Stupid assholes invaded the bus stop across my house.

i remember back in 6th-7th grade. while take the train home, these two dicks were bothering me. never met them in my entire life. of course i ignore them. then one of them comes up to me and literally farted in my face. (im sitting down) he ****ing farted in my face :x this is ware i just snapped. w/o thinking i just kicked him below the belt. he went down. started kicking the shit out him before his friend pulled out a knife and took a swing at me. i tried to dodge it but too slow. cut open my left hand. luckily the train stopped at 145th and theres a police station upstairs. i hauled ass. half-way up the stairs i saw some police officers. lol i just walked up to them and showed them my cut. told about the two guys. they caught them and arrested them, filed a report and they called a ambalance for me. took 24 stiches to close my cut. it was disgusting looking at it :x
heh.... reminds me of the time me and a friend got chased down a street by a mob of trasvestittes... not fun... they pack heat..

Anyways... best thing is to ignore them, and if you sense its going to get physical... go for the side of the knees on whichever leg is supporting the most weight, and watch him buckle in pain...... of course, this would be a last resort...

I personally prefeer the "ground and pound" technique since im less likely to get hit in the face that way...

Good luck.
If I were you I wouldnt do anything to stupid, and if I saw them again I would just avoid them. By doing something stupid I mean like cutting them or inflicting to much pain upon them as sometimes the results can backfire resulting in ruining your social life, and maybe even more. Just avoid them and if you have to just try to walk home with a friend maybe. I know from experience with neighbors... Pretty stupid thing I did. I got a watergun mixed bleach, and a whole bunch of other nasty chemicals pesticides, fertilizers basically anything that I could find in my garage. Made a solution, poured it in my watergun, and I went down the street on my bike, and sprayed them all :). But then the parents got really pissed, but the situtation was solved without police involvement thank god... ;p
Tredoslop said:
Is this all true?
yes. lots of crazy shit happens if your living in NYC. its not safe to walk by yurself anymore at night. only reaosn i walked home by myself that day was i had only a 1-8 period that semester while my friends had a 1-9.
I guess I have to say it again, carry a sword around :D
seriously, if a sword doesn't freak the crap out of someone I don't know what will.

if you're good, set up a thing with a friend where he throws a tomato at you in front of em and you whip it out and cut it in midair!

and videotape it and send it to me
Tredoslop said:
A nuclear bomb maybe?
at that range, its MAD

plus if you've seen some animes you'll know that a sword is far more powerful than a nuclear bomb :rolleyes:
Piss in a beer can and give it to them. Or just ignore them like everyone else said, eitherway, it works!
"I wish that I was 18 so that I could go track those jerks down and jab their throats. They don't deserve to live."

I think that makes your worse than them, don't you?
Meh, I understand your point of view onions.... but...

It would be intensely satisfying.... :p

Btw, I get singled out alot by assholes such as those described in this here thread....

I dunno why... I think its because I stand out from the crowd (Gingerhair) and also because I answer them back...

I have alot of enemies right now...

Meh, honestly.... I really really want them to come and have a go...

Bah.... I'm evil... dont let the smilly face in my name decieve you!!! :flame: ;)

Channel your hate there.
I know how anoying what feking school do you go to is, i have to go to a Grammar school (dont know what theyre called in the USA) so its really bad.
One day i was walking home and I got approached by some weird person who was about 12, this is how the conversation went-

Townie: Dy go t'cross eath (Do you go to crossely heath)
Me: No
Townie: Nrth alle? (North halifax?)
Me: Yes, i go to Nrth alle (if you cant beat 'em join 'em)
Townie: Gud thing ya dnt'gta Tod iy caus wed bet sht'auto ya (if you came to my hall of learning you would get anything but a warm reception upon arrival)

as long as you keep yourself to yourself then they'll eventually get board and go bother someone else. While it may be really tempting at the time to try and smash their faces in it'll only lead to one of two things 1) They end up beating you into next week or 2) You beat the guy(s) up and end up making more enemies. Best thing to do is just get on with your life, as long as they're not becoming physical then it's nothing to worry about really.
blahblahblah said:
Just ignore them.

I still need those losers to take my order from McDonalds in 10 years.

blablabla, I laughd so fuking true, so true :D

tredslop, I think you are 14 plus you so small and very weak maybe ? Don't take me wrong, but its human nature when they see someone so weak they fuk him up :sleep: ;(

I used to be bullied by many until I joind a club 3 years ago for KikbOXING + bodybuilding, No one now No fuking man can stand in my face rightnow, :O

I recommend that you do some bodybuilding + KUNFO

example: finger 2002 arnold expo.jpg :LOL:
haha, that's great, I can hardly read his sign though, what exactly does it say on it?

The last word is 'Jackasses' I think.
My problem used to be older morons. Now I get these poxy little 10-12 year olds trying to act cool and start an argument with me. Usually I'm with friends and just ignore it. Ofcourse a person can only go so far, so one day I wacked one across the back of the head with a large stick (No serious injuries) and he fell down like a sack of bricks. The next thing I know his bodyguard (Jackass type person allways looking for a reason to fight anyone including teachers) starts declaring me being a homosexual. My comeback was the traditional "Okay, you overgrown oath maybe Hypotheticly I am Homesexual whats it too you"

He came back with "Nothing so stay the **** away from me"

What a dumbass.


What is it with the use of the word ****. If these kinds of people actually observed their own conversations, I'd hope they realize, they sound like a homosexual travelling band of gun nuts.
:) I don't get why you would want to go up to your room and spy on them. I find that strangely humerous.
"They don't deserve to live"
WTF? So, they called you names? It was just a little fun on their part, and no-one was harmed. NP :)
Tredoslop said:
I was walking back from the community centre and I got to the point where I was on the street where my house was located. Across from me where two teenagers (assholes) that decided to be 'cool' and start calling me names. I didn't know them...well, at least I don't think I know them. I could've swore one of them called my name but I'm sure they didn't. So, they called me words like ****** for no reason. They didn't even know me, they just pulled words out of their ass (mouths). I am not gay but they insisted on being 'cool'/ retarded. The first sentence those moron spoke was, " Hey ******! What school do you go to?" They are asking me what school that I go to?
Why do they care? What the hell! I didn't know them and by calling me words, those ingrates actually thought that I would reply? Fortunetly, I was a few feet away from my house and they (those assholes) kept bombarding me with words that clearly described themselves and not me. I wanted to go up to my room and spy on them behind my window, but my mom couldn't hear me ring the ****ing bell. I was outraged. I had to wait outside until the bus came so they would leave.
Now I am starting to hate kids and I wish I wasn't 14 anymore. I wish that I was 18 so that I could go track those jerks down and jab their throats. They don't deserve to live. We must kids try to act 'cool' or 'hip' and always end up being morons?
I also feel much better expressing myself here.

Oh oh know what you should do? Shoot them in their sleep.

Yah....thats what'll work best.
Dunno, I'm not a violent person by nature, but I usually have a baseball bat lying around my front door for that reason. *shrug*
It was just a little fun on their part, and no-one was harmed. NP

Apparently you missed the part were him being cussed at and called a ****** alarmed him and bothered him. He has a right to be.

I don't get why you would want to go up to your room and spy on them. I find that strangely humerous.

Humerous in what way? Its what I did when dumb kids where in the neighborhood. Its just a way to make sure they dont further their stupidity, and if they do, your a witness to it and can report the wrong to a neighbor or Police Officer.
Hey, if a guy starts ****ing with me, im not gonna go running to my mommy.

Wow Hitman, when your done beating your chest, let us have a wack at it!

...seems the kid being called a ****** really gets you riled up too...
Hang on K e r b e r o s, you would actually report young teenagers to the police!? That could possibly ruin their lives, y'know. Put a spot in their record. Who are you, the grinch? :|
they deserve on a spot on their record. that or a nice spot on their forehead from a steel pipe
I love how everyone on the internet always says: man if that was me I would break there legs with a bat! or i would never take that! I woulda beaten BOTH of them to death easily!...sure ya would have :rollseyes
I'd call them a ****** back and see what happens.
KidRock said:
I love how everyone on the internet always says: man if that was me I would break there legs with a bat! or i would never take that! I woulda beaten BOTH of them to death easily!...sure ya would have :rollseyes

I love the way that there is allways at least one person in a thread like this who points this out trying to make themselves look clever...

Sorry, but you know nothing about the people on this forum.

Oh and you left a ":" out of your :rolleyes: :)
I love how everyone on the internet always says: man if that was me I would break there legs with a bat! or i would never take that! I woulda beaten BOTH of them to death easily!...sure ya would have :rollseyes

Your assuming everyone else on the internet is a pale, weak white boy. You're wrong.
Woah, bored losers being annoying? Quick, call the newspaper.. no CNN! This is BIG!
Varg|Hund said:
Hang on K e r b e r o s, you would actually report young teenagers to the police!? That could possibly ruin their lives, y'know. Put a spot in their record. Who are you, the grinch? :|

Maybe its just me, but if someone were to do something wrong, I would hope they were made to face the consequences.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Maybe its just me, but if someone were to do something wrong, I would hope they were made to face the consequences.
Have you ever been young Farrow? One does a lot of stupid shit. Hell, I'm still doing a lot of stupid shit (badger, ask elin about running away with parts of gardens:p). But it's all part of being young.
I'm 18 if you must know :)

Thats not really the point, somethings are all light hearted and noone is hurt, but a lot goes on which young people cause that seriously messes peoples lives up. Whether they are physically abused, or mentally tormented.
True, true. Stuff like that is bad :(
But the point here was that some light vandalisation that some cranky neighbour reported shouldn't stop me from getting a job in 10 years time, which is what a spot in ones records will do. It's just...wrong :|
An important part of youth is being allowed to make mistakes.

Oh, and you're older than me! :cheers:
Varg|Hund said:
True, true. Stuff like that is bad :(
But the point here was that some light vandalisation that some cranky neighbour reported shouldn't stop me from getting a job in 10 years time, which is what a spot in ones records will do. It's just...wrong :|
An important part of youth is being allowed to make mistakes.

Oh, and you're older than me! :cheers:
Well they shouldn't have done it in the first place... :thumbs:
Farrowlesparrow said:
Maybe its just me, but if someone were to do something wrong, I would hope they were made to face the consequences.

Agreed. A big reason young people do so much crap is that there aren't really any consequences.

A nice wake up call for them would be a good thing.
FoB_Ed said:
Your assuming everyone else on the internet is a pale, weak white boy. You're wrong.

Your right. everyone on these boards are kung-fu masters.

but please...people who say "i would kill him no doubt about it" no one really cares..your saying stuff over the internet. TOUGH GUYS.
No you see, the part of your post after "You're right." Was you just putting words into a place where they didn't come from. He was simply pointing out that not everyon who uses the internet is a pale geek with arms that are like twiglets.

However, not everyone who talks big acts that way :) So yeah, you're right.
I did some stupid shit when I was that age, looking back I could have used a clip around the ears.

Edit - Oh yeah, for the record, I'm a pale white boy with arms like twiglets :)
Well, think of it this way.

When medical science can't use animals to test things, what's the next lowest form of life they could use?