Still thinking in buying nVidia hardware for HL2?

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Originally posted by crabcakes66
that makes no sense .....and is nothing but weasling around the issue.

yes you can play ps2.0...... in the games that use it.

There are significant differances in performance........ id rather have 70fps than 40.

will it make a big differance in gameplay, no....but im not going to spend MORE money on inferior hardware

The fx 5900 is slighty faster in some DX8 games...but is significantly slower in DX9.....and since people are not buying new hardware to play yesterdays games......IT DOES MATTER.

edit: for the record. i am not a fanboy.

Totally man, I agree with you. It DOES matter. Why buy technology that rocks with DX 8 rather than DX 9 titles for the future?
i place no faith in 3dmark2003 at all, not with nvidia least of all. the only thing i use it for is to make sure my 9800 Pro is running right and something's not fooked up in it

i place some amount of faith in 2001, as it gauges your entire system and not just your card, but i don't freak out about it, it gives me ballpark estimates
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
i cant wait for HL2...



I say the first day it comes out, we run tests on every card from the 9200/mx440 to the 9800/5900.

THEN we'll see...
we'll be getting an HL2 benchy before it's released, and this should be coming soon, because the release is fast approaching
OMFG! you people are sooo one eyed! Is it that hard to accept that both cards have it's merits?
Originally posted by =Coy0te=
No it's not. Look on hardware match-ups It's not that hard. Sure you can keep going by what gabe and an ATI CEO has said. But when it comes down to the crunch the 9800 series has been so far over glorified by bunches of tight ass ATI fanboys it's crazy, as you can see in all the tests.

As far as the drivers go. ATI have improved quite a bit. Although I bought a 9800 3 weeks ago and have been disappointed with driver problems since then its not too bad. But in all honesty who gives a f**k if one of the cards out performs the other by a mere handfull of frames in a test just buy what you feel you can afford and trust. This ATI versus NVIDIA war is stupid both cards are great and bloody fast. Just remember IT"S ALL ABOUT THE GAMES PEOPLE!!!!!!! :cheers:
Actually, it where a crock of shit, since the post commented to be a crock of shit said "Also, they did a special bechmark on Doom3 (which is second to HL2 as the DX9 game)"

Doom III is has an OpenGL rendering engine :dozey:

And its not about the games. Its about the gamers. I got a 9700 Pro in februari. I was thinking on a 5800 Ultra (and had been for the last 5 months before that). I couldnt be more happier... And I'm a gamer, not a game.

Yes, I am an ATI Fanboy. I'm proud of it, I have been fiercly defending ATI ever since I got it :)
i used to be an nvidia fan with my 4600, but ATI has really deserved my respect with my 9800 Pro :afro:
Yes, I am an ATI Fanboy. I'm proud of it, I have been fiercly defending ATI ever since I got it

So basically now that you have bought ATI hardware your going to defend it to the end….. I find people like you are so lame. I’m not a NVIDIA fanboy ( I’m getting an ATI card for my new PC) but I hate people like you who stay awake at night wondering whether their $400 card was worth it after it lost to another card because it failed to render a slack jawed turtle in the Mother nature test as fast as the other. Pfffft and you call yourself a gamer? :flame:
Originally posted by =Coy0te=
So basically now that you have bought ATI hardware your going to defend it to the end….. I find people like you are so lame. I’m not a NVIDIA fanboy ( I’m getting an ATI card for my new PC) but I hate people like you who stay awake at night wondering whether their $400 card was worth it after it lost to another card because it failed to render a slack jawed turtle in the Mother nature test as fast as the other. Pfffft and you call yourself a gamer? :flame:

Im no differant than him.

I never owned an ATI before i got my 9700pro. Ive always had 3dfx and nvidia cards.(edit and a diamond stealth)

I always heard nvidia fanboys saying that when the 9700pro and 9500pro first came out they had crap for drivers and that ati drivers sucked in general.

Mabey they were not on-par with nvidia when they came out....but ive used both brands and the driver issue just isnt valid anymore.

My point is.....they make great runs fast, and looks good.

I will defend them becuase i have respect for the fact they dont need to cheat(im not talking optimise. i mean blatant 30% score increase's)on sell there harware....they have a superior product and they know it.
hmmm I really cant disagree with you here apart from I still think their drivers suck but that could be because I am having major difficulties with them right now. At least you stated your argument better than dawdler.....
Originally posted by =Coy0te=
hmmm I really cant disagree with you here apart from I still think their drivers suck but that could be because I am having major difficulties with them right now. At least you stated your argument better than dawdler.....

Its 2-5% of all people that use ATI cards have major problems....

but for everyone else everything works fine.

I guess thats why people still say there drivers suck.

and out of those 2-5% 75% of peoples problems are cuased by previous installations of nvidia drivers.
well, what are your difficulties, perhaps we could help you
Always remember - Having an argument over the internet is a bit like being in the special olympics; whether you win or loose, you’re still a retard. :)
Originally posted by SLH
Always remember - Having an argument over the internet is a bit like being in the special olympics; whether you win or loose, you’re still a retard. :)

and remember, everytime somebody says that, a puppy is molested :afro:

don't use cliches :cool:
well, what are your difficulties, perhaps we could help you
Well I'm constaintly getting lock-ups. At first I though It might be previous NVIDIA drivers so used driver cleaner no such luck. It's not the temp because it happend even when the computer had just started.
I reformatted the coimputer and put on a fresh coppy of win XP pro still nothing. I want to love ATI, I really do They seem like such a good company that have a kick ass range of hard ware. but this driver issue is driving me nuts......
Originally posted by =Coy0te=
Well I'm constaintly getting lock-ups. At first I though It might be previous NVIDIA drivers so used driver cleaner no such luck. It's not the temp because it happend even when the computer had just started.
I reformatted the coimputer and put on a fresh coppy of win XP pro still nothing. I want to love ATI I really do, they seem like such a good company and have a kick ass range of hard ware. but this driver issue is driving me nuts......

do you have fast writes disabled? a lot of motherboards don't support fastwrites and can cause stability problems, best idea is to turn off fast writes in the bios and also set them to off in smartgart.

other than that it sounds like you could have conflicting hardware, or just some other piece of hardware causing an issue.

unless your lockups are only in game(graphics driver problems are mostly only experienced in game and usually doesnt cause a complete lockup), but you didn't specify, you also didn't specify what other hardware is in the system....


have you reported the error to ati? so it can be fixed in the next driver?
Originally posted by Doobz
and remember, everytime somebody says that, a puppy is molested :afro:

don't use cliches :cool:

I just thought it was quite suited to this thread. :cheers:
Hold on here soo many wrong comments first and formost I'm not a Nvidia Fanboy, I started to play games just as 3d-graphics cards where coming into exsistence.

Ok now that website is really gay and I mean really gay, I haven't heard any world on Halo Using the features of DX9 the advanced level shadders and so on because, it's basically a port of the xbox verison except for the mutiplayer which is fixed.

Also Vavle not supporting ATI hummm, is that why they are packing a Radeon with the game and selling it as part of a promotonal deal.

See all of you are the new ATI crew those who just came with there R9700 and 9800. Wait about 1-2 years and ATI might screw you on more than one issued driver.

To the Best of my knowledge Tomb Radier the Angle of Darkness doesn't use shaders either. Hummm, maybe they are doing games that just run on DX9. See running on a renderer is one thing using the renderers special features is another.
Originally posted by Jedi_2
Hold on here soo many wrong comments first and formost I'm not a Nvidia Fanboy, I started to play games just as 3d-graphics cards where coming into exsistence.

Ok now that website is really gay and I mean really gay, I haven't heard any world on Halo Using the features of DX9 the advanced level shadders and so on because, it's basically a port of the xbox verison except for the mutiplayer which is fixed.

Also Vavle not supporting ATI hummm, is that why they are packing a Radeon with the game and selling it as part of a promotonal deal.

See all of you are the new ATI crew those who just came with there R9700 and 9800. Wait about 1-2 years and ATI might screw you on more than one issued driver.

To the Best of my knowledge Tomb Radier the Angle of Darkness doesn't use shaders either. Hummm, maybe they are doing games that just run on DX9. See running on a renderer is one thing using the renderers special features is another.


Halo is not just a port, they rewrote alot of the engine as the xbox version was completely optimized for the geforce 3 ti in the xbox, Halo does take advantage of directx 9 shaders

Tomb Raider does use alot of directx 9 features, pixel shader 2.0 being one of them, and the main one in question. Halo also uses pixel shader 2.0

and cyote, that sounds to me either like your mobo is screwing up fastwrite, or you have an inadequate power supply.

what kind of power supply do you have, brand and wattage
and also try that fastwright thing
Originally posted by Jedi_2
Hold on here soo many wrong comments first and formost I'm not a Nvidia Fanboy, I started to play games just as 3d-graphics cards where coming into exsistence.

Ok now that website is really gay and I mean really gay, I haven't heard any world on Halo Using the features of DX9 the advanced level shadders and so on because, it's basically a port of the xbox verison except for the mutiplayer which is fixed.

Also Vavle not supporting ATI hummm, is that why they are packing a Radeon with the game and selling it as part of a promotonal deal.

See all of you are the new ATI crew those who just came with there R9700 and 9800. Wait about 1-2 years and ATI might screw you on more than one issued driver.

To the Best of my knowledge Tomb Radier the Angle of Darkness doesn't use shaders either. Hummm, maybe they are doing games that just run on DX9. See running on a renderer is one thing using the renderers special features is another.

Pitchford was quick to point out that the graphics have been overhauled to take advantage of DirectX 9.0 features. Specifically, the game's shaders have all been rewritten to conform to pixel shader 2.0 standards. Zooming in close to a grunt, we noted specular-mapping and bump-mapping effects on the grunt's gold-colored armor, giving it a glistening sheen over a very granular surface. Similar effects can be seen on the plating of many vehicles, such as the scorpion tank and the ghost.
I already have turned off fast write. The lock-ups only happen in game ( the music still plays) but when it happens the is a loud click comming from my vid card :eek: . I have a feeling it could be the power supply I only have a 300-350 (cant remember) PSU and that is soaked up by 2 HDs already......
Originally posted by =Coy0te=
I already have turned off fast write. The lock-ups only happen in game ( the music still plays) but when it happens the is a load click comming from my vid card :eek: . I have a feeling it could be the power supply I only have a 300-350 (cant remember) PSU and that is soaked up by 2 HDs already......

have you checked the fan on the videocard?.......

what otherhardware is in your system? motherboard? cpu? ram? soundcard? etc..etc..etc..


and i take that as a no, you havent reported the bug so it can be fixed?.... (although personally i'd say its a hardware issue Not a driver issue).
AMD 1900+, 512 ddr266 ram, DVD and CDR, 2 HDs (120gb and 40gb)
On bord AC97 sound. I think thats all can soak up the power. Check the fan for what?
Hold on It cant be the hardware because the drivers I got with the CD didnt lock up ( they were just ultra glitchy....). Sorry I just rememberd that then......can any one elese help?
make sure it's spinning alright and such, test it with your finger to make sure there's no resistance

and yeah, i would recommend at LEAST a 350 watt, quality psu, you can buy a poor quality 450watt and it could do this stuff to you, so around a 350-400 watt quality should do the trick

also, sometimes when switching between nvidia and ati, the only thing that can really get the card to working and erase all traces of the previous one is a reformat. generally, anytime you switch between the two, a reformat should be in order

if a reformat doesn't work, then it's probably time to buy a new psu

edit: the drivers that came on my cd weren't glitchy at all, it could still be your hardware
Originally posted by =Coy0te=
AMD 1900+, 512 ddr266 ram, DVD and CDR, 2 HDs (120gb and 40gb)
On bord AC97 sound. I think thats all can soak up the power. Check the fan for what?

what motherboard?

check to see if the fan is spinning, if its not then the card could be overheating (clicking sound from video card = possible broken/half working fan possibly(?).

Originally posted by =Coy0te=
Hold on It cant be the hardware because the drivers I got with the CD didnt lock up ( they were just ultra glitchy....). Sorry I just rememberd that then......can any one elese help?

hardware degrades over time, stuff happens, just because older drivers worked doesnt mean its not a hardware issue.
another thing i thought of, sometimes these cards are picky, now, the power extension that comes off the card, do you have the middle one plugged into the power supply molex and the one on the end plugged into the hdd? i've heard of problems if it isn't set up that way, the way it says to
Originally posted by =Coy0te=
AMD 1900+, 512 ddr266 ram, DVD and CDR, 2 HDs (120gb and 40gb)
On bord AC97 sound. I think thats all can soak up the power. Check the fan for what?
Get a new PSU then. I have said it before and I'm saying it again:
When I bought my computer, I looked at a Sirtec 340W (fairly high quality). Its wouldnt have juice enough. However the Sirtec 360W I use now is perfect, and MUCH better than the 340W in terms of amps on the rails (can take like 50% more). And when I temporarily used a 300W box, my mobo failed (lan hardware shutdown while in windows). The 9700 Pro worked though, but I had already disabled my second harddrive, a fan and a DVD player that I have normally.

Its true what they say, VERY little problems are due to the card itself... Most of it is PSU issues, old mobos or wrongly installed drivers.
As I stated before I reformatted (dont worry I'm not that much of a n00b) I have VIA K7T266 Pro. Thanks for the fan info I'll try that.
sorry, didn't see where you said you reformatted

also check and make sure your power extension is set up the way i described: middle molex connected to the PSU, end molex plugged into the HDD
Originally posted by =Coy0te=
As I stated before I reformatted (dont worry I'm not that much of a n00b) I have VIA K7T266 Pro. Thanks for the fan info I'll try that.

original kt266 chipset? or kt266a? i have a 9800 pro running just fine on a kt266a based mobo.
I prefer nvidia

Its said that futuremark's 3dmark03 is not fair,so that nvidia cheated.
geforce support 16/32bit colordepth and radeon just support 24bit
but 03 just take 24bit,then geforce must run it under 32bit colordepth
I always thought that Ati's driver is too bad,it had so many bugs.
radeon9800 or fx5900 is too dear for us chinese...
I couldn't afford it
and i'd like to have a Gainward 5600ultra or a Ti4200
Re: I prefer nvidia

Originally posted by Sir Lancelot
Its said that futuremark's 3dmark03 is not fair,so that nvidia cheated.
geforce support 16/32bit colordepth and radeon just support 24bit
but 03 just take 24bit,then geforce must run it under 32bit colordepth
I always thought that Ati's driver is too bad,it had so many bugs.
That text is confusing :)
Geforce [FX] support Int12, FP16 and FP32. Radeon support FP24. DX9 specs call [in a way] for FP24 minimum in its shaders. But it isnt end of story, as DX9 apparently in a way can do it in FP16 too, using something called partial precision hint. Maybe someone with better technical skills than me can shed some light on it :)
and then start crying when your pals are smoking your ass in games like Half Life 2 and Halo because they’re running ATI hardware.
Eh? You just turn off all the graphics, like Quake 3 player do.

'smoking your ass'? No. Seeing better graphics at a better framerate? Yes
I'm really curious to see what all of you are going to say once the HL2 benchmark is released and it runs 30%+ faster on everyones 9800s. We already know it will, because Gabe has said so.

Will everyone still say 'it's just one game, who cares?'