State of the Site

State of the Site?

  • Absolutely stellar, never been better.

    Votes: 8 5.9%
  • Pretty much as good as usual.

    Votes: 37 27.4%
  • Not what it once was, but still fine.

    Votes: 54 40.0%
  • Definitely degrading.

    Votes: 11 8.1%
  • Pretty bad.

    Votes: 7 5.2%
  • It's locked in an unavoidable spiralling descent into destruction.

    Votes: 18 13.3%

  • Total voters
I vote no unless there are countermeasures.
I find all the people complaining pretty funny. I've been visiting here since almost the very beginning and I haven't noticed the forum or site "degrading".

Firstly, the website. If I can remember, when I first visited there wasn't even a proper website. There were bars down the side with dead links and a forum in the middle. The site for me has never been anything more to me than a news site for the latest mod updates or whatnot. Looking at the site as of now, it has loads more content than it's ever had. Good job to whoever's added content to it.

Secondly, the forum. You'd think it's turned into a total hellhole by reading some of the posts.

People post threads. If those threads contain illegal discussions then they'll get locked. If they're in the wrong place they'll get moved. This all happens pretty fast if the members use the "report bad post" button.

You can't say the quality of posts are bad either. There are always bad posts on forums like this. If you don't like the posts, don't reply to them, or make your own brand new shiny Einstein posts so you can discuss your more interesting interests.

The member numbers are at an all time low and the impression given is its making a steady amount of money via ads for someone and little interest in changing things that could risk that.
Just wait until Valve show HL3 footage at a future E3. People will flood in.

And, if someone (Munro) can make some money off the site that he started, then that's fair enough. Google ads are hardly going to make him a millionaire.

I think this is just a case of old members cooking up crap again. Being honest.

Maybe the site could have a total makeover, instead of the same old 3 column thing. It would be cool to have a syndication of the latest 10 or so forum posts on the front page. I think that would show visitors that stuff's actually going on in here, and would attract them in.

Competitions-wise, maybe a website redesign contest would get the forum users involved. Or a banner redesign contest. If you stuck a paypal button on the main site, a few people might donate. If you make lets say £30 in 1 month from this, it could be used to buy some sort of prize for the donators, or used as a prize for some other competitions.

Just some random ideas.
A decent listning of all the HL2 mods available with ratings and descriptions. You won't have to host them, you could just redirect to their site.
Any more feelings on a possible properly organised clan?
I wouldn't be able to participate due to having a wonderful clan already for DOD:S, CS:S, BF2, BF1942/DC, etc, but I could help out as far as HL2:DM is concerned, and perhaps ZM.
Yeah im in a BF2 clan currently and won't be leavin that anytime within the next decade :P

I will probably be looking for one when i get DoD:S, and i think with the DoD:S machinma having a DoD:S clan would be a feasable idea
I only play a bit of HL2DM but I'd still be in the clan :)
Ennui said:
I only play a bit of HL2DM but I'd still be in the clan :)

Hell, i've only played HL2DM about three times, total :eek: but i'd still be in the clan :burp:
On another thought, I could run a ZM mapping contest, which would get people being creative. I'd need to release the FGD, though. Winner gets to playtest.

-Angry Lawyer
someone call brisck lol

that would pwn
i used to run a starcraft clan called [AK]. We sucked.
A properly organized BF2/DoD:S/CS:S clan would pwn.
Ennui said:
i used to run a starcraft clan called [AK]. We sucked.

I used to beat everyone on US servers. But Asia was hard.

Anyway, we do need a properly organized [] clan.
Ennui said:
How would we get a calender like that implemented, do you think?

I know some Vbulliten loads have calanders built in...

We could just have a section on the site with a day by day list, whatever.
Use the same sort of thing as the front page, but not-ish. I don't know webdesign, but i'm sure it's easy...

Game announcement function anybody?

And sulk, a game announcement system could also jack into the calender, have it that you could only want to see the upcoming Clan Games, and who's running them etc.

It could all just be manualy added, altho that'd be evil for the admins, we would just be send

The Dark Elf said:
I did? How? I gave some random community mod idea's and also said if the site doesn't make some big changes soon it'll die.. I wouldn't call that injecting hope

It might have been more fear :O

But that's more of my 2 cents
I don't get culture refrence ;(
Or sarcasm, today, too tired...

Do you think the calender can happen?
Now i see... mmhmm
are you really John Doe?
/me mumurs

The Site Page said:
As we continue to grow and expand, and as more games are released, we continue to make the site even better. This site will always give you all the latest and greatest information on the games, but we are looking ahead to much more. We want to offer the community something different - regular and original content, coverage of gaming events and the news that matters. The future of is looking very bright, and you can look forward to more new and regular content than ever before from a team of writers who, being gamers, know exactly what the gamers want and will provide it.

It's a nice speel, i like.
Sums us up
The sites been going down ether way. Most game sites do.

It's just a cycle folks. Once HL3 is announce and/or a (or org) site is made it will go back up hill.
Same ol' Same ol'. There is the usual "I hate HL2's ending" by the guy with 10 posts. But other than that I like the forums.

But it'll be back for Aftermath/HL3.
I now feel the forum is fun again. Perhaps it's the img tags.

tbh, most big sites end up with this crap as they get older, the regulars start longing for the 'good old times' even though they were pretty similar to now only it was new then( i'm pretty sure there were a fair share of idiots back in 2003/4, most people remember the good times) and pretty much every new person can only ask old questions so people think the sites collective IQ is going down etc...

regarding the comments about the css clan, there is one in place... kinda. The one that dekstar started is still there even if there are problems at the moment but it's not folded. We might be looking to get new people into it and it would be nice to actually get people coming in from, otherwise it's just a name... so yeah if we start recruiting come and have a look. You do actually get a badge(digital) saying that you're in a clan with Munro... even if he plays very rarely.

at the moment we're all european(uk mainly). Various attempts at creating divisions for the USA/hl2dm/etc have all seemed to fizzle out.

Maybe if more people get interested and we can sort out the problems with the european css clan we can get something truely respresentative of going :)
Septih, true.

It's just that there isn't much to discuss atm about HL2 so people can't do anything else then go offtopic.
I came into this forum to whinge about the lack of content for this site. There aren't many working links on the front page. A lot is promised but little has been delivered. Just getting the site complete would be very good.
New Servers
New Leagues and Tournies

Yeah make these and it may not be just another forum.
I say everyone that regularly posts in the Politics forum should not be allowed to post in any other forum. FOREVAR
Sprafa said:
I say everyone that regularly posts in the Politics forum should not be allowed to post in any other forum. FOREVAR

I concur.

btw, I only post randomly there.