Statue of Liberty

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Adrien C said:
From what I see, Isarel and their great wall, are taking more and more Palestinian land every day.
too easy. do you even know what the wall is? it partitions it to the regular 67 borders and might possibly leave room for a palestinian state. there are few disadvantages to have this wall, and others like it have decreased or completely stopped terrorist attacks in other regions. the wall is a legal and legitimate action.

Adrien C said:
What happend to the mod Ghost ?
the co creater and i got jobs, were all too busy to properly work on it.
ummm.. you guys.. i did some extensive googling.. and it looks like CptStern was right! attached is a picture of a Captain Cuthbert Chuffnell, who was a member of the New York 53rd infantry during the civil war. beside his picture is a photograph of a letter he wrote to his home. the caption is a transcription of the letter since it may be hard to read. i can't believe it....
seinfeldrules said:
I can guarantee you this. If Palestine stopped the terrorist attacks against Israel do you think Israel would launch random missle strikes against random civilians? No. Once the terrorism stops, so will Israel. If Israel ceased retaliation then the attacks would only escalate.

Would the cessation of attacks against the Palestinians lift them out of their misery?

Would it rebuild their towns?

Would it allow them the opportunity to live without fear and to accumulate wealth (which is the only way to truly defeat terrorism)?

Would it give them back the land that Israel stole when they invaded the Palestinian territory?

Would it give them their own state?
Lil' Timmy said:
ummm.. you guys.. i did some extensive googling.. and it looks like CptStern was right! attached is a picture of a Captain Cuthbert Chuffnell, who was a member of the New York 53rd infantry during the civil war. beside his picture is a photograph of a letter he wrote to his home. the caption is a transcription of the letter since it may be hard to read. i can't believe it....
Pogrom said:
Would the cessation of attacks against the Palestinians lift them out of their misery?

Would it rebuild their towns?

Would it allow them the opportunity to live without fear and to accumulate wealth (which is the only way to truly defeat terrorism)?

Would it give them back the land that Israel stole when they invaded the Palestinian territory?

Would it give them their own state?
Stopping the attacks is the only way that can begin. They will never beat Israel using their current methods.
seinfeldrules said:
Stopping the attacks is the only way that can begin. They will never beat Israel using their current methods.

Why should they have to stop first? Israel is holding all of the cards. And Israel started it by invading the Palestinian territory in the first place.

Actually, they started much earlier. Israeli terrorists bombed a hotel in Jerusalem to try and get a Jewish state (93 people were killed). Lo and behold, it worked. The Palestinians looked at the Israeli example and learned from it.

And just to emphasis my point about Children: article

Here's a passage quoted for emphasis:

Sydney Morning Herald said:
The boys' deaths brought to at least 24 the number of Palestinian children killed since Israel's "Operation Days of Penitence" began 10 days ago.
Why should they have to stop first?
Bad analogy but, do you ask Santa for X-Mass presents by punching him in the nose or asking nicely?

They wont get anywhere by blowing up little kids.
seinfeldrules said:
Bad analogy but, do you ask Santa for X-Mass presents by punching him in the nose or asking nicely?

They wont get anywhere by blowing up little kids.

Hey, Israel got a country out of it. That's one hell of an incentive.
seinfeldrules said:

Israel didnt get its land by beating up on everyone. Are you kidding me? The UN established the land after WWII because of the mass sympathy for Jews.

But there were those who felt that the process wasn't moving quickly enough. They belonged to the Zionist terrorist group Irgun.

The two men most responsible for the killings later became Prime Ministers of Israel.

I suggest you see the documentary The Birth of Modern Terrorism. It makes for quite an interesting viewing.
This is by far the best debate I've ever created.

I love you all.
seinfeldrules said:
You bring up Iraq, yet you didnt have the courage to save 25 million people? You may not have agreed with the WMD stance, but for Godssake the man was a brutal murderer. You could have done it for the Iraqi people.

For the Iraqi people?... :laugh:

Yeah and what a great job they've done so far. Great ****ing job :thumbs:

Don't be so naive. You honestly believe the current US administration went into Iraq to save the Iraqi people? You need to unplug your tv and learn to think for yourself.
Its times like these...I wish there was a KFC nearby.

Its interesting, that people often use history to prove that their country is better than someone elses...Now, I don't know everything but I have studied a lot of 20th century history, and when you see what people did you know that really...We aren't so different and no country has a "clean slate".
CB | Para said:
You need to unplug your tv and learn to think for yourself.
I think this one applies for 99% of the people in this thread, from BOTH sides.
Direwolf said:
I think this one applies for 99% of the people in this thread, from BOTH sides.

Not CptStern. And I stopped watching TV except Daily show after Neutrino :D
stern and i are the only ones that know about the kfc-civil war connection precisely because we watch more tv than you could possibly imagine!!
Politics + Internet = Batshit insane flamewars :)

Just dropping in to say:

What about the Oil-for-food scandal? UN Security council gg :)
I already knew this fact. So Sprafa, why did you make this thread anyway? This is just common knowledge...even some stupid people know who made the structure.
gh0st said:
ive seen it, the ninnies from school who are like mega vegans passed out the pamphlets. it just made me hungry, and i made sure to eat extra kfc that day, just for them.

I'll just stand back when the massive karma feedback incinerates you where you stand :E tata!! toodles been nice knowing ya!
Then I have to ask...who prompted the discussion of the Middle East?

Its times like these, we should have a debate forum. :D
K e r b e r o s said:
Then I have to ask...who prompted the discussion of the Middle East?

It always comes up, we could be discussing lag compensation in RTCW and someone will somehow manage to bring up the subject of Iraq.
CB | Para said:
It always comes up, we could be discussing lag compensation in RTCW and someone will somehow manage to bring up the subject of Iraq.
Lag compensation? Like a built in delay?
Hehe, when you see the US giving out jobs to compannys for the reconstruction of Iraq. Imagine all the oil they are taking.
For the Iraqi people?...

Yeah and what a great job they've done so far. Great ****ing job

Don't be so naive. You honestly believe the current US administration went into Iraq to save the Iraqi people? You need to unplug your tv and learn to think for yourself.
I never said we went in soley because of the Iraqi people. What I did say was that France and the other countries should have supported us because of the Iraqi people's dilemma.
No and no, because at first, you never did it for the Iraqi people, you did it for "your safety", you wen't to look for "wmd" (we of course know that it was a scam)
ComradeBadger said:
Adrien C France had their own reasons for holding back, nothing altruistic.

In a way you are write, lets face it, there is to much arabic community in France, they would had had a major problem if they had entered.
That and they were benifting from Iraqi Oil money :)

No country does anything for 'pure' reasons, just the way the world works.
I remember that we use to arm Saddam, as he had some actions in the French armement idustry and in some oil companny.
Yeah, that and he used the Oil-for-Food program to give certain members of the UN Security council money, namely the French and the Russians.

I'm not casting aspirations here, I'm just saying it's all 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'
seinfeldrules said:
I never said we went in soley because of the Iraqi people. What I did say was that France and the other countries should have supported us because of the Iraqi people's dilemma.

Then don't use that "Oh those poor Iraqi people" excuse. Anyway, France and Germany had major business ties with Saddam's regime that's why they didn't lift a finger to help. No one gives a flying **** about the "Iraqi people", not even their neighbors.
USA did a misstake, hahahahaha

lets all throw pie at them :afro:
You'll exuse me, but what a bunch of noobs the iraqis are, when you are trying to help me I thank you.
Bombing and be-heading is not a way to thank.

Did you see us kill the Amercians when they freed Paris ?
No and no, because at first, you never did it for the Iraqi people, you did it for "your safety", you wen't to look for "wmd" (we of course know that it was a scam)
The Iraqi people werent as big of a motivation as WMD, that is obvious, but Bush has claimed it as a reason even before we went in. To say it wasnt taken into consideration is ridiculous.
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