Strife Lately 1+2

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ugh....i haven't felt this low in a while. The thought of suicide keeps running through, but i know i shouldn't even have that thought in my head, but it is always ****ing there. I'm going to the zoo tomorrow, hopefully that will cheer me up, i think it will...

Whats wrong.
I really think you should change your forum name to something else pph... You feel bad, and so, you don't really need to bring yourself down with a name like that do you?

Also Zoo is awesome.

Edit: Also2, you don't look like ****ing hell boy with two bumps on your head.
If you setup a psychiatrist chair/bed and had a good hourly rate, you could make loads out of this place.
It's clear that you wouldn't. Half the people would leave.
Helplife2, I need your, uh, help. I've still got a load of catarrh and it's blocking up my left ear and I can't get rid of it. What can I do to clear it? It's driving me mad and I hate being deaf in one ear.
NB: I've already tried decongestants and blowing my nose hard (that makes the wrong bloody ear pop!).
I was thinking about doing that yesterday actually, but I decided that would probably make things worse.
So apparently there is a video called 1guy1cup, I'm told it go's like this:
The guy sits on a Snapple bottle that had a cap on. As it almost dissapears into his
asshole the pressure created pops the bottle and breaks it. Seconds later there is glass and
massive amounts of blood pouring out of his anus.

Still haven't found the courage to click on the link and probably won't. But jesus **** if it's true.
I was playing Fable 2 last night and came upon a gender swapping potion. I decided to try it out and then load a save just before. Unfortunately, the game autosaved as soon as I took the potion, so now I am stuck with a buff giant of a woman for a hero.
Go to herr doktor!

I've decided I'm going to take this advice. If the catarrh hasn't gone by Monday I'll go and see my GP. I don't know what they'll be able to do but they may be able to do something that helps.
I would've asked for some advice from but unfortunately the email help service was closed.
I was playing Fable 2 last night and came upon a gender swapping potion. I decided to try it out and then load a save just before. Unfortunately, the game autosaved as soon as I took the potion, so now I am stuck with a buff giant of a woman for a hero.

Thats a very lol.
I've decided I'm going to take this advice. If the catarrh hasn't gone by Monday I'll go and see my GP. I don't know what they'll be able to do but they may be able to do something that helps.
I would've asked for some advice from but unfortunately the email help service was closed.

Neptune's advice ftw!
I was playing Fable 2 last night and came upon a gender swapping potion. I decided to try it out and then load a save just before. Unfortunately, the game autosaved as soon as I took the potion, so now I am stuck with a buff giant of a woman for a hero.

I figured the game would pull something like that so I never took it.

I currently have no strife; playing two player Super Mario Kart all day and all night will do that for you.

It's just a shame that I can't take it with me.

Portable two player Super Mario Kart would be fantastic. Probably you'd lose all the time just to be nice, right?
Where are you going that Mario Kart can't follow?
I just got a full night's sleep. Fuuuuuuck yes.
umm... There is a hair growing out of one of my face cuts. wtf?
Take a massive shit.

Just got off work, 10 straight hours. Downing a Corona, Bud Light etc. Funeral is on Tuesday.
It ****ing snowed here. Holy shit yes. Doubt we'll ever get any accumulation though.
I had a blood blister on my finger earlier which I nibbled the top off and emptied... now a few hours later I noticed there was a bump where the blister was, but no blood. I put pressure on it and a geyser of clear liquid shoots out. It was cool.

I have a habit of systematically destroying my pimples
baked cheetos. Not as cheesy tasting, but more crunch. And they're bigger.
I can still comprehend what is being said on here. More drink.
I was playing Fable 2 last night and came upon a gender swapping potion. I decided to try it out and then load a save just before. Unfortunately, the game autosaved as soon as I took the potion, so now I am stuck with a buff giant of a woman for a hero.

Haha, that was damn funny :LOL:
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