- What a Joke

Link said:
(From the site) hold accountable the entertainment industry for the harm it does to our children.

We are talking about games like manhunt here yes? Games that are rated as adult only? A rating that makes you the criminal if you allow your child to play it knowingly?

If you don't know your child is playing it, why the hell not? Is this the american dream? Screw up your child by not caring, then run round blaming everyone else?

Tell me this, if your child was run over by a car, who do you blame, the driver or the manufacturor?

This guy is an idiot.

Preaching to the quior.

Violent play and childhood exposure to violence is nothing new. In ancient Rome, gladiators were pitted against each other and animals in the coliseum. This was considered wholesome family entertainment.

Fast-forward 2000 years. In interviewing my parents about this subject, I discovered that violent play among children is anything but novel. Although they lacked sophisticated electronic assistance, they were hardly prevented from playing games of "Cowboys and Indians", "War", and various other simulations of violent behavior. I'm told that these games were as real in their imagination as any video game appears on the screen. In fact, my nonviolent mother reports both receiving and inflicting injuries due to high velocity, projectile acorns.

He said it was possible games could fuel violence in some.

But he added: "It is not possible to say what is cause and effect. These could be aggressive individuals who sought out these games.

"And aggression could stem from seeing violence on TV or in the home."

Dr Guy Cumberbatch, head of the independent Communications Research Group in the UK, agreed with the editorial's conclusions.

"Video games are always used as a scapegoat for concerns.

"There's no doubt that many games are found to be offensive by many. But there are many media forms, films or TV programmes, where that is the case."

In determining the true causes of violence, it may be instructive to consider where the majority of school violence takes place. It would seem logical to conclude that most school violence occurs in poor inner city schools, located in gang-controlled areas. This can be backed up by statistics. Of city schools, 17% report one or more violent crimes per year. In the urban fringe area, this number drops to 11%. In affluent suburban and small town areas, only 5% of schools report one or more violent crimes per year. In rural areas, this number drifts up somewhat to 8% (source 4). As you can see less advantaged urban schools have considerably more violence than the relatively richer suburban areas.

If violent video games truly result in violent behavior, then school violence ought to be concentrated in high-income suburbs rather than inner city areas. Why would violence be greater in the areas that can least afford luxuries such as video games? This contradiction forces us to assume that if violent video games are truly a cause of violence, these effects are vastly outweighed by other influences, such as gang presence and poverty.

In the wake of a tragedy like Columbine, it is tempting to assume that school violence is getting worse. After all, nothing like this has ever happened before, has it?

But in truth, the tragedy at Columbine was not a pattern but an anomaly. In the 1992-1993 school year, there were 55 deaths related to school shootings nation-wide. This number fell each year until it reached 25 deaths in the 1996-1997 school year. In 1997-1998, it spiked to 40 deaths but then dropped back to 26 in the 1998-1999 school year. This indicates a general decrease in the level of violence in schools. Remember this fact, we will come back to it later.

It is commonly argued by video game alarmists that many video games (especially first person shooters) train children to be efficient and effective killers. Even if video games don't make children violent, they say, the games will train those who already have a propensity toward violence to be that much more deadly.

On the surface, this seems to make sense. After all, the video games do simulate activities such as aiming, firing, sniping, and other combat skills.

Upon closer examination however, this argument falls apart. The act of aiming a real gun is a very different visual motor activity than the act of aiming a video game gun. In a video game, there is usually a visual reticule or aim point that shows exactly where the shot will go where it is fired. A real gun does not have such sophisticated aiming devices. Unless the gun is equipped with an expensive laser sight, then aiming involves lining up a notch, a post, and your target in a straight line. This is a much more difficult activity than simply placing the reticule over the target and pulling the trigger.

Now, about that trigger. A video game usually does not have an actual trigger. Instead, the player presses a button on the controller and clicks a mouse button. This is a very different activity from squeezing a trigger on a real gun. It does not, for example, teach the player that it is important to squeeze the trigger slowly to achieve more accurate aim. Also, once the trigger is pulled, a video game weapon and a real weapon behave very differently. In a video game, a sound effect is made and the bullet goes forth to strike its target. A real weapon almost always has terrific recoil. Also, the noise made by a real gun is orders of magnitude louder than the sound effect produced by a video game weapon. If the game weapons were as loud as the real thing, video game makers would face constant law suites for deafening children

When firing a real weapon, certain postures and positions will result in a steadier, more reliable aim. These postures are not the postures that are learned by slouching in a chair and clicking a mouse.

Also, when firing a machine gun in the real world, it is necessary to use short, controlled bursts. Simply holding the trigger down will result in the gun behaving like a fire hose and taking over control of the aim. A video game machine gun usually has little to no recoil effect. The player can simply hold the trigger and spray a stream of bullets wherever they want.

As you can see video games not only fail to teach accurate and efficient killing, they actually teach what a true expert gunman would consider bad habits!

NotFabio adds: From my own experience, I won't play video games before deploying. The rapid hand/eye reflex and timing developed by mouse driven shooters interferes with real life shooting. I hear pro athletes are the same way with sports video games.

So if video games are not causing violence in school, then what is? School violence has many causes. A Surgeon General's report on youth violence lists many risk factors including: depression, domestic violence, bullying, gang activity, high local crime rate, past aggression, and others. Any one of these items may be a cause of violence. Video games are not listed.

Both Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had been the subjects of bullying and had shown signs of depression. Although they did play violent video games, it is not logical to assume that their violence was a result of their gaming.
Chris_D said:
My e-mail to Jack Thompson:

Mr Thompson,
I'm 19 years old and I work in IT technical support and currently studying towards a number of IT certifications including CompTIA A+, Network+ and a number of Microsoft Certified Professional exams. In my spare time I go out with friends and I help run a website called ( which is the world's biggest and busiest Half-Life 2 fan-site; Half-Life 2 being the sequel to the popular first person shooter game - Half-Life.

A link to your site was recently posted on the forums. Naturally a large percentage of the members of that forum are avid gamers, like myself, and it upsets us as a community when we see sites like that seem to stereotype all gamers as brain dead, violent maniacs. You might see from the description of myself above that I'm not a maniac, in fact I'm a young, career-minded, sociable individual. Yes, I also read books. In fact, most of the studying I mentioned above is being self-taught.

I hate to say it, but I believe you're getting confused somewhere a long the line. Because you see, guns don't kill people. People kill people. And video games don't kill people. People kill people. What I mean by this, is that video games in themselves are entertaining and harmless, but it is the individual that may play them that is the murderer. Who's to say that without video games, the people who have performed horrific crimes wouldn't have done them anyway. Who's to say that they didn't pick up a sniper rifle and start killing because of the sniper scenes in Saving Private Ryan. Who's to say they didn't massacre their school because they were a mentally disturbed individual anyway and with or without video games they still would have become a murderer.

The point I'm trying to make is that there's millions of gamers in the world and mostly they're balanced, law-abiding individuals. I personally have a lot to thank for video games. If it wasn't for video games, I'd have never got into an IT career which I love, and I'd never have had such a great time helping to run I don't suppose this e-mail will change your views whatsoever, but at least I feel better now in the hope that you can see from this e-mail we're not all maniacs waiting to murder somebody, we're just people with a hobby for playing computer games.

Thank you for listening.

His reply:

couldn't care less.

I think we should now just realise that he's just one closed-minded, petty and immature individual and leave it at that.

What an asshole... :/
copycat killings from GTA!?!?!

Actually crimes were around before computers...Amazing isnt it.

And his responses to any e-mails posted here clearly show no ability to argue a case or think through things logically. In short, he's an arse.
I hope he doesn't fight cases like that in court. "Frankly, your honour, I couldn't care less".
I sent him a 3 page long email.

Likely response: I don't want to read that much it hurts my brain.
"couldn't care less"

If only there were some way to get that to the media. Expose him for the stubborn fool he is.
vegeta897 said:
"couldn't care less"

If only there were some way to get that to the media. Expose him for the stubborn fool he is.
I'm working on it.
Chris_D said:
I'm working on it.
You didn't deserve that Chris, after the effort you went to write that, made me angry that i have started my very own trick on him, its currently pending. I'm off for a bit now, so i'll be back later to see how it went. This guy is complete dipshit.
now this what I will send to that idiot

first of all I hav 16 years old and I hav played a lot of violent games in my life and I am as normal like every other young one you can find

One current horrific example is a video game made available by Sony and Take-Two Interactive called Manhunt. This game allows you to train yourself to kill people by placing plastic bags over their heads while you watch them struggle while suffocating.

I played that game and in my opinion if someone start to kill people just cuz he played that videogame that person is mentally insane
and who say that game is a "trainer"? is just a game where you are a criminal and must kill other people to survive cuz he is traped on a city full of other criminals
so he hav a reason to kill and is self defence
and in my opinion if someone kill people whiout a reason if insane

and why criminals kill people? maybe cuz they need to steal money cuz they dont hav jobs or something like that,if you ask a murde thieve why he killed that person he will say to you that he wanted the money he will not say that "I do it in a videogame"

and if a kid kill someone cuz he played a videogame like manhunt is fault of the kid of not be mature enough to diference whats real or whats not

cuz videogames are not real,are just computer generated images in a tv,all you do is wacht and press buttoms,and if someone start to kill for that then that person is mentally insane

You may be a parent whose child is addicted to video games. You may know someone harmed by someone addicted to violent entertainment who copycatted that violence. The victim, whoever it is, needs help. Jack Thompson will assist in getting that person help. Please fee free to use the below contact information.

again is someone copycatted what it saw in a videogame it should be cuz is mentally insane and someone mentally sane sure will know that nothing good comes from a murder,and if that kid dont know that them is fault of he people that raised it

Recent medical brain scan studies at Harvard, Indiana University, and elsewhere prove that adolescents' brain functions are damaged by a steady diet of violent images. The heads of six major health care organizations, including the American Medical, Pediatric, and Psychiatric Associations have all testified before Congress in June 2000 that violent entertainment contributes to teen violence. Video games are literally "murder simulators" teaching our kids how to kill.

I hav see a lot of young people,including me, and all hat know that the videogames are nothing real,are just a entertaiment like a movie,and a videogame dont teach to kill,if ina videogame you shoot a gun it dont mean that you will become a expert shooting gun,and again,why a kid will kill someone? and if it start to kill people cuz it played a videogame then the kid cant diference whats real and what is not

The incredibly violent Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, made by Take-Two Interactive of New York City, has caused multiple copycat killings across the country. A recent Gallup Poll found that any American teen who has played this one game is twice as likely to be engaged in an act of violence than those who have not played this one game. In this game you have sex with a prostitute and then kill her grotesquely to get your money back and win the game faster. Police officers are set on fire, shotgunned in the face, and innocent pedestrians are run over with cars.

in my country I hav seen a lot of kids playing that game,and they are like any other kid and they know that if they do the things they wacht in that game nothing good will happen to them,they know that steal a car is wrong,they know that kill someone is wrong and if a kid dont know that them is fault of the people who raised them
and about the poll,well that maybe will mean that that teens are not so mentall sane or maybe they got more violent cuz they got more rebel cuz they are teenagers and me as a teenager I know that feel, and you where a teenager too,and in one moment sure you wanted to go to a party or someplace and you parents didnt give you chance,so you will get anger for that cuz you feel like traped,hav you ever feel that when you was a teenager mr Thompson? that is called be a teenager,the age when someone pass to kid to adult so is a teenager get violent is something normal
and in the game if you do that of kill the prostitute and go you get very few money,and you win more money if you work as a taxi or a paramedic or a cop cuz in the game you can work as the 3 options I mentioned and they give more money that kill a prostitute
and in the game you dont win by gaining money,infact even if you completed all the task of the game to a 100% you can still play the game,so if a kid do something like kill a prostitute and go,again,the kid is not mentally sane

The Federal Trade Commission in September 2000 found that big entertainment companies aggressively market adult-rated violent movies, music and video games to American children. Presently, Disney-owned ESPN is running ads for the Grand Theft Auto games on programs watched by huge numbers of teens, all in violation of video game industry regulations passed by the industry after the Columbine massacre.

the videogame industry is a industry,the companies hav to sell like any other bussines so if a company run ads is like any other commercial and it will go for the largr audience,and if that is forbiden in your country them take actions for that

In April 1999, eight days before Columbine, Jack Thompson appeared on national television to identify the role that shooter video games, specifically Doom, would play in future school shootings. A week later in Littleton, Colorado, Klebold and Harris, who obsessively trained on Doom, killed thirteen.

I hav played that game and sure learn to shoot a gun need more training that just press buttoms,cuz in videogames you press buttoms
and I hav saw a documental of that incident,but in the documental they mentions things like a videdotape found where that two teens appear saying "were all are gonna kill you" and they where refering to the rest of the people of the school,cuz sure that americans schools are like that movies where the popular guys beat the unpopular and stuff like that,so why they killed all that people? cuz they hated them and wanted to revenge or something like that,and you think a mentally sane person will do that? that guys of the videotape where maniac, and if they do that just cuz they wacht it in a videogame them they were really insane

ANOTHER THOMPSON PREDICTION CAME TRUE: Dateline NBC reported Friday, December 13, 2002, that the Beltway Sniper, John Lee Malvo, was compelled by John Muhammad to train on the sniper video game, Halo, switched to sniper-mode or God-mode, to suppress his inhibition to kill." Jack Thompson predicted, in an interview by Matt Lauer on NBC's Today show three weeks before the Beltway Snipers were apprehended, that one of the snipers "might very well be a video gamer as young as 15 trained on a game switched to sniper-mode or God-mode."

I hav saw in the tv that training is needed to be a sniper and that game is not one,cuz in the game you press buttoms and if you a rifle is a very diferent thing,and the game is about a war beetween humans and aliens and you do more that sniping and they is not god mode in that game,in that game the player is a soldier like any other,and I dont know about that incident but if it supossed that one of the assasin was a 15 years old teen,waht if another sniper influented him? and sure hat snipers where mentally insane too

In 1992, the American Civil Liberties Union named Jack Thompson one of its ten "Censors of the Year" for daring to suggest that Time Warner rapper Ice-T's "Cop Killer" should be pulled from store shelves worldwide. That award is a badge of honor Thompson wears proudly, not only because Time Warner did what he requested but because Thompson was ten years ahead of the national curve in predicting the entertainment-inspired copycat violence we are seeing from a generation raised on violence that Hollywood says is "cool."
thats rap music and is true that the musdic is like that,but again if someone kill someone cuz it heard in a song or wacht it in avideogame them that person is mentally insane,and why a person will kill a cop?maybe cuz that person is a criminal,comited a crime,cuz a person that didnt comited a crime why will kill a cop if the cop protect the people? in your country the cops hav they saying "protect and serve" so why someone will kill a cop? but if you make a crime then the cops will chase you cuz is theyr duty so thats why someone will kill a cop cuz is a criminal, and if a kid that didnt make a crime,kill a cop cuz he wacht it in a videogame or heard it in a song them that kid is mentally insane and cant diference whats real and whats not
and about that badge of honor,that sound facist

I am trying to protect our freedoms. How so? When the next Columbine happens and the perpetrators are proven to be copycatters of adult-rated violent entertainment, then the government, driven by parental concern, really will contract freedom for all Americans. Safety will trump freedom.

I hear that in the united states a civilian can buy a military assault rifle,is that is trrue then dont think you will get safety for that,and if you say you want safety for the country them take care of the criminals,the thieves that carry a knife and stab people in the street to steal theyr money, or gangster that enter to stores to steal the cash machine,or the ones that steal banks whit rifles and shotguns,and that are poor people that dont hav another way,and they dont hav money to buy a videogame,so if you want safety them take care of all that I hav mentioned more that mentally insane kids that kill people cuz they wached it in a videogame

When that happens, the entertainment industry will be to blame for our loss of freedom because of its failure now to accept even reasonable marketing standards.

what about the ESRB ratings? the videogames companyes put the rating on the box of the game and when the game begin it appear the rating too are games that in the begining they hav writed "this game contain explicit content that may be disturbing to some people" and in the disc of rapper it even appear the same,even are rapers that suport theyr ratings like the video of eminen where eminen himself dont let a kid listen hes music cuz it got M ratingthat means "for mature" cuz that products are for mature people not for inmature people that cant see whats real and whats not and all I hav say,so is not fault of the company is fault of the seller of the store to sell a mature rated product to a inmature kid

Jack Thompson has appeared recently on a number of national television program with victims of two teenage Tennessee snipers whom police concluded trained obsessively on Grand Theft Auto to prepare for their sniping spree. Numerous others have been murdered by teens trained on this one game.

something true is that grand theft auto is a game where the player play as a criminal but once again if a kid becomes a real criminal for be playing the game them is cuz the kid dont know that be a criminal is wrong,and the parents should educated that kid about what is wrong

cuz in my opinion the best solution for this is that parents talk whit theyr kids about the videogames and tell them that videogames are just a entertaiment and nothing they see in them is real,and if what the kid see is violence them the parents can tell them that he violnece is wrong and nothing good comes from the violence so the kid know that is he kill people he will know all the consequences and that is wrong

for example I was playing the game manhunt and my dad looked at it and he told me " but you know that nothing of that is real right?" and told hem yes cuz I know that nothing of that is real and if a kill someone it will be bad

so if you want to make some campaign to stop this violence supossedly cause by videogame them tell the parents to educate heyr son about whats wrong

cuz if you want to make some law to stop making violent games that will be against freedom of speech,and is suposed that the USA is the country of freedom isnt? so something like a antigame law prohibiting the creating of violent videogames them thats is against the freedom,and sound like comunisn, and anybody dont like comunisn espeially the people of USA but thats not the purpose here

and next time tell the truth o the people cuz:Doom is not a taining game,is agame where the player play as a soldier against demons in mars, halo is the same thing except that the protagonist fight against aliens and is not a sniper trainer cuz the game is more focused in stop the alien invasion and not in kill people whit a sniper rifle,manhunt is a game where the player is a criminal trapped in a city where are other criminals ans everyone wants to kill you,and in my opinion that can teach a kid the bad result of be a criminal but still manhunt is a very crude game that is not apropiated for kids so if a kid get a game like manhunt is fault of the one who sold the game o that kid no the game itself,the grand theft auto are really game based in crime but a kid should know that crime is wrong also hat game is very unrealistic so it cant be a "training" game cuz is very unrealistic

so if you want to stop this violence them tell the parents o hav a talk whit thery kids about the bad things that are the violence and kill people,cuz sure that a easy and a better solution

If you have kids, have them start shooting hoops instead of humans.

in the videogames you can do that, cuz that something that we like of games,that we can do things that we cant in real life,so maybe will be better that the kids start shooting people on videogams instead of real people

for example if you hav kids mr Thompson why you not buy a game like manhunt and teach it to yor kids but telling them that all that deaths are wrong and you go to jail by killing people and if your kids understand them let them play the videogame and sure they will not like to do the hings they see,also tell your kids to tell to others kids the same things and sure they all will undertand

cuz in my opinion the best solution for this is something so simple like talking

and something that anoy me of this page is the name, cuz if you want to "stopkill" them focus more on the crime in the streets, in the poor neigboorhoods where gangs kills other gangs for "territory" to rob people,or your war in irak where many people dies for the terrorist or your own soldiers
really if you want to stop kill them focus more on that

my name is RJMC, I am 16 years ol and I hav played many violents game and never has happened in my head the idea of pick up a gun and kill the first person I encounter is the street just cuz I wached it in a videogame,and why? well cuz I know whats wrong and whats real and what is not

and I am from Venezuela,and here are many famous violent games but never had happened a incident involving a kid killing someone cuz it wached it in a videogame,and believe here kids like 10 years old play games like grand theft auto a lot and no incidents like that av happened

and my tip as a gamer is that the best solutions is talking whit the kidsabout whats wrong and whats real and what is no whiout the need of bash videogames

if you dont give attention to this them that means that you just dont like videogames and want to eliminate it just for your reason whitout considering the opinion of the others

what you think? a good mail?
Man, he's a lawyer. And not the good, angry kind.

For the record, I didn't like Manhunt, it was a little over-the-top and made me sick to my stomach. Admitted, some games shouldn't be made (namely Manhunt), but to try and ban all games with guns is folly. But, I'm also secure it's never going to happen, so I'm not going to send him an e-mail.

He should be a real lawyer, and help people sue companies for silly things, like making coffee too hot. That's where the money is.

-Angry Lawyer
If I had the pulse rifle and a good optical mouse I would be on a violent rampage at this very moment.
I think it's great that you guys are all writing him these really well-thought out emails, but just a tip: if you really want him to take you seriously, avoid slang (for example "cuz"), and maybe use a spell check or something. I know his responses are less than mature, but it makes him look even worse to have these "violent kids" sending him really well written letters.
I got a reply

his is what he reply me

"you would be the last one to know whether you are normal"

what a idiot,dam now I really hate that guy

this is what I will reply
what do you mean?

you arent believeing and didnt taking my point of view cuz I am not a adult or something like that?

wow if you keep whit that character you will not get so much followers

seriously what kind of people are you? I know many families tha dont care if theyr kids wacht somehing violent or play something violent,and the kids are nromal kids

o right I cant say cuz I am a teenager and I am dumb and I kill people pressing buttoms

I was givin a point of view that is valid and is the true

and why you not interfere whit the violent movies,or the pornography or the beer and alcohol,cuz that things "are bad for our childrens"

this is the 21 centry this is not like the 50's where was forbiden to say the word "dam" on the tv

if you say you want freedom them dont stop the freedom of speech

seriously grow up "mr" Thompson"
The following is the exact text of an email I sent to him and the reply I got back. I shit you not:

Attached is a paper I wrote on the subject of violence in gaming,
which I believe begins to disprove (though many of the works I
reference do more complete jobs of it, seeing as they are books and
articles) your claims of gaming's supposed negative influence on
children. I'm curious as to your thoughts on this, and your
justification for a continued assault on a perfectly legitimate,
healthy, mainstream pastime that, like movies and books, targets a
wide audience and has material targetted at all parts of said
Thank you. :)

If I be retarded, then you gamers hath to worry ye. Ahh, but methinks you
all doth protest too much. You doth worry that I am right, and if right,
then travail shalt ensue for all those who worship the pixelated beast. To
mod or not to mod. That is the question. For it is a far, far better thing
you do when you doth put down the controllers and get lives. But parting is
such sweet sorrow. Jack Shakespeare Thompson

PS: Buy a book and dare to read it. Such dost grow back even the
groundlings' frontal lobes. I come not to bury Doug Lowenstein but to
praise him!


In additoin he attached some bullshit thing "he" wrote... I hate the man.
Mr. Thompson,

I do not apreciate your belittling of the average teen gamer. We are not as fragile and frail as you may choose to believe. We have a sense of virtual and actual reality as well as a sense of right and wrong. There are ratings on video games and they are there for a reason. Maybe you should be trying to crack down on the providers of video games and not 13-17 yr olds that like to kill virtual zombies on thier computer. Or would that be too challenging?

Ian M,
Even though I don't agree with his views, that Shakespeare parody was pretty well written.

*shrugs* To each his own. I don't know why you guys are in such a flap about him - games have been protested about for years and years, and they've been getting progressively more violent. I doubt they'll get banned any time soon. Live and let live.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Even though I don't agree with his views, that Shakespeare parody was pretty well written.

*shrugs* To each his own. I don't know why you guys are in such a flap about him - games have been protested about for years and years, and they've been getting progressively more violent. I doubt they'll get banned any time soon. Live and let live.

-Angry Lawyer

Yeh but harassment is fun. : )
Sometimes I don't think these people even play the games before they complain. They see a gun and instantly think the game will make you go outside and kill your whole street.
But, to him, you're a bunch of faceless voices. Faceless voices are easy to ignore. And there's also the fact that he's a lawyer, and that means he can do things that ordinary people can't. Like get you sued, or hit you with an injunction, or something.
You're just probably pushing him further. He'll hit back by trying even harder.

-Angry Lawyer
BlindTelepath said:
The following is the exact text of an email I sent to him and the reply I got back. I shit you not:

Attached is a paper I wrote on the subject of violence in gaming,
which I believe begins to disprove (though many of the works I
reference do more complete jobs of it, seeing as they are books and
articles) your claims of gaming's supposed negative influence on
children. I'm curious as to your thoughts on this, and your
justification for a continued assault on a perfectly legitimate,
healthy, mainstream pastime that, like movies and books, targets a
wide audience and has material targetted at all parts of said
Thank you. :)

If I be retarded, then you gamers hath to worry ye. Ahh, but methinks you
all doth protest too much. You doth worry that I am right, and if right,
then travail shalt ensue for all those who worship the pixelated beast. To
mod or not to mod. That is the question. For it is a far, far better thing
you do when you doth put down the controllers and get lives. But parting is
such sweet sorrow. Jack Shakespeare Thompson

PS: Buy a book and dare to read it. Such dost grow back even the
groundlings' frontal lobes. I come not to bury Doug Lowenstein but to
praise him!


In additoin he attached some bullshit thing "he" wrote... I hate the man.

He sent me that Shakespeare rubbish as well.

Let him hit back. It'll be good fun.
Trust me, a Lawyer reaction is a rather profound one. Worst case it'll involve him coming along, finding some silly post that's gone under the radar from the mods (it could happen) that deals in something illegal, and PING! He goes and finds a way to shut the site down.
Lawyers are like that, and I should know.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
But, to him, you're a bunch of faceless voices. Faceless voices are easy to ignore. And there's also the fact that he's a lawyer, and that means he can do things that ordinary people can't. Like get you sued, or hit you with an injunction, or something.
You're just probably pushing him further. He'll hit back by trying even harder.

-Angry Lawyer
what he can do? sue us for spam?
Its a free world afterall. Everything he has done in court has been laughed at and ignored.
Jack Thompson to ME

Not interested

Gah he's asking for it.
Samon said:
He sent me that Shakespeare rubbish as well.

Let him hit back. It'll be good fun.
HOLY SHIT, that guy is ****ing insane. Are you sure you sent it to the right address?
Foxtrot said:
HOLY SHIT, that guy is ****ing insane. Are you sure you sent it to the right address?

Which email are you talking about? The best buy one?
Samon said:
He sent it to the right address, yes.
But are you sure you sent yours to the right address? Where ever you got the address from could have been a fake site, or a hacked site.
Foxtrot said:
But are you sure you sent yours to the right address? Where ever you got the address from could have been a fake site, or a hacked site.

Everybody sent their emails to the same address, it was actually his.
He is doing this just to get our backs up. I've even mailed him saying so and I'm sure many others have too. The problem is if we stop he wins, and if we continue he wins.
He's winning because he's got you riled up enough to e-mail him.

-Angry Lawyer
Can't do much about the past though can we?

He has ticked a lot of people off.
He won't achieve what he plans...nobody takes him seriously. Anyone read up on Janet Reno?
Set up either an Anti-Jack Thompson website, or a Pro-Gaming website. I'd suggest the latter, less likely libel or something.
SimonomiS said:
Set up either an Anti-Jack Thompson website, or a Pro-Gaming website. I'd suggest the latter, less likely libel or something.

It's not libel if it's true.