Sulkdodds Artwork ( The Comic)

I didn't know who half the people were, but it was still awesome :D

Anyone feels like going around labelling them in paint or something, I'd be able to appreciate it all that much more :p

Needs more phallic hats... you may cameo me as you see fit :cool:
Haha, that's brilliant, you made me a cloud with eyes :LOL:

Keep 'em coming! :D
CrazyHarij said:
Haha, that's brilliant, you made me a cloud with eyes :LOL:

Keep 'em coming! :D

Haha, just saw you :D

Keep noticing all this gnarly crap I didn't cotton onto before. These rule so much they break the... ruler..... or something.
hehehe, really great stuff you have there! :D
keep it up!
colin4444 said:
Amazing comic! Good work!

Could someone tell me what that music is in the trailer for the comic? It sounds very familiar . . .

its the trailer theme for LOTR: two towers.

I MADE THE TRAILER!! all of it!! praise me!! forget sulkdodds :D

naa only joking. sulkdodds ownz. and i get to see the comic before all you because i go to school with him :p
Sulkdodds said:
It is in fact based on 'The Message Board Prophecy' which might be what you meant. Anybody remember the leak? Those were bad times. One dared not enter the general forum.

Hey, it's tuesday! And people are still on the forum! And it hasn't spontaneously combusted. Looks like I was wrong. :D

OR WAS I?!? :eek:

Don't worry, Torso boy. Your spirit will live on. ;)

That's exactly what I was talking about, 'The Message Board Prophecy'..........does seem like it may be begining :eek:
Great stuff :O I read every page a couple of times, noticed new stuff every read.

By the way, perhaps it's an idea to bundle higher res versions of all the images into one page/zip when the whole comic is done, as a kind of comic Special Edition. Maybe even host it on
Needs more phallic hats... you may cameo me as you see fit

You'll like this one then... :D

Comic page 5!

Don't despair if you're not on the mission team. Those people are the ones who helped with the comic (like crabonhead's cast picture) or had funny avatars ;) Everyone will play their part. Probably die horribly.

Good idea, Bunny, though I don't know what the mods would say about that. I worked out why page 4 was a bit weird, and I've fixed it. I'll probably post a better Page 4 with the next update. Unfortunately, exams beckon. New pages on Friday! :D
Do I come back as a zombie?

*shifty eyes*
HA HA! nice ! thats me! woohoo! I kick ass!

more more more more more!

this comic is the best i have eveer seen! now... back to half-life 2...
This comic is the only reason I come back to these forums until I can finally purchase and complete Half-Life 2.

It's an instant classic. I love the hidden jokes and references.

I hope for your sake that "1" was ironic

Needs an action shot of me :D

Great work man.
ahh, I saw my avatar there now,hehehe :D
love this, just great!
Bad^Hat said:
I didn't get that part =/

If there is a Team 1, that almost definately confirms that there will be a Team 2 of replacements. Not very encouraging for the first lot. :E
It keeps getting better!

"Whats so special about them?"

"They were the only ones stupid enough to volunteer."
New pages on Friday!

Or maybe not. Just like in the comic, I'm too busy playing HL2. I'm sure you really is good isn't it? Perhaps more tomorrow.

If there is a Team 1, that almost definately confirms that there will be a Team 2 of replacements. Not very encouraging for the first lot.

Actually it was because anyone actually using a 1 isntead of an exclamation mark would be extremely suspicious and suspected of being a spammer. But what you said was funnier. :D
nnoooooooooooooooooooooooo! This was supposed to be the high point of my Friday day!! you promised ;(
okay, better be here by tomorrow then :D
I'm actually drew me pretty good. :D

Very good and funny once again! :D

Draw me! Please?

Damn, that rocked. Hell, the story can relate to any number of forums, but i've never seen it drawn out so well. :D
Sulkdodds said:
Don't despair if you're not on the mission team. Those people are the ones who helped with the comic (like crabonhead's cast picture) or had funny avatars ;) Everyone will play their part. Probably die horribly.

yay! we all get to die horribly!
Okay, first off, I am so sorry it took this long to get this done. I’ve got exams coming up, had a lot of work, you know how it is. Once again, I apologies for the delay. Hopefully the next page should be up on the 30th of September…but don’t quote me on that. ;)

Here’s Page 6, the shading’s a little sloppy (not to mention the handwriting ) because of time concerns but I hope you like it.

Page 6!
This is so cool! You truly rock!

(Thanks for including me :D :D :D)

Need more!!
This is evidence that I should visit the art forum more often, great work!
The comics rule... :) there's loads of thought put into it and its funny. i like it... more more more :D
Sulkdodds said:
Okay, first off, I am so sorry it took this long to get this done. I’ve got exams coming up, had a lot of work, you know how it is. Once again, I apologies for the delay. Hopefully the next page should be up on the 30th of September…but don’t quote me on that. ;)

Here’s Page 6, the shading’s a little sloppy (not to mention the handwriting ) because of time concerns but I hope you like it.

Page 6!

YAY!!! :D

Yay for me!! :p

Thanks man! :cheers:

Ph33r the kitty! :cheese:
as sulkdodds' marketing superviser (we'll talk ok?) i think it is time to start making arangemants for the distribution of the printed versions (make it a long talk). hmm... we'll start at £2.99 per printed comic (which covers the photocopying cost) plus postage (damn you americans). naturally because i make the awesome trailer, i would take 99% of the profit. err..... 90%. dont look at me like that........ 50%! 40% 30%! FINE i'll do it for free. *cough*.
I can't believe you didn't include the cow in there! I'd make an awesome super villian towering above the rooftops... muahahaha.