Striders are apparently serious.

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Impulse147 said:
DROP IT!!!, back onto striders killin subject.

Your the one that started it, but I'll drop it.

On topic, it would be interesting to see just how good the strider animations and physics are. Such as if you poured out a whole bunch of small balls would the strider fall when it tried to walk on them?
or we could pull some lotr sytle strider killin, i am gordon freeman, wielder of the sacred crowbar YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!! of course this would take place over a bridge that has broken supports.
That wouldn't work, Gordon can't speak remember. Must have been hard getting his PhD. :D
On topic, it would be interesting to see just how good the strider animations and physics are. Such as if you poured out a whole bunch of small balls would the strider fall when it tried to walk on them?

skittles could do this, easy, plus with the skittles everyone doesn't have to eat whatever food the combine gives em anymore, they just eat skittles.
maybe gordon doesn't have a tongue or has horrible tooth decay and his job at BMRF was gonna pay for some new ones but the whole resonance casscade happened b4 he got his paycheck , and the union was fighting about dental benefits so they were on hold.
What's the definition of a resonance casscade... I don't think it's in the dictionary
Typical, just when things are going right, a resonance cascade occurs. It happens to the best of us.
If you ppl watch the new demo, you can tell that the manipulator can only carry things a real life person can.
the buggy was never carried but was given a shot moving the buggy.
you take a gun and shoot a car, you will see the car being moved, not a great distant, but moved. so using the manipulator to knock down a strider is no way possible and if it is, would kill hl2. it is possible however to flip a toppled car if you duck down and shoot the top just like the buggy.
howcome the last resonance cascade I had didn't take me on an incredible journey through an underground government top secret research facility battling hordes of aliens and soldiers and send me to a different world to destroy a giant floating patatoe?
maybe einstein or some1 would know what a resonance casscade is,sounds like a future brand of dishwashing detergent to me. once i get my hands on the manipulator i'm gonna use it through the whole game. we've seen a shitty, looking buggy , a shitty looking fan boat, maybe we'll see a shitty lookin plane and we can fly it into the strider.
Slightly off topic again, but when the Gman says the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference it had me thinking. If Gordon had have stayed home instead of going to work the day of the cascade, then he would be just a normal citizen in HL2, (assuming someone else cleaned up the mess at Black Mesa) and therefore there would be no-one else to save the world!!

And with that I'm going to bed, night all :D
shyy said:
If you ppl watch the new demo, you can tell that the manipulator can only carry things a real life person can.
the buggy was never carried but was given a shot moving the buggy.
you take a gun and shoot a car, you will see the car being moved, not a great distant, but moved. so using the manipulator to knock down a strider is no way possible and if it is, would kill hl2. it is possible however to flip a toppled car if you duck down and shoot the top just like the buggy.

Well, the whole shooting the car bit was probably due to some unexplained phenomena of the "zero point" technology or whatever it is.

But just wanted to add that your gun and bullet analogy doesn't work. The momentum transferred to the car from the bullet will be the exact same momentum the gun transfers to you in the form of a kick (discounting things like energy loss from heat transfer of course). If a bullet hit a car with enough kinetic energy to move it about a foot, you would end up being thrown back probably several hundred feet from the kick that the gun would give you.
can we stop contradicting ppls ideas, geez this is a game anythings possible , gay lizards could fall out of the sky in HL2.
Thats why the gun can only make lower weight objects move, it requires more energy to move bigger objects. This is what the zero point gun does. It makes the object think that the manipulator has more mass than it really does. So when you shoot the buggy its like the zero point gun weighing a million tons, so theres no kick back.
Slightly off topic again, but when the Gman says the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference it had me thinking. If Gordon had have stayed home instead of going to work the day of the cascade, then he would be just a normal citizen in HL2, (assuming someone else cleaned up the mess at Black Mesa) and therefore there would be no-one else to save the world!!

i was guessing that gordons homelife sux so he looks forward to work, he probably has like 3 cats and watches his friends DVD collection over and over, and the only love he gets is from his left hand and his cats.
Wait... why is Gordon such a hero in HL2 when he was the one that started it all?
Wait... why is Gordon such a hero in HL2 when he was the one that started it all?


when i first played HL i thought i had to jump into the beam and so after doing that 10 times , i finally waited till the cart popped up and i also must admit i loved killing the scientist that fell off the train ramp when u ealked on it.
Impulse147 said:

when i first played HL i thought i had to jump into the beam and so after doing that 10 times , i finally waited till the cart popped up and i also must admit i loved killing the scientist that fell off the train ramp when u ealked on it.

10 times? That's a bit much. I mean, did you think you were just jumping into it from a wrong angle?
A resonansse (sp?) cascade is when two waves (like light or sound) become synchronized(sp?) This pobably leads us to believe that two universes (ours and Xen) became synchronized and it caused them to combine, causing Xen matter to appear on Earth.

Hmm, causing them to 'combine'...
Perhaps that's why they are called that? They are a force meant to watch over and stabilize this Xen-Earth combination?

Meh, far out ideas but what the hey.

G'night everyone.
Mechagodzilla said:
I just watched the E3 video again, and there's something you guys might want to check out.

In the second strider fight demo, watch the strider that crouches. Now, pay attention to its movements until the scene ends.
Don't worry, I'll wait until you get back.


Holy awesomeness, eh? :eek:

lol arachnids anyone? :)
dura said:
I wonder if the combine vehicles are partly organic.
they certainly look the part... that thing in the coastline .bik looks pretty organic to me! strider is prolly organic to, just plating
Ghost Freeman said:
I still say riding the Strider > Anyone else's ideas. And you know i'm right.
the man has a point.... i'm so fcking riding a strider!
Neutrino said:
Well, the whole shooting the car bit was probably due to some unexplained phenomena of the "zero point" technology or whatever it is.

But just wanted to add that your gun and bullet analogy doesn't work. The momentum transferred to the car from the bullet will be the exact same momentum the gun transfers to you in the form of a kick (discounting things like energy loss from heat transfer of course). If a bullet hit a car with enough kinetic energy to move it about a foot, you would end up being thrown back probably several hundred feet from the kick that the gun would give you.

Didn;t mean it like a foot more like a very small push.
I think it's the fact that those striders on the video were given goodmode to ensure they could do the catwalk. END OF the STORY.
in one fo the 2 demo's with the striders at the courtyard you see one strider quickly run away proppably because it was injured, and the one at the back taking it over. and eventually killing you before you escaped into a sewer thingy
ScopeD said:
I think it's the fact that those striders on the video were given goodmode to ensure they could do the catwalk. END OF the STORY.

what is this "goodmode" you talk of? does it make them more "gooder" or are they just shown "IFG" before going into battle.... no wait, that would make them feel GREAT!

:afro: im just messin lol
Hmmm I heard someone on another forum point out that at 21:57 in the big vid, you hear something along the lines of 'Grenade!', with a big heavy robot voice, could that be the Strider speaking?
Actually, if you listen carefully you can hear a lot of noises that seem to come from the Strider.

I doubt it's saying "Grenade", probably just a random noise. It's more likely our minds are making up the "Grenade" part.
PvtRyan said:
Hmmm I heard someone on another forum point out that at 21:57 in the big vid, you hear something along the lines of 'Grenade!', with a big heavy robot voice, could that be the Strider speaking?

Sounds more like creaking of the Strider's joints or something.
What about killing the strider, Independence Day style! :bounce: In Independence Day some guy flies up in to the beam so the beam explodes inside the UFO. May it would work for the strider too! Launch a rocket up right before it fires the big gun.
What about a giant mirror to reflect the death beam back at the strider?
I would drive up on a giant ramp, and crash the dune buggy right into the Strider's face.
Stryyder Killing Methods

From the roof of a building manipulate a heavy air conditioning unit and drop it on the striders wittle wittle head.

Set up a scare crow resistance fighters body with a 1/2 dozen mines. After the strider impales him blow the mines to take out the possibly vulnerable leg joint.

Collapse structure on it.

On a more serious note I don't think you will see many striders away from the city. They really couldn't handle softer terrain as they would probably get themselves stuck in mud or sand.
What about killing the strider, Independence Day style! In Independence Day some guy flies up in to the beam so the beam explodes inside the UFO. May it would work for the strider too! Launch a rocket up right before it fires the big gun.

best part of that movie"hello boys, I'm baacckk"
On a more serious note I don't think you will see many striders away from the city. They really couldn't handle softer terrain as they would probably get themselves stuck in mud or sand.

What if the striders can be airlifted by the combine airships, and fire at u while they fly around.
If that were the case, it would be downright scary...

Megacreatures teaming up like that... :eek: