Striders are apparently serious.

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Tell Wayne Brady that the Strider doesn't have his money. Watch him choke the Strider.
In the e3 2003 video "Strider" you can see when Gordon is shooting the strider with his MP7 the bullets look like they aren't even hurting the strider, watch the bullets hit its skin and you see what im talking about..
Gordon gets his ass killed twice by the strider if gordon can't do it no one can. maybe u can stick the crowbar in the manipulator and launch it at its g-spot.
Impulse147 said:
Gordon gets his ass killed twice by the strider if gordon can't do it no one can. maybe u can stick the crowbar in the manipulator and launch it at its g-spot.

I've never seen anyone have an idea like this...i wonder how effective the crowbar would be - press g, whap your manipulator out and slam it into someone, maybe it would stick in them :D
Would be interesting to drive a buggy into the legs of a strider, than have it topple down onto you. Until you wheelspin off and hit a ramp, do a triple somersault turn and land on all 4 wheels starsky and hutch style, just as the belly of the strider crashes to the ground. :D
Yea pin ppl to the wall with the crowbar/manipulator combination!! now that i would pay to see.
doubt it, they seem mechanical to me...also i think maybe the manipulator will be upgraded enough so you can pcik up bigger things , also thats why i think the mnaipulator in the new vids don't have the 3 prongs is because its probably the un-upgraded versiona dn then the prongs get attached to it later to add more power,because in the new vids it never lifts anything really heavy, the heaviest would probably be the wooden skid, but in traptown it pulls that space heater off the wall, and most space heaters are pretty hefty tghinbgs.
The manipulator will never be able to lift/throw cars, buses, trains, airplanes, shopping malls, skyscrapers, the citadel, etc... because that would just be dumb. Newtonian physics demands that if a force is applied in one direction, a force of equal magnitude, but opposite in direction, is also applied. So you figure out what happens to Gordon Freeman when his manipulator throws a 2500 pound car 87 feet. It can't even lift the buggy.
gesto21 said:
The manipulator will never be able to lift/throw cars, buses, trains, airplanes, shopping malls, skyscrapers, the citadel, etc... because that would just be dumb. Newtonian physics demands that if a force is applied in one direction, a force of equal magnitude, but opposite in direction, is also applied. So you figure out what happens to Gordon Freeman when his manipulator throws a 2500 pound car 87 feet. It can't even lift the buggy.

If the above was true then cars wouldn't even move. If a force of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction is applied then they cancel each other out and there is no movement.
We could make a super pimpin minpulator (My own modified version).
I would pick up the strider and throw it into another strider and keep on doing it till i win :).
I think what you were thinking of was "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction", which is an entirely different thing.
if u noticed i never compared a 2500 pound car, just a 150 pound space heater to a 25 pound wooden skid and also its called a manipluator and basically means its job is to manipulate the natural order of how things are effected by pyshics and gravity.
digsy said:
I think what you were thinking of was "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction", which is an entirely different thing.
There is a force, and it is the friction from the ground. (Refering to your "cars wouldn't move" statement. But ahh, it's late and I don't want to think about this stuff. :x
also in the new videos the manipulator is actually used to move the buggy from a cliffside.
Anyway, Newton didn't create the laws of physics, Gabe Newell did.
digsy said:
If the above was true then cars wouldn't even move. If a force of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction is applied then they cancel each other out and there is no movement.


Um, might want to read up on physics a bit.
Newton didn't create jack, he just put the laws of pyshics into mathematical solutions. the laws of earthly pyshics have been around since the creation of earth.
The reaction Force is against the beam of energy on the gun. Not that that would work either but it's not really a physically plausible device.
Impulse147 said:
Newton didn't create jack, he just put the laws of pyshics into mathematical solutions. the laws of earthly pyshics have been around since the creation of earth.

Hehe, they've been around a looooonnng time before that.
Newton discovered them, you know what I mean. To quote vegeta:

"But ahh, it's late and I don't want to think about this stuff."
Newtonian physics demands that if a force is applied in one direction, a force of equal magnitude, but opposite in direction, is also applied. So you figure out what happens to Gordon Freeman when his manipulator throws a 2500 pound car 87 feet. It can't even lift the buggy.

also if this were true than nothing would move even humans or cars or planes.
neutrino i was talking about earths pyschics,universal pyschics only existed a few days b4 earth pyschics were created.
Impulse147 said:
also if this were true than nothing would move even humans or cars or planes.

The opposing force is against the road, not the car. The floor, not the feet.
Impulse147 said:
neutrino i was talking about earths pyschics,universal pyschics only existed a few days b4 earth pyschics were created.



What the hell are you talking about?????

(It's also "physics" not "pyschics". Unless your talking about Psychics? Cause I don't think Cleo was around at that time.)
Feath said:
The opposing force is against the road, not the car. The floor, not the feet.

but pyshics apply to whatever its touching therefore the car is effected somewhat by the roads pyshics. because whatever pyschical properties the road has the car must obey its pyshics, so on a flat road a car won't move but if the road has decline in its shape then the car will roll down that decline.
Didn't you know, the Half Life engine existed before earth's physics? This is getting confusing. Let's get back on topic, how we gonna waste those damn striders?!! :D
neutrino i'm talking about when universal pyshics were created, about 6500 yrs ago, b4 then they never existed.
the universe was created 6500 years ago?......What?
universal physics? 6400 wasn't that long ago... are you saying dinosaurs wouldn't be allowd to play Half-Life 2?
Impulse147 said:
neutrino i'm talking about when universal pyshics were created, about 6500 yrs ago, b4 then they never existed.

First, please, it's "Physics" not "pyshics" or "pyschics".

As for the rest of it, so your a creationist huh? Well, that all well and good, but please don't try to pass your religion off as fact to the rest of us. Thanks.

Edit: To explain or the rest of you, some christians follow what is known as "creation science". They follow what they say is the literal intrepretation of the bible and maintain that the earth was created about 6500 years ago. Also dinosaurs never existed. If you actually examine this belief you'll find that it violates about a dozen known scientific theories so I wouldn't take any of it too seriously.

Now, no offense meant to you impulse, but please don't argue physics if you support a belief that means most of modern day science is completely wrong.
right digsy back subject , maybe we'll see some awesome weather effects like tornadoes!!! ooohhh yea!!! and it sucks up the strider, or we could throw some skittles into a fountain and it starts raining skittles and they clog up the striders joints.
the universe is older than 6500 years bud... don't kid yourself
you wanted to know why i came to that conclusion i told you , remeber u asked , and i'm very tired i don't give a cows ass how i spell pysics.
Maybe you can tie a rope to the strider, and tie the other end to a pillar or wall, then get it to chase you and the momentum of its lunge forward causes it to tear its cockpit from its legs. That would be fun
Impulse147 said:
right digsy back subject , maybe we'll see some awesome weather effects like tornadoes!!! ooohhh yea!!! and it sucks up the strider, or we could throw some skittles into a fountain and it starts raining skittles and they clog up the striders joints.

We could just open the bag of skittles and the rainbow would pop out and make more skittles fall out of the sky to take out the striders. And the skittles god would say taste the rainbow biatch!