- What a Joke

We shoudl all go play some Hoyle and learn how to be 1337 cardpeople and win tournaments. I mean after all, video games train you.
I am now an excellent civil engineer and chartered town planner thanks to my keen and extensive training on games like "Sim City" and "Civilisation", I hope to become God soon after playing some "Black and White"!

My friend is a fully qualified Doctor because he went to "Theme Hospital", and he specialised in treating people with Bloaty Head disease!

My word, it certainly is wonderful that games can train us to be professionals nowadays, sod the real qualifications.
kirovman said:
I am now an excellent civil engineer and chartered town planner thanks to my keen and extensive training on games like "Sim City" and "Civilisation", I hope to become God soon after playing some "Black and White"!

My friend is a fully qualified Doctor because he went to "Theme Hospital", and he specialised in treating people with Bloaty Head disease!

My word, it certainly is wonderful that games can train us to be professionals nowadays, sod the real qualifications.

lol, nice post :)
r2000 said:
Secondly, they tried that with comics if I remembre right. It backfired miserably.

no it worked extremely well ..nearly destroyed the comics industry overnight ..and is probably the reason why american comics havent matured beyond the men in tights genre (with a few notable exceptions ..due more to self-publishers than anyone else) to this day
Censoring comics? I must've missed that era. When was it?(sorry if already answered)

Anyway, I've not gotten a reply from Jack(ass) yet, I doubt he'll be writing me. All the better.
yes comics were censored when the comics code authority was established back in 1954 ..words like terror, horror, murder were banned from comic book covers ...which incidentily was targeted against EC comics and Will Gaines in general ..because the majority of his titles had those words in it ..he's the creator behind Tales from the Crypt

pretty much overnight comic book publishers canned their horror titles in favour of Romance comics and non-offensive cutesy animal and western comics ...the thing is that the Comics Code Authority was developed by the comic book industry (kind of like how the esrb works)
CptStern said:
yes comics were censored when the comics code authority was established back in 1954 ..words like terror, horror, murder were banned from comic book covers ...which incidentily was targeted against EC comics and Will Gaines in general ..because the majority of his titles had those words in it ..he's the creator behind Tales from the Crypt

pretty much overnight comic book publishers canned their horror titles in favour of Romance comics and non-offensive cutesy animal and western comics ...the thing is that the Comics Code Authority was developed by the comic book industry (kind of like how the esrb works)
a view of things to come? i hope not
FPS doug that wouldn't be pure pwnage then would it? kk watched now

The keyboard bashing incident. Episode 3 fits better into the whole "training" scenario. Doug rolls around and does all the hand motions, throws a grenade (rock) etc
So, has anyone set up a website yet...?
The website could be called or to avoid lawsuites.
Thats embarassing..worthless guy..*sigh*
Someone REALLY needs to kill him.
The over analyzer is at it again :D

How do you like your hot coffee? If you're Jack Thompson, you like it scalding game publisher's laps. The Miami attorney and antigaming activist has done his share to see that games don't fall into the wrong hands. And lately, those hands have belonged to almost everyone.
This opening paragraph contained more wit and cleverness that Jack's whole argument.

Thompson was among those who spearheaded the recent effort to slap an "Adults Only" rating on Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and he's often been on the forefront of many other gaming issues, several of which have targeted the crime-spree-based GTA franchise. In the past, he's represented defendants who have been the victims of GTA-inspired crimes, including the triple homicide of three police officers by an 18-year-old boy in Alabama.
I like this paragraph. It prepares the reader for the shocking amount of stupidity yet to come. (Also that he can't jsut mind his own damn buisiness)

His beef with San Andreas? Unused code in the game that depicts sexual acts. These minigames can be unlocked by using game-cheat devices or patches available on the Internet.
See above...

Thompson is on a roll...and he's not done yet. His latest goat is a game that doesn't involve guns, carjacking, or prostitutes: He's going after Electronic Arts' The Sims 2.
No comment yet. Well, one- This is like smashing saving private ryan for violence, and then Barney's magical musical journey... for violence.

In a manifesto sent today to press outlets, Thompson focuses on dismantling the Entertainment Software Ratings Board and exposing what he calls the industry's "latest dirty little secret." The secret's out now, and it involves nude sims.
Wait wait wait wait... did they just say he wants to be RID of the ESRB? or just to get them in trouble? If option A, he's a bigger idiot than previously thought.

In the statement, Thompson says, "Sims 2, the latest version of the Sims video game franchise ... contains, according to video game news sites, full frontal nudity, including nipples, penises, labia, and pubic hair."
God, where the hell does he get this stuff? What, did he read some article about a beta from some stupid 12 year old who said, "I hope there's a cheat to make them nekked!" or did he find a codelist, see a anti-blur, and automatically go, "OMG!!1! Dis must be t3h pr0nzorz!!!11eleven!! To the Thompson cave of dumb-assedness I must go!" hm :|

The Sims 2 is a "life simulator." In the game, players steer their digital beings around their cyberlives. Actions include everything from the spectacular (getting married, having children, receiving promotions at work) to the mundane (cooking microwaved meals, going to the bathroom, mopping the floor). Such activities, as in real life, sometimes require nudity. EA circumvents inappropriateness by "blurring" out the nether regions, almost to a comical sense.
No comment...

Knowing that the game is popular among all ages, EA has even taken steps to ensure that Sims fans aren't exposed to indecent depictions. In the recent expansion pack, The Sims 2 University, gamers can send their teenage sims off to college. However, instead of packing the expansion with "keggers" and "reefer," EA chose to use juice and bubble blowers.
*snicker* Ah, well... see how kid friendly they are?

Thompson doesn't seem to care. He cites a cheat code that can remove the blur that covers the nether regions. "The nudity placed there by the publisher/maker, Electronic Arts, is accessed by the use of a simple code that removes what is called 'the blur' which obscures the genital areas. In other words, the game was released to the public by the manufacturer knowing that the full frontal nudity was resident on the game and would be accessed by use of a simple code widely provided on the Internet."
Wait for it...

It's not just the adults that are liberated from their wardrobes. Sims kids can also be nudified, "much to the delight, one can be sure, of pedophiles around the globe who can rehearse, in virtual reality, for their abuse."
HA! HAHA! HAAAA! I don't own the game, but I'm fairly certain that you can't make kids do sex in the game... am I correct? Of course, the peophile simply might just sit there and examine the tiny picture of a small child, with genetalia small to the point of being nonexsistant... Or, if a later statement is true, actually IS non-existant.

Were this to be true, Thompson would have his smoking gun, and EA would be forced to recall all copies of The Sims 2. However, it's what's under the blur that Thompson's after. And what happens when the blur is lifted? A simple mannequin-esque smooth body, according to EA.
YESSSS! gives EA a pie.

Jeff Brown, vice president of corporate communications at EA, in response to the accusations, told GameSpot, "This is nonsense. We've reviewed 100 percent of the content. There is no content inappropriate for a teen audience. Players never see a nude sim. If someone with an extreme amount of expertise and time were to remove the pixels, they would see that the sims have no genitals. They appear like Ken and Barbie."
It sounds like the code itself doesn't even remove the blur, it must require someone on the level of the l33t h4x0rz to even get rid of it. Imagine, some 11 year old hacking into the game's code and altering it... only to see ken/barbie action! Jack is a genious :|

Thompson doesn't buy it. "The sex and the nudity are in the game. That's the point. The blur is an admission that even the 'Ken and Barbie' features should not be displayed. The blur can be disarmed. This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse."
He doesn't buy it. Despite the fact that he's probably been shown many exapmles... Anyway, the blur is to add to the game- And if he thinks that the ken and barbie stuff shouldn't be included- oh, I con't even express my hatred and revulsion that I have towards this man and his EXTREME STUPIDITY. on another note:

This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse."
You all see that?
This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse."
Let's look at it again.
This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse."
This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse."
one more time!
This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse."
I rest my case.

[UPDATE] Thompson this afternoon updated his earlier statement, saying he is aware certain mods only remove "the blur," but adds that "Electronic Arts has done nothing about this." Thompson's new conclusion: EA is "cooperating, gleefully, with the mod community to turn Sims 2 into a porn offering."
Jack: "Ok, yeah, you were right... but you were still wrong! hahahaha..." Ass.
It isn't porn. it's nothing more than if you little sister takes all the clothes off of her dolls and puts them into a basket on top of each other. THat is what you get. EA has done nothing about the blur removal because A: they can't, and B: they don't need to, just because some crackpot old fool is dissapointed that there wasn't any real porn in his sim game :|

The last time we checked, The Sims 2 was rated T for Teen by the ESRB, which means that anyone 13 years of age, with $50 to spend, can purchase the game.

I'm glad you guys checked, because I don't think Jack ever did. Maybe you can tell him? It was T for a reason. You think the ESRB had NO idea about the blur remover? Of course they did, ass. They aren't stupid- they're all hardcore gamers like us, except with more defined veiws of morals and standards. THey knew the blur remover was there- and it's still T. Why? because the blur remover dunn do SHIT.

I'm afraid this'n may not be as entertaining or as indepth, as it wasn't actually by Jack, so there were less things to mock :(
Lemonking said:
oh my god somebody plz kill this guy
We would like to but it would only prove his point that somehow we would kill him because of our "warped, brainwashed minds from playing too many violent games."

All he really needs is a tall cold glass of STFU.

Que, thanks for disecting the article I posted, you get a cookie + pie.
I think someone should gather up all of the emails from this page, the replies, and send it to the media or whoever else can show everyone how stupid jack thompson is.

I sent an email, i'll let you guys know when I get a reply.
We need to show him what we learned from GTA! Grab a few guns and blow him away...gratned it will make him true..but who cares lol
What's wrong with nudity? Everyone has either a pen0r or a vagin0r, there's no hiding that fact. What's wrong with even watching two people have sex? Is it really that traumatizing? It sounds like it's the equivalent of watching someone gruesomely murder someone else with a chainsaw. Oh wait, that's what Jack Thompson thinks! ****ing idiot.
Milkman said:
Que, thanks for disecting the article I posted, you get a cookie + pie.

Yeah, good post. That guy is seriously annoying.
Bringing it back up, because this thread is full of valuable, valuable information. Read the whole thing...

\EDIT Finally got a word document gathering most of the letters and replies back found on these here forums. Yarr. Now, where can i put it?