Statue of Liberty

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Adrien C said:
US allways made fun of us, but I felt it more during Iraq war.
Look who is laughing now :D

Ummm...the French have made fun of us as well. France is just as guilty as the U.S.A. is.
Question, do you still admit that the war on Iraq was good?
Question, how many Iraqis were freed from Saddam's rule because of us?

Not that you would know anything about freeing people though.
this wouldn't be so funny if I werent mildly intoxicated :E
(i just got home from work ;) )

:cheers: 2 Sprafa! I don't get the point of this thread... but y not!

and why the hell don't peple like the french????

I've heard they're rude..
so M I of course. :P
gh0st said:
i admit it was a mistake to have initiated the war to begin with, and its had unfortunate consequences. but good has come from it, the world is a better place without saddam hussein.

do you admit france would be gonzo twice if the us wasent around? considering the amount of troops we lost during ww1 and 2 and the amount you lost during our revolution, france didnt do much. france was too busy licking its wounds from the french indian war.

Sorry, I forgot you still think that you won Vietnam...
seinfeldrules said:
Not that you would know anything about freeing people though.
hey what about the french revolution :)

Adrien C said:
Sorry, I forgot you still think that you won Vietnam...
from a tatical standpoint we did. unfortunatly it was a strategic loss, and too bad we didnt stop the proliferation of communism there. but you lot vietnam first, so dont blame us.
Sorry, I forgot you still think that you won Vietnam...
Didnt the French think the same thing too? Then they got their asses handed to them. At least we killed far more then we lost.

hey what about the french revolution
I think France as a whole has developed alzheimers on that one.
seinfeldrules said:
Question, how many Iraqis were freed from Saddam's rule because of us?

Not that you would know anything about freeing people though.

The question is : How many people it took to take Saddam?

You can't justify all this death fro just Saddam, I agree, he was bad, better dead than alive.

They could have killed him with a misile. Or an assasination.
Adrien C said:
They could have killed him with a misile. Or an assasination.
his corrupt administration would still be in place, and thats no way to free a nation.

soldiers didnt die just to take out saddam, a nation now has freedoms it never had before. i notice none of your soldiers died, they were all reaping the benefits of selling weapons to iraq and exploiting the oil for food program.
soldiers didnt die just to take out saddam, a nation now has freedoms it never had before. i notice none of your soldiers died, they were all reaping the benefits of selling weapons to iraq and exploiting the oil for food program.

Not to mention defacing American graves at Normandy. While it wasnt widespread, some of this actually did occur.
gh0st said:
i admit it was a mistake to have initiated the war to begin with, and its had unfortunate consequences. but good has come from it, the world is a better place without saddam hussein.

do you admit france would be gonzo twice if the us wasent around? considering the amount of troops we lost during ww1 and 2 and the amount you lost during our revolution, france didnt do much. france was too busy licking its wounds from the french indian war.

It's not actually fair to compare casualty lists from the US civil war and WWI/WWII.

Military technology had come such a long way by the time of WWI that casualties were head and shoulders above anything that had come before.
blahblahblah said:
I'm sure the UN would approve of that. Not to mention it is against the law in the US to do assasinations.

What about Israel ? Are they aproved by the UN ?
blahblahblah said:
I'm sure the UN would approve of that. Not to mention it is against the law in the US to do assasinations.

Doesn't stop Israel.

Doesn't stop the US vetoing anything that is anti-Israel in the UN.
Adrien C said:
What about Israel ? Are they aproved by the UN ?
assassinating terrorists isnt the same as assassinating a nations leader, unfortunatly. israel just knows how to throw hamas' shitty tactics back at them, and jam them down their throats.
Adrien C said:
Please, let's not embark Israel, I allways get banned.
you brought it up, you are just bringing up random issues, and never following through with one.
assassinating terrorists isnt the same as assassinating a nations leader,
Well said. I dont see why people get their panties in a bunch when Israel slams a missle into a terrorist's lap after he killed (or planned the killing of) dozens of Israelies.
Never mind if they are just 'throwing Hamas' tactics back at them'

Killing someone who hasn't even been charged with any crime is still illegal.

By your logic Israel is perfectly justified killing children and innocent civilians, just because others do. :rolleyes:
seinfeldrules said:
Well said. I dont see why people get their panties in a bunch when Israel slams a missle into a terrorist's lap after he killed (or planned the killing of) dozens of Israelies.

I agree, some times, dyplomacy just dosen't do it. I could name a bunch that need to be exterminated.
Adrien C said:
Please, let's not embark Israel, I allways get banned.
OK so here are the facts.
You bring up WWII. We bailed you out during the war and afterwards when we payed for much of the rebuilding process.

You bring up Vietnam. Dien Bien Phu ring any bells?

You bring up Iraq, yet you didnt have the courage to save 25 million people? You may not have agreed with the WMD stance, but for Godssake the man was a brutal murderer. You could have done it for the Iraqi people.
Pogrom said:
By your logic Israel is perfectly justified killing children and innocent civilians, just because others do. :rolleyes:
sorry, people who plan and support suicide bombers are not children, or innocent civilians. they get what they deserve.
gh0st said:
sorry, people who plan and support suicide bombers are not children, or innocent civilians. they get what they deserve.

And those pesky innocent children and civilians?

Regrettable collateral, huh?
Pogrom said:
And those pesky innocent children and civilians?

Regrettable collateral, huh?
what are israeli children and innocent civilian? what are they? im much more inclined to give israel the benefit of the doubt than i am hamas or any other terrorist groups there.
Nop, Israel should be helping them, after all they gave them their land.
All they do is piss them off.

In a way, both are wrong.
Do you propose that Israel should sit back and do nothing while they are bombarded by terrorist attacks on a daily basis? Unbelieveable. What would you order your gov't to do if your child was killed by a homicide bomber? You would make them hunt the f***er down.
seinfeldrules said:
Do you propose that Israel should sit back and do nothing while they are bombarded by terrorist attacks on a daily basis? Unbelieveable. What would you order your gov't to do if your child was killed by a homicide bomber? You would make them hunt the f***er down.
their countries have probably never had a terrorist attack, they dont have a ****ing clue the heinous people israel deals with.
Humm, when they take half your home, and you don't have an army to defend yourself....
I'm seriously worried about where the world is heading.

Can't you see that there is no difference between governments and terrorists when both are killing innocents?

How many news reports have you seen this year where Palestinian women, children and men (all of whom the Israeli army admits was innocent) have been shot dead or killed in rocket attacks?

I know I lost count after the twentieth such report. I even remember seeing a report of a mentally handicapped man (also deaf) who was shot dead simply for looking at Israeli tanks.

Israel have already sunk down to the level of the terrorists.
Pogrom said:
I'm seriously worried about where the world is heading.

Can't you see that there is no difference between governments and terrorists when both are killing innocents?

How many news reports have you seen this year where Palestinian women, children and men (all of whom the Israeli army admits was innocent) have been shot dead or killed in rocket attacks?

I know I lost count after the twentieth such report. I even remember seeing a report of a mentally handicapped man (also deaf) who was shot dead simply for looking at Israeli tanks.

Israel have already sunk down to the level of the terrorists.

In a way, bombing people with a misile is a terrorism taken to the next level
Pogrom said:
I'm seriously worried about where the world is heading.

Can't you see that there is no difference between governments and terrorists when both are killing innocents?
civilian deaths have been a part of war forever, its nothing new, the worlds been "in that direction" since we first started killing each other.

the whole israel thing just illustrates how i see the world one way, and you see it a totally different way.
gh0st said:
civilian deaths have been a part of war forever, its nothing new, the worlds been "in that direction" since we first started killing each other.

the whole israel thing just illustrates how i see the world one way, and you see it a totally different way.

Yes, we see it differently.

I see a government and its army not making an effort to minimise civilian deaths. I call it terrorism. You call it expected.

And which war, by the way? Israel never declared war on the Palestinians.

Fairly one-sided war anyway. Homemade bombs and rifles against tanks, choppers, missiles and jets.
Because you are leading a mod on the subject.
Not keeping it neutral could favor a side.
Pogrom said:
Yes, we see it differently.

I see a government and its army not making an effort to minimise civilian deaths. I call it terrorism. You call it expected.

And which war, by the way? Israel never declared war on the Palestinians.

Fairly one-sided war anyway. Homemade bombs and rifles against tanks, choppers, missiles and jets.
as any reputable government, of course they take actions to minimize civilian deaths. its impossible the way terrorists fight and hide amongst civilians, so of course they are expected.

war? fine, conflict.

one sided is all in the eye of the beholder. 2 planes killed 3000 people.

Adrien C said:
Because you are leading a mod on the subject.
Not keeping it neutral could favor a side.
its not around anymore, i see no point in hiding my viewpoints now.
Fairly one-sided war anyway. Homemade bombs and rifles against tanks, choppers, missiles and jets.
I can guarantee you this. If Palestine stopped the terrorist attacks against Israel do you think Israel would launch random missle strikes against random civilians? No. Once the terrorism stops, so will Israel. If Israel ceased retaliation then the attacks would only escalate.
From what I see, Isarel and their great wall, are taking more and more Palestinian land every day.
gh0st said:
as any reputable government, of course they take actions to minimize civilian deaths. its impossible the way terrorists fight and hide amongst civilians, so of course they are expected.

war? fine, conflict.

one sided is all in the eye of the beholder. 2 planes killed 3000 people.

9/11 doesn't have anything to do with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In regards to hiding among civilians, I say that simply expecting civilian casualties is not good enough. Are you saying that in any terrorist situation, any person who associates with a terrorist is fair game?

So in Northern Ireland, it would be acceptable to fire missiles at apartment buildings if a terrorist lived in one of the apartment?
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