State of the Site

State of the Site?

  • Absolutely stellar, never been better.

    Votes: 8 5.9%
  • Pretty much as good as usual.

    Votes: 37 27.4%
  • Not what it once was, but still fine.

    Votes: 54 40.0%
  • Definitely degrading.

    Votes: 11 8.1%
  • Pretty bad.

    Votes: 7 5.2%
  • It's locked in an unavoidable spiralling descent into destruction.

    Votes: 18 13.3%

  • Total voters
If people would refrain from making stupid comments there would be no reason to fight. If people want to run their mouths like idiots they'll hear about it.
qckbeam said:
You're such a funny guy.

Was I talking about you? *points at all the failed mods out there* I wasn't even around when forumland stopped. If it was your leaving that caused it then its the first I've heard.

Besides I'd be well within reason to respond to all the crap I've been hearing you've thrown about behind my back via your pet toad Tr0n. Last time I spoke to you things were just fine between us, so I'm a little surprised where all the hatred came from all of a sudden. Or didn't you ever say any of that for him to secrete it out of his venomous posts. I'd be interested to hear your side of things, as its all seemed to have been said in your absence aswell as mine.
how about a new website logo contest!????

we could try and improve the aesthetics of the website bit by bit!!!

web developers would get there chance at the code style/ artists could have fun pondering logos!
Take it to PM. This thread is not "The qckbeam and TDE grudge thread", no matter however justified either of you might be in your dislike of each other. I happen to really like both of you so I'd prefer not to have to start deleting your posts and whatnot. Just please take it to PM.

So, ideas for improvement so far:

- Perhaps make a small mod? Something simple and fun, like Sourceforts or HL2CTF, a basic and simple gameplay core that we can lather with tasty goodies and models and maps. Something Sven-Coop like.

- Machinima. Probably DOD:S - this is my personal choice.

- Contests for site improvement - web design, graphic design, etc.
Ennui said:
How about we don't fight in this thread, qckbeam and TDE? Take it to PM if you're really so irked about it, but I don't think TDE's comment was at all called for.

Munro is in Florida for a few weeks, he left a couple of days ago.

The thing is, he's a nice guy and all that - but he doesn't do anything more than minor aesthetic or content changes. The site is stagnating worse than a dead body in the desert and he does nothing about it. We're experiencing a horrible case of entropy and yet all he can do is change the forum colors a bit.

Err again, where exactly was this directed at qck? lol
Ennui said:
Also I would completely support deleting the Politics forum, but then all the filth from it would be in Off-Topic instead.
Am i the only one who actually likes the politics section and learns stuff from going in there...?
I am tempted to shout 'Disgraceful' but in this context it would be entirely justified.

/me shakes fist at lazy Munro
come on play nice,
this is exactly what is happening to this forum.....

this thread ahs been jacked to a sensless who what when why bithcing session, at least i can see that devloping

can we please concentrate upon the thread title, and ways of trying to help the website, i feel that atm its down to me and ennui contributing, TDE u got off on the right foot with the description of the problems....
Ennui said:
Take it to PM. This thread is not "The qckbeam and TDE grudge thread", no matter however justified either of you might be in your dislike of each other. I happen to really like both of you so I'd prefer not to have to start deleting your posts and whatnot. Just please take it to PM.

LOL there is NO dislike. Thats why none of what Tr0n said in the past had made any sense. The last time I spoke to qck was on good terms, long after we'd sorted out the differences during SW. We both had a good long chat and were even talking of him getting involved in SW again just prior to my leaving. Hardly the actions of two people who "hate each other"
The Dark Elf said:
Err again, where exactly was this directed at qck? lol
It seemed very suspiciously directed at him when I read it. Implication is just as damning, after all.

And Ikerous, I like some of the politics sections - the issues and discussion stuff - but the constant flaming, Glirk Dient and No Limit and Cpt.Stern facing off - that stuff is stupid.

edit: Sheesh, TDE, whatever. It certainly seems to me like you two don't like each other after reading your posts to each other in this thread, I don't proclaim to know much beyond that. If you DO like each other, that's perfectly fine with me - just quit talking about it! I'm trying my best to keep this thread on track!
Not what it once was, but still fine.

I fear any effort to manually reignite the sense of community would be wasted. I'm just gonna sit it out and hope for the best.

The problem with community based projects is not everyone has the talent or skill for certain things, the project ends up as an offshoot for only a few members, and it stops being a whole community project.
Ikerous said:
Am i the only one who actually likes the politics section and learns stuff from going in there...?

I like the concept of the Politics forum, but I'd be in denial if I said it was in an okey-dokey state.

I think dealing with that section requires one of two courses of action:
1.) Heavy moderation, at least for a short bit. Show people that the jig is up and really start hammering on people when they step out of the line. Set the precedent and hopefully things will normalize.
2.) Delete it.
That's why we'd have to pick one where everyone could at least have a say in what it is, and if they can make content then they can submit it and if it's of a decent quality it would be included.
Munro is in Florida for a few weeks, he left a couple of days ago.

Really? Nice of him to inform us. What if we needed him

You know, I can't actually tell the difference.
and if it wasnt of decent quality say what could be done better,,

that way it would change the mentality of the forums to one of helping each other instead of taking cheap shots at each other and confusion in where each person stands with other.
The Dark Elf said:
Was I talking about you? *points at all the failed mods out there* I wasn't even around when forumland stopped. If it was your leaving that caused it then its the first I've heard.

Besides I'd be well within reason to respond to all the crap I've been hearing you've thrown about behind my back via your pet toad Tr0n. Last time I spoke to you things were just fine between us, so I'm a little surprised where all the hatred came from all of a sudden. Or didn't you ever say any of that for him to secrete it out of his venomous posts. I'd be interested to hear your side of things, as its all seemed to have been said in your absence aswell as mine.

Yes, you were talking about me, and I think we both know that.

What's this about all the crap I've thrown around behind your back? You backstab and badmouth me, vanish without a trace for months, and then act surprised that I may have mentioned my frustration at the situation to a friend? Whatever. I'm finished now. I just wanted to say that.
He posted it in the moderator forum silly.

Still, if I hadn't just said it... members would NEVER know.

edit: that was to Pi.
Don't forget about Hetaria. ;)

Since I joined, the site has always been full of constant greatness. I think its fine now. There were a couple times that it sloped down to horribleness.. But it has definetly rose up from those times.
Fenric said:
The mods are nerfed to hell and can't moderate properly anymore, some not even moderating for fear of losing their status from complaints.

Not sure where you get that idea from.
It feels to me like the forum's become less of a tight community and more of a stagnant cesspool of spam. We used to have much better thread topics and whatnot.
never know about what???

the special forum where moderators say omg i reckon joims is really a fat fudger wiht 4 kids

well you would be so wrong i have 5.

On topic We need to give munro a harsh talking to, if there werent sucha massive forum following this site would have died years ago

with the creation of the supreme commander forums it feels liek ive been abandoned

that has been already mentioned Shamrock, read the thread mate:p i got a slap on the fingers from ennui :(
Supreme Commander forums are inactive as hell, Munro hasn't posted in ages there.
Ennui said:
It seemed very suspiciously directed at him when I read it. Implication is just as damning, after all.

And Ikerous, I like some of the politics sections - the issues and discussion stuff - but the constant flaming, Glirk Dient and No Limit and Cpt.Stern facing off - that stuff is stupid.

edit: Sheesh, TDE, whatever. It certainly seems to me like you two don't like each other after reading your posts to each other in this thread, I don't proclaim to know much beyond that. If you DO like each other, that's perfectly fine with me - just quit talking about it! I'm trying my best to keep this thread on track!

Yeah but I don't like to be silenced when I want the truth to be heard

qckbeam quit SW for other reasons that both him and I are aware of, none of which was because of him or his abilities. And I wouldn't have wanted him involved in it both times, or asked him to be part of forumland aswell if I didn't think he could program, would I? I mean really.. think about it, if I didn't think he was reliable or had any ability (when he was even showing me some crazy things we would be able to do), why would I keep trying to get him involved in projects? The suggestions that qck had said things ALWAYS came from others, never himself. I have yet to see him post anything against me.

Hence why I fail to see how I have a problem against him. When you look at the facts it doesn't weigh up.

There I've said my piece now, and PM'd qckbeam aswell.
yeh but because of that, and the fact that munro is making money out opf this site so he almost abandoned it and decided to make another money making adventure with no community as of yet made. it does seem like he dont care.
I think Munro cares about the site, and he feels like he does a lot for it - he just doesn't have the energy and drive to improve it. He's not that active and even if he cares he doesn't do much about it.
he should try to and start to create he already has a domain for it.....

All i know is we need an active super admin who has the ability to add actual parts to the forums allowing for a mod sector to the website to be devloped fully it owudlnt take long to set up some threads,a new user group of mods for that section and some locked threads.....
No, changes to the forums won't do shit to improve the site. The forums are fine as they are, we just need something particularly earthshaking.
TDE TDE lol.

Anyway, started sucking a long time ago. Why? Dunno. Forums are full of crap. A large part of the core of regular members who posted good stuff "back in the day" stopped posting. Those who were annoying brats back then are the regulars now I suppose. Maybe it's just that, or maybe I can only theorise, because forum quality is not something you can index and make nice graphs of. All I can be sure about is that I don't like to read anymore. I used to dislike that and resent how the forums had degraded, but now I can't say I care anymore. If people link me however, I still post :P
u would need a wells et out forum chunk to effectivly run a cummunity mod however.
its true, the website has been degrading, the community is picking sides, some have already done so.

I for example feel no connection with the community anymore, reason?
leaders, how they are chosen. (maybe its a good idea to vote for moderators, supermods, admins by the community - its a proven concept)
the fact that there is nothing that interest's me anymore, the only forums I view are the general gaming forum, sometimes the hardware forum, the rest I havent visited since hl2 was released.

one member act's stupid, 2 see it, act stupid, 4 see it, act stupid, 8 see it act stupid, like a bloody parabole, lack of rules, all in my oppinion because lack of leaders who set examples.

whenever an "extreme" thread gets opened, the mods close it asap. in my eyes, not the best thing to do.

maybe a "what to do" public voting thing could be good. give a better insight in what the community as a whole is thinking. it shows the community what the idea was, and what will be done if the idea gets copied

just a thought, think it over people
I plan on making a "What to do" thread later after this thread shows something conclusive.
Stricter rules and punishment! Reform the community the hard, iron-fisted way. ;)
Let's abolish private property lol.
It doesn't matter how much you think it over. The bottom line is that it's Munro's site and Munro will run it however he wants. One can only assume that this is the way he wants.
This site is going to fade into an abyss because HL2 is old news... and a lot of people aren't joining anymore. And if they do, it's just to post one thread about a problem that's been addressed a million times before. It's really sad because the community is really cool here...
Are you saying it can't be saved?
there is no need to abolish anything, there is arequirement of rule inforcement

almost a re-election of all mods would be effective, a forum section aka, i tihnk i sh uld be a mod because i will ...... vot eme cos.......

after a week of campainging or something ppl vote, if someone tries to take the comedy angle they get kicked out,

im extreme vote me in would get denied totally by some one fair..

AKA, chris_d,TDE, Munro......... not going to say why i made that choice,
What's going to draw people in? Halflife 2? ...
Pi Mu Rho said:
It doesn't matter how much you think it over. The bottom line is that it's Munro's site and Munro will run it however he wants. One can only assume that this is the way he wants.

Then lets all piss off to a different forum, vote with your feet thats what isay!!!

he comes back form hols and no one is around:) will show him what he can loose

qonfused is right

there is no reason for

maybe bt other than that it was a coommnuity based on hype of a game, now there is no more hype