Sulkdodds Artwork ( The Comic)

HAHA!!! i just read all of them! they are GREAT!!
i love it! exclamation point!!

seriously, they are really good. maybe i can get a cameo? :D that would be appreciated

keep up the good work! Just wow. Great stuff, dude. Keep 'em comin'.
I love 'em :D

(except for the fact that I'm not in 'em :p)
Neither am I...but I haven't exactly earned my place in them just yet, ya?
New pages!!!1 :O
Thought I should have a look now that I´m here, a rearly moment I´m not playing HL2 or CSS.
Wee I´ve appeared 2 times! Can I have a tiny winy action piece somewhere in the corner maby? :cat:
Really good work once again :thumbs:
Toffee said:
New pages!!!1 :O
Thought I should have a look now that I´m here, a rearly moment I´m not playing HL2 or CSS.
Wee I´ve appeared 2 times! Can I have a tiny winy action piece somewhere in the corner maby? :cat:
Really good work once again :thumbs:

Whoa, creepy new avatar Toffee. I miss the little toffee guy :(
Cool a new page. You're averaging one new entry every 2.5 days. That could mean another entry before the weekend. :bounce:

You can't help but keep staring at the last frame to see all the forumites that make appearences. I'm loving the detail in this comic.

LOL at the guy in the toque.
Oh wow! I didn't even notice I was in the latest one! <laughs> Sweet!
Sooooo...when do we get to see the next page? :D
I request to have a mediocre role in thy humor drawings. It would be an honor.

Oh, and Kana is finnish for a chicken.
MaxiKana said:
I request to have a mediocre role in thy humor drawings. It would be an honor.

Oh, and Kana is finnish for a chicken.
Yes, the comic is quite lacking in chickens...truly the only qualm I have with it.
Er...well....arse. Page 11 is done, only I'm lanning at a friend;'s house and he has no scanner. The page should be up slightly later today, I was meant to put it up yesterday but it proved impossible.
This is the best comic, ever! :E

Can I be a headcrabbed G-Man who gets blown up by the rofflecopter?
As the defense for weakens, the plague that is diminishing our hearts is growing.

As the armies of the forum battle to save the internet, one team must make the ultimate sacrifice- and end everything in order to grab any remaining hope that has been lost on the chaos.

As the battle climbs tawards it's climax, hope is failing. the situation is grim. As the spammers engulf what we have taken so long to build, forumites across the world unite in order to banish the horde back to the darkest corner of the internet. We must all unite... or we will fall.

but our options are few, and a shocking choice will have to be made... hope, love, glory, despair... all emotions are cast aside as we scramble to save the internet.

no matter what happens, only one thing is certain... WILL fall.

see my amazing commentating? now go watch the trailerthat i made!!!

(after being re-directed, click uploads, then trailer)
Who the heck is the cloud with the eyes?

Waiting patiently for my cameo :).
Suicide42 said:
As the defense for weakens, the plague that is diminishing our hearts is growing.

As the armies of the forum battle to save the internet, one team must make the ultimate sacrifice- and end everything in order to grab any remaining hope that has been lost on the chaos.

As the battle climbs tawards it's climax, hope is failing. the situation is grim. As the spammers engulf what we have taken so long to build, forumites across the world unite in order to banish the horde back to the darkest corner of the internet. We must all unite... or we will fall.

but our options are few, and a shocking choice will have to be made... hope, love, glory, despair... all emotions are cast aside as we scramble to save the internet.

no matter what happens, only one thing is certain... WILL fall.

see my amazing commentating?

LOL! That is actually amazing commentary! :thumbs:

Great comic, I just read it all the way through, pure class :D
Oh wow, I took up two whole segments to myself! Amazing! I love you man!
Razor said:
Who the heck is the cloud with the eyes?

Eeey, it's me! :D

(I had an avatar of a cloud before)

It'd be nice to see me actually do something rather than just observing this and that constantly ;)

Anyhow, the comic is more kickass than ever, keep up the great work :D
Dude! I have a totally rockin' mustache! Score! I'm like Tom Selleck! Tom there's a real man.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Dude! I have a totally rockin' mustache! Score!

You're not the only one. :D

This comic is still as impressive as it was when it debuted (perhaps even better). It's goofy, it's serious, it's enthralling! Once again I am loving the attention to detail. I've went back and re-read the previous entries and I always find something new that I hadn't seen before.
Yeah I am in it. Twice, once just standing there passivly looking cool, another shooting zombies away with my awesome keyboard/computer. He gave me funky hair, and no face, only my back. But that makes it so cool. Wow, and the comic is amazing.
Suicide42 said:
As the defense for weakens, the plague that is diminishing our hearts is growing.

As the armies of the forum battle to save the internet, one team must make the ultimate sacrifice- and end everything in order to grab any remaining hope that has been lost on the chaos.

As the battle climbs tawards it's climax, hope is failing. the situation is grim. As the spammers engulf what we have taken so long to build, forumites across the world unite in order to banish the horde back to the darkest corner of the internet. We must all unite... or we will fall.

but our options are few, and a shocking choice will have to be made... hope, love, glory, despair... all emotions are cast aside as we scramble to save the internet.

no matter what happens, only one thing is certain... WILL fall.

see my amazing commentating? now go watch the trailerthat i made!!!

(after being re-directed, click uploads, then trailer)

Holy crap I am in love! :p :cheers:

Nice.. Very Very Nice.

Also... what music is that... Ive allways wondered. Its great.