Stone's Pet Project...


Jun 8, 2003
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...Right, this isn't half-life modelling but its still modelling, so this is the correct forum... I thinks....

I have been bored, so I have started a pet project, i am going to model all of my house in 3D, that includes every last object inside as well... (should pass the time :p)'s the start of it so far....



I know its only a monitor on a desk at the moment, but in the far away future :cool: ...I'll keep you posted, it shud pass the time till HL2 i think
You know it would make an amusing half-life map. Just scale the player models down to mouse size and make a SP adventure game. Dunno i'm thinking i am too hung up on modding!
dnt worry i was thinking about that myself :p

oh well, just incase u were all wondering whats stuck to my monitor.....

how do you skin like that i can never figure it out. i never get the hang of uv map unwrap is their anyother way to do it besides UV wrapping and unwraping or is that the easiest?
I like how your monitor shows the halflife 2 forums
the skinning is just a simple UV mapping, with the polies for the screen selected...

and i might just make my room into a level, or if it all turns out well and under the limit of polies for a level, my whole house....but there will be a level :p
more image goodnesss :p, what do you think?


more images...what you guys think?

only 14,833 polies so far :p




looking great there stone. I was also thinking sabout modeling my room but then damaged like a big fight was happening outside (big holes in the wall, bullet holes, damaged glass etc) and trough the hole you would be able to see 3 a 4 striders walking around, lost of fire and smoke :).

but i will do that later once hl2 is out. i am now developing my organic modeling (creating wolverine)
Stone, you proberly aren't part of the cummunity, but the folks over at were working on a maxville project a year ago or might wanna try and dig that up again...
awesome. 50 points to aynone who can find the thread on his screen!!

I eveloved. sweet
hehe, have you Hiro?!?


more images coming shortly :p
hehe, 50 points to Murray_H :p

another image:


(i've taken the matress off so you can see that i've put in detail that u cnt see either)

now the hard part my drawers, which are wire modern ones (horrible they are) *GULP*
What you could do is find out how to export it into a havok coded game and then we can all play "lets destroy stone's room" or if you get far enough "stone's house" :D
hehe, yer, that sounds cool :p.... (although i'd have to model all the mags and pages inside, so u could throw them around :p)
Another image...put the curtains in, they still need to be tweaked, and textured (they look like plastic :x and distort oddly in places but hey, they'll do for now):

...i love the mice/rats levels for CS(even though i dont ike cs anymore) ........

this would be an awsome lvl for hl2 multiplayer(whatever it is)

the more little details the better
hehe, good cos, i love little was my original problem with mapping for hl1 that i put in too much detail :(..oh well, hl2, should be able to handle it :p
more images....




everyone notice the badily textured Skybox outside :p..dont worry i'll do a model of out side 2, so it looks right :p

hehe,doing textures now :p
Stone M8 your Cool lol, One thing botheres me were are all the Cock Mags and crusty tissues under your bed ;)
gooch ur just sick anyways nice work but u need to work on ur texturing and lighthing more, use some mesh smooth on the chair and sim cloth (plugin) for the curtains.
Nice work, but I just realized what CD that is in top :eek:. I'm very disappointed.
Hazza: hehe, hey Avril Rocks....

Mindless: hmm, that was going to be my next question...where can i get a cloth plug in?!? I've looked but can't find one...and also i've lost my hair generator too..and the link that went with it :(

hehe, just rem this is a WIP i'm going around doing things randomly, and the curtains are really there like that, so I know they need doing :p...Arg, thekeyboards going to be hardest :X
I was about to ask if that was avril man i hate her music but i would throw the root to her thats fo shizzle anyway sweet modelling man keep going... you should port this to hammer when its ready so we can walk around your room...
I'm just trying to work out what that is on TV. It looks like Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but I can't be sure. Also, I tryed to make out the rest of your CD collection, but I can't. I bet your room isn't nearly that tidy in real life.
that IS monty python indeed..classical scene with the blac knight ... you shall not pass... :)
What are you gonna do? Bleed on me?

I hope you do a higher quality render at the end :D
theres not a big difference between plugins and scripts they both try to do the same thing.
yes its the black knight scene, and there will be a quality render at the end, and yes actually it is realively tidy at the moment :cheese:

and the point is so I can use it in a portfolio, and so i an blow it up later :p

EDIT: and none of those links work for me :(

EDIT2: oh wait there someone typd a "," in the link at the end :p