Steam to being sending 'the game' to hard drives a week before it ships

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Femur: Valve has already set precedent for such a move with the bink videos. I think its very likely.
Originally posted by femur
*shakes his head*

gee mister, whats a server ?

Why is this so difficult for some people to understand? PRE-CACHING REDUCES THE INEVITABLE RELEASE-DAY BANDWITDH CONSUMPTION SPIKE. They've already demonstrated they can pre-cache the videos, why would they add a feature like that and NOT use it to reduce their bandwidth needs?!? That would be retarded.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I think you should visit Valve sometime and tell them how to run their business. They could learn a lot from you.

i think YOU should visit valve sometime, then post about in an internet forum, then let your head inflate from all the attention you get, then start telling people all kinds of crasy things ... ooops ... i mean, nevermind.
Originally posted by Direwolf
Femur: Valve has already set precedent for such a move with the bink videos. I think its very likely.

you mean those FREE ones ?

again, im not saying its not technically possible.
Originally posted by femur
i think YOU should visit valve sometime, then post about in an internet forum, then let your head inflate from all the attention you get, then start telling people all kinds of crasy things ... ooops ... i mean, nevermind.

What the hell is your problem? What do I have to gain over posting lies? A position at Valve? I don't think so. When the tour was over Gabe walked me to the exit and said "See you online," and then turned to go back to his office.

I'm not letting my head inflate over the attention either, I'm posting what I remember as it comes to me. The whole experience shook me a little, to be honest, and it was difficult to remember everything that was said all at once. Why do you feel the need to insult me to get your point across?
spidcodfry or someone else. Can you please summerise this thread quickly. I'm sure I got everything packed down.

1) HL2 will be pre-cached onto steam. For everyone with Steam. Even if you haven't pre-ordered it? Or is it just for people who pre-order it?

2) We can't pre-order it on steam yet right?

Am I right saying the above?

IMO opinion Steam is looking very attractive now. Don't forget all the problems with steam now could be caused by games not optimised for Steam that well.

Valve have spent alot of time with Hl2 and getting it right for Stea. HL2 will most likely run very very sweet with Steam.

I'm 75% sure I'll get it on steam now. You can save the cache and put it on a CD or throw it on your D:\ and then reformat your computer. How cool is that. Very valid option Steam is now.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
What the hell is your problem? What do I have to gain over posting lies? A position at Valve? I don't think so. When the tour was over Gabe walked me to the exit and said "See you online," and then turned to go back to his office.

I'm not letting my head inflate over the attention either, I'm posting what I remember as it comes to me. The whole experience shook me a little, to be honest, and it was difficult to remember everything that was said all at once. Why do you feel the need to insult me to get your point across?

I want you to concentrate for a second there anything else you haven't mentioned?
Good point manny.

Oh and people of course Spidcodfry is telling the truth about this thread. He went to Valve and saw the man himself. It would take a very low person to lie what was said after doing that...
Originally posted by Kamakiri
spidcodfry or someone else. Can you please summerise this thread quickly. I'm sure I got everything packed down.

1) HL2 will be pre-cached onto steam. For everyone with Steam. Even if you haven't pre-ordered it? Or is it just for people who pre-order it?

2) We can't pre-order it on steam yet right?

Am I right saying the above?

IMO opinion Steam is looking very attractive now. Don't forget all the problems with steam now could be caused by games not optimised for Steam that well.

Valve have spent alot of time with Hl2 and getting it right for Stea. HL2 will most likely run very very sweet with Steam.

I'm 75% sure I'll get it on steam now. You can save the cache and put it on a CD or throw it on your D:\ and then reformat your computer. How cool is that. Very valid option Steam is now.

I didn't ask whether it would be sent to people who 'chose' to receive it or not, so I'm not sure about that. I'd guess that you'd give Valve your credit card info intially to start the download, but it wouldn't charge until you could play it, which would be the 30th. All I heard from Valve is that it would begin downloading about a week or so before you could play it, and that they had heavy decryption methods to prevent anyone from playing it before then. That's all they told me in that regard.
Originally posted by manny_c44
I want you to concentrate for a second there anything else you haven't mentioned?

Nada...all important info gleaned from my visit has been posted on these boards. I know its been very odd for me to divulge these pieces of info in this fashion, but I'm being totally honest when I say that I post this info as I remember it.

EDIT: I apologize for the confusion all this has caused...really do wish I got it all out in my 'visit' thread.
go back and demand to know the release date...

take a crowbar....
Originally posted by spitcodfry
You really are thick, aren't you? People at Valve told me this numb nuts! Gabe Newell, the CEO of the company that is making Half-Life 2, and that also makes Steam, told me this! How clearer does it need to be? Why in the blue hell would he make up such a thing?

im not saying Gabe (or anyone else) lied ...

and no, im not thick so the insults really do hurt .... nah, jk, ..they are real mature though ... nah, jk... seriously though, they do make you seem more intelligent... nah, jk ..

obviously everyone thinks im wrong, so im going to stop arguing this with you. if you think HL2 will get pre-loaded to your pc, and you will have to wait for some encryption key to play, its actually not a problem for me. its a nice dream, and i think you should cling to it like there's nothing else in this world. if you think release day bandwidth consumption spike is somehow more severe than pre-order-pre-cache-hide-the-game-encryption bandwidth spike, then good luck to you. why they cant disperse the bandwidth load one day and not the next is a good question, but ...meh.

anyway, im done with this topic. but i will come back to admit i was wrong the very second HL2 starts pre-loading on my pc. so, like, see you ... never.
Cool spidcodfry. My guess is then HL2 is gold very soon.

Thanks spidcodfry for clearning and being there for the community. I really appreciate that. I'm glad a non-idiot type went to Valve. You got good character dood.
Originally posted by blackparagon
go back and demand to know the release date...

take a crowbar....

I'll use the golden one and beat Gabe senseless with it till he tells me
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Cool spidcodfry. My guess is then HL2 is gold very soon.

Thanks spidcodfry for clearning and being there for the community. I really appreciate that. I'm glad a non-idiot type went to Valve. You got good character dood.

Thank you very much m8 :) I really appreciate it. I want to take this opportunity to again thank you for sending that e-mail to Gabe. Without that I probably wouldn't have had the cajones to call them up and arrange the tour. I'm indebted to you, man.
Originally posted by femur
*shakes his head*

gee mister, whats a server ?

ok, fine, you win, i give up. the valve fairy wil show up on my pc in the next week or so with a lovely little encrypted package just for me, with a nice little note saying " do not open 'till xmas, err... sept 30th" and with that, the men in suits will give me a kiss on the forehead and send me off to bed so i can dream of lollipop lanes and sunshine wishes.

please. the only thing that valve has said on the matter is that it will be available to download on the same day as its available in retail outlets. not a week before as an encrypted download available to play at the same time as retail release. your projections of what their server strain will be is not a valid argument for such an unprecedented business move. unless of course you forgot to mention that you where in their IT department where someone was looking over server load data on their pc.

edit: and arent those same "million gazillion people" going to want to "pre-load" it too ?

are u taking the piss?? or dont u play cs?? if u did u would of know what steam was like last week when 100000 ppl try to dl 400mb from it at one time.... hl install will be 800mb min so think of all them trying to dl at the same time.... it just will die...

{if u are gone back on what u saying after this post sorry if not wtf are u on about}
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Cool spidcodfry. My guess is then HL2 is gold very soon.

the picture showing gabe with cod holding a golden crowbar in his hands could make me read it like a hidden message..
Originally posted by phe
the picture showing gabe with cod holding a golden crowbar in his hands could make me read it like a hidden message..

Don't read too much into that...Gabe was the one that handed me the crowbar...was even his idea for the receptionist to take the pic with us together (even though I would've asked him myself had he not).
Originally posted by phe
the picture showing gabe with cod holding a golden crowbar in his hands could make me read it like a hidden message..

Heaps of people think that. I reckon maybe aswell. :)
Was the receptionish hot by the way?

Side Note: What is after Ant Lion in these forums?
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Was the receptionish hot by the way?

Side Note: What is after Ant Lion in these forums?

She was :naughty:

After Ant Lion comes Prowler
Originally posted by spitcodfry
She was :naughty:

After Ant Lion comes Prowler

I see you made Combine. Congrats.

I can't wait for the preload (or gold) info to be released. The stress of limbo is killing me, I'd wish we knew 100% one way or the other.

I'm still hopeful that Valve will get it out by the 30th, but if I don't hear a preload verification or gone gold announcement by Tuesday I'll be really worried.
Originally posted by RhapSidious
The stress of limbo is killing me, I'd wish we knew 100% one way or the other.

LOL...these forums are the embodiment of that limbo
Originally posted by worldspawn
how would they knew who wanted to buy it a week in advance?

My 2 cents: They use a similar function like the one used in Steam currently to update games. A section for Half-Life 2 will appear. After you give credit card info, a box allowing you to select 'automatically update this game' will appear. Then it will begin downloading. The 30th rolls around: Your credit card is charged and you can now play the game.
Originally posted by femur
im not saying Gabe (or anyone else) lied ...

and no, im not thick so the insults really do hurt .... nah, jk, ..they are real mature though ... nah, jk... seriously though, they do make you seem more intelligent... nah, jk ..

obviously everyone thinks im wrong, so im going to stop arguing this with you. if you think HL2 will get pre-loaded to your pc, and you will have to wait for some encryption key to play, its actually not a problem for me. its a nice dream, and i think you should cling to it like there's nothing else in this world. if you think release day bandwidth consumption spike is somehow more severe than pre-order-pre-cache-hide-the-game-encryption bandwidth spike, then good luck to you. why they cant disperse the bandwidth load one day and not the next is a good question, but ...meh.

anyway, im done with this topic. but i will come back to admit i was wrong the very second HL2 starts pre-loading on my pc. so, like, see you ... never.

Wow what is you're problem.

Listen close.

They will activate the Credit Card System on Steam allowing people to PAY for HL2 a WEEK in advance. Those people will get steam pre-loaded. EVERYONE isn't going to get preloaded, just the people who order Steam. Why? So they can lower the load on release day, makes sense to me. Why doesn't it make sense to you?
Originally posted by spitcodfry
My 2 cents: They use a similar function like the one used in Steam currently to update games. A section for Half-Life 2 will appear. After you give credit card info, a box allowing you to select 'automatically update this game' will appear. Then it will begin downloading. The 30th rolls around: Your credit card is charged and you can now play the game.

Yea, but what about those who preorderd from EB games??? Will the game be on store shelves 9/30 as well??
Originally posted by Goombatommy
Yea, but what about those who preorderd from EB games??? Will the game be on store shelves 9/30 as well??

Probably, Valve has always said Sept. 30th.

EDIT; (This isn't a REPLACEMENT for retail, it is another option is all)
Originally posted by femur
if you think release day bandwidth consumption spike is somehow more severe than pre-order-pre-cache-hide-the-game-encryption bandwidth spike, then good luck to you.

Geez man, it's not that difficult. Do you want:

A) 50,000 people to start downloading HL2 on the release date, and have to wait a week afterwards before they have the full thing


B) 50,000 people to start downloading HL2 a week BEFORE the release date, and when the release actually happens, it will be immediately available to them.

Seriously, I don't see what's complicated about this.
To be honest I hope it does get released on Steam on time and all the retailers who have given us so many false information can loose heaps of money.

I reckon steam is a good idea. A Game company makes a game all the money should go to that game company to make better games in the future...
Originally posted by dscowboy
Geez man, it's not that difficult. Do you want:

A) 50,000 people to start downloading HL2 on the release date, and have to wait a week afterwards before they have the full thing


B) 50,000 people to start downloading HL2 a week BEFORE the release date, and when the release actually happens, it will be immediately available to them.

Seriously, I don't see what's complicated about this.

It is complicated because people think they know everything, so they refuse to do some checking on what has already been discussed, and try to prove themselves.
Originally posted by Kamakiri
To be honest I hope it does get released on Steam on time and all the retailers who have given us so many false information can loose heaps of money.

I reckon steam is a good idea. A Game company makes a game all the money should go to that game company to make better games in the future...

Hell yea. I mean, i already preordered in full $52, and if its available on steam on 9/30, and not available on retail shelves a month or so later, of COURSE im going to refund my preorder and download it off of Steam.

I believe Spit to be a prophet sent by Gabe and Valve to divulge bits of info as the days pass...His "just remembering" is actually a pre-planned move, where Gabe instructed spit to reveal certain pieces of info on certain days, leading up to the announcement or release of the game. As Spit says, he "releases info. as he remembers it." So, in theory, he could "remember" more about his trip and things that were said tomorrow...just my theory. I too thought that gold crowbar symbolized something.
At first when I heard the idea of buying a game online I was like "phh... yeah, right! Who's gonna do that??" But now I'm actually starting to realize that steam maybe isnt such a bad idea after all.

Though I REALLY hope they make it easy as pie to backup your HL2
Re: prophet

Originally posted by rbf1138
I too thought that gold crowbar symbolized something.

Ooooh thats subtle.

Hmmm you maybe onto something there !

Originally posted by spitcodfry
Sorry for the delay folks...I forgot to send one of the most integral pics to Tek...check your e-mail dude, I sent you the last one. Could you please re-size that one for me?

I am still going retail. Just because i have never bought anything online before, and i would have to use my parents credit card, which i dont think theyd like (Im only 17). So retail it is.
Everybody's so quick to flame each other, when it's really that person who just doesn't get it. A minute later everybody flames the guy who was making the incorrect assumptions.

Here's a thought: The next time you think everyone else got it wrong and you're the only one who understands it, think again. If you still think everyone else is wrong, put it in a polite message, asking what YOU'RE missing, instead of asking why everyone else is stupid. Why should you do this? Because we should all respect each other? Naw, you probably don't care about crap like that. Do it for your own good. You'll look SO stupid, when you call everyone else idiots and then someone points out why YOU got it wrong (see previous pages in this thread for examples). Sure, you can edit your post and remove everything where you were being an ass, because you thought you got it right, but by then your post will already have been quoted several times, so it's really much too late.

Chances are you aren't smarter than everyone else. If you think that in this particular case you might have seen something we haven't, by all means tell us, forums are all about different thoughts and opinions, but when you DO tell us, don't call us idiots, because in about 20 seconds chances are someone has already pointed out something you didn't know or hadn't thought of, and well, again, look above if you aren't sure how big an idiot it makes you look to flame the entire forum, because you thought you were the only person in the world who got something right... only to have to acknowledge in your next post that you got it wrong.

Oh, and this doesn't go out to everyone. There are a lot of really polite people on this forum who, most importantly of all, know they might have seen something we haven't, but recognize that it's possible they overlooked something. They choose to post: "Excuse me, but why can't they release it through Steam?" instead of "THEY CAN'T RELEASE IT THROUGH STEAM YOU BRAINDEAD RETARDS!!!" only to have to follow up with something like: "Sorry, now I see how they can release it through Steam. I'll just go die now."

Sorry for ranting, it won't happen again.
I agree spacerain :)

why cant we all just get along !

anyway i for one really dont want to know that i have hl2 on my computer and i cant play it ahaha its like your dad buying you a ferrari a year before you get your licence and you just sit in the garage and admire the shiny red paint..

I have been waiting on this game for a while and have my game pre-ordered at which shows release date now to be Nov.19th, they must make those up, but if its available on Sept 30th on STEAM and not at my door before then I will go ahead with STEAM..

But gamestop says that if the game releases before their pre-release bullshit date, that I should get the game on Sept 30th if that is when it comes out.. or maybe the day before..

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