Sulkdodds Artwork ( The Comic)

The Dark Elf said:
Actually I removed it after you failed to listen to him.

I had also previously given you a warning for ignoring his original verbal warning.

Problem with that?
Well there is one problem.

Your scares me. ;(
The Dark Elf said:
Actually I removed it after you failed to listen to him.

I had also previously given you a warning for ignoring his original verbal warning.

Problem with that?
Failed to listen to him? You could at least have given me half a day to find out he had warned me. It's not like I read stuff every single hour around here and furthermore that signature was not awfully big to make such a big deal out of it. I'm not superman you know. And neither is my current computer-speed.

EDIT: W00t, my 600th post.... some post to celebrate. :sleep:
Murray said:
Failed to listen to him? You could at least have given me half a day to find out he had warned me. It's not like I read stuff every single hour around here and furthermore that signature was not awfully big to make such a big deal out of it. I'm not superman you know. And neither is my current computer-speed.

EDIT: W00t, my 600th post.... some post to celebrate. :sleep:
you know the rules, you've been here longer than I have.


Tr0n BOO! :p
The Dark Elf said:
you know the rules, you've been here longer than I have.
As a matter of fact, smartguy I never read them. :p
Although I did know people disliked signatures that was too long I was unaware that it was that great of a crime on these forums.
Furthermore I didn't know an empty slot in the signature was counted as a "line".

Why not program the forum so you can't make too big signatures just like the avatars? That way this would never had happened in the first place.

Ok, I think I've gone too off-topic for this conversation to go on. I'll just let you say your final comment on whatever it is and let that be the end of that...

(Sorry for messing your thread up, Sulkdodds :( )
Murray said:
As a matter of fact, smartguy I never read them. :p
Although I did know people disliked signatures that was too long I was unaware that it was that great of a crime on these forums.
Furthermore I didn't know an empty slot in the signature was counted as a "line".

Why not program the forum so you can't make too big signatures just like the avatars? That way this would never had happened in the first place.

Ok, I think I've gone too off-topic for this conversation to go on. I'll just let you say your final comment on whatever it is and let that be the end of that...

(Sorry for messing your thread up, Sulkdodds :( )
Actually by agreeing to be a member on the site you agree to the terms and conditions of the forum

So reading them or not, it doesn't matter, you agreed to them.


As for a sig hack, not so simple to do, eg: linebreaks, tricks etc.

We could just stop them permanently though
Sulkdodds said:
It's okay :P

Okay...think of topic...uh...who wants to be in The Arena?
You gonna put the team from this comic in the arena?If not I want in damn't! :D
I wouldn't mind a cameo again :D


Although people are starting to ask me what the hell a stompy robot has got to do with my name. They've got a point, but meh... I needed something else since my original King Crab avatar was too big to port over from Sven Co-op.

So, about The Arena... care to reiterate the basic events? Or would that be telling...? :D

Hmm, I sure am using smilies a lot more than I used to. :imu: LOOK AT HIM HOP!
Count me in for The Arena!

(Oh and excellent job on the ending there!)

I want to be Vegetable Man, forum police.

(Same guy, but with super police outfit :))

Thanks for everything, and for everything you will continue to do :)
me! me! me!

i mean think about it id be useless in the arena at my speed (im a snail(not literally)).

hey hells could be the commentater. :)
Im bored, Ill accept anything, put me in too :burp:
Can I be in the Arena? Please? That was one of the first threads I posted in back in the day when I had an underscore in my name. I believe I used it to shield myself and then batter someone to death with it...
Yeah, put el Chi in the arena!

Then have his ban "renewed", as it were... KILL HIM OFF! :D

...what do you mean, "underlying psychotic trends"?
Pffft - bring it, Edcrab. :hmph: I'll take whatever your sodding metallic can throw. YOU SLAAAG.
You're on! READY? FIGHT!


How long you going to stand there?

He's behind you! Stop trying to splat the air!

...what do you mean draw game?! A rematch?! The camping git just stood on his back for an hour! Bloody robot! Makes short work of the qualifying rounds but lets a novelty sponge pip him to the post :flame:

*sigh* They're all the same these nine-foot-tall, ten-ton killing machines. To think I thought Mechagodzilla would be the only challenge...

(Yes, I drew that in paint three minutes back. I accept that I'm sad.)
(Hahah! Gotta love a badass Spongebob!)

It would be the battle that everyone remembered- a battle that went down in the annals of history as the most brutal conflict ever to scar the galaxy with its violence... a battle to scour the soul of all feeling...

(The basic outline of Lennie was based off a Metal Slug image, so don't think I did this one from scratch :laugh:)

...sorry for nicking your thread Sulkdodds. Again.
Oh my god, pwned n00b. Giant Edcrab robots own.
sorry for nicking your thread Sulkdodds. Again.

No problem, Edcrab. In fact I've been looking for two forumites to be having a 'grudge match' during the comic...looks like I found them. :D

I cannae take it Cap'n! There's just too much awesome in the circuits!

That's great :D I'm overflowing with gratitude and fanboy-happy... armour-plated killing machine versus sentient cleaning utensil. Looks like Lennie-teh-droid is going to get pwned :o
hehe. I would love it if you completely pwned El Chi, but then he pulls out an EMP and de-activates all the electronic equipment in a small raduis, and your last words echo through the staduim:

"aawww, HELL no!"

then you get slapped by will smith.
So what exactly is the arena going to be like?

Is it a tournament where two people face off against each other and the winner advances, challenging another one and so forth, until the title is awarded to the successful forumite? Or is it more of a battle royal; everything goes; every member for himself? Does it have something to do with spammers again? Is it a secret?
Suicide42 said:
hehe. I would love it if you completely pwned El Chi, but then he pulls out an EMP and de-activates all the electronic equipment in a small raduis, and your last words echo through the staduim:

"aawww, HELL no!"

then you get slapped by will smith.
Pffft - Edcrab's going down... :)

And thank you Sulkdodds - like Edcrab, lots of overflowing fanboyness. Oh yeah. And surely there should also be a grudge match between Cpt. Stern and seinfeldrules!?
Anyway... I think Sulkdodds seems to want to keep this under a hat at the moment, any clue to when it's coming out?
Sulkdodds said:
I must have missed that. Why?
Ooooh, the politics forum. It's a running battle between Stern and gh0st, blahblahblah (now no longer with us, I believe) but more notably, seinfeldrules.

Liberal, pissed-off-by-American-foreign-policy-amongst-other-things Canadian
Right-wing, pro-America, anti-pussy-footing-liberals Yank.​
It's a joy to watch. GO STERN! :)
el Chi said:
Ooooh, the politics forum. It's a running battle between Stern and gh0st, blahblahblah (now no longer with us, I believe) but more notably, seinfeldrules.

Liberal, pissed-off-by-American-foreign-policy-amongst-other-things Canadian
Right-wing, pro-America, anti-pussy-footing-liberals Yank.​
It's a joy to watch. GO STERN! :)
Shouldn't you be rooting for me? :frown: Screw both of them! :P
Tr0n said:
Shouldn't you be rooting for me? :frown: Screw both of them! :P
Don't worry, darling - you're next in line :naughty:

To be honest, I'll root for almost anyone over scoobnfl (most of the time) or Eg. Eg. is a complete pillock. Who needs reasoned argument or evidence when all you've got to go on are opinions!?
Ahem - I'll stop that.
Hey! Pay attention to me! I'm the one that wanted all sub-standard humans murdered in a very painful manner, remember?! :P

Nothing needs to be stupidly over explained (like a bad American comedy, to flaunt a stereotype) but the odd grudgematch between "opposing" forumites would make a nice in-joke for us retentive madmen to grin over :D
ooh.... the arena sounds pah-retty cool...
i wouldnt mind a role.. and i would like to see el chi in a grudge match against lennie too....
*punches air*

Woo-hoo! Someone finally spelled Lennie right! Oh happy day!


Do you know what would be interesting (if near-sadisticly convoluted)? Drawing the Arena comics dependant on who the forum votes to win each scenario ;)

Plus, I wonder just how many of us have headcrabs involved in our names... great minds think alike :D
Edcrab said:
Plus, I wonder just how many of us have headcrabs involved in our names... great minds think alike :D
Pffft :hmph: People with names relating to chihuahuas and avs relating to trippy underwater cartoons are obviously way better. Violent history will absolve me on that one.
Seriously, Leny... It's aaawwwwnnn.
Stop saying that! You're making me jealous. Didn't he say it would be out yesterday?