Stupid moments?

As I'm being teliported from the Entanglement scene of Nova Prospekt to Dr. Klieners lab just as the teliports ready to roll I hop in it before Alyx and it goes up with only me.

Also Alyx is too late, is alone w/ combine, & eventually dies as my teliporter platform rises & im almost teliported to Dr. Kliener lab alont without Alyx; but before I am teliported, I am greeted by a "Mission Phailure, Phailed to preserve mission critical NPC's" because she gets shot to death by Overwatch.

I'd swear that's not possible. I'll go try it out afterwards.
I once read a walkthrough telling me to turn on the saw on the cart and run after it...I turned it on, saw it tear off, and I just thought out loud "You gotta be kiddin me" and started running...imagine my suprise when it came back down and killed me...
Hehe, I think few of us expected it to come back down, i was certainly surprised and managed to crouch very late to save my skin. I think it's Valve's way of saying 'Here's some help, but WAIT! Stay on your toes'
Meh, I saw that coming. It's the old "Killer-helicoptor-mining-cart-goes-away-and-comes-back" trick. Veeeery common in this neck of the woods.
Oh yes, I remember the airboat part. I had to completely redo that part. I hit a rock and killed the airboat, then i couldnt get away fast enough, it auto-saved, and I died when the airboat hit me. It loaded, and the airboat hit me. I died 4 tiems before I went to menu and loaded from before the airboat attacked me. It ticked meh off. XD!
Oh yes, I remember the airboat part. I had to completely redo that part. I hit a rock and killed the airboat, then i couldnt get away fast enough, it auto-saved, and I died when the airboat hit me. It loaded, and the airboat hit me. I died 4 tiems before I went to menu and loaded from before the airboat attacked me. It ticked meh off. XD!

I did something similar. For some reason I thought that the airboat couldn't go any further, so I got out and started jumping in the acid stuff. Needless to say it saved right before I died, and since it was my first time playing, I didn't know about the load function. Took me a while to load the other save that was 'all the way back there.'
Some of these are really hilarious lol!

Let's see... I was carrying one of those blue plastic barrels with the grav gun, I backed into a wall and was mysteriously crushed by it...

I got crushed again later by what was apparently an empty milk crate that I knocked over on top of me.

I kept getting crushed by the moving walls in Nova Prospekt because I didn't know wtf to do... took me like 10 tries to figure it out.

I got crushed again (twice) trying to cross that drawbridge that gets lowered when you're leading the rebels to retake the city... I seem to get a lot of crushing deaths. :frown:

At first I couldn't figure out what rollermines were and why they wouldn't die... eventually I started flinging them at Combine with the gravity gun, then when I was finished I tossed the rollermines into the sea. :p

In the water hazard levels, I couldn't figure out how to get past the burning part with the air boat so I parked it and got out and ran on foot... then completed the next levels up until I got to a tunnel with toxic waste in it and started to die rapidly, then I realized I need the stupid boat and went all the way back to get it, brought it back and continued on and survived with extremely low health for a while. :O

I can't think of much else right now.
I have to say the funniest thing that has ever happened to me in HL2 was in the Ravenholm level. There is that large open area in which you are supposed to flip a switch to make a platform move to the right spot. Anyways, in the middle of that area there is the spinning saw that falls apart if you turn it on. Experimenting on it, I found out that by repeatiately firing the Gravity Gun at it, I could get it to spin much faster than it normally could. Eventually it spun so fast that (I'm not making this up) it shot up into the air like a helicopter and out of sight.
I'm thinking "Wow, that was funny". But the best part was 15 seconds later, the blade comes flying down at the same spot and cuts me in half. I pretty much died laughing from that.
I have to say the funniest thing that has ever happened to me in HL2 was in the Ravenholm level. There is that large open area in which you are supposed to flip a switch to make a platform move to the right spot. Anyways, in the middle of that area there is the spinning saw that falls apart if you turn it on. Experimenting on it, I found out that by repeatiately firing the Gravity Gun at it, I could get it to spin much faster than it normally could. Eventually it spun so fast that (I'm not making this up) it shot up into the air like a helicopter and out of sight.
I'm thinking "Wow, that was funny". But the best part was 15 seconds later, the blade comes flying down at the same spot and cuts me in half. I pretty much died laughing from that.

Talk about good physics! :laugh:
I have to say the funniest thing that has ever happened to me in HL2 was in the Ravenholm level. There is that large open area in which you are supposed to flip a switch to make a platform move to the right spot. Anyways, in the middle of that area there is the spinning saw that falls apart if you turn it on. Experimenting on it, I found out that by repeatiately firing the Gravity Gun at it, I could get it to spin much faster than it normally could. Eventually it spun so fast that (I'm not making this up) it shot up into the air like a helicopter and out of sight.
I'm thinking "Wow, that was funny". But the best part was 15 seconds later, the blade comes flying down at the same spot and cuts me in half. I pretty much died laughing from that.

ROFL... That reminds me of when I was playing GTA: SA and was driving around in one of the monster trucks and trying to run over cars... one time I got one of the wheels stuck on top of a car, and the car started to flap around and vibrate rapidly and then finally shot straight up into the air at high speed, right out of sight... and never came back down. :laugh:
Right after encountering the H-Chopper for the first time I went in the sewers and saw barrels, and set mode to destroy barrels, then I turn around the corner and see 15 barnacles. And it was a huge mistake since it was like the third time playing through.

In the H-Chopper fight when it fell on me I heard the suit saying, "minor fracture detected." And when a zombie threw a table at me it mentioned "major fracture detected." Talk about high grade, tuned physics :P.

Once I was driving through the highway and hit the turbo for wee speed, right up ahead I had not seen that there was a unprotected ledge with a curve, being that I cannot turn while on boost, I went flying off the cliff.

Another one involving the car was that a bridge was out, and gunship had just appeared. I tried to hop on the gunship with the car. But it was impossible and I just tumbled over.

On the bridge I saw the train coming my way, and I drove off into the middle, my notion of space was obviously distorted that day because when I came back later to test that, I said, wtf was I thinking.

EDIT: I was manning the crane once and there were combine soldiers shooting, I picked up the car and dropped on top of a soldier. Then I left the crane, forgetting to lower the bridge, as soon as I get in the cabin I get mission failed because two soldiers stole the car from me.

One time I remember hearing a headcrab pod fall, but instead of running away from it I ran toward it, didn't know where it would land.

When you first get into the stalker pods, I chose the one where the electricity went through. I thought it was a portal but you know, there I was, *ZAP* terribly wrong after the loading screen appeared.

And in episode one when I killed the gunship, I started crowbaring it all around. I didn't remember the fact I had like 7 health. I went up to get some rockets, went back to crowbar the gunship, but instead I crowbarred the wooden floor, the gunship fell, I fell and the gunship tumbled over and fell on me. *Flatline* *Loading*

In Episode one I hauled a brick from Lowlife to Exit 17. And would keep shouting "Wheres my brick?" or be like "Wilson!!!" when I would lose it. My friend on skype would be like, stfu about the brick.
The first time in the Citadel I also hopped on the electric stalker pod...

In Episode one I went to retrieve a roller mine, and I stayed on that U-shaped ledge...didnt know it would fall off, and I fell with it!
The first time in the Citadel I also hopped on the electric stalker pod...

I hopped in the electric pod the SECOND time I went through. I figured that I would get to see a whole different part of the Citadel, but end up in the same containment field. When I got in the shocker I was like "OMG its working I wonder if there are--" *ZAP*
Not really stupid but once when playing with Substance mod I was in Anticitizen 1. The map with the drawbridges between buildings. You may remember at the start of the map you see rebels crossing the drawbridge being hit by artilery. One of them got blown off the edge adn landed right on top of one of my squadmates, killing her instantly.
The first time in the Citadel I also hopped on the electric stalker pod...

HAHA! I did that while playing with friends and we were like "Um... aahh... is this good? HOLY CRAP!!!"
I was in the Water Hazard chapter of the game, zooming around in the airboat. I came to that part where all the Head Crab shells start coming over that little hill and one of them hits those large chimneys that come toppling down in your path. I figured I could pull some kind of crazy James Bond move and get under the pipes before they hit the water...I was wrong.
The pipes fell right on top of the airboat...and me...
I died.

Also, since everyone seems to have a story about the Fast Zombie in the pipes before you get into Nova Prospekt, I've got one. My first time I encountered this one, I had the rocket launcher out for gods knows what reason and, being caught off guard, I flipped out and shot the zombie at practically point blank. I was propelled off the cliff and into the loving arms of a horde of carnivorous leeches.
Not really stupid but once when playing with Substance mod I was in Anticitizen 1. The map with the drawbridges between buildings. You may remember at the start of the map you see rebels crossing the drawbridge being hit by artilery. One of them got blown off the edge adn landed right on top of one of my squadmates, killing her instantly.
Heh, well at least that's realistic in terms of physics, even if the slow cogs of the AI didn't allow for her to realistically get the hell out of the way :P
The first time I saw a rollermine:

"Awww, its adorable!" *gets out of car and runs to rollermine*
*rollermine shocks me*
"OMG WTF crazy robot!" *shoots rocket in blind panic, dies*

ROFL, I thought I was the only one spazzy enough to do that. I kill myself with the rocket a lot, actually.

On the bridge with the train, I didn't know you were supposed to avoid the train, so I just kept trying to outrun it haha.

I died a million times coming out of the mines, too. Like, I'd safely make it past the car once, forget it was gonna come back, and get sliced up. Or I'd run into one of the safe areas, see a zombie, freak out and run directly into the car's path.

There's been a few times where I run into an explosive barrel unexpectedly, think it's an enemy, freak out and shoot it only to blow myself up.
ROFL, I thought I was the only one spazzy enough to do that. I kill myself with the rocket a lot, actually.

On the bridge with the train, I didn't know you were supposed to avoid the train, so I just kept trying to outrun it haha.

I died a million times coming out of the mines, too. Like, I'd safely make it past the car once, forget it was gonna come back, and get sliced up. Or I'd run into one of the safe areas, see a zombie, freak out and run directly into the car's path.

There's been a few times where I run into an explosive barrel unexpectedly, think it's an enemy, freak out and shoot it only to blow myself up.

Heh, I always seem to mistakenly launch exploding barrels and hoppers that I'm carrying with the gravity gun... I usually end up flinging them when I really intend to just set them down gently, and sometimes they end up going into the wall next to me or an enemy that is right in my face and exploding... it's quite amusing if there are also other exploding barrels around me when it goes off. :p
That's the problem with flinging explosive barrels around. They take up half the screen. Ah, well, we live and learn...
In Episode 1, where you fall out of the vent into the room with the barrels and tripmines, I tried a dozen ways to get out...Id shoot a mine, or a barrel, then duck in the vent and try to survive...took me like 6 tries to figure I had to jump around...
when I saw that big beam of energy in the ciditel I though it was the lift to the next floor I jump in and turn into dust. Well that was the first time through.
*off topic*

Haha, all these stories of the helicopter falling on your reminds me of the time I played GTA:SA and a plane randomly spawned RIGHT IN FRONT OF A BUILDING. It hit the building, burst into a flaming wreck, and fell right on top of my head. After I'd won $12m at the race track. Immediately after I walked out of the building.

Made me wonder why the civilian AIs were screaming and running away from me. Only after having seen it happen a few more times did I figure it out.


Back on topic, I saw that broken spinning blade in Ravenholm, except when I did it the blade just went flying into a zombie.

In my case, I was stupid. I ran into a room with zombies around me and I was standing right in front of a spinning saw. I panicked when I saw zombies around me, used my gravgun to hit the blade hoping it'd kill the zombies, and then realized after being chopped in half that the blade worked both ways. -_-
In Episode 1, where you fall out of the vent into the room with the barrels and tripmines, I tried a dozen ways to get out...Id shoot a mine, or a barrel, then duck in the vent and try to survive...took me like 6 tries to figure I had to jump around...

You had to jump around? I just rolled a grenade out the end...
Okay... This funny moment is from BF2, I was trying to get a boat out into the water (It had gone onshore) everytime I touched it, I died. It was really gay.. I died about 3 times...
In Episode 1, where you fall out of the vent into the room with the barrels and tripmines, I tried a dozen ways to get out...Id shoot a mine, or a barrel, then duck in the vent and try to survive...took me like 6 tries to figure I had to jump around...

You mean there's actually a way to survive that? God, I feel stupid. I tried and tried and I would die as soon as the vent hit the ground and I hear the explosions. So I just figured I was supposed to not go in there, I'd use a grenade or something to either knock the vent down first or set off the explosions.
You're not meant to go in there. You're meant to blow the mines up beforehand. Or, maybe he's saying he went in the bit that breaks off and QUICKLY went back into the bit that doesn't. But it's impossible to stay in the broken off-bit and not die - even if you survive the fall the triplasers are on both sides of the vent.
You're not meant to go in there. You're meant to blow the mines up beforehand. Or, maybe he's saying he went in the bit that breaks off and QUICKLY went back into the bit that doesn't. But it's impossible to stay in the broken off-bit and not die - even if you survive the fall the triplasers are on both sides of the vent.
Can't you climb out the top?
Can't you climb out the top?

Yes, in my game thats what I did.
When the vent fell with me in it, I didn't take damage and nothing blew up... I saw the laser beams at both ends, looked up and saw a vent cover... I took my GG and picked off the vent cover and CAREFULY set it on top of the vent, I was then able to stand up out of the vent and look around.

Then I got up on top of it, and carefully jumped from barrel to barrel to the elevator without tripping the lasers. Of course that elevator falls into the water so be ready to knock out the emergency hatch in the ceiling and swim out of the elevator top.
Yes, in my game thats what I did.
When the vent fell with me in it, I didn't take damage and nothing blew up... I saw the laser beams at both ends, looked up and saw a vent cover... I took my GG and picked off the vent cover and CAREFULY set it on top of the vent, I was then able to stand up out of the vent and look around.

Then I got up on top of it, and carefully jumped from barrel to barrel to the elevator without tripping the lasers. Of course that elevator falls into the water so be ready to knock out the emergency hatch in the ceiling and swim out of the elevator top.
That is exactly how you are supposed to play that part.
That is exactly how you are supposed to play that part.

Yeah, that's how I did it, took me ages to get it right though. Using a grenade beforehand to blow up the mines and barrels is another option though.
Yeah, that's how I did it, took me ages to get it right though. Using a grenade beforehand to blow up the mines and barrels is another option though.
But using a grenade is just playing it hard. It's obvious you need to use the easy way with the jumping.
I GOT HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A MELON AND DIED. that was a glitch I think to die by getting hit with a melon. I have also been killed when I ran into the building and were the sentry guns are below the crack that ya jump in were all the combine are outside. I went in and they fired at me the combine fired at me and the rebel threw a grenade at the combine but just hit a wall and blew me and all the rebels up so the combine and dumbness won in the end.
Ages ago when playing my dad on multiplayer, I always used MOUSE3 (Wheel button pressed down) as USE. But, I didnt this time, I used it as secondry attack. I was having a weird moment when I was about to open a door in Anticitizen One, and I pressed Secondrery instead of Use. I had to reload, otherwise I would have fought CPs with voilently low health.
Yes, in my game thats what I did.
When the vent fell with me in it, I didn't take damage and nothing blew up... I saw the laser beams at both ends, looked up and saw a vent cover... I took my GG and picked off the vent cover and CAREFULY set it on top of the vent, I was then able to stand up out of the vent and look around.

Then I got up on top of it, and carefully jumped from barrel to barrel to the elevator without tripping the lasers. Of course that elevator falls into the water so be ready to knock out the emergency hatch in the ceiling and swim out of the elevator top.
Well now I feel stupid. I somehow managed to survive all of the explosions. I think Gordon's deaf in one ear now though. :rolling: