Stuff to Do in Half-Life 2


Jun 7, 2006
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Half Life can get boring after a while, and you just feel like there is more to do. I, for one feel like that same way. Post fun things that you've done and Half Life 2. C'mon people! I know that there's some!
play it on hard and enable the commentarys.

then upgrade your rig and play it to its fullest potiental :D
Take Dog's ball with you all the way until Nova Prospekt (where there is a place that you can't get the ball through :( )
Try walking the entire distance between Ravenholm and Lighthouse Point. That should be an excellent challenge. :smoking:
Whenever I replay HL2, I always find something new, like supply points or things to interact. So I don't really have to do anything.

However, I find shortcut.

Black Op said:
Try walking the entire distance between Ravenholm and Lighthouse Point. That should be an excellent challenge. :smoking:

No you can't. You will fail the mission if you abandon your buggy.
bbson_john said:
Whenever I replay HL2, I always find something new, like supply points or things to interact. So I don't really have to do anything.

However, I find shortcut.

No you can't. You will fail the mission if you abandon your buggy.

Not if you spawn one when you need to park it in the garage.
bbson_john said:
No you can't. You will fail the mission if you abandon your buggy.

Funny that you say that, actually. The current recorded record of the fastest completion of HL2 runs the whole way from Ravenholm to Nova without getting the buggy at all.
Cypher19 said:
Funny that you say that, actually. The current recorded record of the fastest completion of HL2 runs the whole way from Ravenholm to Nova without getting the buggy at all.

No, there are words "subject failed to deliver missile-critical mission" something like that and the game ended.
Holy Hell, that guy's insane, not to mention taking advantage of the game's former glitches.
The Kaiser said:
not to mention taking advantage of the game's former glitches.
Indeed he does a lot

Edit: he makes use of Chinese Kung Fu as well
I just sat through the entire video. How does he run so fast? Amazing that he knew exactly where to go at all times. I liked the fact that he got into the lift at the end with Dr Breen, but the funniest thing for me was when he shot the ball up into the air then caught it in the bucket.
The Fitter said:
I just sat through the entire video. How does he run so fast? Amazing that he knew exactly where to go at all times. I liked the fact that he got into the lift at the end with Dr Breen, but the funniest thing for me was when he shot the ball up into the air then caught it in the bucket.

Most of the things in it are what I am doing when I am playing the game for the second time.
bbson_john said:
Most of the things in it are what I am doing when I am playing the game for the second time.
The Fitter said:
I just sat through the entire video. How does he run so fast? Amazing that he knew exactly where to go at all times. I liked the fact that he got into the lift at the end with Dr Breen, but the funniest thing for me was when he shot the ball up into the air then caught it in the bucket. has a lot of information on the tricks used. said:
Q.) How did he open the big doors without going into the building? What did he even shoot at, I couldn't see anything!

A.) This is a trick first discovered by Marshmallow. What he is shooting at is an explosive barrel, which is the trigger that blasts open the doors.

Damn! I discover that first!
what i find interesting about ppl like this is, what makes them place object above the models head? B4 he knew what effect it wud do?
bbson_john said:
No you can't. You will fail the mission if you abandon your buggy.

But I abandoned my buggy at the gunship fight near the car obstruction :|
Try and get the gunship to land on the road (last rocket must hit it as it stops over the road itself). Comical landing on all the cars. Alien drivers eh?

Also, try and do the whole game with the gravity gun (with the exception of some obvious parts such as striders etc etc)
Weird... I didn't even get in my buggy and went the whole way and the mission never ended. It was hard though!
It only ends if you are driving it and drive it out to sea. at least for me. But how did you manage the jumps?
Practice using the gravity gun to throw lit grenades. You'll need to cheat to get the grenade count up, but taking on a strider by throwing lit grenades at it is a fun challenge.
Saketi said:
what i find interesting about ppl like this is, what makes them place object above the models head? B4 he knew what effect it wud do?

Team Discoverer: Lonerville
Description: Blinking an NPC straight to it's destination while it is in path mode.


There are essentially three modes for an NPC to be in. We'll call them Stand Mode, Follow Mode, and Path Mode. The latter is the one we're interested in. This is the mode where an NPC is headed for a specific point on the map, and will continue to try to get there no matter what block it's path. For example, even if you completely block an NPC's path while it is in path mode, it may try to strafe around the objects for a few seconds, but it will eventually teleport on the other side or straight to it's intended point, depending on how long it was delayed.
Find all tricks and explanation on how to do them in
The team who made this run actually has a thread about in this forum. I'm sure you will find it if you search.

In other words, and in this case, he knew cause someone had done it before him. ^^
SMOD is a good way of replaying the game. However you'll only get the best enjoyment out of it if you are like me and love tweaking all the cvars to your heart's content.

Personally i spawn a whole bunch of combines by the binocular house on highway 17, put them all in 1 squad. turn ai off. And then create a massive starship troopers sized horde of antlions. then turn ai back on.

Then i just watch from up on high while noclipping watching as my FPS hits the floor thanks to having to handle all those gibs.
bind a key to "sv_cheats 1; host_timescale .2" and only kill using richochet'd shots from ur crossbow, the default for that setting is "1" just in case u want to have it back to normal speeds. also the rocket launcher is 10x more fun when in slowmo, see how far u can knock people in the air......
SMOD is a good way of replaying the game. However you'll only get the best enjoyment out of it if you are like me and love tweaking all the cvars to your heart's content.

Personally i spawn a whole bunch of combines by the binocular house on highway 17, put them all in 1 squad. turn ai off. And then create a massive starship troopers sized horde of antlions. then turn ai back on.

Then i just watch from up on high while noclipping watching as my FPS hits the floor thanks to having to handle all those gibs.

Is there a way to do this simply with cheats, rather than a Mod?
Try playing the game with only the pistols... magnum and HK... oh yeah + the crossbow too...
Rizzo89 said:
It only ends if you are driving it and drive it out to sea. at least for me. But how did you manage the jumps?

In the video I used one of those tactics, the one where he flew on stuff. It's really fun. Easy to get the hang of, too.
Hehe, it's interesting to note how speedruns have changed over the years. The HL2 speedrun video runs at 1 hour 42 minutes. For good old Doom2, the quickest run is, I believe, around 14 minutes, if not less. Games had more glitches back then :).
Ha well I like going through rooms at the beginning and taking all the books and stacking them in a pile. Also in the room where you get your suit you can teleport that potted cactus and back again... then I take 3 or 4 books and cram it in the little teleporter and hit the button and stand back as I watch the books fly everywhere from being created inside each other :p also the hula girl on the surveillance table is fun to touch and make it bobble :p IDK I just find random crap to do and explore the amazing physics of the game... I want to try to take dogs ball and throw it over the wall... see what he does then :p... OH!!! Also when you get somewhere in the game... can't remember when... but you can get on top of dog in the lab and he will try to look up and you and spaz out totally... Oh one more thing... I found this cool thing when you get on top of the roofs and edge around the buildings... just before you go down the slope and go around the first corner I grabbed a paint can and jumped off the edge of the building... I didn't die... But their was this 1/2 rendered world with invis walls in the middle of the street... and their were 3 combines there. I got between 2 of them and they just shoved me back and forth. It amused me for a few minutes. Then I hopped on top of one of the tanks for a bit. Jolly fun.
Elusid said:
Ha well I like going through rooms at the beginning and taking all the books and stacking them in a pile. Also in the room where you get your suit you can teleport that potted cactus and back again... then I take 3 or 4 books and cram it in the little teleporter and hit the button and stand back as I watch the books fly everywhere from being created inside each other :p also the hula girl on the surveillance table is fun to touch and make it bobble :p IDK I just find random crap to do and explore the amazing physics of the game... I want to try to take dogs ball and throw it over the wall... see what he does then :p... OH!!! Also when you get somewhere in the game... can't remember when... but you can get on top of dog in the lab and he will try to look up and you and spaz out totally... Oh one more thing... I found this cool thing when you get on top of the roofs and edge around the buildings... just before you go down the slope and go around the first corner I grabbed a paint can and jumped off the edge of the building... I didn't die... But their was this 1/2 rendered world with invis walls in the middle of the street... and their were 3 combines there. I got between 2 of them and they just shoved me back and forth. It amused me for a few minutes. Then I hopped on top of one of the tanks for a bit. Jolly fun.

jumping off with a paint can doesn't hurt huh!!!! a bit exagerated... isn't it...