Submit your questions for Gabe Interview

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I'm a little concerned about Steam and the delivery of Half Life 2 via the steam purchase option. This game is going to sell like mad, and I'm willing to bet that the Steam delivery method will be an incredible success. However, that said... How do you plan on coping with the bandwidth issues. HL2 will no doubt be substantially over a GB of data, and with 10's of thousands likely trying to purchase and download at launch, how will this be possible? I doubt even Akagami could handle that ; ) Is P2P planned? Even on MOD launch days, I see bandwidth as being the primary issue with the success of steam. Thanks.
I too am concerned with the Steam platform, because for the life of me, I can't get it to work on my computer. I've had to reinstall my operating system 3 times due to virus problems, and perhaps that is why I'm having troubles. The problem is, I can install Steam and run everything fine, but the moment I restart my computer, it won't open. I've been to the Steam support forums, and tried everything that they've recommended (at least everything twice, or three times) but to no avail.

I guess my question would be, can I play HL2 and all of it's MP without Steam? I suppose that I already know that the answer will be no. Looks like my $50 for the game will turn into $150 for the game and a new hard-drive. Oh well. Thanks anyway.

Hi Gabe

I was was looking at some of the movies of half-life 2 and I can see a lot of patterns in the game.... ( example ) after windows in buildings have been shot at, the broken glass inside the windows all look the same. one more example is how the wood in the demo splinters into the same shape...... I know this is a small problem maybe... but I also remember in an interview you gave talking about how you want players to be so involved in the game you don't want anything to happen that will make the player realize that they are playing a game.... Well in my opinion, patterns like this is what distracts me from the game....... So my question is this.
In the final game will there be more variety of shattered windows, explosions, splintered wood, etc.....
My last question is.... If I shoot a wire or a rope, is there just one snaping point in the whole rope/wire, or if I shot it at different areas would it snap there or around that area of the rope/wire...

Thank you for answering my questions
(Probably already asked, but gabe never ever wanted to answer e-mail questions from anyone regardig this, so I put m hopes in

1. Do enemies jerk when hit, and are these hit-animations in ragdoll or pre-made? And if not, can we enable such animations by making a mod? - Already asked

2. How long is hl2 sp going to last? - Already known :p (around 36 hours)
Q: How do ladders work in hl2?
Are they just like half-life, where the player seems to walk up the ladder, or are they actually climbed now? The combine on the ladder in the tunnels vid looked good, never saw soldiers on ladders in hl1 :)

Q2: Will the cockroaches be making a return in hl2?
4. How much of the graphics code is exposed for us to alter? If someone wanted to add something like a new lighting method (like Tenebrae Quake added to the original Quake, i.e. raytraced lights), could they do it, or would it require access to source code that you aren't releasing?
1. Has a lot changed between the E3 (a year old build) and the almost finished version?

2. How will people see what they are getting, Will there be a sticker SP only, SP and MP or special?

3. What are the "cool stuff" in the special editon and will there be besides the "cool stuff" any difference between the SP/MP and the special version?

4. Will HL2 update when you want to or does it happen when you don't want it to happen?

5. How manny chapters will there be?

6. Is there a lot of difference between DX8 based card and a DX9 Card in HL2

7. Can i grab a crate or something hollow with the manipulator and put headcrab in it so i can laungh a box (or something else) full of headcrabs at the enemy?

8. Is the Boost jump back? - Already asked

Sorry if these question have been asked or if theres already an answer for them
Is it moddable in Source to change hit detection from hit boxes to per-pixel?

If or when Valve releases addons to HL2 (ex. CS2, DOD2) will they be available via Steam or also in stores? And how much will they cost?

Is it possible in Source to make flying vehicles that are player controlled?

Are large, open maps going to be possible in HL2, like desert maps in BF1942?
1. I know that you're keeping multiplayer details under wraps, but are you able to tell us if HL2's multiplayer will ship with bot support, or will that be left to the mod community?

2. What is the status on the idea of shipping to customers, who purchase HL2 via Steam, a hardcopy of the game? If you've decided to push forward with this, will customers have the option of purchasing any of the 3 SKU's via Steam (ie, I want to download it via Steam, but I want the Collector's Edition SKU)?

3. What role will VoIP (Voice over IP) play in HL2, in both SP and MP? Will it be possible to issue commands to NPC's via voice, and will VoIP in MP include 3D spatialization?
Is there a question that hasn't been asked yet that you can answer? (kind of letting Gabe pick a question to ask himself)
sry to waste a spot, but when is the interview going to take place?
1. Could someone drive in a buggy,then have a tornado go right into it(or a buggy into the tornado) and have the buggy getting damaged from the loose materials in the tornado?

2. Does a modder have the ability to move the skeleton of the character to be able to kick and do body time? Can the modders also allow a third person view,so we could have matrix-like battles?

3. Are holdable guns an entity? In other words, could a rifle make the character's length longer, thus having problems with moving in small indoor places? Also, if it is possible, can someone script it so if you push a button you'd lower your rifle so you could squeeze through doors?
My questions don't really involve HL2... a little off topic.

1. What is your favorite movie and why?

2. If you had 3 wishes.... what would they be?

3. If you had just one superpower... what would it be and what would you do with it?

4. If you could just walk up to any celebrity and punch him/her in the face... who would it be (assuming you can get away with it)?

Thanks for all your hard work.
-) Do you have any plans to release re-vamped, source engine versions of the previous HL games, or is that a task the mod community should tackle?

-) A fairly specific physics related question: Are gravity related settings defined per-object, or universally? Can one part of a map have normal gravity, and then, say, another room have an altered gravity amount or direction?

-) Are there any plans for Valve to ever venture into creating non-HL\TF related games?
"What question would you like to ask the community?"
I've read on the Steam official site that in order to setup HL2 lan games, each machine must be connected to the internet, and their ID verified.

Two quick questions:

1. Can you setup LAN games WITHOUT Steam to avoid this?

2. Does the SP require constant Steam verification also?
For example if I install my CD on a non-internet machine, will I be
able to play? (I would imagine you'd have to allow for that, but
please clarify.)
Bah,since the edit function only lasts 15 minutes,let me post the edited questions.

1. Could someone drive a buggy into a tornado, go spinning and flying around in it, and get hit by other objects/players in the tornado?

2. Does a modder have the ability to move the skeleton of the character to be able to kick and do bullet time? Can the modders also allow a third person view,so we could have matrix-like battles?

3. Are holdable guns an entity? In other words, could a rifle make the character's length longer, thus having problems with moving in small indoor places? Also, if it is possible, can someone script it so if you push a button you'd lower your rifle so you could squeeze through doors?
Will explosions also be dictated by the physics, ex. two bombs with the same make, one placed indoor with 4 tunnels leading out of it, the other placed outdoor in the middle of no where. now i would expect that when the second bomb explodes it will have a normal explosion, however will the first bomb explode and funnel through the tunnels possibly having a fireball effect or will it have the same explosion as the one that was placed outside and just "clip" through the ceiling?

just wanting to know.
-) It has been mentioned that there is (or was) a limitation in the camera\monitor system that meant two cameras could not occupy the same area of a map. Is this true, and if so, has the limitation been adressed?
This has nothing to do with the game at all but....

Question: Do you wear Boxers or Briefs?
Is that the only name the game will have?
Is there no sub title?

Answer: No sub-title
Regarding that two of my three puters at home are IPv6 only:

- Will Halflife2 (client and server) support IPv6?
Well I've had a few questions but I can only think of one now, what would be the best OS for the sole purpose of playing Half-Life 2 Win2k or WinXP?

Sry for it not being that intelligent or well written =þ
i only have one single question....

will i be able to go down a latter wihout getting owned by it??? (meaning falling off alot having a hard time going down ect ect) i hated hl1 latters they would kill or hurt me more then the zen dudes
If you can't tell us about multi-player yet, then at least tell us if and WHEN information will be released on it?
In some of the videos, bodies and objects would disappear. Will there be an option to make the bodies, objects, and etc. stay?
ducky: ducky would like to know if this game will support multi-monitors? cuz i have 3 flat screens in a row for surround gaming whide screen with 3 monitors is the only way to play....
another question

I heard or read that the game will be in wide screen mod rather than fill the entire monitor area, why, and if this is true why not give the option of having a full screen......... seems like a waste of space because most people have square monitors..........
1. Will there be spraypaints in HL2? Will creating and using custom spraypaints become more integrated into HL2?

2. I thought I noticed the mp5 could zoom, as well as fire nades. Is this correct and does this mean certain weapons will have 3 attack modes?

Abom: A few answers for you: Firstly, it's not an Mp5, it's an Mp7. Either the gun was zooming, or the HEV suit was (it's been confirmed that you will be able to zoom freely a bit). Secondly, the grenades you saw either came from the OICW, from Gordon throwing frag grenades, or from the flare gun/grenade launcher/incendiary gun/whatever in the tunnels video... the Mp7 certainly wasn't firing grenades.
I want to know if the steam version of HL2 will be cheaper than the retail version as the usual packaging, media and distribution cost are surely non-existent with the steam platform.
My question as follows:

Can it be done on a 4:3 monitor with black bars (I WANT THE BLACK BARS) so it looks "normal" without being all stretched.


Will the physics/material demo we saw at the beginning of the E3 demos be included in the final game or in the SDK?

Is the new Hammer still going to support exporting to a text file (.map)?
If it is .map, will it support exporting in the new version as well as the old version? In other words, would it be possible to use the new version of Hammer to create content for HL1 (to finish up a mod say)?

Will there be an import/export SDK for the new Hammer?
1)In an e-mail supposibly from you you stated that mods from HL2 will work with TF2. What about the other way around? Persumably there will be upgrades to source between HL2 and TF2. Will HL2's source engine be updated?

*oh I think it wouldn't be a bad ida to get him to reconfirm the sept 30 release date again*
He said HL2 would update through Steam.

My question(s):

How will video cameras affect performance? How many displays will lag the engine? Will they be usable in multiplayer? Could it be coded that something done to a display screen affects the spot where the camera is pointing? (For example, if you shoot a guy on a monitor he gets shot by the camera)
Does Valve have any plans whatsoever to support the Linux gaming community? (I know, there aren't many of us but we do exist.) I'm talking a client port and not just server code. Personally, I would buy a Linux version of Half-Life 2 even though I'm planning to get the Windows version on release day.
Are there going to be any in-game mirrors in Half-Life 2?
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
been answered


And to expand on my original question: Are we going to see Mirrors in Half-Life 2 and will we see Gordon in them?
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