Submit your questions for Gabe Interview

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Say you had two combine soldiers at the edge of a cliff, one in front of the other. now, say you used a shotgun or some weapon that blew the first soldier back. would the first soldier collide with the soldier in the back and then would they both fall off the cliff?
Originally posted by Tredoslop

Also, will they're be leaning,sprinting and will the long-jump module make a return?

There will be sprinting.

1) How linear is the gameplay?

2) Will additional content over Steam, excluding expansion packs or stand-alone games, be available without paying a monthly fee for a subscription?

3) Is the AI for NPCs easily adjustable in any way without scripting?
It's year 2008. Where do you see your company at? Should we expect to see another mojor release in the Half-Life series by this time?
In Op4 and the original Half-Life, I've seen a lot of times, you guys put the words Valve and GearBox during times. Will there be more of this"shameful self-promotion"?
Yes or No: Do the final words of the Nihilath and the G-Man at the end of Half-Life 1 hold profound clues to the storyline of Half-Life 2?

Who is your favorite NPC character in Half-Life 2?

Was the story of Half-Life inspired by any specific books/movies/games?
Mr Bond-when will the interview be taking place?

What motivated your decision to go purely with Direct X, rather than the option ofl DirectX or OpenGL that was available in HL1?

Will you be open sourcing the new Hammer?

Does your heart not twinge for the Linux community and the petition for a Linux port?
Once we decide on the questions. And it will be via email (not on IRC).
how do the hitboxes work? do they form to individual character models?

is it possible to make a mod not using hitscan bullets
say a sniper mod with an actual bullet that reacts with the word (gravity, wind, velocity etc.)?
Originally posted by Tredoslop
How are you sure Gabe will reply?

It's been organised. Though, of course, he may choose to not answer some of the questions we ask.
Originally posted by Mr Bond
Once we decide on the questions. And it will be via email (not on IRC).

and when are you planning on choosing the questions? (today, tomorrow, in a few weeks...?)
will half life 2 have a 3-d menu? (like downhill domination + tony hawk 3)

any details on DOG?

is it possible to make characters morph? (like mystique from the x-men movie changing into another character)
I have a question or two...

1) Will their be an .INI file that we can manually configure? Like graphics/renderer's, sound, controls, game options etc., rather than just an Options menu within the game?

2) Will it definitely be on store shelves like EBX on Sept. 30th? - Already asked

Is there a way you can snacth a gun from an enemys hand using the manipulator?
Here are two topics which I dont think have been elaborated on by Valve as of yet:

A) The way the HL1 hull worked assumed that the player was as wide forward to back as he was left to right. Thus, going prone as it allows you to do in DOD The Specialists meant that the player was not as wide forward/back as left/right, so his head and feet could stick into walls. I saw the dynamic hulls feature on the e3 video, has there been an appropriation for this in HL2?

B) Let's have some information on the model format in HL2. Is it still derivative of the .mdl, or did Valve develop a proprietary format like they did for everything else in HL2? Were the facial controls done with the skeletal structure, or otherwise? Are the physical constraints of the body (ie, a leg cannot bend backwards) built into the model, for the ragdoll physics? How would one go about attaching cloth/rope like substances (or other stuff like that) to a model? Could you have all the player's current weapons showing, i.e. one on his back, two at his hips, and one in his hand (which I think was not possible in HL1) ?

And don't forget to say thank you when you're done!
Oh -- and will mods be distributable outside of steam? Could I distribute my mod in .zip/.rar/self-installer format over fileplanet, or do I have to use the content servers of Steam? How extensive will the filesharing aspects of Steam work in this sense, would team members of a mod who live in different areas of the country be able to update files through steam using a system similar to CVS?
One question...

Can you give us an approximate or exact date you expect the game to go gold? Thanks. - Already asked
Steam payment options


I am located in the UK, Will I be able to pay by a debit card, such as switch, (to avoid interest charges) and will I be able to pay in £GBP to avoid the nasty conversion charges?


People are obviously Pre-ordering the game as we speak, as im sure your aware Sept30th is coming up fast, its obviously better for you if people purchase HL2 via Steam, However you have yet to release firm details on the pricing structure, and what advantages you get buying via steam, eg. lower pricing. Can you give any further details? Dont you think that you will be loosing out on possible Steam sales?


The $9.95 Subscription appears to be a bit of a "rip-off" to many people...

I think more information is needed to show people a subscription is a cost-effective way of purchasing Valve's Software.
With a 5+year gap between HL1-HL2, and products such as Valve's "upcoming" TF2 which we have heard nothing about in the last two years how do you intend to show people what content is coming, and when?
As it stands there is no way i would subscribe at that fee a month, not knowing when i will get to see anything for my money.


Will the UK retail release date be September the 30th as in the USA, or will anyone who wants HL2 on that date in the UK be forced to purchase via steam?

Many thanks for your time.
When you sleep, do you dream about Half-Life 2?
- I saw the scene where the fan on the motor cuts some of the zombies in halves in the tech-demo.
This and your quote about the crowbar being a "physically simulated metal bar that swings through the game world" brings me to the question: Would it also be possible to create sharp melee weapons like swords in a MOD, that behave realistic (cut soft stuff but recoil from hard stuff)? Would be cool to do a swordfighting MOD

- If a person falls onto a spike that points into the air (A model or a world-geometry-Spike), will the person become impaled to it? Or would he/she just bounce off.

- Would it be possible to apply effects on the live-soundstream from one player to another (the gamevoice), for example to create a radio that actually sounds like one, including static noise and the telephone bandpass? Will it be possible to control via game logic to which person the player speaks with the gamevoice? (For example, have a radio menu where the player can "call" another player and the two then talk via gamevoice without being heard by other players)

- Is the physics engine capable of simulating physics in a zero-G environment? If on one level of a MOD the gravity would be 0, would the objects, the forces etc. behave realistically?
will i be able to use gamespy, all-seeing eye, or a similar program to search for games or must i use steam?
1. Will all the features of Havoc physics (including those not used in HL2, such as cloth physics) be available to mod developers, or have features not used in HL2 been removed?

2. What features will be limited to DX9 hardware? (ie what features will owners of older cards, such as the geforce 4 ti, miss out on?)

3. What tools are used to set-up physics related scenarios in maps? Can physics based objects\machinery\contraptions (simple example being, say, some kind of catapult) be created and saved externally as objects, and then imported into maps?

4. We know there is a tool designed to integrate lip-synch information into speech sound files. What types of instructions can we embed into these files? (For example, can we include triggers for blinking, arm movement, head movement etc in our speech files, or does this have to be animated separately?)
1.: If I stockpiled lots of remote bombs somewhere and blew them up, what would the explosion be like? Would it be a huge explosion like in real life, or lots of small explosions like in HL1 and other games? If the second, how could I make it be like the first, in my mod? If I hid these bombs under a load of watermelons on a truck, and then the truck went into a big wooden house (like a big stable)(idea copyright), how would the house react when I exploded them?

2.:And how can I make a watermelon? I mean how could I make it so the skin is green and the inside is red? How did you made this in the tech demo?

note: I cant ask anything via e-mails (dont now why, it seems like they are ignoring them ;( ), so this interview comes in handy...
Will all 3 versions come out on Cd/DVD, if so, this would make 6 versions, don't you think shops won't get them all 6?

If we shoot a combine soldier in his arm, will he fall down for a moment?

if we drop some electrical thing in the water, will the water be electrocuted?
Talking percentages here, how much of the total game have we seen?

How big is the biggest monster in HL2 (nihinlanth size or larger?)
Is the climbing of ladders improved? the HL1 kind of ladder climbing was just strange :)
Oh just remembered.

Q: In the last part of the tunnels, we see a (combine) climbing down a ladder and subsequently being impaled by bluey...was this fully scripted, just hinted as in the traptown video or was is it only AI
What will be included in the Collector's edition? - Already asked

Where will you be vacationing after HL2 is out in stores?(come to hawaii, it's awesome here. I'll let you sleep in my closet.)

What will the full version of HL2 cost if I buy it over Steam?

What will the pricing be for the budget version of HL2?

Do you like pie?(If not, please elaborate.)
1) How realistic is the damage model in comparison to the original HL? For example, if you shoot a combine soldier (or other human) square in the face with a shotgun at point blank range, will he die instantly, or will he (depending on the difficulty) still potentially survive, as in the original HL?

and a related question:

2) What will the different difficulty levels change? Will it change the amount of enemies, how much damage enemies can take, how crafty the AI is, or a combination of these things?
1. Would it be possible to make a RPG style mod for HL2? Like use VGUI2 for inventories, and stats?

2. What do you expect in the future with steam? I heard you would be putting in P2P for big releases, how far down the road is that?

3. Will we see more to the Long Jump Module and/or more modules in HL2?
Since we can simulate projectile bullets with the physics engine to replace hitscan bullets, can we also add ricochets to them?

What's the delivery format of the pay-once Steam version of HL2? ISO files to burn, or a ready to use installation on disk?

--edit: added question
Originally posted by scribblehead
Q: In the last part of the tunnels, we see a (combine) climbing down a ladder and subsequently being impaled by bluey...was this fully scripted, just hinted as in the traptown video or was is it only AI [/B]

To make it more specific. What will happen if I shoot the combine. Will he be invinsible or will I be able to kill him so that the tentacle tries to kill me?
about language resources

1.The phonemes/visemes information are saved in the header of .WAV files.
Are sub-title text data saved in the .WAV files also?

2.How many languages do you plan to support in HL2?
English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese or what?

3.Half-Life 2 will be shiped with the resource of English language only at first?
So we will attain other language resources via Steam?
plz ask him how valve will releease hl2 in europe because they said it will be released at steam the same day it will realease in usa so we have to wait more days for the release?
Its not very original but...

-With the release of HL2 approaching are you finally ready to reveal something about the multiplayer aspect of HL2? If so, what can you tell us? - Already asked

Mullinators EDIT: What? I looked and didn't see it. Oh well.


Originally posted by Kamakiri
1) Can you please elobrate on the multiplayer aspect of HL2. Even if it's a little hint.

do you need someone to mow your front/back lawn? or do you not own a lawn? or do you take pride in doing it yourself? or do you make VALVE people who f' up do it? if not i'll work for realitivly cheap
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