- What a Joke

In one[5] ( of a series ([6] (, [7] (, [8] ( of "videogame violence" interviews by CBS, he compared Doug Lowenstein of the Entertainment Software Alliance to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, although the response has since been edited[9] ( In the June 2005 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, Thompson was interviewed and again discussed Lowenstein, this time implying he was worse than Saddam Hussein.

What on earth?

Source :
Angry Lawyer said:
He's winning because he's got you riled up enough to e-mail him.

-Angry Lawyer
What if everyone just stood by and watched because someone with more power than the average person was acting like an idiot? It's up to the average person to protest against people like this. I commend everyone for not sitting on their hands saying "Well, he's a lawyer, nothing we can do."
Also, he most definitely can not get the site shut down for some obscure post. Nor can he take legal action against any one who just emails their arguments against his "cause," unless threats or the like are involved.
Gamers tend to make their cause known. Alas if they didn't we'd had thousands of morons on the planet thinking they where big men/women. What Angry Lawer said is still true some of these "morons" feed of this type of comeback like ravenous dogs.

/edit another reply

Jack Thompson to ME

that's your problem. you gamers want an argument, not facts.

Yet I've supplied him with many facts.

My reply to this : Too early for me to be finding links (6:45am, I'm still tired) but there has been scientific proof that videogaming does more good than bad. My first email has some comments and facts similar to this.

The latest one would be soldiers returning from Iraq with stress disorders and how VR sets help them recover. So in your ideal world should these soldiers have to keep suffering?
Right, so I have too much time on my hands. I like to call this mini-game JACK THOMPSON TRAINING GROUNDS. It uses the infamous Wolf-3D engine (It basically is Wolf3D with some skins :D). It's a work in progress, as I've just started, but everyone please download and start training!!

Drag the Wolf3D folder onto your C drive, then execute WOLF3D.exe

Enjoy! Or don't, I couldn't care less. :bounce:
DreadLord1337 said:
Right, so I have too much time on my hands. I like to call this mini-game JACK THOMPSON TRAINING GROUNDS. It uses the infamous Wolf-3D engine (It basically is Wolf3D with some skins :D). It's a work in progress, as I've just started, but everyone please download and start training!!

Drag the Wolf3D folder onto your C drive, then execute WOLF3D.exe

Enjoy! Or don't, I couldn't care less. :bounce:

can you post screens?
<RJMC> said:
can you post screens?

I don't know how to take screenshots in a DOS game. I haven't changed a whole ton yet anyways, just for fun.
More recently, he has attempted to persuade the lawyers defending Dustin Lynch, charged with the murder of JoLynn Mishne, that videogames were responsible for the defendant's actions. The lawyers have declined to do so, and Thompson has subsequently offered to defend Lynch for free, presumably in the hope that he may use the "video games defense".[4] (

As well as propogating the "video games made me do it" defense, Thompson has also attempted to predict which violent crimes will be caused by specific videogames; in the Washington Sniper case, he was the first individual to suggest to the press that videogames may have been the source of the sniper's skills, a belief vindicated by the discovery of a ubiquitous PlayStation in the van used as a "mobile hideout" by the sniper. Note however that the sniper was a former soldier with formidable rifle training, as predicted by the police. He also proactively linked Grand Theft Auto 3 to violent crime in general, although he failed to do so in the case of Manhunt.
So.... let me get this straight? A murder happens, he pops in and says GTA did it, or Manhunt did? He also offers to help defend a murderer, if he could say it was a video game.
Oh, this stuff is gold, genius. I wonder how he will respond if people start bombarding emails to him about this. God, this guy is an idiot, he may be a lawyer, but, he seems to be only smart with the law. I think he needs to learn what common sense is.
Come on, there's no point trying to argue with this arsehole. I doubt he even believes what he is saying, otherwise he would give proper responses to peoples arguments. I have little doubt he's just a money-grabbing **** trying to make a name for himself with controversy, and doesn't give a damn what effect it has on millions of innocent people.
That is his phone number according to an e-mail response I got (which was another misdirected e-mail, supposed to be sent to another lawyer)

Anyone have free long distance? :D
MiccyNarc said:
That is his phone number according to an e-mail response I got (which was another misdirected e-mail, supposed to be sent to another lawyer)

Anyone have free long distance? :D
My Dad's cell phone does on that means I should ask other people on the forums to use their own cell phone that gets free long distance on weekends.
I love the irony in the 2nd 3 digits.
so that means I should ask other people on the forums to use their own cell phone that gets free long distance on weekends.
Umm.... Yes!
I could call from my computer. But I can't be bothered.

EDIT: His phone is busy.
lol I will like to call him

"excuse me is that mr thompsom?"


"oh good and by the way thanks by the blowjob of last night"


"hey you wanted it dont deny it"
DreadLord1337 said:
Right, so I have too much time on my hands. I like to call this mini-game JACK THOMPSON TRAINING GROUNDS. It uses the infamous Wolf-3D engine (It basically is Wolf3D with some skins :D). It's a work in progress, as I've just started, but everyone please download and start training!!

Drag the Wolf3D folder onto your C drive, then execute WOLF3D.exe

Enjoy! Or don't, I couldn't care less. :bounce:

That was so realistic I confused it with real life and killed my dog.
DreadLord1337 said:
Right, so I have too much time on my hands. I like to call this mini-game JACK THOMPSON TRAINING GROUNDS. It uses the infamous Wolf-3D engine (It basically is Wolf3D with some skins :D). It's a work in progress, as I've just started, but everyone please download and start training!!

Drag the Wolf3D folder onto your C drive, then execute WOLF3D.exe

Enjoy! Or don't, I couldn't care less. :bounce:

Doesn't run for me
I'm scared... my email to him.

It seems, that you want facts, instead of an argument. Here, this should speak for itself.

"More recently, he has attempted to persuade the lawyers defending Dustin Lynch, charged with the murder of JoLynn Mishne, that videogames were responsible for the defendant's actions. The lawyers have declined to do so, and Thompson has subsequently offered to defend Lynch for free, presumably in the hope that he may use the "video games defense".[4] (

As well as propogating the "video games made me do it" defense, Thompson has also attempted to predict which violent crimes will be caused by specific videogames; in the Washington Sniper case, he was the first individual to suggest to the press that videogames may have been the source of the sniper's skills, a belief vindicated by the discovery of a ubiquitous PlayStation in the van used as a "mobile hideout" by the sniper. Note however that the sniper was a former soldier with formidable rifle training, as predicted by the police. He also proactively linked Grand Theft Auto 3 to violent crime in general, although he failed to do so in the case of Manhunt. "

His Reply
No, honey. I'm the guy in the national news, fighting this fight. Senators' staffs call me. Are they calling you? Guess who is failing here?

Honey? I'm a guy....
Yeah... I'll sue him, because I felt sexually harrased, and the funny thing is. I read, that if feel you sexually harrased, you could sue legally. To bad I don't have the money... or the smarts about law.
The ****? He thinks he is more important than you because he was on national news?
Fliko said:
Yeah... I'll sue him, because I felt sexually harrased, and the funny thing is. I read, that if feel you sexually harrased, you could sue legally. To bad I don't have the money... or the smarts about law.
...or the sexual to be harassed.
TheSomeone said:
No. Probably too long for him.

I sent a massive one before and got a reply......I think maybe he just can't find an argument to put against it.
also the sad thing is that he would be earning money from this page, with the bad add at the top.

I know we many only be gamers from one section of Gaming, but who does he think he's stuffing with. There are more Gamers than people in America, easy.

EDIT: was on mediafamily and i saw this. What game is he been paid to talk about, i've played San An and i don't know about the gasoline?
So wait, are we supposed to send him emails or not? He responds, that's a good thing, he responds in a nasty and sarcastic way, that's a bad thing, if we really wanted we could send a link to this thread to several national games magazines, newspapers, whatever. The whole point of democracy is that ordinary people have power, right? He has power to say 'I think that videogames is causing the collapse of mankind, not greed and ignorance but videogames', and we are free to send his idiotic, sarcastic responses to major newspapers and games magazines.
That would work... But it still doesn't matter. The ppl that this guy is preaching to wouldn't give a chance to the ideals of:
"Members: 16,337"
and that's just hl2net.
He replied to me, i sent him an email if i should keep my imaginary children (Gordon 10, Barney 8 and Alyx of just 5) away from games, and if Crash Bandicoot is ok for kids? His advice was...'uh huh'. Clever boy *pats jack on the head*
Hectic Glenn said:
He replied to me, i sent him an email if i should keep my imaginary children (Gordon 10, Barney 8 and Alyx of just 5) away from games, and if Crash Bandicoot is ok for kids? His advice was...'uh huh'. Clever boy *pats jack on the head*


Gordon, Barney and Alyx.... :LOL:
We will crush this infidel with the weapon of singlehearted unity!

Keep emailing him!
Dear Sir,

I was just e-mailing here to pledge my support to the people who play videogames.
Normally I wouldn't bother to write to anyone such as yourself, but your responses to other e-mails I have read were just immature. So guess here would be a chance to tell your listening and reading public exactly why your points aren't invalid without having to resort to one-sentence cut & paste brushoffs. If you're willing to present these claims, then please be the man to back them up when presented with logical scrutiny.

I mean, you're apparently the big man around Washington, so obviously you are well versed in making logical arguments. Perhaps you could save yourself the time of having to ban whatever displeases you if you could instead present a strong argument for why American companies should not be allowed to sell products targeted towards American adults in America.

I don't know whether you're conservative or liberal, nor do I care. But what I do care about is people such as yourself who are attempting to remove freedoms from American citizens without just cause.

If I were to ban the Bible or the Koran, Atheism or any belief, citing past and present violence by those believers as the reason why freedom should be rewritten in my image, I would be sure to respond in a rational manner to you. Please show the same courtesy.
I'm certain you 'can be bothered' to answer these yes or no questions, and perhaps elaborate on your line of thought. Just write 'Y' or 'N' beside the following answers, then cut-and-paste them into a new e-mail. If you aren't feeling up to it, simply answer as many as you feel capable of answering/understanding.

You are blaming the game 'Halo' for the beltway snipers(s).
1a - Have you ever played the game titled 'Halo'?
1b - Does the game 'Halo' have a 'sniper mode'?
1c - Was the video game a tool used by these individiuals?
1d - If yes, should the rifle, car, ammuntion (etc.) that they used also be banned?
1e - Should the religion that they perverted into their extremist beliefs also be banned?
1f - Is there any object in the world that cannot be used for an unlawful purpose, assuming a person is insane/desperate enough?

You cite the game 'Manhunt' as being one example of how violent videogames are.
2a - Is Manhunt prominently rated 'M' (17 or older) on the box, CD and in the game?
2b - If so, how could a concerned parent not see this rating if they spent a decent amount of time observing their children who are below this age? (Keep in mind that most games require at least one to two hours of play to progress a decent amount.
2c - Was the game 'Manhunt' derided by critics and low in sales for being too/pointlessly violent?

Media questions:
2a - Are there movies that contain violence?
2b - Do children (anyone under the age of seventeen) often watch said movies with or without parent approval?
2c - If I were to predict that the 'next school shooter' had seen or enjoyed a violent movie (or plural movies), would this be an impressive feat?
2d - If yes, would this be proof that movies cause violence and/or should be banned?
2e - If I were to predict that the 'next school shooter' had at least one parent, would this be an impressive feat?
2f - If yes, would this be proof that parents cause violence and/or should be banned?

"...violent entertainment contributes to teen violence."
3a - Does 'violent entertainment' include things that are not video games? (i.e. books, music, videos, sports, national news, 'The Passion of the Christ', etc?
3b - Which contains more/more realistic violence per hour: (Y - The Passion of the Christ) (N - Most videogames)?
3c - Should 'The Passion' be banned?
3d - Does "contributes to" mean "causes"?
3e - Does "contributes to" instead mean that the violent teens were already violent or unstable before playing games, and not as a result of?
3f - If you said 'Yes' to question 3d, does that mean you are manipulating the facts?

You recently mailed a friend of mine citing your dismay that the title "Grand Theft Auto" by 'Rockstar Games' contains sexual content as proof of your argument.
4a - Did you know that this content was not intended to be played and cannot exist without going onto the internet and downloading a third-party modification (in other words, a program not sold with the game or in any way authorized by Rockstar)?
4b - Are there literally a million easier ways to access sexual content via the internet?
4c - Did you know that in publicizing this issue, as you have, you have brought it to the direct attention of untold millions who had never heard of such a thing? Myself included.
4d - Can sexual content be added to basically any commercial product through a third-party modification? (i.e. Writing some such content in Microsoft Word, drawing a graphic image onto a desk)
4e - Is 'Grand Theft Auto' prominently rated 'M' (17 or older) on the box, CD and in the game?
4f - Is seventeen only one year below the Adult Content rating (18 years or older)?

5a - Do you know how many people died as a direct result of videogames per year?
5b -Is this number (Y - Smaller) or (N - Larger) than the number killed by falling coconuts?

Well, I'm sure you've gotten bored or confused by this point, so here's the parting set of questions:
IT IS ALSO THE MOST IMPORTANT. If you answer only one set, please answer this:

6a - How many times a day do you comb through the news hoping to find that someone who played a videogame commited a murder?
6b - Are you far more exploitative of death and suffering than videogame makers, since the violence you use is both real, current and used to further your legal career and remove American freedoms (As opposed to fictional cinematic violence which are used purely for capitalistic gain)?

Please keep in mind that the violent acts described on your website and in your many, many media appearances (including graphic descriptions of sniping, strangulation, shootings and also exactly how willing kids can 'train' themselves for these acts of murder) are accessable to children of any age in seconds, internationally, free of charge, and without any sort of warning label, let alone an 'M' (17 or older)?
6c - Keeping in mind that your outrage is only fueling publicity for the game(s) you hate, how do you live with yourself?


So, again, I'm going to ask you to please be respectful and mature in your answer(s). As much as I would love the 'shakespeare response', I'm sure a smart, nonviolent adult such as yourself can do better than that if he puts his mind to it. Remember, you just need to write a 'Y' or 'N'.
A trained chimp could do it, although without your unique cultural insight. So show that chimp who's boss!



and you're apparently the big man in your living room. get lost


Great grammar there as well, Jacko. :p
Bonus maturity points for our high-priced lawyer.
Jack Thompson to me

No, sorry. You obviously can't research stuff you don't want to find. the overwhelming evidence is that violent gaming causes brain damage. you've heard of Harvard, right?

This guy can't read properly thats for sure. I've sent him plenty of articles relating to plus side of gaming.
mecha you're so cruel ...sounds like you broke his brain with your logic :LOL: kudos :thumbs: ...btw Thompson is a staunch republican and christian ..he's often used god in his speeches