Stun stick and Slam in next version of HL2DM


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
This has most likely been said before but I can't find a thread on it so here I go:

On the steam update news it says the the slam and the stun baton will be 2 new weapons introduced into HL2DM's maps, I forgot the rest but this got me excited :D
is the slam, the crossbar, cause i cannot think of what else it could be.
Double utee eff is a slam?

If the stunstick is in, that means you get a battery pack when you kill someone!
I would have assumed that because the stunstick is coming in, then it means that the new gametype is ready. If you recall a little while ago, there was talk of the stunstick making an appearance in a new objective-based gametype that they are working on.

Here's hoping...
i dont know. more explosions in this game might make it bad. My ears are going to pop because of that high pitched noice when you get hit.
There needs to be more variety in hl2dm, this much is certain. I'm looking forward to the update.
Is there any information elsewhere about these additions? Some users were making references to these items but this is the first I've heard mentioned of a "stunstick" or "slam" and I've finished the single player game.

Speaking of the single player game, how agg would it be to include the Physics Gun in DM? :)
be good if the revised the grenade also. It's useless as it is

slam is a tripmine u say? should b interesting...
adzilla said:
Speaking of the single player game, how agg would it be to include the Physics Gun in DM? :)

Um... Did you play it yet?

LamminatedBuddha said:
be good if the revised the grenade also. It's useless as it is

Yea. It's not a sphere in shape and usually bounces in weird places sometimes because of it.
i reckon they should really slow down the speed of the game a bit, i mean the lag is bad enough
In the beta the stunstick was what the combine metrocops carry, little sticks that knock you out. I forget what the slam was, some type of explosive
"be good if the revised the grenade also. It's useless as it is"

The grenade is very powerful if you learn to pick it up and throw with Gravity Gun. It's the first thing I go for, when i spawn....far from useless.
Finger said:
"be good if the revised the grenade also. It's useless as it is"

The grenade is very powerful if you learn to pick it up and throw with Gravity Gun. It's the first thing I go for, when i spawn....far from useless.

Indeed indeed. Its now a bad habbit of mine to switch sTRAIGHt to grenade because it does take a while to switch, drop grenade, switch to grav, and fire it. It even has its advantages over the SMG grenades cos you can detonate it in open air.
interesting I never tried that. I still stand by that statement using the grenade by itself because switch time, priming the grenade, throwing the grenade, being shot to death, having the grenade land nowhere near where intended and blowing up uneventfully is what usually happens.
Jesus Lincoln said:
In the beta the stunstick was what the combine metrocops carry, little sticks that knock you out. I forget what the slam was, some type of explosive

yeah, but the slam had no model, neither did alot of the other weapons, they were just big "ERROR"s
From what i learnt playing TonyHawksProblahdablada slam is like.. tig. (or tag for USAers). From what it said in the update you cant tell if it means a new weapon or a new game type so i dunno.
W4E said:
From what i learnt playing TonyHawksProblahdablada slam is like.. tig. (or tag for USAers). From what it said in the update you cant tell if it means a new weapon or a new game type so i dunno.

it says, 2 new weapons,so they are obviously wepaons
I posted this in another forum too: has anyone noticed that in the picture the hand holding the stunstick is Gordon's? Do you think we could get some official player models too?

That would be nice.
daverince said:
I posted this in another forum too: has anyone noticed that in the picture the hand holding the stunstick is Gordon's? Do you think we could get some official player models too?

That would be nice.

In hl2dm hands are gordons all the time...
Maybe the Slam is actually the SLAM - a LAM is a Laser-Armed Mine ( or something ) . Just guessing :D
I'm hoping that it is a device like the tripmine in HL1DM. I miss it dearly. I used to set up some serious booby traps with it, particularly on doors and stairs. The trick was to hide the body of the mine behind an object and usually someone won't notice the beam when they are running and. B O O M. ;-).
I loved that thing :) That + Physics + Grav Gun = My Imagination.
The slam should be a laser tripmine that when it explodes, snarks come flying out

Standoff Land Attack Missile ;)

Personaly i find the grenades absolutley indespensable in multiplay.
i think when they say adding the slam and stunstick, they mean "adding the slamstick and stunstick"
because "the slam" is a stupid name for a weapon. slamstick makes more sense.
As far-fetched as Wraith's theory is, it would explain why the batons in that tiny screenshot are glowing bright white.

The SP stun batons certainly didn't do that, unless it's secondary fire.
Why release two baton-based weapons at the same time?
The Slam would most likely be na explosive judging by it's name...
I thought at first the slam was going to be the circular mines in city 17 but they are hoppers.
The impression I got is that we're getting one new weapon that's called the "slam and stun stick". I'm thinking it's one of two things.

Either the stun stick from HL2 where the fire key just hits and paralizes your victim slightly but secondary fire will slam the victim back across the map.

Or it will be a stunbaton but it only does the same as the secondary fire as I mentioned above.