Sulkdodds Artwork ( The Comic)

The cow will be in there. New my mock exams start tomorrow so I'm really not sure. :(

And the hell am I going to put you in there. A Tetris machine? :D I know. You will visit your wrath in the form of a load of blocks falling on the spammers.

And to be fair, Suicide gets 10% of all profits. I could have done it without him, but I'm nice.
Sulkdodds said:
The cow will be in there. New my mock exams start tomorrow so I'm really not sure. :(

And the hell am I going to put you in there. A Tetris machine? :D I know. You will visit your wrath in the form of a load of blocks falling on the spammers.

And to be fair, Suicide gets 10% of all profits. I could have done it without him, but I'm nice.

i could be an acrade machine with a hammer in one hand and a sicle in the other... since Tetris was made by the Russians and all... you see... all you people with the hammer and sicle as their avatar, i had my own version of it!

but your falling blocks idea is good, too :p
You'll get a bigger one.

I am working on another epidose right now, but I also have to revise for my Maths mock exam. However once that is out of the way, all my other subjects are easy ones. Hopefully there should be a new episode either tonight or tomorrow afternoon.
Sulkdodds said:
You'll get a bigger one.

I am working on another epidose right now, but I also have to revise for my Maths mock exam. However once that is out of the way, all my other subjects are easy ones. Hopefully there should be a new episode either tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

Sounds good.

School first, yes.

thats whats going through my head right now. me and sulkdodds are gonna PWN this test, and if not mr. crompton will DROWN US IN COFEE ARRRGGHHHH

(note: fear the crompton).

no, seriously.
Heh! I am among the newbie lot, but I would like to hope that I am not a spammer, nor an idiot. x.x

Excelent job on the comic. You obviously put a lot of hard work into it. If you need any assistance with it, I'll be glad to help you out (IE- cleanup, computer inking, ect). :imu:
Suicide42 said:

thats whats going through my head right now. me and sulkdodds are gonna PWN this test, and if not mr. crompton will DROWN US IN COFEE ARRRGGHHHH

(note: fear the crompton).

no, seriously.
Heh, ive got a teacher called mr. Crompton... :E

Although he's a music teacher and since i don't take music anymore... :thumbs:
These comics are missing one vital ingredient...A man getting hit in the groin with an american football. I sure hope im in the next one :D

Keep em coming, these are great!
Comic Page 7!

Hope you enjoy it!

I sure hope im in the next one

Funny you should say that...everyody who asks will be in it and if you're not and want to be send a PM. :D

Excelent job on the comic. You obviously put a lot of hard work into it. If you need any assistance with it, I'll be glad to help you out (IE- cleanup, computer inking, ect).

If you PM me I can send you the first two pages un-inked and you can show me what you can do. ;) Looking forward to hearing from you.

EDIT: Oh yes, Icarus is still in there. And see if you can spot where I tore the page by rubbing out too vigorously.
Sulkdodds said:
Comic Page 7!

Hope you enjoy it!

Funny you should say that...everyody who asks will be in it and if you're not and want to be send a PM. :D

If you PM me I can send you the first two pages un-inked and you can show me what you can do. ;) Looking forward to hearing from you.

EDIT: Oh yes, Icarus is still in there. And see if you can spot where I tore the page by rubbing out too vigorously.

LOL, excellent. This is divine. And i didnt get patrol duty this time :LOL:
yes it is ritz- he mentioned her in school ;)

*edit* i think the mod in the top right is just a random server control guy.
what? its probally just you. (do you smell? )
I can load it all fine.

Oh, and hahahahaha, hahahahaha, hahahaha.

I don't think I've ever seen a (decent) forum comic like this before :D Onward to page eight, and the consequences of a word cannon that big...

Possibly I'm just sad, and like to see people I know* as caracitures ;)

* If by know you mean "people I argue with via the internet".
"...and therefore you are all idiots."

I love that line, but who is that, Dedalus? :p

So, where am I? (formally known as The Agent Smith :angel:)
Wow. These keep getting better and better. I can't wait until the next chapter. :E

I wouldn't mind making a cameo in this thing too.
Is that Ritz? Who's the mod top left?

The one with the beard? Meant to be Icarus based on a sketch on the face generator that he did of himself.

But I aint

You will be.

I wouldn't mind making a cameo in this thing too.

I need an avatar for that...or I could draw you as a steryotypical canadian lumberjack with a checkered shirt...

So, where am I? (formally known as The Agent Smith )

Page 3 bottom panel I believe. Waiting in line for a keyboard. But we'll see more of you.

Next page, er, tomorrow.
Dalamari said:
Where am I? I need a cameo, plus my apple owns.

you can be... an APPLE bomb!!! maybe the <edited to remove spoiler> can drop you on the zombies... oops, i say too much!
All of the pages so far:

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7

Thought I'd make a post like that so people don't have to look for 'em. It's even better when you read them all together! :D

By the way, I think I see me there, :p, didn't notice it before Sulkdodds. Thanks for the cameo, can't wait to see what happens next...
This comic is really good stuff, its almost more entertaining than the forums ;)
hahahahaahah great job man, i love the comics :D id have a headbangin avatar, but forums tell me tehre is no image at teh url!!?!?!?!? :( add a headbanging zombie that bites the sheep!!! :D weeeeeee
Sulkdodds said:
I need an avatar for that...or I could draw you as a steryotypical canadian lumberjack with a checkered shirt...

Lumberjack, mountie, it's all good. That's one of the reasons why I don't have an avatar, the name says it all (or I'm just really lazy and haven't found one that suits me ;) ).
Comic Page 8!

This is a little late, but I have a good reason. You're never going to believe this, but I lost my rubber. And I only have one. And all the shops were shut. Sorry. :embarrassed

maybe the <edited to remove spoiler> can drop you on the zombies... oops, i say too much!

Yes, and then the <edited to remove spoiler> can kill all the <edited to remove spoiler> with a <edited to remove spoiler> and 500 <edited to remove spoiler> will <edited to remove spoiler> big round ball <edited to remove spoiler> marmalade.

Thanks for compiling them in one post, Erestheux. :D
I'm in! I'm in!!! :D

HAHAHHA so hilarious!!11 omfg... but I have no german accent ;(
You have a German accent?

I'll have to give you a realy stereotypical "Do ve haff to speak like zis?" one next time. ;)
I don't think I've got a german accent when I speak... but yeah, in the comic that would be funny... because it's stereotypical ;)
ahaha that's freakin awesome dude, this is my first post on this forum (although i've been reading posts for quite some time) and i've decided to spend it on say awesome comic! :D funny stuff.
i have the most important line... "but whats happened to it?"

hehehe. i know the story. im priveledged. privelledged. piveleged. priv- *uses spellcheck* Privileged!!!
Can i be like a muscle man with tiny little legs with r4z0r on his shirt :eek:

Amazing comics, amazing story, can't wait to see how it turns out :), gooooo spammers.