Street Fighter 4!

Abel is a beast. Currently using abel as my main. Just learning how to do the focus cancel moves in fights. Usually I just press forward too many times and get nothing done, or get beaten (PANIC!). But my to be main is 100% Dhalsim, god I love this dude. Pretty defensive character but can deal out massive damage in short time, teleport, combo, super then ultra, teleport and kick the guy in to the ultra. Pure madness :D
Dang, it's a pity we're on different systems. I'd like to play your Dhalsim. He's a knee-slapper to play/play against; mainly because whenever my friends and I are together Dhalsim gets stereotypical Indian-voice commentary, with dubbed-over move names like "Slurpee Punch."

He's an awesome character though, and ultra --> teleport is madness.
He's an awesome character though, and ultra --> teleport is madness.


I should learn Dhalsim. I love comical characters who don't get picked often and it's hard to tell what the hell they're doing. That's why I play (a custom, non-hardgay) Voldo in SC4.
when playing as abel i always did an ex falling sky when i went for an ultra, boned me plenty. i only have a 360 controller though.

game was a fun rental, maybe i'll buy it with some spare cash.
Alright so how many of you have this on PSTriple? Only guy I've got added is Sedako.


add me

get tornado thrown
Im starting to like Gouken now as well. Especially his floating punch that allows him to move through fireballs and can knock people into the air with the EX version. Is nice.
Gouken is pretty fun. I've been playing with it alot too. Oh and when you play with abel you just have to use rolling juggle. Roll, down hp, roll, down hp, WHIII.
oooh shi. Guys when the move has that Z motion on the image does that mean it's like front-leftdown-front or is it front-down-frontright. I've been doing the moves with the last method. Maybe this is the reason I've had like 50-70% success rate with these moves...
Wait, wait, wait.

Street Fighter has a storyline?
Hi I'm sumo, I make sumo famous. Okay I'm back, another sumo says you no come back, okay I beat them up and go to olympics. WAT!

Shitdwang challenges are hard on those charge chars. Like bison etc. I've gotten pretty much all challenges done on non-charge chars. I'm really starting to love Ken and Ruy players. "you no come to my shoryuken? no? please? not even let my random ultra hit? okay I dc *insert sadface*"
I'm really starting to love Ken and Ruy players. "you no come to my shoryuken? no? please? not even let my random ultra hit? okay I dc *insert sadface*"

Rage-quits: First time it happened I was like :flame: but these days I'm more like :naughty: because I realize that as mad as I am, they're the one who actually quit on me :)
Foolish. Make sure you connect, THEN do your victory pose.

I'm guilty of hitting people with a finishing blow and turning around before it hits, though. Something's just so satisfying about knowing it will connect, and then turning away from your opponent as if you won't even give them the pleasure of looking at them as they fall.
Total animated samurai finishing slash style.

Also, epic fail. And that Sagat didn't deserve to win anyway; he was outclassed and was lucky to have been given the opportunity he did.
so any of you abel junkies got any tips for playing a better abel? all my moves keep getting out prioritized and i have a hard time getting a hit in

people keep jumping away, stuff like that :(
this is my first street fighter so i have no idea about the mechanics about the game. so, i've literally lost to about every ken tonight. their srk was beating out a lot of the things i was trying. when i'd go for a punish, they'd srk again and knock my balls off. and i actually played one that managed a jump kick to sweep thing that he repeated over and over till i was ko'd, and he got a perfect. enlighten me! it's the most frustrating thing. i dont have as much trouble fighting anyone else but ken or ryu. ****ers./
it's all about being patient imo
most fighters out there, especially the novices playing Ryu and Ken, will continue to make the first move (even if it's a fireball in the corner), allowing you to counter with whatever fits each situation
so, make it look like you're coming in to grab and let them do their shoryuken. once they hit the ground, grab them with your tornado throw (assuming you're Abel!). or if you see them repeating moves like the jump kick+sweep, simply BLOCK or better yet, focus attack and then dash+tornado throw
don't be afraid to BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK.
Jump kick? Standing MK, or crouching FP, or falling sky if they haven't thrown out the kick yet. You can also just block the hit and tornado throw. You'll get them before they have a chance to do anything. Sweep? Block, punish with cr.MP -> CoD, or any one of his crouching combos.

If they're standing there throwing fireballs at you, use FADC to build meter, then just empty jump and let them come to you. Or hit those idiots with ultra from full screen.

Shoryuken you really should be able to get off tornado throw at all times before they throw another uppercut. You can also punish with combos or knock them down and go for a crossover.
I've started to play a lot with Gouken. Only char I have trouble against is Sagat... I mean this guy makes 2xHK and BAM 50% HP gone... Just so sick, you only need to do like two moves and whii we has winrar.

But yea against Ryu, Ken just block a lot. You could for instance start with a roll, and just go to block right away. If it's a normal idiot ken/ryu he'll go for the srk, block that and you're easy off. Against these guys I tend not to use any ex moves. I'll just punish with cod and super when they srk. And in the early levels if they do that whirl kick (forgot name), especially if ken does this don't try to punish after it, keep blocking, 80% of the time srk will come and then you can punish.

One thing I've really been mad about lately is the fact that like 60% of the games are way too laggy. Press up -> go get some coffee -> come back -> he's about to jump.

I just had the most fun against some bad akuma player. He first did random super (maybe he thought I didn't know I can just jump over it), I jumped over that and he went straight to ultra and I again jumped over that. NO - NO - PUNISH.
I just had the most fun against some bad akuma player. He first did random super (maybe he thought I didn't know I can just jump over it), I jumped over that and he went straight to ultra and I again jumped over that. NO - NO - PUNISH.

Best defense against Akuma's supers: Dan's ultra. He hits 'em right in the freakin' FACE at 0:59 seconds.
(too bad the round ends before the damage gets done :() (also too bad that time cues don't work in these embedded videos :()
Sooo, I think I'm finally going to pick this up either tonight or sometime soon....PS3 here, name CyberPitz. ADD ME!
PHAINARU, ATOMEEEK, BASTAAARD! Now I have the Zangief theme in my head, that is a bangin ch00n'.
woo, doing a little better now against them shotos. i figured playing wrecklessly against them isnt such a good idea since shoryuken priority is the tits, and getting more used to punishing whiffed shoryukens with FA3 > fierce tornado throw or ultra/super. still havent really found a way to put the or tornado throw into regular use yet, most of the players on ranked have been jumping away for the whole match so i've had to use FA as a punish to crumple them first x(

also doing the 5th hard trial for abel right now, its a turd.
I've finally gotten all the normal challenges done. Abel's fifth hard trial is a bitch, mk + dash + hp seems to have insane timing. I've been able to do it like 30% of the time...

Btw how many battle points you guys have? I'm really getting bored since finding a players that actually know how to play are hard to find... Only thing I find are beginers and srk spammers... The matchmaking seems pretty dull. Even thou I got 1500 points it puts me against players with 0-200 points... Takes some time to get more points since I get like 10-20 per match.

Second thing I decided to do is refuse to play against Fagot, I mean Sagat players. I mean I wouldn't mind if the players actually had learned something nice with the character but no. 99% of fagot players just spam two moves... And sagats damage seems way too high. He hit's 150 with normal hk, thats like the same dmg gouken does with his ex moves...
i'm at about 1900 BP right now... try putting search priority to "same skill" if you haven't already

but ya Sagat is ridiculously overpowered
i'll still fight him though, cause i like the challenge :P

congrats finishing the challenges Bak
i have refused to do any of the hard trials until i get a new pad/stick; it's just too frustrating with the 360 dpad
i float around 600-900. be jealous.

i havent played anything else but abels hard trial 5 for the last few days now, determined to get this ****er right. got all the way to the last step and my timing choked :( :( :(
I have the search priority set to more skilled... Maybe the matchmaking is just bugged.

I want my mad catz street fighta stick :<
So, I'm at a friend's, having the chance to play against people on Xbawks Live. People on here suck serious dick. Like no joke. This controller is f'ing terrible; it's not like it's the first time I used it or anything (had to use them in the GameSpot Nationals), but seriously, even with this piece of junk I haven't lost a single match in hours. I went from 0 BP to 2000 in like two hours. People on Live are goddamn terrible.

360 version of SFIV has superior graphics, but the competition compared to PSN is like fighting against children. Little children. Little children who do not have arms, they have stumps. Stumps that they cannot play video games with, so they have to hit the controller with their noses and push the buttons with their tongues.

Anyone from up and playing right now on 360?
Pretty much only thing you can find are spammers or random mashers on xbox live. And getting 20bp per match isn't that awsome. Hopefully the tournament dlc coming soon will change this. OR NOT.
It's a free dlc to sf4. It'll change the online portition, new lobby, point system change. There will be two different ladders one with tournament points and one with other. And something else I can't remember now.