till HotS comes out and I can get a cheaper bundle or something. I don't want to play ladder, just AI games.

I like the leaping zergling evolution idea, more excited to see what evolution ideas they have for the hydralisk.
Toss is just so boss :<

Edit: Omgf, 30 drone lead and lost to toss. Uninstalled I don't have the patience to play this game anymore :D
I think that's the wrong smiley...:P Everyone has some bad games and stupid losses.
I played some on the weekend and I was feeling totally rusty after not touching it for two months.
Yeah, should not play when you're on tilt.

I really did have a 30 drone lead but then I sacced like 50 lings and 4 infestors to a small number of stalkers and colossi. DEEEEERPPPP!
Finally got my game together, well some what. My main problem really was overlord placement and upgrades. Now I just need to get my timing on third right.

How many players here are on US realm and still play? I Ain't got no practice partners on EU and I'm thinking of buying a NA account during next month.
Pitz still plays and I think ktime does. I have been watching several grand master streams to relearn what's going on these days because I plan to start doing 1v1s again soon.
You have to pay to play with people on a different continent? :/
Spoken like a true SC man.

Wonder when HotS comes out? I haven't played much games in the past few weeks, but I'm still eagerly waiting for the arrival of Heart of the Swarm and africanized Kerrigan.
Prolly less than WoL, considering that it's an expansion. Maybe $40?