Students took trip to Valve

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Spiffae said:

What is the R2K? Why does it need basic anims?
What is BF? BF seems to start a lot of stuff.
Why do things keep returning to K? What is "K"

"Return to K's blocked" - I'm thinkin it's like some universal thing that needs to be blocked for a bunch of things... who knows.

5/4 Left in utter disbelief
5/5 Places gun to head
5/6 Pulls trigger
wow, did anyone notice that on the planning board it says 6/3 "Start Distr...."
maybe this is "Start Distributing"???

EDIT: DAMN, gotta read the whole thread next time!! :p
Fender357 said:
I can only pray that this right here says " Start Distribution".

Good lord I hope I hope I hope.

{EDIT} DAMN YOU CRUSADER! You beat me to it! At least I've got a pic of we can all drool over it.... [/edit]

Please read the rest of the thread.

[edit]....damn.....I should have just waited! you know...[/edit]
I think that 3/6 is the main date whatever that is. I have a feeling its something like start disc production ie master copy is coppied and distributed, Which means not too long for the release of Half Life 2. By the way who started scanning them to this detail its a bit to sad I think lol.
On the to do list board, I think it says "6/3 Start Distribution."

If you look on the other picture of the to do list board, it say "rocksockm" in the same area as the 6/3 list of things to do.

Could this mean:
"Start distribution..." and then the rocksockm might mean "Rock 'em sockk 'em," as in what HL2 will do to us?
Look Carefully It Does Not Say Start Distribution It Says Start Disc....... (then It Ends) But I Think It Might Say Start Disc Production Or Something
Moto-x_Pat said:
On the to do list board, I think it says "6/3 Start Distribution."

If you look on the other picture of the to do list board, it say "rocksockm" in the same area as the 6/3 list of things to do.

Could this mean:
"Start distribution..." and then the rocksockm might mean "Rock 'em sockk 'em," as in what HL2 will do to us?

Rock our socks off! Oh yeah :cheers:
I will pray day and night that 6/3 is Start Distribution... :O


I just gotta say this.. think of all the anticipation this has stirred up..

6/3 Start Distribution..............+ one week

means the game coming at the start of JULY..........

/me hurry to make a new PC with ATI880XT
There's gonna be ALOT of disappointed people come June, or one very pleasantly suprised pessimist.
If you look at the other T's on the whiteboard, they're nothing like what is next to the Dis_. The letter next to Dis_ has a curved bottom which clearly indicates that unless he has multiple ways of writing a T, it isn't anywhere near Dist. Sorry to burst your bubbles guys, but it may say something else that starts with Disc... Quick Batman! To the Bat-Dictionary!
Scunna said:
Look Carefully It Does Not Say Start Distribution It Says Start Disc....... (then It Ends) But I Think It Might Say Start Disc Production Or Something
Can someone please photoshop this so that we could see what it says more clearly (i dunno, zoom in or something, clear it up?)
that would be a ton of help :E
Honestly, it (the now infamous whiteboard image) looks like it says ...

"6/3 Discm..." IMO

Discmaster ??
I Am Sick Of Saying It Will Say Start Disc Distribution
It Wont Say Start Distribution Cause What Does That Mean Nowt They Could Be Distributing Gabes Pies For All We Know Lol
Well guys the second photo of the other angle, has the end of the line very small, Pehaps somone should clear up and sharpen that lol
maybe already said, but start distribution could mean begin uploading it to steam clients. to avoid a glut of users DLing at once when its officially out. So doesn't mean it will be playable until July perhaps..
G0rgon said:
6/3 Start Distribution..............+ one week

means the game coming at the start of JULY..........

/me hurry to make a new PC with ATI880XT

3rd of the 6th would be the 6th of June, My original guess was June 30th for the release, this has since jumped a little further, but WHO KNOWS!, just 1 week to E3.
G0rgon said:
6/3 Start Distribution..............+ one week

means the game coming at the start of JULY..........

/me hurry to make a new PC with ATI880XT

The start of june, you moron.

Lobster said:
OH DEAR GOD SPIFFAE DONT!, its mindless babble that only they can understand! dear god, u know how easily these rumors start.

Anyway I believe the whole thing is a scripted scene, so at 4/7 Start R2 Citadel animation, at 4/8 Stop R2 Citadel animation.. ETC, it means nothing! leave it!

anyway it scares me that i know this but the photo on this guys desk is a Half-Life 1 texture rofl.
haha no no their using ZBrush2, what happened to all their claims of using Softimage heh.

... oh well ZBrush2 is cool
Lobster said:
3rd of the 6th would be the 6th of June, My original guess was June 30th for the release, this has since jumped a little further, but WHO KNOWS!, just 1 week to E3.

3rd of the 6th would be the THIRD OF JUNE!

Jebus doesn't anyone know their dates around here?!?!? :bounce:

(Sorry so excited about these news) :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
OMG I SAID THE 6th of JUNE??? jeezimuz, i need sleep. (signs off)
CrazyHarij said:
The start of june, you moron.


LOL I messd up with dates.


well look man, for fact you can't release the game after one-two weeks from E3. Its coming between July the first and Augest the First thats everybody estimation.

June for HL2 release is impossible.
Ideas on what it COULD say:


TBH, I don't think the letter after the c looks like an o, so the only obvious choices (for me) are discard or discrepancy.
I lean towards discard(ing)
Soundwave said:
There's gonna be ALOT of disappointed people come June, or one very pleasantly suprised pessimist.

Are you suggesting... You are suggesting... Aren't you? Well, don't. It's not comming out until the end of summer 2005, and that's a phact, dood. I don't care what "5/3" means. Hell, it could denonate that Gabe Newell is five foot three, or someone had five and one-thirds children. :dozey:

So stop rumoring, you're keeping me up, and I can't sleep.

Didn't you already hear about the biomizenades, or whatever their called? So forget about it. No game for you. Go away... I have to sleep... Sleep... Sl... Eep!
It is farily easy to read that it is Start Disc..... what comes after that (mastering came to mind :D)... who knows. It is also obvious that these are dates, not a ingame frame counter or something.

Edit: Also, is there an employee working for vavle with initials BF? that would explain that
Why don't someone of you contact the guys who where there, maybe they have an answer. ;)
One of them has just signed up to the forum. His name is Strikeman.
AJM2K3, no one with the initials BF according to
Billy Freeman, Gordon's love child!

okay, that was lame
*Shuzer gets his coat
I cant believe those pesky school geeks.....

I cant believe those pesky school geeks.....

1) They got to visit valve studios ( i would kill for that lol)

2) They have started a massive post with many arguments on what dis... says. (ppl are using photoshop to read the washboard lol)

3) The bastards said they got life footage of the game on videocamera and kept it for themselves, not even releasing it to the world, I bet they get beaten up at school lol.
Dr. Shim said:
Are you suggesting... You are suggesting... Aren't you? Well, don't. It's not comming out until the end of summer 2005, and that's a phact, dood. I don't care what "5/3" means. Hell, it could denonate that Gabe Newell is five foot three, or someone had five and one-thirds children. :dozey:

So stop rumoring, you're keeping me up, and I can't sleep.

Didn't you already hear about the biomizenades, or whatever their called? So forget about it. No game for you. Go away... I have to sleep... Sleep... Sl... Eep!

I'm not gonna lie, I have no clue what your were inferring in that post :)
Well, I'm late to the party but thoroughly interested. This really does feel nice, knowing that something is on the way.
They can keep their footage.. :p i'd rather know nothing than know bits and bobs of the game.
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